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RE: Leo Talk 7/07/21 - Come Join Our Chat

This is encouraging news.

I had a college roommate that died of Multiple Sclerosis at the age of 45.

Scientists ID 2 Brain Cells Likely Involved in Nerve Cell Repair

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


This is wonderful for people with Multiple Sclerosis. @wesphilbin suffers from it and he is probably the most positive person I know on the blockchain.

It would be wonderful if this discovery could turn into a treatment in the near term.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I appreciate the shout-out brother @sgt-dan ... I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in 2016. Lesions on my brain, neck, and entire spine. It's certainly made life interesting. But part of the inspiration behind my #thoughtfuldailypost TAG movement, as well as my monikers of #tomorrowisthegoal and #buildingpositivebridges...

I'll look into this information, but currently am on NO BigPharma, and utilizing Cannabis, prayer, and positive energy to make it through each day.

I'd better stop, before this turns into a blog lol.

Love and light my friends ✌🤘

Very encouraging indeed!

I have an aunt that is very dear to me and she's been living with that disease for many years now

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta