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RE: Leo Talk 3/25/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

AI is really helping us to start to understand different parts of the brain.

We are so clueless about what takes place in our heads, we are in the stone age. AI is helping to close the gap some.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


About AI, I'm just afraid of SkyNet lol

But it is to celebrate what AI is doing for humanity. One day I saw I don't remember where a Japanese singer was able to sing new songs thanks to AI that managed to reproduce his voice. It is even astonishing to do such a thing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

About AI, I'm just afraid of SkyNet lol

Hollywood does a great job of scaring people about technology but it rarely comes close to what eventually unfolds.

There is a lot of discussion about our evolution and how "intelligence" is moving beyond us. However, we went moved to multi-celled organisms, did we kill off all the single-celled ones?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, without a doubt Hollywood has left many people scared and in some interviews that I followed, robots like Sophia have already said that one day they will dominate the human race. Well, it looks more like a sci-fi movie, but I have no doubt that in the wrong hands, we may have a very different path as is predicted with AI.

However, do we move to multicellular organisms, do we kill all unicellular organisms?

Nop :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

but I have no doubt that in the wrong hands, we may have a very different path as is predicted with AI.

That is why we need it in no hands. We need to focus upon decentralization like with the Internet.

The Internet is already a super-intelligence that is all knowing, always on, and has all the answers. It also cannot be turned off in all likelihood and will just getting bigger.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like AI but I don't know what to think about it. I wonder how many people they will hook up to get enough data and whether or not they can use what they learn to replace humans online.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They have your voiceprint, thanks to Alexa, Google and Siri. Your fingerprint, which they're now asking for even more. Your DNA and scans of your face and body, thanks to phones, security cameras and the TSA. And because of the internet, they know what you think about a whole range of issues.

So it looks like Project 2045 is right on track. They'll have enough information by then that they could clone us and who would know the difference? They even planned an Amy Winehouse hologram tour. At some point, they'll be bio-synthetic creations and then we're off to the races!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They did a Roy Orbison concert in the past too.

That is why we need decentralization. Too much power is going into the governments and major corporations.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta