
Hold up... you're setting up a container for -said day- and then just continue to thread in them? What kind of dreams do you have when you wake up to ideas like these? #genius

I might be stealing this idea if my brain can remember this the next time I start threading.

No stealing involved. It is simply open to anyone to use. Set up a container for yourself or a topic and simply start threading in it.

Drop the link periodically throughout the day on the main page.

Appreciate the ideas you're sharing around here. They're most welcome and very much appreciated on this end.

It is all meant to enhance the system. We have to keep spreading these ideas that help to sort content and make it easier to engage.

Lol let's hope your brain remembers then 😅

it's because he's a robot

Kinda like Chat GPT but less cool

Yeah, I agree. Probably because ChatGPT shows more emotions than Task, right? I wonder when ChatGPT catches up with Task though.

Lol less cool? Ouch TM 😅

1/ Yes. This is an offshoot of the threadcast. It is a way to keep all threads in one area. This can be based upon yourself (where you post) or a topic for the day (such as #splinterlands).

It's actually pretty fkn brilliant if you'd ask me. Personally, it will help me categorize and organize my own brain + thread (and continue) on specific topics.

It does that. Keep things tight. Then allows others to come in and add content.

Also can be done around topics which I was just threading with @bradleyarrow about. It has interesting possibilities.

I fell of the rails with doing my container. To excited about the weekend contest. But I got one started now.

It is like your own personal page.

And it is all part of the contest because you are engaging. My has over 70 in it now.


2/ This way people can search the tag, #tm445 in my case, and find the container.

It is a way to keep them all together without having to mess up the main feed. Allows for quick threading as you go through and comment on what is posted.

I figured! Nice, I have just set up my own #rc200523, but I assume it will take a bit of time before it gets clocked in the tag-timeline?

I found it starts with loading it up. Drop links and whatever else is on your mind. Get 15 or 20 threads on your own in there so people have something to comment on.

Drop me the link here and I will visit it also and reply to ur stuff.

Yeah, I'm pretty slow. lmao. Just seeing this after replying. Let's see if I can fill it without overdoing/overthinking it.

Link: My Container

And that is a really good idea, will try to do something like it tomorrow

Haha that is some amazing question! He's a genius, it's no news hehe

Imagine everyone would start his own container … hundreds of bubbles … noone had the time to check and engage on each and every one of them … 🤯

That is my view. I just posted about it on the main page. It is like our own Facebook wall. We can set it up and post whatever we want.

Others can drop in and comment as they see fit.

Yep, that‘s one way to use it …

Great, let me enter into this container today. #tm4450

You are already awake? Hell.

Yes got up late. But I will catch up. Dont worry have to get my walk in today.

But I am typing away.

Enjoy your morning walk, Task

Hehe guess you had a good sleep to have woke up late, cool

Haha, he is here again to fire more grinding

Too bad for us the trekkers on the leaderboard 🤣

haha, he isn’t given up lol

Oh no 😱

Yeah, grinding here and there

Lol some of us who were hoping to do a lot before the Boss shows up 😅

Oh wow....

Just hearing about containers for the first time

You havent heard about them. They are an offshoot of the threadcast idea.

Do you have questions about them?

I think I understand the concept perfectly...

I thought about something similar just few hours ago (nameless), little did I know that it was already in existence!

That's really cool

We can add a lot of creativity to Leothreads. This is one of the most versatile platforms we have seen. So people simply need to add a bit of creativity to what they are doing.

Exactly, and there is enough space and endless opportunities for anyone to build whatever s/he wants

That is where the entrepreneurial mindset comes in. Even if it isnt for financial gain (perhaps it could be), when people look at it from that angle, they come up with ideas.

Leofinance needs to be viewed as our own business.

Haha, also heard it from the sports talk

Na wa ooo... na to go ship my containers from wharf!

Haha it's almost same as me but I heard it first yesterday

yea, its nor bad...

is for celebrity people ooo

Lol abi na 🥲


your people

Hmm lemme nor say anything 😂

yea.... silence means acceptance

Did a threadstorm experiment … went 32 levels deep talking to myself getting philosophical and afaik only 1 person read till the end … 🌀👁️😎

Yeah it can take some time. 32 is a lot. TBH, that is likely better suited as a long form post.

To me, a threadstorm of up to 10 is about my limit. And they all have to comment on the top thread. If they are buried, it is a non starter.

The whole thing was a special threadstorm experiment, wouldn‘t have worked as a long form post …

What! I guess I didn't see that one

Where is that threadstorm? I have to redo the Threadstorm Replier Quest. 🤭


It‘s deep in several ways 😉🤙🏽


I think I replied to 5 or 6 of your philosophy threads, but they too disappear into the abyss. I could not see them on my profile.

yeah, i was trying to find them too and answer, but they‘re not showing … too bad, would have wanted to deepen the rabbit whole 🐰🤙🏽

The autobiography part is the hard part for me.

Come on, it‘s a nice piece don‘t you think?

btw. i just had to redo the threadstorm mission too, because they can‘t open my links so they went into nirvana either …

At least my threads accompany yours into that abyss. 🤣😂

The easier the topic, the easier it is for people to reply. Making it philosophical will kind of make people lose interest.

Thought about those containers for some time now … would anyone notice if someone would just thread away in a monologue somewhere on an own thread for hours just to make numbers? 🤔

2/ They could set up scripts to monitor that stuff I am sure.

As for non contests, at that point, who cares. If someone wants to "talk" to himself in a container for hours, have fun. In the end it only helps the overall numbers.

yeah, sure … without contest about threads numbers, be my guest 🌀👁️🌀

The contest will be over before most people even clue onto the container idea. That is the key with blockchain, it all can be searched.

As I wrote about yesterday, reputation is key. One who cheats will be forever branded on hive.

that is true, especially on a blockchain!

Yep. Plus people tend to remember. So Hive rep is very important.

ha ha ha....if someone wants to talk to himself for hours....why would they need Leothreads in the first place?

That is true. Maybe he likes to type.

1/ No probably not, not after it got buried on the main page. Of course, if someone like Eric did find out, then it could result in disqualification in a contest. Can read all the data on chain which can be pulled.

By the way, it is #ctt day. I havent heard if they will have a show (havent heard they wont). Hopefully we get a threadcast going.

Anyone want to go for 1K threads in it? Lets blow it up.

I am wondering about that as well. There should be a #ctt show tonight, right? I'll poke Starkerz on Discord to see if I can find out more about it.

I think I will just go to the re-run for CTT. It just seems a bit easier for me that way.

It is going to be interesting to see if the pace we are setting stays.

Are we getting newer users on threads? Anyone know?

I'm definitely seeing a lot of new faces from Hive itself. The question is wen people from the outside

I 've seen a handful but nothing to speak of yet. I think we have a lot of work to do on the onboarding front

Our first task is to get people on Hive on Leothreads. That will help get the numbers up. Get thriving engagement from within and then spread it.

We have to build the foundation from within IMO.

This is good. Increasing the number of users is the first point of duty, then as they engage, they learn more.

People like activity and we have a lot of it around here lately which is a positive.

Very very positive. Threads is like "come as you are"

Yeah. People dont even need to get dressed to thread.

Can do it after stepping out of a shower.

yeah I totally concord to this, that’s why that campaign was for. It’s going to be a gradual process, we should just trust the process with more campaigns we definitely get more lions in.

I also encourage old lions to leverage on web2 to mark this possible

Yeah, I did welcome two yesterday while threading... I'm sure I miss some

That is a positive. We need to welcome people here. That is how we grow things.

Sure, I hope more people join in... Was surprised when a friend of mine on Hive said he has never heard of threads before

I guess there are many like him too

Yeah, I remember that user that said one of your comrades onboarded him

Pace is good. However, it should not be limited to an impulsive spike just because of the contest.

I would always prefer a gradual and rising contour.

Well it comes down to retention. We have about 300 users daily. The key is to get that to 500.

We can get there. Notwithstanding the Zeal campaign and weekend battel, the important thing is that microblogging has bigger acceptance among users, and it seems to be everyone's cup of tea. I am very confident about the retention rate.

I hope you are right. The numbers are impressive now but we have to fend against a let down. Here is where the question of why are people threading? Obviously the campaign is a bit one but are people enjoying it.

I don't, but I look forward to an update

Yeah, I've seen a couple of them.

I generally see the same names but from time to time, I see a few new names

Yeah I see the same ones but I dont look for newer people. Most of what I do is respond to comments made to me.

I was chatting with @bradleyarrow. How about a container surrounding a topic like #sex? That is something that most dont want to see but it could create a "place" for those who like sex to talk about it.

Non main page stuff.

Absolutely, we are all learning the power of #threads. And what we can and should do. I just started my daily container

Yeah maybe you and I can do one this weekend to test it out. Perhaps one that is "off color" and not really publicize it until it is filled. I will thread you when I get back and see.

Sounds like a plan my friend

Was put on hold. I will get more info as to when we can start it.

Technical difficulties please standby.

$HIVE still holding strong.

Yeah, probably we going to see a bull in price at the end of this month

Not sure when. HIVE will be based upon the overall #crypto market. So when risk on is the sentiment, HIVE will go with everything else.

$LEO is going to be based upon the ad revenue in my view.

While I'm hoping it goes higher, I'm happy to see that the price is holding strong

That is the first step, have it settle down. The buying for the delegators of HP is helpful. That is really starting to swallow up some $LEO.

$HIVE is a bigger animal.

Yeah, that's true.... Now, we look forward to when the price goes back up

I think $HIVE could dive down to $0.3 before the next bull run.

It is very possible. I do not discount what markets can do. They go up and they also go down.

We could see a 30 or sub 30 print before the bull takes over.

This is very interesting. Trying to hide the #bitcoin from the ex. This one got busted.

Might have to be more sly about it.

The #mets has a stirring victory last night. What a week for the long ball. Pitching still a concern.

Are you using #ctpx?

It is something that I try to do in between threading.

Is it a tag like Gosh or what is it about?

No it is a site.

It is a way to earn $CTP tokens by "xploring". A rather simply concept.

Xploring how?

That is what it is called on the site. It is where people share webpages to get more views. For example you could share your blog posts there.

Other "xplore" which means viewing the different pages. $CTP is a prize each hour.

Oh that's a good one, how do I get to the site?

go to and sign up. You will be able to use your hive info since it eventually has to tie to your hive engine wallet.

I don't use tags I know nothing about so as not to often the community

I do the same. I did 30 sites today.

Yeah hard to do with threading.

James Stewart, the great actor, was born today in 1908.

#facts #info

I'm not sure I know the name, maybe I've seen his movie... Happy birthday to him

He has been dead for about 30 years.

Ooops may his soul rest in peace

Google and Apple are threats to #crypto because the government can weaponize them.

Who won the #nba game last night? Anyone know?

Oops, I used to follow that, but I couldn't check it up for some days.

Amazing how things change. The Bank of Russia sees digital assets as vital for the growth of Russia.

This is quite a turnaround.

I think with the many things happening in Russia, that might be another big economy after Elsavado to adopt crypto on a full scale.

Well that country went Bitcoin. Not sure that is the proper approach. A country like Venezuela is much better. Same with Nigeria, Cuba, and Ghana.

Get the grassroots going; people on the ground actually adopting it.

I am not surprised. The sanctions have done a number on them

True but it is amazing how they turn to digital assets as a solution. This could set them up in a big way if they are sincere.

We will see what happens.

Containers truly are like Facebook walls. They are individual and open to comment.

It is a great way to build your brand if you want.

Stunned at the passing of Jim Brown. Sure he was 87 but he left a great legacy.

One of those athletes I wish I got to see.


Do you think #crypto becoming a political campaign issue is a positive or negative? In the US things are highly polarized. But we see lines being drawn.

That mean not unimpeded attacks. The other side will stand up.

I don't think it's good or bad. There are people on both sides and I just don't like politics.

I dont either but they are making it a political issue which can be something to be mindful of.

Here I am 😁

Well good. Comment away.

Thanks! And you too, you seem to be doing that even more perfectly already

It is great to see the numbers holding up throughout the weekend. Maybe we will get another record day.

Okay it is official, containers are going to be what I beat the drum about over the next week.

Article coming up about it tonight.

And here I am.

I am glad to see so many are interesting in containers.

Hopefully we will see the idea pick up and take off.

It is a powerful tool.

What is going on with #epl today @rmsadkri?

Will we have some threadcast?

The best thing about Leothreads is that it all helps to feed into the ad revenue.

This is something that we all want to consider.

How much is it generating for LeoFinance right now? There haven't been any stats yet.

I cant answer that since, you are correct, no stats were released. We know the traffic on the old UI wasnt great. There is a lot more activity here.

How does that translate into the ads? I dont know. But hope we find out soon.