
That's a long read, but a very interesting one. I've been debating that for a long time.

I actually left a job where I was heavily involved with oil and gas for a job in the education industry because I felt it would have a lot more meaning.

It feels a lot better, indeed, but there is still the business side of it that's not always ideal.

I lot of friends of mine say they just wouldn't know what to do if they didn't need to work every day. I find that line of thought a little disturbing.

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I lot of friends of mine say they just wouldn't know what to do if they didn't need to work every day. I find that line of thought a little disturbing.

I think it is indoctrination. People simply havent sat down and thought about what they would do. They are usually too tired to pursue anything after working all those hours. The norm is go to work, come home, eat dinner, spend a couple hours watching tv or online, then bed. Rinse and repeat.

When people are working 50-60 hours a week, not including commute times, that is eating a chunk of their time. No wonder they have little interest in much else.

It will be a shift for many people. The biggest is loss of identity. We associate who we are with what we do.

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Wow! That's a very interesting perspective. And true in so many ways. The educational system is a prime example. Every year the government just keeps throwing billions and billions of dollars at it and the results never seem to change. Our children are getting less educated and falling further behind compared to the rest of the world. This is the US I'm talking about, by the way. The fact of the matter is that most of the money gets filtered out by the admin side of things way before it actually trickles down to the teachers actually interacting with our kids. It would be laughable if it wasn't so criminal. The lawyers and paper pushers need to justify their existence so they steal from "kids" at the bottom of the food chain. Like I said, this is just one example. Another is inside the beltway in Washington DC. That one is even worse.

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The article really sums things up. I can only imagine what the book was like (I havent read it).

There are so many jobs that fall into the categories described not only in education. Look at the medical industry, that is filed with parasites. Same thing, different industry.

Costing billions of dollars a year.

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The ruling class has figured out that a happy and productive population with free time on their hands is a mortal danger

It's exactly what I was saying before. They want to keep people busy so the government's faults don't become apparent to everyone. They need to keep people's mind away from the core problems and I believe that's one reason why the new media has become so polarized. If they can rile up people on political issues, they won't be thinking about how Congress isn't working to help them.

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