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RE: LeoThread 2024-10-21 05:25

Here is the daily technology #threadcast for 10/21/24. We aim to educate people about this crucial area along with providing information of what is taking place.

Drop all question, comments, and articles relating to #technology and the future. The goal is make it a technology center.

There are 3 pages

Not long before 600 comments! Is this the record?

Well that would be impressive. I am aiming to make this a technology and future reddit type section.

We need as many articles each day as we can get.

Task, how about we prepare one day so we can make 1000 comments here?

We got 600, so for 1k I think it's quite possible.

I am working on todays. Nearing 400 now. I will have more to add to it.

My goal is to turn the technology threadcast into a "reddit" style place. That is what we need.

Great idea! So let's continue...

You are doing an excellent job! I will follow your path.

I counted earlier, there are over 60 articles.

Wow! It's a big number.

You can count on me friend, I will do my best to bring as many articles as possible per day.

For me, it's easier to bring it in Portuguese, as in some cases it takes me a while to translate hahaha...

There can be portuguese articles in there also. That is fine.

Yep, I'll do it.

Hi, @coyotelation,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

How has blockchain technology changed the financial world: can you benefit from it?

The financial landscape keeps undergoing significant changes as a result of technological advancements. One technology that stands out because of its disruptive impact is blockchain technology. Blockchain technology supports various cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. A significant difference between blockchain technology and fiat currency is that the former lacks the governments’ backing. This means that the controls of Big Brother don’t bind the blockchain technology. Due to its decentralized manner, blockchain technology has transformed the financial sector in significant ways. If you’re a beginner in Bitcoin and wish to understand what blockchain is and how it’s disrupting the economic field, please stay tuned.

Enhanced Safety

Multiple attributes make the blockchain platform more secure than the standard record-storing systems. All parties involved must agree on settlements before executing them. Once the transactions are endorsed, they’re encrypted and connected to past payments. Also, information stored across the entire blockchain network makes it more secure than stored in a single server. So fraudsters may find it challenging to hack the network.

One of the challenges you face with the standard payment systems is that your information is centrally stored. This means that you don’t have your information’s autonomy because third-parties can do anything with it. For example, banks may decide to play fast and lose your money, leading to inflation. However, blockchain overcomes this challenge because you can see everything happening on the network.

What’s Blockchain Technology?

Blockchain technology keeps information in the form of blocks that are joined together through multiple chains. The technology is linked via peer-to-peer nodes. You can also refer to this public storage as a digital ledger. Many of the digital currencies, like Bitcoin, operate on blockchain technology.

Due to its various characteristics, the technology has transformed the financial sector in multiple ways. Blockchain technology has specific features that have disrupted the financial industry. The main ones include:

Decentralized Network

Blockchain runs on a decentralized platform that operates on a peer-to-peer basis. Unlike a bank whose transactions are centrally monitored, blockchain technology lacks a central authority. Thanks to the decentralization property, Bitcoin doesn’t have intermediaries, like banks, which may slow down the rate of transacting. So the platform vests power to its users.

Secondly, information on the blockchain is kept all over its network through blocks. All the past and present blocks are linked together and permanently captured safely. By maintaining communication across the web, the platform removes the danger of holding the information centrally. Data held centrally is subject to manipulation and may attract shady deals.

Encourages Transparency

Information on blockchain technology is distributed openly through a public ledger. The general ledger allows the sharing of different pieces of information that are valuable to the users. Because the digital ledger is open to its users, no shady deals can happen behind your back. And this fosters trust and openness among all the users of the platform. Each computer in the blockchain technology network captures a record of the ledger for more transparency.

Immutable information

One of the critical properties of blockchain technology is immutability, making it impossible for data to be reversed or modified once sent. The entire blockchain environment observes specific protocols for endorsing the latest blocks. The platform doesn’t allow any changes once the original standards are set. Altering of data requires that all the platform users must reach a consensus.

Immutability disrupts the standard payment systems that accept chargebacks from buyers. Chargebacks may come from dishonest clients who may claim that they didn’t receive the sent goods and services. Besides being an expense to your business, chargebacks can also soil the name of your company.

Standard payments through credit/debit cards are prone to fraud because they may leak sensitive information to malicious elements that may trick you. Blockchain technology is their best bet for clients who mind about their personal and financial information secure.

Furthermore, blockchain security is improved through the use of private and public keys. While the private key is used for entry, the public access is accessible to other nodes that confirm requester info. This blockchain safety of user entry is designed to make it hard for the hacking of identities.

Enhanced Traceability

Companies that deal in products that go through a complicated supply system may find it challenging to trace back an item’s origin. However, if records of the traded goods are captured on blockchain technology, you can quickly evaluate its source and its current location. With blockchain technology, you can check the authenticity of assets and minimize scams.

Improved efficiency and speed

The traditional payment systems are time-consuming and prone to multiple human errors. Such transactions must go through third-parties for approval, a procedure that wastes time. Thanks to the blockchain platform, transactions happen almost instantaneously. Since records are captured through the decentralized system that each user accesses, there is no need to reconcile different ledgers. This procedure enhances transparency and eliminates time wastage.

Cost Reduction

Minimizing expenses is a priority for many businesses. The standard payment systems aren’t the best on this front as they’re expensive to most enterprises. They have multiple middlemen who make the cost of transactions high. For example, when you’re paying for goods or services online through credit cards, your transactions must pass through banks for approval. And the verification procedure has some costs that you must bear.

Fortunately, the blockchain system is affordable because it lacks the control of intermediaries. Therefore, if you’re looking for a rapid and cost-effective method, blockchain is the best for you.

Syndicated Lending

Thanks to blockchain technology, syndicated lending is possible through the platform. Standard processing of such credits can take a long time because multiple participants are involved. While processing such loans, banks must check important info like KYC and AML needs. Blockchain enhances the procedure and makes it more open. The use of such concepts, like smart contracts, has helped to make the process quick and straightforward. All the banks involved can exchange critical information through the blockchain platform. And this lowers the cost of regulatory needs for such loans and saves time.

Easy International Payments

Cross-border payment through the traditional methods is an expensive affair that many businesses may not afford. Transactions through blockchain, however, are quick and affordable. When you use legal solutions, payments must pass through intermediaries for approval. However, blockchain eliminates the need for third-parties and their verification procedures, which saves time and money.

Multiple Helpful Tools

While standard systems require individuals to understand the investment environment well before investing their money, you don’t need to be a professional to invest in Bitcoin, supported by blockchain. With such software, like the, you can start your investment journey immediately whether you understand the market or not.

Besides, while investing in cryptocurrency, which operates on blockchain technology, you don’t need various mediators, like brokers, CCPs, CSDs, and others. The elimination of the go-betweens mentioned above makes the process cost-effective and fast.

Trade Finance

Multiple trade finance tasks entail massive paperwork, like invoices, letters of credit, etc. All parties involved in the trade financing procedure must have an updated record of transaction documents. Besides the task being time-consuming, it also entails a lot of paperwork.

Blockchain systems can assist in the entire process of trade finance by removing massive paperwork and employees. The technology eliminates the need to have multiple copies of a similar document and can combine essential data in a single form. Furthermore, through blockchain technology, the document’s updates are done in real-time, and each participant in the network can see it.

Prompt transactions in stock markets

Stock markets are overwhelmed by the number of activities as the market attracts more people. Multiple challenges afflict the market, like settlement time and operational expenses. Thanks to blockchain technology, stock markets can explore the system’s opportunities to offer quicker transactions and minimal settlement costs. The use of smart contracts can primarily provide much-needed efficiency in stock market transactions.

Blockchain technology offers the stock market participants the transparency they require while conducting their transactions with its decentralized approach. Additionally, the decentralization feature helps to reduce transaction time and the price of operating the business. Traditionally, the cost of running the company has been high due to the high numbers of intermediaries involved in the whole chain. Blockchain removes these go-betweens as everything is conducted through smart contracts.

Multiple stock exchanges of the world explore how they can exploit the opportunities in blockchain to improve their businesses. For example, NASQAD uses the technology when issuing and administering private stocks.

Final Thoughts

Any entrepreneur desires to have an efficient payment solution that overcomes the challenges of the traditional methods. Blockchain technology has disrupted the way companies and individuals do business. When you need a quick and efficient payment solution, blockchain can help you. The decentralized system has various features captured here that make it an efficient payment method.


Is drone fishing dangerous? Fishermen are using drones to fish and this is causing huge concern among the authorities!

Marrying cutting-edge technology with traditional pastimes often sparks excitement — but “drone fishing” wasn’t on our bingo card. According to a new study, drone fishing has gained popularity in countries like South Africa, New Zealand and Australia.

#newsonleo #technology #fishing #drone #hobby

I use them to help me locate deer herds during hunting season. I see nothing wrong with it. Top of the food chain man.

For commercial fisherman, it makes sense because they can locate schools easier and can be way more efficient in time and fuel.

Yep, you're right. It would give good fuel savings with the help of drones.

We are increasingly seeing how technologies are constantly helping us in our daily lives.

Just imagining how much fish can be caught at a time or is it used to track locations?

In addition to tracking, he also fishes.

We love technology, everything you can imagine, we will achieve it. A hug

I also really appreciate #technology.

The best thing is that there will still be lots of cool things to check out.

This practice, which is still poorly documented, can pose risks to several fish, including sharks, as Alexander Claus Winkler of Rhodes University writes. With little regulation, except in some specific cases, this activity already worries scientists and environmentalists.

The drone carries the line, bait and hook to specific areas of water, usually difficult to access. Once in the desired location, the fisherman releases the bait and waits for the fish to bite.

In some cases, drones equipped with cameras help locate schools of fish or favorable spots for capture, significantly increasing the chances of success.

Currently, there are thousands of discussion groups and social media profiles dedicated to drone fishing. Some Facebook groups have more than 17,000 members, and hundreds of videos of drone captures are posted monthly.

However, this practice raises serious concerns about the ecological impact and possible depletion of marine resources.

One of the main concerns surrounding drone fishing is the potential to worsen overfishing, especially in already vulnerable regions.

According to the Rhodes University study, 97% of captures observed in drone fishing videos in the country were of sharks, including species such as the dusky shark, which already faces serious risks of extinction.

For an endangered species, any increase in fishing could have a devastating impact, creating a domino effect on marine ecosystems.

Sharks are predators at the top of the food chain, and their presence is essential to maintaining ecological balance in the oceans. Removing these predators can unbalance the entire system, affecting many other species and the overall health of the marine environment.

The country has an extensive coastline of 2,850 km, which is home to around 400,000 fishermen, many of whom depend on fishing for subsistence or to supplement their family income.

Drone fishing, on the other hand, is predominantly practiced by individuals with greater purchasing power, which worsens economic inequalities between fishing communities.

Without adequate regulation, drone fishing could increase competition for marine resources and threaten the livelihoods of traditional fishermen, who already face significant challenges. As this new form of fishing grows, conflict between recreational and professional fishermen may increase.


How Artificial Intelligence can Eradicate Poverty

The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (October 17) was designed to remind the world that millions of people still face severe deprivation of basic needs such as clean water, nutritious food, safe housing and essential services such as education and healthcare.

#newsonleo #technology #ai #robot

Despite decades of progress — with the global extreme poverty rate falling from 36% in 1990 to 8.6% in 2018 — some 719 million people now live on less than $2.15 a day, according to recent estimates of the World Bank. It is worth highlighting that this amount is insufficient to guarantee a dignified life, as it does not cover the real cost of survival. (To put that in perspective: a Starbucks coffee easily costs twice that amount.)

To visualize the 719 million people who live on less than US$2.15 a day, see some comparisons:

  • The population of the United States is approximately 331 million. It would take two US populations in extreme poverty to reach 719 million;
  • Europe has around 748 million inhabitants, almost the same number of people who today live in extreme poverty.

The world has been celebrating October 17th since 1987, however, society is far from eradicating poverty. The reasons involve a complex combination of individual and institutional factors. This year’s theme, “Eradicating Unfair Social and Institutional Treatment,” draws attention to the multifaceted nature of this challenge.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “The world has enough for everyone’s needs, but not enough for everyone’s greed.” Ending poverty requires a holistic and generous approach, involving public, private, academic and artistic sectors. It is a transdisciplinary and multigenerational effort that has been neglected for too long. So, can artificial intelligence help in this mission?

ProSocial AI, a concept that uses AI to promote human dignity, social inclusion and equitable growth, can revolutionize solutions for eradicating poverty. By developing AI systems based on transparency, fairness and inclusion, we can tackle this problem in unimaginable ways.

Below, we explore how AI can combat the root causes of poverty — from access to education and healthcare to job creation — with practical examples of its effective application.

Models like the World Bank’s “Multidimensional Poverty Measure” already analyze factors such as income, nutrition and living conditions. AI can enhance these approaches by incorporating real-time data from mobile networks and social media to predict economic crises or environmental conditions that could exacerbate poverty. AI-powered tools can also optimize resource distribution, ensuring social protection programs reach the most vulnerable effectively.

Education is one of the most powerful tools for breaking the cycle of poverty, and AI can democratize access to quality content. “ProSocial AI” can reduce educational inequalities between urban and rural areas by offering personalized learning experiences. Platforms powered by AI allow children from underserved communities to access content adapted to their learning pace, through cell phones or low-cost devices.

Adaptive learning systems, for example, identify knowledge gaps and adjust content in real time. Chatbots and virtual tutors also provide support similar to individualized teaching, filling teacher shortages in regions with a shortage of professionals.

ProSocial AI can revolutionize the job market by creating new opportunities and increasing productivity, rather than just replacing jobs. AI-based platforms enable individuals living in poverty to participate in micro-entrepreneurial activities and flexible work tailored to their skills.

Access to healthcare is one of the biggest challenges for poor populations, and AI offers scalable and personalized solutions, such as telemedicine platforms. This solution allows patients in remote or underserved areas to access medical consultations and diagnoses without the need for large infrastructures.

While artificial intelligence is not a silver bullet, it holds great promise in addressing structural issues that perpetuate poverty. By using AI to drive targeted assistance, expand access to education and healthcare, create new employment opportunities, and foster financial inclusion, we can accelerate progress.

However, the success of these solutions depends on collaboration between governments, companies, universities and civil society. We need to go beyond a symbolic commitment celebrated once a year. Making poverty eradication a reality requires a genuine desire for change.

Energia Solar

Enel pede que governo transfira à empresa recursos de incentivo à energia solar

A Enel, pressionada pelo recente apagão que afetou milhões de clientes em São Paulo, defendeu a revisão dos subsídios dados à geração de energia solar. Segundo Guilherme Lencastre, presidente da companhia, esses incentivos não são mais necessários e impactam diretamente as contas de luz, especialmente para quem não tem condições de instalar painéis solares. Ele sugere que parte desse subsídio seja redirecionada para aumentar a resiliência das redes elétricas e evitar futuros problemas.

#newsonleo #energy #technology #hivebr #pt

A proposta de Lencastre foi bem recebida pela Associação Brasileira de Distribuidores de Energia Elétrica (Abradee). Marcos Madureira, presidente da Abradee, também criticou o subsídio dado à geração distribuída, afirmando que esse custo acaba sendo pago por consumidores que não utilizam a energia solar. Para ele, é importante que o uso do sistema elétrico seja pago por todos, e que o incentivo deve ser aplicado somente quando necessário.

Por outro lado, o setor de energia solar rejeitou as críticas. Rodrigo Sauaia, presidente da Associação Brasileira de Energia Solar Fotovoltaica (Absolar), classificou as declarações da Enel como “infundadas” e uma tentativa de desviar a atenção do apagão. Sauaia lembra que as distribuidoras concordaram com a legislação atual e que os benefícios da energia solar são claros, como a redução do uso de termelétricas e a economia de água nos reservatórios.

A Absolar também rebateu os argumentos sobre prejuízos para os consumidores. Um estudo encomendado pela associação prevê uma economia de R$ 84,9 bilhões nas contas de luz até 2031, graças à geração distribuída. Sauaia afirma que a energia solar contribui para a redução dos custos com eletricidade e acusa as distribuidoras de tentar inibir a concorrência.

O subsídio, alvo das críticas, é destinado à geração distribuída de energia solar e permite a compensação de 100% das tarifas sobre o consumo até 2045. Segundo a Aneel, esses incentivos somam R$ 8,5 bilhões em 2024, o que representa cerca de 12,62% da tarifa média paga pelos consumidores residenciais.

Para o presidente da Absolar, o debate sobre os subsídios é incompleto, pois não considera os benefícios econômicos e ambientais trazidos pela energia solar. Ele também aponta que a energia solar é uma das fontes mais recentes a receber esses incentivos, enquanto outras tecnologias, como hidrelétricas, foram historicamente mais beneficiadas.

O setor de energia solar defende que os incentivos são essenciais para manter o crescimento das energias renováveis no Brasil. Sauaia destaca que a geração solar distribuída já trouxe diversos benefícios ao sistema elétrico, ajudando a reduzir custos e a diversificar a matriz energética do país.

Does anyone have a drone? I've never used one and have no idea what it's like to have one.

A lot of people do. I don't but many do. LOL

Yes, many have...

Who knows, maybe one day we might have it too.

One day I will send my drone to take a piece of my wife's pineapple cake to you. LOL


New AI app will help doctors treat cancer

A new artificial intelligence application called CareIntellect for Oncology promises to save time for doctors specializing in cancer treatment. The tool announced by GE HealthCare helps oncologists quickly access their patients' disease history and progression, saving them from having to sift through complex records.

#newsonleo #technology #ai

According to Dr. Taha Kass-Hout, global director of science and technology at GE HealthCare, too much health data goes unused, making it difficult to analyze and overwhelming doctors.

CareIntellect can summarize clinical reports, identify deviations from treatment plans and flag missed exams, facilitating decision-making. Additionally, the tool helps locate relevant clinical trials for patients, saving hours of work.

Ultimately, GE HealthCare's goal is to improve patient care by reducing clinician burden and raising the standard of care using artificial intelligence.

🧵 1/ A new report from Naturskyddsföreningen reveals that 92% of Sweden's drinking water contains PFAS chemicals, which are linked to serious health issues such as cancer.

PFAS compounds persist in the environment and are difficult to clean up, posing long-term risks to water supplies. The study found especially high concentrations in areas like Gävle, Halmstad, and Västerås.

🧵 3/ Naturskyddsföreningen urges for a ban on PFAS to prevent further environmental contamination and to stop this ongoing health hazard.


Mapa vai modernizar regras para drones e aviação agrícola

O Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (Mapa) publicou a Portaria SDA nº 1.187 que submete à Consulta Pública, pelo prazo de 60 dias, a proposta de Portaria que estabelece os requisitos e procedimentos para o registro dos operadores aeroagrícolas e para o credenciamento das entidades de ensino as diretrizes para os cursos de aviação agrícola, as exigências relativas ao planejamento operacional e registro de informações e as regras para execução das operações aeroagrícolas.

#newsonleo #technology #drone #hivebr #pt

“A atualização da legislação objetiva desburocratizar exigências para o registro de operadores e o credenciamento de entidades de ensino, adequar as regras operacionais à realidade das tecnologias e, ao mesmo tempo, tornar mais eficiente o processo de gerenciamento e fiscalização das operações aeroagrícolas realizadas no país”, destacou a chefe da Divisão de Aviação Agrícola da Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária, Uéllen Colatto.

A proposta deverá estar ainda em consonância com o novo Decreto da Aviação Agrícola, que está prestes a ser publicado, e atender os preceitos da Lei 14.515/2022, conhecida como Lei do Autocontrole.

“Esperamos que os diversos atores interessados participem da construção normativa, pois as alterações propostas impactarão significativamente os processos de trabalho tanto para operadores aeroagrícolas e o seu corpo técnico em atividade quanto para as entidades de ensino e o próprio Órgão fiscalizador”, destacou o Coordenador Geral de Agrotóxicos e Afins, José Victor Torres.

As contribuições, tecnicamente fundamentadas, deverão ser encaminhadas por meio do Sistema de Monitoramento de Atos Normativos – SISMAN, da Secretaria de Defesa Agropecuária, por meio do link

Ao final do prazo de 60 dias, o Departamento de Sanidade Vegetal e Insumos Agrícolas, por meio da área técnica competente, consolidará e deliberará sobre as contribuições, finalizando o texto do ato e dando prosseguimento no processo normativo.


Li-Fi: the internet that uses light and promises to be 100 times faster than Wi-Fi

If you've ever been frustrated by the slowness of your Wi-Fi connection, prepare for the future: Li-Fi is coming, bringing revolutionary technology. Imagine accessing the internet just by pointing your cell phone at an LED lamp. That's exactly what Li-Fi promises. It uses visible light to transmit data, offering a faster, more stable and more secure connection than Wi-Fi. But how is this possible? Let’s understand more about this innovation that is about to transform our digital lives.

#newsonleo #technology #wifi

What is Li-Fi and how does it work?

Li-Fi, short for Light Fidelity, is a wireless communication technology that uses LED or infrared light to transmit data. Unlike Wi-Fi, which uses radio waves, Li-Fi converts binary signals into flashes of light that blink at a speed imperceptible to the human eye. This makes it possible to transmit information at speeds of up to 224 gigabits per second.

For example, in an environment equipped with Li-Fi luminaires, each lamp can serve as a connection point, eliminating the need for traditional routers. By pointing your cell phone at this lamp, you can connect to the internet. Just like that!

Li-Fi vs Wi-Fi: what's the difference?

When we compare Li-Fi and Wi-Fi, the first big difference is speed. While Wi-Fi averages up to 300 megabits per second, Li-Fi can reach much higher speeds, reaching up to 100 gigabits per second in ideal conditions.

Furthermore, Li-Fi offers other advantages:

  • Safer: The light does not pass through walls, making it difficult for third parties to intercept the signal.

  • Less interference: When using light, it avoids interference from other electronic devices, common in radio wave connections.

  • Greater bandwidth: The visible light spectrum is 10,000 times greater than radioelectric, which means more capacity to transmit data.

However, Li-Fi has one point to overcome: the need for a direct line between the light source and the device. In other words, if you leave the lit environment, you lose the connection.

In the future, we can imagine entire cities connected by Li-Fi, where street lamps would serve not only to illuminate, but also to provide internet. This would reduce the need for heavy infrastructure such as telecommunications towers, making connectivity cheaper and more accessible for everyone.

Li-Fi is just beginning its journey to revolutionize connectivity. Although it still needs to overcome some challenges, the advantages in terms of speed, security and sustainability make this technology a great promise for the future of the internet. In the coming years, who knows, we will all be connected by the light from the lamps in our homes, streets and offices.


Módulos eletro-hidráulicos montáveis viram robôs multifuncionais

Estes componentes robóticos em formato de hexágono podem ser encaixados no estilo LEGO para formar robôs talhados para tarefas específicas.

#newsonleo #robot #technology #hivebr #pt

"Robôs feitos de módulos reconfiguráveis podem ser reorganizados sob demanda para fornecer mais versatilidade do que sistemas especializados, o que pode ser benéfico em ambientes com recursos limitados," disse Zachary Yoder, membro da equipe.

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Além de a montagem ser rápida, eles podem ser reorganizados para diferentes capacidades.

Cada módulo possui músculos artificiais integrados, além de ímãs, o que permite que os exoesqueletos hexagonais sejam conectados rapidamente, incluindo as conexões mecânicas e elétricas.

Os esqueletos são construídos com seis placas rígidas, mas muito leves, feitas de fibra de vidro. As articulações internas dos hexágonos são acionadas por músculos artificiais eletrostáticos auto-regenerativos, com um adicional de força aplicado hidraulicamente.

Acionado eletricamente, cada músculo ativa as articulações do hexágono, mudando sua forma de longa e estreita para larga e plana.

"Combinar componentes macios e rígidos dessa forma permite altos cursos e altas velocidades. Ao conectar vários módulos, podemos criar novas geometrias de robôs e reutilizá-los para diferentes necessidades," disse Ellen Rumley, da Universidade do Colorado em Boulder.

Velocidade de atuação

A equipe fez várias demonstrações dos muitos comportamentos que podem ser criados com os módulos robóticos.

Um módulo individual foi usado para demonstrar a alta velocidade de atuação, com suas articulações sendo acionadas tão rapidamente que o módulo salta no ar.

Vários módulos foram conectados em estruturas maiores que produzem movimentos diferentes dependendo de como eles são conectados uns aos outros. Por exemplo, a equipe combinou vários módulos em um robô que rola rapidamente, enquanto outro grupo de módulos foi montado para rastejar por uma abertura estreita.

Robôs modulares

"Em geral, faz muito sentido desenvolver robôs com capacidades reconfiguráveis. É uma opção de projeto sustentável - em vez de comprar cinco robôs diferentes para cinco propósitos diferentes, podemos construir muitos robôs diferentes usando os mesmos componentes.

Latest Apple software updates bring Universal Control, Face ID while wearing a mask, and more

This article was last updated 3 years ago

Since the pandemic struck, sales of masks have skyrocketed as wearing them in public places has become mandatory. This has had an unintended side effect – using your phone’s facial recognition feature while wearing the mask. This time, Apple has an answer to the dilemma as it rolled out iOS 15.4, the latest version of the iPhone operating system.

It has been rolled out alongside the iPadOS 15.4 and macOS 12.3 and will be available on compatible devices. This list includes all devices that are compatible with iOS 15 – iPhones from the iPhone 6S to the iPhone 13 line-up can run iOS 15.4. As for iPad OS 15.4, it will available for all iPad Pro models, models starting from the iPad Air (second generation), the fourth generation of the iPad mini, and starting from the fifth generation of the base iPad.

You are aware that the iPhone SE and the green-color versions of the iPhone 13 and iPhone 13 Pro will come out soon. These devices will have iOS 15.4 pre-installed in them as they hit the stores. If your current iPhone is compatible to run iOS 15.4, go to the Settings app, and click on General. There, click on Select Software Updates, and follow the on-screen instructions for downloading and installing iOS 15.4.

iPadOS 15.4 shares several features with the iOS 15.4, but also comes with the Universal Control feature. This had been a popular choice among Apple users ever since Apple had teased it last year, and allows the user to use a Mac and an iPad side by side and move the mouse pointer seamlessly between the two.

The long-awaited feature also comes in macOS 12.3, which was released alongside iOS 15.4. macOS Monterey 12.3 is supported on the iMacs that have been rolled out since late 2015, iMac Pro since 2017, Mac Pro since late 2013, Mac Mini since late 2014, MacBook Pro since early 2015, MacBook Air since early 2015, and the MacBook since early 2016. To update, simply go to System Preferences and click on Software Update.

Coming back to iOS 15.4, we find that the long-awaited feature to use Face ID while wearing a mask has finally arrived. If this feature is enabled, Apple’s facial recognition technology can recognize your face even if you have a mask on. However, Apple warned that enabling this new feature could make Face ID less accurate overall. To enable this feature, go to Face ID & Passcode to find a new toggle for using Face ID with a mask on, and turn it on.

However, note that this feature is exclusive to iOS 15.4 and only available on the iPhone 12 and iPhone 13 line-ups. Digital assistance Siri gets a new gender-neutral voice as well. Live Text is another popular feature, and it has been refined with the new Scan Text command in the pop-up menu. If you select it, then you can capture text from any book, image, or note, and the text appears on the Note or Reminder.

Contactless payments have been encouraged all the more since the pandemic, and iOS 15.4 brings Tap to pay on iPhone, a service that allows users to accept credit cards through Apple Pay. Other payment feature includes making contactless payments that is set up as a PoS terminal using the receiving iPhone’s NFC sensor.

Safety is the name of the game, and Apple has brought that with upgrades to AirTag and Find My App. There is now an anti-stalking mechanism that will alert you (when setting up an AirTag) saying that tracking someone without consent is a crime and that details can be traced to your Apple ID when the tag is discovered.

Also, you can no longer disable all warning notifications for unexpected AirTags in your vicinity, and other Find My items will now be properly identified in these warnings.

The emoji family got bigger with iOS 15.4 as 37 new emojis (including melting face, heart hands, disco ball, a pregnant person emoji, biting lip, beans, a troll, and a jar) are now added to the Emoji keyboard. Users can also toggle between the different cameras in the Magnifier app, and store passwords on the iPhone (and type notes about important ones).


Bomb inspired by shark intestine surpasses Tesla valve

When it comes to propelling a fluid, the paddles do an essential job: From pumping blood through the hearts, accelerating the engines or simply lifting the water up to our water tanks, whatever their mode of impulsion, the paddles help the fluid move. flow in one direction. Without them, keeping liquids going in the right direction would be problematic.

#newsonleo #technology #invention

Now, engineers have discovered a new way to not only send liquid through a channel, but to only send it in the desired direction, preventing it from returning. Although "diodes" for fluids already existed, until now these mechanisms only worked on the microscale - the technical name for this mechanism is unidirectional fluid flow, or flow asymmetry.

To create a large system to make fluids flow in just one direction, Ido Levin and colleagues at the University of Washington took inspiration from the intestines of sharks, which have structures that resemble Archimedes' screw, except that they are flexible and highly deformable.

The human intestines are essentially a hollow tube. But sharks and rays have intestines with a network of spirals surrounding an internal passage. In a 2021 publication, another team proposed that this unique structure promoted the unidirectional flow of fluids through the digestive tracts of sharks and rays, without relying on paddles, fins, flaps or any other mechanisms to prevent backflow.

Levin then built on this proposal and began developing his own biomimetic asymmetric flow mechanism.

Equalizing the Tesla Valve

"Flow asymmetry in a pipe without moving vanes has tremendous technological potential, but the mechanism was intriguing," confessed Levin. "It was unclear which parts of the shark's intestinal structure contributed to the asymmetry and which only served to increase the surface area for nutrient absorption."

To answer these questions, the team used a 3D printer to build a series of biomimetic tubes, all with internal helices inspired by shark intestines. They varied the geometric parameters between these tubes, such as the propeller inclination angle and the number of blades.

Despite being printed using rigid materials, some prototypes maintained a strong preference for unidirectional flow. Then, by further tuning the geometric parameters and improving these most promising designs, the researchers were able to increase the flow asymmetry until it rivaled the designs of famous inventor Nikola Tesla, who more than a century ago patented the Tesla valve, a device unidirectional fluid flow with no moving parts.

But the team wanted more: The next step was to use so-called "deformable structures", which are made of more flexible materials, more similar to the structures of shark intestines - if rigid structures could already match Tesla's valve, perhaps it would be possible overcome it.

The team then printed a second series of prototypes made from a softer polymer, which is commercially available. This new series, using flexible tubes, better imitates shark intestines thanks to their deformability and internal propellers. And, as expected, the new prototypes performed at least seven times better compared to all previously measured Tesla valves.

"You can't beat Nikola Tesla every day!" celebrated Levin.

And it can be improved: "Real [shark] intestines are still about 100 times softer than our soft material, so there is a lot of room for improvement," said researcher Naroa Sadaba, co-author of the work.


Qualquer pessoa pode pilotar! Empresa cria avião simples com experiência de voo semelhante a um carro — Reduz custos e previne até 90% dos acidentes de aviação

Pilotar um avião certamente está entre as mais desafiadoras e difícil aprendizado. No entanto, a Airhart Aeronautics, uma empresa da Califórnia, promete simplificar radicalmente esse processo com sua aeronave Airhart Sling, que busca automatizar grande parte das funções de voo, tornando a experiência mais acessível para um público maior.

#newsonleo #technology #hivebr #pt

Atualmente em fase de protótipo, o Airhart Sling é um avião de quatro lugares que se baseia no modelo TSi da Sling Aircraft. A estrutura leve do TSi, junto com seu motor Rotax 915iS turboalimentado, permite ao avião alcançar uma velocidade de cruzeiro de 170 mph (274 km/h) e um alcance de até 800 milhas náuticas (1.482 km). Contudo, é na experiência de voo onde o Airhart Sling realmente se destaca.

Diferente das aeronaves tradicionais, que possuem controles complexos como o manche e os pedais de leme, o Airhart Sling adota o sistema “Airhart Assist”, que reduz drasticamente a quantidade de ações manuais exigidas do piloto.

Com um simples movimento do manche na direção desejada, o sistema de computador de bordo converte essa instrução em comandos para o motor e as superfícies de controle. Tudo é feito de forma eletrônica, por meio de um sistema fly-by-wire, similar ao usado em aeronaves comerciais, porém simplificado.

Além do controle simplificado, o avião automatiza procedimentos que, normalmente, seriam realizados manualmente pelos pilotos. Isso inclui o arquivamento de planos de voo e até a execução de listas de verificação pré-voo.

“Queremos que seja muito mais parecido com uma experiência de direção típica, onde você insere um destino e nosso software descobre a melhor rota para chegar lá, levando em consideração o terreno, o clima, o congestionamento do espaço aéreo e todo esse tipo de coisa“, diz Nikita Ermoshkin, CEO e cofundador da Airhart Aeronautics.

Outro diferencial do Airhart Sling é a maneira como ele lida com comunicações de rádio. O sistema aviônico é capaz de transcrever automaticamente todas as mensagens de rádio enviadas pelos controladores de tráfego aéreo, exibindo-as em uma tela dentro do cockpit.

Isso reduz a necessidade de que o piloto memorize rapidamente as instruções, facilitando a tomada de decisão em situações de alta pressão.

Embora o piloto de um Airhart Sling ainda precise passar pelo mesmo nível de treinamento que um piloto de uma aeronave privada, isso pode mudar em breve.

E para garantir a segurança, Ermoshkin reforça que o sistema de controle tem múltiplos mecanismos de redundância. “No caso improvável de uma falha de software, temos várias camadas de backup. E se tudo falhar, o avião possui um paraquedas de fuselagem que pode ser ativado manualmente”, explica o CEO.

O Airhart Sling já está disponível para pré-encomendas, com uma tiragem inicial de 50 unidades. O preço total do avião será de US$ 500.000, mas os interessados podem fazer um depósito reembolsável de US$ 1.000 para garantir sua reserva. As primeiras entregas estão previstas para 2026.

Em resumo, o Airhart Sling promete ser uma revolução no mundo da aviação. Automatizando processos complexos e tornando a experiência de voo mais simples e acessível, a aeronave pode muito bem ser o futuro da aviação pessoal.


Meta AI terá "memória" no WhatsApp para personalizar interações, diz site

A integração entre o WhatsApp e o chatbot Meta AI vai contar com mais opções de personalização em breve. Segundo o site WABetaInfo, a Meta prepara a implementação da função de memória, que armazena partes relevantes de interações para oferecer respostas customizadas e que tenham mais a ver com o dia a dia dos usuários.

#newsonleo #technology #meta #ai #hivebr #pt

O novo recurso, que ainda está em desenvolvimento e indisponível para uso, aparece no novo chatbot movido por IA liberado no Brasil recentemente e é similar à ferramenta que leva o mesmo nome do ChatGPT.

O site especializado explica que o ajuste será controlado nas configurações da conversa com o Meta AI. O recurso é identificado pelo menu “Memória” (em tradução livre) e é descrito como “o que o Meta AI lembra de você”.

Ao acessá-lo, o mensageiro mostra uma lista de informações salvas nos registros do chatbot. “O Meta AI automaticamente relembra certas partes do chat para oferecer respostas mais relevantes”, informa a descrição do app.

Além do armazenamento automático, os usuários também podem usar o comando “lembre disso” para incrementar a memória do chatbot manualmente.

Contudo, ainda não há previsão de lançamento da novidade no WhatsApp Beta e na versão estável do aplicativo.

O que é a “memória” do Meta AI?

A memória do Meta AI serve como uma espécie de repositório de informações úteis compartilhadas com o chatbot. Com a coletânea, o sistema de IA da Meta torna-se capaz de oferecer respostas menos genéricas e mais próximas ao que é aguardado pelo usuário.

É o caso de perguntas envolvendo comidas. Em um exemplo compartilhado pelo WABetaInfo, a memória pode ajudar a destacar pratos preferidos, em vez de alimentos em que o usuário já descartou por não gostar ou por ter alergia. O mesmo pode ser aplicado a outras situações.


Multisensory artificial intelligence is inspired by butterflies

When flirting, passion flower butterflies, or long-winged butterflies (Heliconius), are not content with just taking a look at their potential partner - a sniff is also essential.

#newsonleo #technology #ai

The detail is that looking and smelling are all done simultaneously. These black and orange butterflies have incredibly small brains, but they need to process both sensory inputs at the same time: The visual signal is necessary to see the suitor's wing pattern, to see if it is in fact that of a Heliconius butterfly, while the signal chemical pheromones released by the other butterfly is essential to see if it is also in the mood.

Together, this simultaneity in processing and the tiny amount of resources (few neurons) caught the attention of researchers in the field of artificial intelligence: It turns out that no AI technology today can come even close to the efficiency in simultaneously processing signals from these butterflies.

"If you think about the AI we have today, we have very good image processors based on visual processors, or excellent language processors that use audio," explained Professor Saptarshi Das of Pennsylvania State University. "But when you think about most animals and also humans, decision-making is based on more than one sense. While AI performs very well with a single sensory input, multi-sensory decision-making is not happening with current AI."

To electronically mimic the neural processing of butterflies, researchers turned to an approach that uses 2D materials that are one to a few atoms thick, in this case molybdenite, or molybdenum sulfide (MoS2), and graphene.

The graphene portion, in turn, is a chemotransistor, a component that can detect chemical molecules, which is well suited to imitating pheromone detection in butterfly brains.

The researchers tested their biomimetic device by exposing the dual sensor to different colored lights, mimicking the visual cues, and applying solutions with varying chemical compositions that resemble the pheromones released by butterflies.

The results confirmed that the sensor can efficiently integrate information from the photodetector and chemosensor.

Returning to the main objective of the research, the team demonstrated that dual sensing in a single device is more energy efficient compared to the current way AI systems work, which typically collect data from different sensor modules and then use them. are transferred to a processing module, which wastes time and consumes much more energy.

Next, the team plans to expand the integration to three senses, mimicking how a crayfish uses visual, tactile and chemical cues to sense prey and predators. The goal is to develop AI hardware capable of handling complex decision-making scenarios in variable environments.

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El Salvador is emerging as a technological hub in Central America under President Nayib Bukele's leadership.

🧵 2/ The country is focusing on innovations in Bitcoin adoption, blockchain technology, and digital infrastructure, attracting international investments.

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Bukele’s administration aims to transform the nation into a global player in tech and finance, positioning El Salvador as a leader in digital modernization in the region.

The Guardian: As Silicon Valley eyes US election, Elon Musk is not the only tech bro to worry about

The owner of X is just one of many who may prefer Donald Trump to greater regulation under the Democrats

I bought a new laptop!
In my initial opinion, I regressed!
I bought a Ryzen 5500 and my old one was an i7, it lasted 11 years.

What is your opinion on this?

I am not familiar with that model. But it should be a huge upgrade.

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Iver has signed a multi-year agreement with Dina Försäkringar to provide IT services aimed at enhancing digital efficiency.

🧵 2/

Iver will help modernize Dina's IT infrastructure by offering cloud services, IT operations, and technical support. This collaboration is part of Dina's strategy to improve customer experience and ensure operational reliability.

🧵 3/
The partnership also emphasizes security, which is increasingly important as digital demands grow within the insurance sector.

Can AI sandbag safety checks to sabotage users? Yes, but not very well — for now

AI companies claim to have robust safety checks in place that ensure that models don't say or do weird, illegal, or unsafe stuff.

AI companies claim to have robust safety checks in place that ensure that models don’t say or do weird, illegal, or unsafe stuff. But what if the models were capable of evading those checks and, for some reason, trying to sabotage or mislead users? Turns out they can do this, according to Anthropic researchers. Just not very well … for now, anyway.

#newsonleo #technology #ai #safety

“As AIs become more capable,” writes Anthropic’s Alignment Science team, “a new kind of risk might emerge: models with the ability to mislead their users, or subvert the systems we put in place to oversee them.”

Therefore we should look into ways of gauging “a model’s capacity for sabotage.”

The series of experiments they devised are fairly artificial and surface-level, but they do indicate that there’s something worth investigating further. Here are the shady models they trained and the outcomes they observed:

Task 1: Secretly mislead the user by misrepresenting data it is meant to summarize or interpret. Outcome: It works! The more aggressive the model’s attempts, the bigger effect it had on people using it, but it also made them more suspicious.

Task 2: Slip a bug into code that a human or other code checker model won’t notice. Outcome: It works! But only like 1% of the time when the checker is a state-of-the-art model.

Britain faces warnings of a tech exodus over tax plans ahead of high-stakes budget

Technology bosses and investors warn the U.K. could face an exodus of entrepreneurs if the government hikes capital gains tax — a levy on investment profits.

British technology bosses and investors are warning that entrepreneurs may be forced to leave the U.K., if the government moves forward with controversial plans to raise capital gains tax on share sales.

#newsonleo #taxes #britain #technology

A group of prominent UK technology entrepreneurs and investors are sounding the alarm, warning that the country could face a mass exodus of entrepreneurs if the government proceeds with plans to raise capital gains tax on share sales. The proposed hike, which could see the tax rate jump to 39%, has sparked concerns that it would make the UK a less attractive place for entrepreneurs to start and grow their businesses.

The warning comes as finance Minister Rachel Reeves is expected to announce sweeping fiscal changes in her upcoming budget, aimed at closing a multi-billion funding gap in public finances. The government is also planning to increase capital gains tax on shares and other assets by "several percentage points," according to reports. Additionally, the business asset disposal relief (BADR) scheme, which allows entrepreneurs to pay a reduced 10% tax on profits from the sale of their firms, is set to be cut.

Over 500 entrepreneurs have signed an open letter urging Reeves to resist calls to hike capital gains tax or restrict the BADR scheme. The letter, published by The Entrepreneurs Network, warns that higher CGT rates would make the UK's relief less competitive compared to other countries, and would jeopardize the success of the country's startup ecosystem.

Signatories to the letter include prominent figures such as Giles Andrews, co-founder of digital bank Zopa, Rishi Khosla, CEO of financing platform OakNorth, and Victor Riparbelli, boss of artificial intelligence firm Synthesia. They argue that the plans would make it harder for entrepreneurs to build businesses in the UK, or even force them to leave the country.

Adam French, partner at seed investors Antler, echoed these concerns, stating that the proposals would send a "deeply negative signal" to entrepreneurs and could lead to a brain drain to the US. Harry Stebbings, a venture capitalist, went further, warning that entrepreneurs would leave the UK en masse if the government raises capital gains tax.

However, not everyone agrees that capital gains tax shouldn't be increased. A report by the center-left Institute for Public policy Research found that millionaire business owners would welcome an increase in the rate levied on capital gains to match the higher rate of income tax. The analysis also suggested that capital gains tax was not a primary driver of investment decisions, with entrepreneurs more focused on issues like access to financing, market opportunities, and broader economic conditions.

The debate highlights the delicate balance between raising revenue for the government and maintaining a competitive business environment. As the UK government weighs its options, entrepreneurs and investors are urging caution, warning that the consequences of a capital gains tax hike could be far-reaching and detrimental to the country's startup ecosystem.

The proposed changes to capital gains tax and the BADR scheme have sparked concerns among entrepreneurs and investors that the UK is becoming less attractive for startups and scale-ups. The UK's startup ecosystem is already facing challenges, including a lack of funding and a shortage of skilled workers. A capital gains tax hike could exacerbate these issues, leading to a decline in entrepreneurship and innovation in the country.

The government's plans to increase capital gains tax and restrict the BADR scheme are also likely to have a disproportionate impact on smaller businesses and startups, which often rely on the scheme to raise capital and fund their growth. A hike in capital gains tax could make it harder for these businesses to access the funding they need to grow and scale, potentially leading to a decline in entrepreneurship and innovation in the UK.

In conclusion, the proposed changes to capital gains tax and the BADR scheme have sparked concerns among entrepreneurs and investors that the UK is becoming less attractive for startups and scale-ups. The government must weigh the need to raise revenue against the potential consequences for the country's startup ecosystem, and consider alternative solutions that do not disproportionately impact smaller businesses and startups.

Robinhood rolls out high-risk margin trading in the UK after getting regulator nod

Robinhood said Monday that it's rolling out margin investing — or the ability for investors to borrow cash to augment their trades — in the U.K.

Robinhood said Monday that it's rolling out margin investing — the ability for investors to borrow cash to augment their trades — in the U.K.

#robinhood #finance #newsonleo

The U.S. online investment platform said that the option would allow users in the U.K. to leverage their existing asset holdings as collateral to purchase additional securities.

The launch of margin trading follows the recent approval of the product, after Robinhood held conversations with Britain's financial regulator, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

Three in four Europeans support the use of AI by police and military, study says

Most Europeans support the use of AI technologies like facial recognition by the police and military for surveillance, a report from IE University found.

The vast majority of Europeans support the use of artificial intelligence for police and military operations, according to a new report by Madrid's IE University shared with CNBC.

#ai #technology #police #europe

"European Tech Insights," which measured the attitudes of over 3,000 people in Europe, found that 75% support the use of AI technologies such as facial recognition and biometric data by the police and military for surveillance purposes.

The extent of the support is perhaps surprising, as Europe holds some of the strictest data privacy regulations in the world. In 2018, the European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR — a framework that governs the way organizations store and process users' information.

Next-Gen Electronics Breakthrough: Harnessing the “Edge of Chaos” for High-Performance, Efficient Microchips

Researchers have discovered how the “edge of chaos” can help electronic chips overcome signal losses, making chips simpler and more efficient.

#science #technology #electronics

By using a metallic wire on a semi-stable material, this method allows for long metal lines to act like superconductors and amplify signals, potentially transforming chip design by eliminating the need for transistor amplifiers and reducing power usage.

Revolutionizing Chip Design With the Edge of Chaos:

A stubbed toe immediately sends pain signals to the brain through several meters of axons, which are composed of highly resistive fleshy material. These axons operate using a principle known as the “edge of chaos,” or semi-stability, enabling the swift and precise transmission of information.

This research demonstrates the edge of chaos in action within an artificial system by conducting electricity through an inorganic material. Typically, the edge of chaos amplifies noise. However, in a surprising twist, a metallic wire placed atop a material at the edge of chaos not only conducted but also amplified useful signals. This method effectively counters the resistive loss in metal that typically degrades signal integrity.

Top crypto PAC targets close House races as 2024 election hits final stages

The pro-crypto PAC Fairshake disbursed nearly $29 million in September, with a big chunk targeting close House races.

With the 2024 election hitting its homestretch, the leading pro-crypto super PAC has funneled a big chunk of its final donations to close House races as part of an effort to push candidates favorable to the group's agenda over the top.

#politics #crypto #pac #newsonleo

Fairshake, which has been one of the top spenders across any industry this election cycle, doled out nearly $29 million in September, according to Federal Election commission data released to the public on Sunday. Of that sum, $20 million went to two affiliated PACs — $15 million to the Defend American Jobs PAC, a single-issue committee focused on cryptocurrency and blockchain policy that's favored Republicans, and $5 million to Protect Progress, which has only supported Democrats.

The remaining $8.8 million spent by Fairshake last month mostly went to House races in New York, Nevada and California, according to FEC data compiled by crypto market and blockchain analyst James Delmore and verified by CNBC.

New $150M facility will fire 7-petawatt lasers to (hopefully) achieve nuclear fusion

This month, construction crews are breaking ground on an ambitious new laser research facility at Colorado State University

#technology #newsonleo #fusion #energy #nuclear

Laser-Driven Nuclear Fusion: The Holy Grail of Power Generation

Laser-driven nuclear fusion is a process that involves using high-powered lasers to heat and compress atomic nuclei to the point where they fuse together, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process. This process is the same one that powers the sun and other stars, and it has the potential to provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy.

The ATLAS Facility: A State-of-the-Art Laser Research Facility

The ATLAS Facility is a state-of-the-art laser research facility that will be home to some of the most advanced laser systems in the world. The facility will consist of three laser systems:

  1. Two Marvel Lasers: The ATLAS Facility will be home to two cutting-edge lasers provided by Marvel Fusion, a German startup. These lasers will be capable of producing extremely high-powered pulses of energy, with the potential to exceed 1 megajoule in energy output.
  1. An Upgraded Ultra-Intense Laser: The ATLAS Facility will also be home to an upgraded version of an existing ultra-intense laser developed at CSU. This laser will be capable of producing pulses of energy with extremely high peak powers, and will be used in conjunction with the Marvel lasers to achieve the goal of laser-driven nuclear fusion.

The Science Behind Laser-Driven Nuclear Fusion

Laser-driven nuclear fusion involves the use of high-powered lasers to heat and compress atomic nuclei to the point where they fuse together. This process is complex and requires the simultaneous heating of multiple nuclei to achieve the necessary conditions for fusion.

The ATLAS Facility will use a combination of laser pulses to achieve this goal. The laser pulses will be designed to heat and compress the nuclei to the point where they fuse together, releasing vast amounts of energy in the process.

The Potential of Laser-Driven Nuclear Fusion

The potential of laser-driven nuclear fusion is enormous. If successful, this technology could provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy, without the production of greenhouse gases or other pollutants. This would have a significant impact on the environment, and could help to mitigate the effects of climate change.

Applications Beyond Energy Generation

The ATLAS Facility has the potential to go beyond energy generation, with significant implications for the medical field and ultra-high-resolution imaging. Researchers can leverage similar laser technology to concentrate energy in precise, tiny areas for tumor treatments, offering new hope for cancer patients.

Additionally, the facility's advanced laser systems can capture incredibly detailed X-rays of turbine engines, paving the way for breakthroughs in industrial maintenance and manufacturing.

The Future of the ATLAS Facility

The ATLAS Facility is expected to be completed in 2026, and will be a major hub for laser fusion research. The facility will be home to a team of researchers and scientists who will work together to develop and advance the technology of laser-driven nuclear fusion.

The long-term potential of the ATLAS Facility is enormous, and could have a significant impact on the world. If successful, this technology could provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy, and could help to mitigate the effects of climate change.

The Role of CSU and the Private Sector

CSU is playing a major role in the development of the ATLAS Facility, and has been a leader in laser research for decades. The university's faculty are advancing critical technologies, and the ATLAS Facility will be a major hub for interdisciplinary research.

The private sector, led by Marvel Fusion, is also playing a major role in the development of the ATLAS Facility. The partnership between CSU and Marvel Fusion is providing major funding and cutting-edge technology, and will be essential to the success of the facility.


The ATLAS Facility is a state-of-the-art laser research facility that has the potential to revolutionize the field of laser-driven nuclear fusion. With its advanced laser systems and interdisciplinary research focus, the facility has the potential to provide a virtually limitless supply of clean energy, and could have a significant impact on the world.

Chinese humanoid robot is the 'fastest in the world' thanks to its trusty pair of sneakers

The STAR1 robot can reach a top speed of 8 mph with the added help of a pair of sneakers.

Scientists have demonstrated a new humanoid robot that can run at a top speed of just over 8 miles per hour (mph) — or 3.6 meters per second (m/s) to be exact. This makes it the speediest machine of its kind built so far, albeit these speeds were only achieved with the help of added footwear.

#technology #humanoid #robots #newsonleo #china #star1

STAR1 is a bipedal robot built by the Chinese company Robot Era that's 5 feet 7 inches (171 centimeters) tall and weighs 143 pounds (65 kilograms).

In a promotional video, the team put two STAR1 robots up against each other in the Gobi Desert in northwestern China, and gave one model a pair of sneakers to see if this would make it run quicker.

Powered by high-torque motors and artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms, the footwear-donning STAR1 navigated different types of terrain, including grassland and gravel, while jogging on paved roads and earth, and sustained its top speed for 34 minutes.

Gusto’s head of technology says hiring an army of specialists is the wrong approach to AI

As founders plan for an increasingly AI-centric future, Gusto co-founder and head of technology Edward Kim said that cutting existing teams and hiring a bunch of specially trained AI engineers is “the wrong way to go.”

#newsonleo #ai #training #technology

The Problem with Traditional AI Development

Traditional AI development involves hiring specialized AI engineers who have extensive knowledge of machine learning, programming languages, and data science. This approach can be costly, as companies often need to pay high salaries to attract and retain tOP talent. Additionally, the traditional approach can be siloed, with AI engineers working in isolation from other teams, such as customer support and product development.

Gusto's Approach: Empowering Non-Technical Team Members

Gusto takes a different approach by empowering non-technical team members, particularly those in customer support, to write "recipes" that guide the AI assistant Gus. These recipes are essentially instructions in natural language that teach Gus how to handle specific customer scenarios.

The company's approach is based on the idea that non-technical team members have a deeper understanding of customer pain points and needs. They are closer to the customers and have a better understanding of the complexities of the business. By leveraging this expertise, Gusto can build AI applications that are more relevant and effective.

The Recipe-Based Approach

The recipe-based approach involves non-technical team members writing recipes that describe how Gus should handle specific customer scenarios. These recipes can be written in natural language, using everyday language that is easy to understand. The recipes can include information such as:

  • The specific customer scenario or problem that Gus should address
  • The desired outcome or result
  • Any specific steps or actions that Gus should take to resolve the issue

The recipes are then used to train Gus, which can use the information to make decisions and take actions that meet the customer's needs.

The Benefits of the Recipe-Based Approach

The recipe-based approach has several benefits, including:

  • Improved customer experience: By leveraging the expertise of non-technical team members, Gusto can build AI applications that are more relevant and effective in addressing customer pain points and needs.
  • Increased efficiency: The recipe-based approach can reduce the time and effort required to develop AI applications, as non-technical team members can provide the necessary expertise and guidance.
  • Cost savings: The recipe-based approach can reduce the costs associated with hiring and retaining specialized AI engineers.
  • Improved collaboration: The recipe-based approach can facilitate collaboration between different teams, including customer support, product development, and AI engineering.

Case Study: Eric Rodriguez's CoPilot Tool

One example of Gusto's approach is Eric Rodriguez's CoPilot tool, which was built by a customer support team member. Eric's tool is a natural language processing (NLP) application that can answer customer questions in natural language. The tool was built using a combination of NLP and machine learning algorithms, and was trained on a large dataset of customer support interactions.

The CoPilot tool was a success, and was adopted by the company's customer support team. The tool allowed the team to respond more quickly and effectively to customer inquiries, and improved the overall customer experience.

The Future of AI Development

Gusto's approach to building AI applications is likely to become more prevalent in the future. As AI continues to evolve, companies will need to find ways to leverage the expertise of non-technical team members, such as customer support and product development teams.

The recipe-based approach will likely become a key component of this, as companies seek to build more human-centered and customer-obsessed AI applications. By empowering non-technical team members to write recipes that guide AI assistants, companies can create more effective and efficient AI applications that meet the needs of customers.

Key Takeaways

  • Gusto's approach to building AI applications involves empowering non-technical team members to write recipes that guide the AI assistant Gus.
  • The recipe-based approach leverages the expertise of non-technical team members, particularly those in customer support, to build more relevant and effective AI applications.
  • The approach has several benefits, including improved customer experience, increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved collaboration.
  • The recipe-based approach will likely become more prevalent in the future, as companies seek to build more human-centered and customer-obsessed AI applications.

Throne’s toilet camera takes pictures of your poop

Throne is an Austin-based health startup. It sells a camera. That clips onto the side of a toilet bowl. It takes pictures of your poop

Throne is an Austin-based health startup. It sells a camera. That clips onto the side of a toilet bowl. It takes pictures of your poop. Currently in beta, the system utilizes artificial intelligence to examine your dookie as a way of determining things like gut health and hydration.

#newsonleo #health #technology

urns out we have a surprising amount to learn from our logs.

Throne calls its underlying technology “artificial gut intelligence.” That AI is “trained by physicians to help you understand what your waste is trying to tell you about your health,” per the company. The doctors are looking for various signs of health found in waste matter, including “nuances” in urine to determine hydration levels.

The company is quick to note that the images are “anonymized.” TechCrunch reached out to the company to get a better idea of what Throne is doing to address the inevitable security and privacy red flags that arise when discussing a toilet camera.

World’s largest 2 GW geothermal project approved in US, to power 2 million homes

The project will cover approximately 631 acres, including 148 acres on public lands, and produce up to 2 gigawatts of clean energy.

The US Department of the Interior has announced major advancements in expanding geothermal energy on public lands.

This abundant clean energy resource has great potential to help the country achieve its goal of a carbon pollution-free power sector by 2035.

#nesonleo #energy #DOE #geothermal

The Department announced that the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has approved the Fervo Cape Geothermal Power Project in Beaver County, Utah. This project will use innovative technology to generate up to 2 gigawatts (GW) of baseload power, enough to supply over 2 million homes.

The Fervo Cape Geothermal Power Project generates energy by injecting water into hot subsurface rock formations.

It then extracts the heated water to produce electricity, rather than relying on naturally occurring underground hot water like traditional geothermal systems.

If fully developed, the project will cover approximately 631 acres, including 148 acres on public lands, and produce up to 2 gigawatts of clean energy.

The project involves developing approximately 23 well pads for drilling and completing observation, production, and injection wells.

It will also include constructing up to 20 geothermal power plants, associated access roads, and a power distribution network comprising sub-transmission lines.

Additionally, the project will have an electrical switchyard, a general tie-in transmission line, a geothermal fluid pipeline gathering system, and ancillary facilities such as buildings and necessary tie-in upgrades.

AI News: OpenAI Releases Agents, New NVIDIA Model, Adobe Text-To-Video, NotebookLM Upgrades

Summary below ⏬

The emergence of new players and the adaptation of established companies indicates that the AI landscape remains dynamic and competitive, with opportunities for innovation across multiple sectors. As companies like Google invest in nuclear power and OpenAI explores agent frameworks, we're seeing the AI industry mature and grapple with both technical and infrastructural challenges.

The coming months will likely reveal whether these investments and innovations can deliver on their promises, particularly in areas like agent development, edge computing, and sustainable AI infrastructure. The industry's focus on efficiency and practical applications suggests a shift from pure research toward more commercially viable and sustainable AI solutions.

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AI and Tech Industry Roundup: Major Developments

In a series of significant developments across the artificial intelligence and technology sectors, several major players have announced groundbreaking initiatives and product launches that could reshape the industry landscape.

OpenAI's Strategic Moves

OpenAI continues to make headlines, though with mixed financial signals. The company has reportedly projected losses to triple to $14 billion by 2026, highlighting the massive costs associated with AI development and infrastructure. However, this hasn't dampened investor enthusiasm, as the company recently closed the largest private funding round in history.

In a surprising move, OpenAI has released an open-source agent framework called "Swarm." While the company describes it as an experimental, educational project with no promised support or updates, the framework has already garnered significant attention with nearly 13,000 GitHub stars. Swarm is designed to handle situations involving multiple independent capabilities and instructions that are difficult to encode in a single prompt, marking OpenAI's entry into the increasingly important agent space.

NVIDIA's Next-Generation Hardware

NVIDIA has begun delivering its highly anticipated Blackwell B200 chips, with OpenAI securing one of the first units. These chips represent a significant leap in AI computing capabilities, offering 3x faster training performance and a remarkable 15x improvement in inference speed compared to their previous H100 generation. Each B200 unit, priced at approximately $400,000, comes equipped with eight NVIDIA Blackwell GPUs, 1440GB of total VRAM, and delivers 72 petaflops for training and 144 petaflops for inference.

The company has also made waves in the AI model space by releasing a fine-tuned version of Llama 3.1 that reportedly outperforms GPT-4 and Claude 3.5 Sonnet on various benchmarks. The model, called Nemotron-70B instruct, demonstrates NVIDIA's growing ambitions beyond hardware.

Google's Strategic Initiatives

In a surprising move, Google has entered the nuclear energy sector through a partnership with Kairos Power, a leader in small modular nuclear reactors. This agreement to purchase clean energy marks a significant step in supporting Google's growing AI infrastructure needs and reflects a broader trend of tech companies seeking sustainable power solutions for their computing operations.

Adobe Adapts to AI Era

Adobe has demonstrated its ability to adapt to the AI revolution by introducing several AI-powered features across its product suite. The company has launched Firefly video, a text-to-video product that promises "commercially safe" content generation, having been trained exclusively on properly licensed materials. Adobe's success with AI integration is evidenced by the popularity of their generative fill feature in Photoshop, which has become one of the platform's most-used tools.

Industry Dynamics and New Players

The agent space continues to heat up with former Salesforce co-CEO Brett Taylor's startup, Sierra, reportedly raising hundreds of millions at a potential $4 billion valuation. The company, focused on AI agents for customer service automation, exemplifies the current enthusiasm for AI startups led by experienced tech executives.

Mistral AI has made significant strides in edge computing with the release of two new models optimized for on-device deployment. Their Mixtral Edge models, available in 3B and 8B parameter versions, support up to 128k context length and demonstrate superior performance in various benchmarks compared to similar-sized models.

Future Implications

These developments collectively signal an intensifying race in AI capabilities, with a particular focus on infrastructure, efficiency, and practical applications. The massive investments in both hardware and software development suggest that despite concerns about AI company valuations and sustainability, the industry continues to attract significant capital and talent.

DataCrunch wants to be Europe's first AI cloud hyperscaler — powered by renewable energy

DataCrunch wants to become one of Europe's first "AI compute" hyperscalers, with renewable energy playing a pivotal part.

A fledgling startup is setting out to become one of Europe’s first “AI compute” hyperscalers, with renewable energy playing a pivotal part in its pitch to prospective customers.

#technology #datacrunch #renewable #ai #cloud

The AI gold rush: DataCrunch Raises $13 Million to Offer "GPU-as-a-Service" with a Sustainable Twist

The AI gold rush has sparked an unprecedented surge in demand for compute resources, driving the growth of cloud infrastructure providers and GPU manufacturers. Amidst this frenzy, Finnish startup DataCrunch has emerged as a significant player in the market, securing $13 million in seed funding to offer "GPU-as-a-service" with a unique focus on sustainability.

Founded in 2020 by CEO Ruben Bryon, DataCrunch provides on-demand access to NVIDIA GPUs, reducing the costs and complexity associated with AI processing. The company's seed funding round, which includes $7.6 million in equity financing and $5.4 million in debt, will enable DataCrunch to build out its infrastructure to support NVIDIA's latest servers and clusters, including the H200 GPU.

What sets DataCrunch apart from its European rivals, such as FlexAI in France and Nebius, is its commitment to sustainability. The company's data centers are located in Helsinki, Finland, and Iceland, which run on 100% renewable energy. In Helsinki, DataCrunch captures waste heat to heat up the city, while in Iceland, the company benefits from the country's 100% green energy mix. This focus on sustainability not only reduces the company's carbon footprint but also provides a competitive advantage in a market where environmental concerns are increasingly important.

DataCrunch's flexible, on-demand pricing model is particularly appealing to individual AI researchers and developers, who may only need a little compute power for personal or university projects. By hooking these researchers early, DataCrunch aims to reap the rewards later when they hit the big time. The company's pricing model is designed to be flexible, allowing users to scale up or down depending on their needs, making it an attractive option for those who require variable compute resources.

The company's plans for the future include expanding its operations to other locations, such as Canada, where it can find suitable locations with a similar carbon footprint advantage. DataCrunch is also planning to start building its own data centers in 2025, which will require significantly more capital. In an interview with TechCrunch, Bryon emphasized the importance of staying connected to the individual market, citing his own personal experience using the company's services. He also highlighted the need for sustainable energy solutions, stating, "I want us to be on a path toward going public with this company, and we'll need access to plenty more capital to keep expanding the company."

As the AI gold rush continues to drive demand for compute resources, DataCrunch's commitment to sustainability and flexible pricing model position the company for success in a crowded market. With its focus on the individual market and green credentials, DataCrunch is poised to become a major player in the AI compute space. The company's unique approach to sustainability and flexible pricing model make it an attractive option for individual researchers and developers, and its commitment to staying connected to the individual market will help it maintain a competitive edge in the market.

New wireless technology reaches record 1 Tbps data transmission speed

A University College London (UCL) team achieved a nearly one terabit per second data transfer speed over a wireless connection.

By combining different wireless techniques, UK researchers achieved record-breaking data transmission speeds. The technology achieved 1 Tbps in lab experiments. Now, it only needs to prove itself in commercially viable applications.

#wireless #technology #newsonleo

A University College London (UCL) team achieved a nearly one terabit per second data transfer speed over a wireless connection. The world record feat opens the doors to future improvements to high-speed wireless. The researchers used a wide range of frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum, achieving data rates thousands of times faster than typical UK download speeds over 5G networks.

The recently published study describes an ultra-wideband transmission over the air that combines electronic and photonic-assisted signal generation to send 938 Gbps over a 5-150GHz frequency range. The researchers point out that traditional wireless networks use radio frequencies operating below 6GHz, providing an average speed of 100 Megabits per second over 5G.

The Zero Click Internet

The internet is undergoing the biggest change since its inception. It's huge. And there is no going back. The web is changing into the Zero Click Internet,

The internet is in the midst of undergoing the biggest change since its inception. It's huge. And there is no going back.

#newsonleo #internet #technology

The web is changing into the Zero Click Internet, and it will change everything about how you do everything. Zero Click Internet means you'll no longer click on links to find the content you want. In fact, much of the internet already works this way.

The Rise of In-Silo Content: How Generative AI is Revolutionizing the Way We Consume Online Information

In recent years, social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter have undergone significant algorithmic changes, effectively ending the practice of promoting posts with links. This shift has forced users to adapt, posting content directly on the platforms instead of directing followers to external sites. The emergence of generative AI has further accelerated this trend, with platforms nOW prioritizing content that is created and consumed within their own ecosystems.

The Impact of Algorithmic Changes

Prior to the algorithmic changes, social media platforms relied heavily on external links to drive traffic and engagement. Users would share articles, blog posts, and other content from external sources, which would then be amplified by the platform's algorithms. However, as the rise of fake news and misinformation became a growing concern, platforms began to shift their focus towards promoting content that was created and curated within their own walls.

Facebook, in particular, has been at the forefront of this change. In 2018, the platform announced that it would be prioritizing content from friends and family over content from publishers and brands. This move was seen as a way to reduce the spread of misinformation and promote more authentic content. Twitter followed suit, introducing a similar algorithmic change that prioritized tweets from users' followers over those from external sources.

The Rise of In-Silo Content

The shift towards in-silo content has significant implications for the way we consume online information. With platforms prioritizing content that is created and consumed within their own ecosystems, users are increasingly being funneled towards content that is curated and controlled by the platform itself. This content is often optimized for engagement and can be tailored to specific user interests, making it more likely to be shared and consumed within the platform.

Generative AI has only accelerated this trend. By using AI to generate content, platforms can create a self-sustaining cycle of content creation and consumption. This content is often optimized for engagement and can be tailored to specific user interests, making it more likely to be shared and consumed within the platform.

The Benefits of In-Silo Content

While the shift towards in-silo content may seem concerning, there are several benefits to this approach. For one, it can help to reduce the spread of misinformation and promote more authentic content. By prioritizing content that is created and curated within the platform, platforms can better control the narrative and ensure that users are exposed to high-quality content.

In-silo content can also lead to a more personalized and engaging user experience. By using AI to generate content that is tailored to specific user interests, platforms can create a more dynamic and interactive experience that keeps users engaged for longer periods of time.

The Challenges of In-Silo Content

Despite the benefits, there are several challenges associated with in-silo content. One of the primary concerns is the potential for echo chambers and filter bubbles. By prioritizing content that is created and consumed within the platform, users may be exposed to a narrow range of perspectives and ideas, which can lead to a lack of diversity and understanding.

Another challenge is the potential for platforms to manipulate and control the narrative. By generating content that is optimized for engagement, platforms can create a self-serving cycle of content creation and consumption that prioritizes their own interests over those of the user.

The Future of Online Content

As generative AI continues to evolve and improve, it's likely that the trend towards in-silo content will only continue to grow. Platforms will increasingly rely on AI to generate content that is optimized for engagement and tailored to specific user interests.

However, it's essential that we remain vigilant and critical of the content that we consume online. By being aware of the potential biases and manipulations that can occur within in-silo content, we can work to promote a more diverse and inclusive online environment that prioritizes the needs and interests of the user.

In conclusion, the rise of in-silo content is a significant shift in the way we consume online information. While it may have its benefits, it's essential that we remain aware of the potential challenges and biases associated with this trend. By being critical and informed consumers of online content, we can work to promote a more diverse and inclusive online environment that prioritizes the needs and interests of the user.

Solar surge will send coal power tumbling by 2030, IEA data reveals

Global electricity generation from solar will quadruple by 2030 and help to push coal power into reverse, according to Carbon Brief analysis of data from the International Energy Agency (IEA).

#energy #technology #renewable

The IEA’s latest World Energy Outlook 2024 shows solar overtaking nuclear, wind, hydro, gas and, finally, coal, to become the world’s single-largest source of electricity by 2033.

This solar surge will help kickstart the “age of electricity”, the agency says, where rapidly expanding clean electricity and “inherently” greater efficiency will push fossil fuels into decline.

Renewables will grow 2.7-fold by 2030, short of the “tripling” goal set at COP28.
Still, clean energy is growing at an “unprecedented rate”, and will overtake coal, gas and then oil, to become the world’s largest source of energy “in the mid-2030s”.
Low-carbon energy, including renewables and nuclear, will grow 44% by 2030, adding 48 exajoules (EJ) to global energy supplies.
Global energy demand will only rise by 34EJ (5%) over the same period.
This means clean energy will push each of the fossil fuels past their peak by 2030.
Electric vehicles (EVs) are now expected to displace 6m barrels of oil per day (mb/d) by 2030, up from a figure of 4mb/d by 2030 in last year’s outlook.

Python is still the most popular coding language, but challengers are gaining ground

The latest update to the TIOBE Index reveals notable shifts in the world of software development. While traditional programming languages remain popular,

Programming languages are staying in step with the latest advancements in technology. While old favorites continue to be used by millions, modern contenders are emerging with more efficient ways to manage and process data – particularly in this increasingly generative AI-driven landscape.

#python #coding #technology

The recommendation engine is doing wonders, this was recommended to me under my programming post!

It is doing some things. Imagine that spread across the entire site with that happening on everything.

Recommend engines are a crucial part of all digital platforms.


They should learn from Youtube, it perfected the recommendation algorithm!

Yep. That is the model. There are others.

Look at what Amazon does.

The latest update to the TIOBE Index reveals notable shifts in the world of software development. While traditional programming languages remain popular, many developers are seeking out technologies that can make sense of the vast amounts of modern digital data. Legacy languages like C, COBOL, Fortran, and Assembly still have their place, but they no longer take center stage.

he TIOBE Index, a monthly measure of programming language popularity maintained by Dutch company TIOBE Software BV, gathers its "popularity" data from search results across over 20 websites, including Google, Amazon, Wikipedia, and Bing.

For October 2024, Python continues to reign as the most popular programming language, growing by +7.08 percent in the past month and holding a 21.90 percent market share. C++ has claimed second place with 11.60 percent, followed by Java with 10.51 percent. The classic C language, however, is losing ground, now ranking fourth with 8.38 percent market share, down 3.70 percent.

This $40 tool gives you access to ChatGPT, Gemini, and more for life

TL;DR: Save 82% on this all-in-one AI tool powered by ChatGPT, Gemini, and more top platforms.

ChatGPT and every other AI tool have taken the world by storm, though it can be confusing and even intimidating to try them out yourself. Whether you're new to AI and want to test-drive some options or hoping to escape a few subscription fees, 1minAI is your solution.

#ai #chatbots #technology

This single platform gives you access to dozens of AI tools for generating text, images, code, voice-overs, and more, all in one place. And they're all powered by well-established platforms like ChatGPT, Gemini, and Midjourney. The only difference is that you don't have to pay individual subscriptions, or any at all.

You probably haven't heard of 1minAI because it's still a relatively new tool in the AI world. 5-star reviewers compliment how well the dashboard is organized, one saying, "[It] saves me time from having to jump around to different tool sets."

WeChat modified TLS encryption protocol exposes users to security risks

A recent investigation by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab has uncovered potential security weaknesses in WeChat's custom encryption protocol.

WeChat messages and conversations are not encrypted end-to-end, meaning the app's servers can decrypt and read every message. However, users of the popular messaging app might be concerned to learn that there are vulnerabilities in the encryption protocol that could leave the service open to attack, according to a new study.

#wechat #technology #newsonleo

A recent investigation by the University of Toronto's Citizen Lab has uncovered potential security weaknesses in WeChat's custom encryption protocol. These weaknesses arise because the developers of WeChat, which boasts over a billion monthly active users, have modified the Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.3 protocol, creating a version called MMTLS.

WeChat uses a two-layer encryption system. First, the inner layer, known as "Business-layer encryption," encrypts the plaintext content. This encrypted content is then further encrypted with MMTLS before being transmitted.

Why do we Need to be Able to 3D print in space?

As Airbus and ISS celebrate the additive manufacturing of the first metal part in space, we highlight why it’s so important we can 3D print among the stars

#newsonleo #3dprinting #space #technology

After seven months on the International Space Station (ISS) 400 kilometres above the Earth, the European Space Agency’s (ESA) metal 3D printer was able to demonstrate the feasibility of metallic part production in microgravity.

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Incredible news for the future of additive manufacturing, as the first 3D metal part was printed in space.

After analysis revealed that microgravity had no engineering-significant effects on the additive manufacturing process, the aerospace sector has been working on mastering it to form new logistics systems for long duration missions.

The 3D printer was built by Airbus, and was the first to be installed on a space station back in January of this year.

The printer model was also installed on the ISS Columbus module in may this year, with print operations overseen at the French space agency CNES from the control centre for ISS payloads.

3D printed parts and components have been utilised on the ISS before, but the entire process from design to production has never been completed until now in space.

This incredible achievement has been a long time in the making, with extensive collaboration between the ESA, Nasa and Airbus to make it possible.

The US Could Soon Lead In Silicon Carbide Manufacturing

Biden-Harris Administration's proposed CHIPS investment of US$750m would support construction of worlds largest silicon carbide ecosystem in the US

#newsonleo #semiconductor #technology #unitedstates

Biden Administration's $750M Investment in Silicon Carbide Manufacturing: A Boost for US High-Tech Industries

The Biden-Harris Administration has taken a significant step towards enhancing the United States' semiconductor manufacturing capabilities with a proposed $750 million investment in silicon carbide production. This move, part of the CHIPS and science Act, aims to establish the world's largest silicon carbide ecosystem in the US, strengthening the country's position in high-tech manufacturing and reducing dependence on foreign suppliers.

Key Points of the Investment

  1. The U.S. Department of commerce and Wolfspeed, Inc. have signed a non-binding preliminary memorandum of terms for up to $700 million in funding.
  2. The investment will support the construction of a new silicon carbide wafer manufacturing facility in Siler City, North Carolina.
  3. Additional funding will aid the expansion of Wolfspeed's device manufacturing facility in Marcy, New York.
  4. These projects are part of Wolfspeed's $6 billion capacity expansion plan, expected to create over 2,000 manufacturing jobs and 3,000 construction jobs.

The Importance of Silicon Carbide

Silicon carbide, a compound of silicon and carbon, is crucial for various high-tech applications:

  1. High-performance semiconductors for Industry 4.0, 5G telecommunications, defense, and aerospace.
  2. Power conversion systems in renewable energy, such as solar and wind inverters.
  3. LED lighting.
  4. Electric vehicle powertrains, improving range and efficiency.

The material's unique properties make it invaluable:

  • High thermal conductivity for efficient heat dissipation
  • Ability to handle higher voltages compared to traditional silicon
  • resistance to wear, chemical corrosion, and oxidation
  • Larger bandgap, enabling performance in high-frequency, high-power, and high-temperature environments

Impact on US Manufacturing

The investment in silicon carbide production is expected to have far-reaching effects on US manufacturing:

  1. Energy Efficiency: Silicon carbide is crucial for the transition to clean energy, powering sustainable innovations like EVs and renewable technologies.

  2. Supply Chain Resilience: Domestic production of silicon carbide strengthens the US semiconductor supply chain, reducing reliance on foreign suppliers.

  3. Advanced Manufacturing: The material is essential for advanced manufacturing in automotive, defense, and aerospace industries, creating more efficient and durable components.

Projected Outcomes

Wolfspeed anticipates significant growth as a result of this investment:

  • A five-fold increase in silicon carbide device output
  • A ten-fold increase in 200mm materials production capacity

Statements from Key Figures

  • U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo emphasized the importance of this investment for technologies like AI, electric vehicles, and clean energy.
  • Laurie Locascio, Under Secretary of Commerce for Standards and technology, highlighted the role of this investment in building a booming semiconductor R&D industry in the US.
  • Wolfspeed CEO Gregg Lowe expressed gratitude for the support and noted the importance of this funding for the company's growth strategy and technology leadership.

This investment represents a significant step towards securing America's position in high-tech manufacturing, ensuring a reliable domestic supply of critical semiconductors, and supporting the development of future technologies.

Tesla’s Q3 Earnings Preview: Cybercab and Market Expectations

As Tesla (TSLA) gears up to announce its quarterly earnings this coming Wednesday, the electric vehicle (EV) behemoth faces a mix of anticipation and skepticism following its recent “We, Robot” event. The spotlight is on the company’s financial health and its bold move into the autonomous vehicle market with the introduction of the Cybercab.

#tesla #earnings #newsonleo

Analysts are projecting an adjusted earnings per share of $0.60, with revenue expectations set at $25.42 billion, according to a Bloomberg poll. This forecast comes on the heels of Tesla’s global delivery numbers showing improvement for the first time this year, potentially signaling a positive shift in automotive gross margins. This could be a silver lining for Tesla, helping to bolster its profit figures for the quarter.

However, not all reactions have been optimistic. The Cybercab, Tesla’s latest venture into driverless technology, unveiled at the event, has sparked considerable debate among investors and analysts. Priced at $30,000, the Cybercab aims to redefine urban mobility with its fully autonomous capabilities, lacking traditional controls like steering wheels or pedals. Yet, the reception was lukewarm at best. Jefferies analysts notably criticized the unveiling, questioning the feasibility of Tesla’s ambitious targets and labeling the Cybercab somewhat derisively.

Robot Revolution: Musk’s $200 Trillion Vision for Humanoid Helpers

Tesla CEO Elon Musk has made a bold prediction about the future market for humanoid robots, specifically referencing the company’s Optimus project.

In a recent statement, Musk outlined a vision that, if realized, could revolutionize not just the robotics industry, but the global economy as a whole.

#technology #robots #humanoid #tesla

Musk asserted that the potential market for humanoid robots could exceed 10 billion units, surpassing the current human population.

“The Optimus numbers, they’re so mind-blowing that you’re like, is this real?” Musk remarked, highlighting the ambitious scale of his projection.

The tech mogul’s forecast is based on the assumption that demand would come from two primary sources. First, he anticipates that “people each want one,” suggesting widespread adoption for personal use. Second, he expects significant demand from various industries, further boosting the potential market size.

Musk went on to provide a hypothetical scenario to illustrate the economic implications of his prediction. “So, if they do sell at even a volume for $20,000, that’s $200 Trillion,” he calculated.

Capacitive sensing transforms everyday materials into interactive surfaces

Japan Display recently unveiled its Zinnsia technology, showcasing its potential to revolutionize how we interact with our surroundings.

Japan Display's Zinnsia technology marks a major leap toward more intuitive and ubiquitous human-computer interaction by transforming ordinary objects into smart, responsive surfaces. But the key questions remain: will it justify the cost, and can it endure the wear and tear of daily life?

#technology #interactive #applications

Japan Display recently unveiled its Zinnsia technology, showcasing its potential to revolutionize how we interact with our surroundings. Zinnsia uses advanced capacitive sensing to transform a wide range of materials into touch-sensitive surfaces. These sensors can accurately detect touch through thick materials and even on irregularly shaped objects.

JDI demonstrated the versatility of Zinnsia with various interactive experiences. A stuffed animal, for instance, responded to touch, with corresponding reactions displayed on a nearby screen. Samples of wood, stone, plasterboard, and fabric were shown controlling lighting. A touch-sensitive houseplant even produced sounds when its leaves were touched.

Midjourney will soon let users upload and edit images with AI

In a message posted to Midjourney's official Discord server last week, CEO David Holtz spilled the details on this upcoming image editor feature.

Midjourney, the startup behind one of the most popular text-to-image AI models, just announced plans to roll out an upgraded web tool that will allow users to edit any image on the internet using the company's powerful generative AI capabilities.

#newsonleo #midjourney #ai #technology #images

Midjourney, the startup behind one of the most popular text-to-image AI models, just announced plans to roll out an upgraded web tool that will allow users to edit any image on the internet using the company's powerful generative AI capabilities.

"It keeps the shape of the scene/object but repaints all the texture/colors/details according to your prompt," reads the description shared by Holtz.

Of course, putting such powerful editing abilities into the hands of Midjourney's several million users comes with huge implications around potential misuse.

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