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RE: Leo Talk 3/25/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

Did you ever hear the bullshit about the world is heading towards overpopulation and we have to reduce the number of people. Bill Gates is one of those who believes this.

Well it seems that is not the case. Not only are we becoming an aging population since many countries, especially in the west, are not even reaching replacement birth rate, it now appears we are also losing a great deal of our "swimmies".

Sperm counts are down considerably compared to 50 years ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


It probably don't help very much that so many people are turning gay now and not having children. I even know a lot of straight couples now that don't want children either.
I guess some people just don't want the hassle or or think it's a bad idea to bring them into this world!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually I think the worst problem is all the woman who keep saying that they can't find the right guy. It's kind of become a running joke since they went the career route. They are all chasing the same type of people and they leave the rest because they don't think they fit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That could be a big factor, it is hard to find a good guy these days. I guess it goes both ways, I can't find any good women either. Been married twice so I'm not worried about it though. I did my part having 3 kids.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

we do have a problem with the amount of microplastics we ingest but I think the seriousness of the problem will become more obvious further down the road

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is also true.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wasn't he the one that said they wanted to get the global population down to 2 billion? What's going to happen to the other 6?

I saw the fertility drop in person over in Germany. The staff told me that they were even offering Germans bonus money if they had more kids and even that didn't move the needle. They told us that was the main reason Merkel let in over a million refugees back in 2015. Apparantly they need 800k arrivals per year just to keep up.

The average age of an auto plant worker in Germany is 43...

And rising...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Germany has peaked in terms of its native population. It is now on the downward path like Japan. Spain too I believe.

The United States finds itself in the same boat but immigration does make up for much of it. That is what Germany is trying to do. The problem is that, economically, little is felt from the first generation of immigrants. It is only after the second generation is born, educated, and assimilated to a degree do you see significant economic impact. Thus it can have a boost in 20 years or so but it will take a while.

The German auto industry is in rough shape anyway. The cost of energy is hitting these companies hard.

We will see how that all pans out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Gloomy times ahead ... Now has it decreased in the last 50 years? With the pandemic, there are several conspiracy theories to say that Covid-19 was something intentional for the population to have a significant reduction ... Well, I don't want to believe that ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The vaccine might be the thing used to lower the population. We will see how many people drop dead within the next year.

Of course, they are likely to be older so people will just say they were old.

There are already cases in the US where people got the vaccine and drop dead a few days later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually I think the worst thing is that every death was classified as a COVID death by hospitals during the crisis. They did so for the money because if the source of death happens to be COVID, they get reimbursements by the government.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many states here have done this, the worst is that many government officials used the money intended for the treatment of Covid-19 and diverted it into their pockets. That is why Manaus was in a terrible situation that even oxygen did not have for its patients.

Corruption plagues not only here but worldwide.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes the corruption needs to be weeded about. The entire economy is crumbling so something will happens soon enough. Yea and the media keeps covering for the politicians so its so hard to keep people informed.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What I see most are people who are even intelligent but very alienated by certain things and politically blind ... It's complicated ...

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Without a doubt.

We had a guy on a motorcycle killed on the highway, was actually decapitated. The cause of death: COVID.

The local media went nuts with it.

The number of cases were severely overstated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well they need the numbers to scare people but I am pretty sure their friends/family are pissed at them mislabeling their cause of death.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is like the HIV situation all over again. They fluff the numbers to make people scared so that they agree to behavior modification.

If people really would research, the numbers are there.

I see these people with masks and it is laughable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Unfortunately it happens and if God willing my parents will not die because of it. This week I took them to get vaccinated.

It was their choice to get vaccinated, although today we don't have much of a choice. My wife and I don't intend to vaccinate but the way things are I don't even know what to do ...

It means continuing with my isolation and praying that I and my family will not be contaminated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know a guy 74, his wife 72, both got it. They were suffering for a couple weeks with tiredness and a bad cough. Both got tested, had it, no cure so go home and wait it out.

They did, and are fine.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just want it to pass as quickly as possible ... this year was one of hopes for better days but from what I see it will probably be another "lost year".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

🤣🤣we all heard lots of different stories about the out break of covid. Overpopulation or unpopular; there's enough resources for everyone on the earth to sustain them for more years. Its just have to be rationed right to give a better balance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The amount of resources on the planet keeps growing as we find new means of production.

When it comes to food, the production went through the roof the last few decades.

This is going to continue.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No sooner did I post the above comment and link when I come across this gem about China and its birth rate.

Some good info in there about not only China but also Japan and Korea.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It sure is some interesting information. I guess having so much data on their population came in helpful when they needed to see what policy has the best effect. However I think it is clearly a downward trend.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will increase most likely into the middle of this century, on a global basis and then head down.

The west is already heading that was as is Eastern Asia.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

India also wanted to introduce two-child policy but we looked at the existing problem with China and backed off ( fortunately ) .

Also the fertility rate is around 2.2 in India right now ( 2.1 is the rate of replacement ) so we don't need any policy in this front for now .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

India is one of the areas that is destined to keep growing along with Nigeria.

They will be the two most populous according to researchers expectations.

Of course, that could change as the country gets wealthier. That tends to diminish growth rates of population since people have more options and focuses.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

India is one of the areas that is destined to keep growing along with Nigeria.

Yeah ? But a recent forecast predicted that from 2050 Indian population will start declining and by 2100 we will be less than a billion .

Right now we are 1.3B .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah China is set to lose about 500 million people by 2100. They are going to peak in the next few years so they are about 25 years ahead of India.

It is bound to happen. As populations grow and countries get wealthier, the number of children decline. This happens all over the world.

So the fear of overpopulation, in the next 20-25 years, the mantra will be the fear of underpopulation and there wont be enough people for us to survive as a species.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah when the survey results were announced , they tied the population / fertility rate to two things .

  1. Wealth
  2. Education of women .

The more educated a woman is the less number of children she will have .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Author Matthew Yglesias has a book out One Billion Americans, where he discusses how having a billion people here would benefit our country.


I get what he's saying in positioning us against for example, China, but since we have one of the three federal immigrant detention centers nearby, we've been innundated with a wave of destitue people here, when we can't even care for the locals.

Can we absorb that many people?

This would also drastically change the politics of America. We have 330 million now, Adding another 700 million would change everything. If it happens, it'll be interesting to watch.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Actually I am not surprised. They actually want to inject hormones into kids to affect their growth. I saw a few cases in California where they were injecting hormones into juveniles by threatening them with prison and not telling their parents. There are also cases everywhere pushing the gender related stuff so sperm counts down makes sense to me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there is no doubt that there is an evil faction among us intent on killing off as much of the population as they can.

The use of medical technology is one way to do that. They are putting hormones in everything to make sure they get to this end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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Fucking psychopath.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

lol the sperm count comment got me. well, I heard jordan Peterson talk about how the theory of overpopulation is BS. i am not a scientist and I haven't done much deep research on the subject but it makes sense. But in retrospect, isn't it crazy how we take random comments as facts without doing proper research. it is fact because someone popular said it is so.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Jordan Peterson has the interaction skills of sandpaper but he is often spot on. He does his research and is aware of the numbers.

The simple fact is you have the West and East Asia all either declining or about to decline. This leave Africa and India which, as was pointed out, both will peak in the next 30-40 years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta