If Visa allows people to pay Gas fees on Eth with a credit card, I can imagine we will see articles about people get unexpected $10K bills.
And then they will say crypto bad.
If Visa allows people to pay Gas fees on Eth with a credit card, I can imagine we will see articles about people get unexpected $10K bills.
And then they will say crypto bad.
I agree, promoting Eth to the masses will make more sour on crypto.
No surprise that Wall Street and major financial institutions are all over it.
Ohh they are considering that? That's very dangerous territory lol
Yeah I can foresee some nasty bills out of that one.
Is ETH really the WEF coin then?
I wouldnt say that but it will be hijacked. The Wall Street firms can buy their way in, control it, and not give a crap about $50 transaction fees.
It will be a money maker but not a useful network for the masses.
Lucky for us, we've got Hive!
Yep. I felt years ago that is the direction that Eth would head. With Hive, we only need the ability to create other tokens and we are on our way. That is being worked on.
How do you see this update.. is it good for crypto ?
crypto screwed ...suits better
Sounds about right. haha But Visa wants their chunk of the fees it seems one way or another as teh bank world goes on, on the fees that is.
Visa just wants to make money. This doesn't solve the gas fee problem, over time crypto will be blamed
The credit card bills overtime will get bigger if left unchecked.
Also, people will end up paying interest on it.
Its a bad idea.