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RE: LeoThread 2024-06-21 12:53

in LeoFinance4 months ago

Here is the #threadcast for today's episode of The Lion's Den. It starts at 1 pm eastern time.

The topic is going to be threadcasts and ideas of how to use it.

There are 5 pages

Speaking about games, I'm looking forward to actually using the NFTs I bought from @simplegame. I have some, but that's it for now.

It's crazy how I keep missing out 🤦‍♀️

Have to get it on your schedule.

You're absolutely right 💯
I'd add it to my schedule next time, so I'd be able to remember and attend.
Thanks for your suggestion 🌻

1 PM eastern every friday.

More being added to the database.

yes. Soon video + transcript too.

I mentioned that during the show. Leoshorts with transcripts will be huge. I can see how much that will add.

Can you automate the posting of the transcript?

Hm it depends on what you mean exactly. For the Lion's Den episodes, I just make a top level comment called Transcript and then drop the transcript in pieces below. Not a big job to do manually for individual episodes like this, but I'm guessing you have something slightly different in mind? In short; sure, it's probably possible.

I'll try to get a good listen of the whole episode during the course of the weekend.

I responded a little quick. Leoshorts with transcripts.. Yeah that's probably gonna be a bit difficult to automate. At least with my current setup and access

Ah ok. If you figure something out, and need RCs (either for this or anything else) let me know.

I will definitely think about it. Totally agree that this would be very valuable. And some sort of solution should probably be doable

I think to get it done on every single video though, it needs to somehow be a part of the infrastructure, similar to how youtube does it - there, every video uploaded is automatically transcribed. Now, imagine if automatic transcription of any video uploaded to the spk network was incentivized and delegated to nodes... I'm probably thinking a bit far ahead, but this would be ideal to aim for

will be voting on all engagement here. let;s run this way past 420 comments.

my favorite thread cast was still the Super Bowl.

It was a very impressive one. It was a record for about 3 days until Hivebr squashed it.

looking forward to next year!

Yes and seeing if we can top it. Will have to get #nfl threadcasts going during the regular season and playoffs.

Oh, I didn't know the showcase was only for the premiums.

Oh, yeah, I remember the Japan threadcast!! @selfhelp4trolls is a cool guy!!

Here rrI am moving my internet from a place to place for a better signal!

Have you cleaned your den up Task? It's polite to do so before inviting people over ;)

I have to leave now. Been over an hour. Have a nice day everyone!~

Wait... Only Premiums appear on top?!!!

Yea... unless it was changed recently

I think having daily threadcasts for feedback will lead to more organized and discussed troubleshooting process!!

yeah, if you wanna be seen, get in the middle haha. Some people write posts and we never see them, then you check their activity and they don't do anything else

HiveBR is on a very special mission today! #td100

Thanks for the support, Task!

I've actually missed the community wars announcement. Is there a brief summary someplace? I don't want to listen to an old AMA, I prefer written information.

Promote me! Promote me!

People who guess the right score of the final match of the day will get my full upvote! That's like 6 to 1 chance, considering the reasonable guesses.

Wait 3100?!!! Comments on one threadcast?

Yup :)

That's our current record. We are trying to beat it today.

Hello Lions.

It's going to be a great show. 5 minutes to go.

Any tips about the niche of Crypto, Play2earn, Finance? How to get more views at Hive and Twitter?

I'm thinking about a flat-earthers threadcast. I hope for people all around the globe attending.

lol you are on fire today

That sounds like a grilled fish. No, thank you :P

I am going to gues that a #threadcast is around an event like a concert or a baseball game. Or a current event in the news.

This should be a fun one! Hopefully I'll be able to make it

I've got some ideas

Looking forward to hearing them. Come on air.

#threadcast vs. #contatiner. What is the difference? I remain confused.

A threadcast is a live chat (eg. Lion's Den, AMA, sport event, whatever).

A container is a thread on a particular topic with a bunch of related threads in replies (not a live chat).

Thanks for the clarification, @adambarratt!

I should say, that tagging #threadcast in a top level thread generates the live chat environment, which is what differentiates it from other tags

Okay, thanks again.

Okay. It's making more sense now. Thanks again!

Love to see that people are enjoying out little daily #photographers corner there :D

Have to help the others along.

You are one of the people keeping this going and we are thankful for that

Others can do the same. There is plenty of room for leaders around here.

I am ready to lead everyone to their demise LOL

People are doing that on their own.

LOL funny but also true! LOL

This is a very interesting topic to handle this evening but it's I will not be around during when its gonna start, but I will try to come back home on time so that I will join or listen to the record.
But I don't like missing the Lions Den 😔😔😔😔

What? You are abandoning us. That sucks monkey balls.

Am gonna for a video coverage job, just to set things up for them and I will be back...

Good luck with it. I hope it goes well.

Alright boss

You just copy/paste the link. We built auto-embedding

I do want to allow the author to pin their threads at the top

So wouldn't that + the embedding that we already have solve this problem?

Yes - reactions and other various gifting functions

There will also be a tie in for OnlyLEOs

If you’re familiar with Twitch chat - you’ll understand the only Leo’s tie in as being akin to Subs on Twitch

Interesting … tasks live youtube link works for me here in germany 👍🏽

to solve this problem, we need to tweak and improve the For You feed

LeoAI will do a great job of fixing this issue in that feed and in other ways

Currently working on getting the AI to add suggestions on threads

If you use X - you see they have thst new “recommended” feature when you scroll to the bottom of a tweet

youtube live stream using the share link, not the embed code.

that‘s what i was testing before …

Well, the tournament will last for a month, so no worries :)

Please, do not mention fishing! It's not a hobby, it's a massacre!

I thought Bradley was Task's sub. Are we talking different subs here?

Not sure if that is the way to go in a stage like this. Dlive tried! never succesfully, other than a week when pewdiepie was there. Vimm been around also with no viewers. I think they just closed doors.

This morning I gave Caleb an idea for a threadcast! What about a dating threadcast! eehehhehe

threadcast speed dating 😂

yes that was the idea :D

Not sure how that would work but worthy of ideas.

Just a bunch of thirsty people having thirsty conversations LOL

That is true. Many do not come up with ideas so we need to help them along.

I am an idiot I am always full of ideas!

she is a beautiful sexy

I know you love creatures like this 😂😂😂..

dont say creatures LOL I actually dont love no one other than myself. LOL

You peddling your AI girlfriends again.

So beautiful 😍😍😍😍.

Why I haven't thought of posting art in the #photocast?!!!

all the the original photography art is welcome there :D

There are 5 pages