
I think the dev. team are working on it. But for me the ones they have done so far are top notch. But i think they should just add this little integration of the number of characters a post contain.

I think Khal gave them all the week off.

Maybe, let's hope they come back with a boom.

I think community feature like what you have on Reddit will be good for thread

How so?

A feature that allows people to form or join a community of their interest. On Reddit, there are various sub-reddit for different subject and interest. It's like a group for specific subjects

That is what the tags kind of do. I am not sure if what you propose will break things down too much.

It will, let say someone who is joining thread for the first time, there will be option to choose what he wants to see on his feeds or Wall. In that case there will be 2 feeds, one will be general while the other will be personal feeds.

Bug Khal for more stuff but he just might say never

Khal will say Soon

He now started with the never when I keep bugging him.

It will be Soon soon

He is really fuckin' annoying. Like a child.

So annoying he trademarks his

Lol a parental feature. To make sure you dont put too many swear words together.

And yet his site insists on cutting off the last word I typed..

You noticed that also.

That would be awesome.
Do you have any example? I mean what new features it could ?

I need an edit button on long form content but I was told that is never coming. LOL

we get greedy here.. hehe .. lol
Its like give us more and more features

You know it. Give us more dammit. And when you do, we will want more.

Friday is usually the day for new features, innit? :)

It was. But I think that when out the window when we broke everything.

@nonameslefttouse has a lighter we can borrow.. does that help?

Could help to light your joint. That is important.

We need broken stuffs to be fixed that would kind of be like new stuff

Or old stuff returned.