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RE: The Change In National Governance

It isnt that we replace our human bodies. Instead, we are replacing the governance model we operate under. Why do we have a nation-state today as opposed to a feudal system or a monarchy. The answer is we decided to change. Of course that took centuries and we even still have monarchies although they dont have much power.

Hence, we are going to be able to experiment in the virtual world and push that out to the real world. As nation-states disappear, since there will be no need for them, perhaps they get implemented in our local governance systems.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Wasn't the nation-state set up in part to bring wealth and resources to the heart of the nation-state? In a physical world, armies would be used to conquer, occupy, and ship wealth and resources back home. Over time, when it became more desirable to achieve the same goals via commerce and trade, the need for armies lessened (just not enough).

If a "state" can acquire wealth and resources using non-violent means, it will. A networked state is a move in that direction.

Project things further:

  • A network of indivuals is formed, where each individual has all the rights and privileges of a state. These individuals relate to each other either as soverign peers or fellow buisness owners. These individuals form a network for their mutual benefit and aid.

This can be done right now in the physical world, but it is definitely doable in a digital world (Metaverse or not).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta