A bit slow to start but it has potential. Right now a lot of posts on Cinetv promoting it. But a few people put up some movie reviews.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A bit slow to start but it has potential. Right now a lot of posts on Cinetv promoting it. But a few people put up some movie reviews.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am behind on my anime backlog. I don't tend to watch TV shows and movie much due to the wokeness appearing there. At least with animes, despite the cliches, I don't have that nonsense there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is a lot of wokeness especially with today's films and shows.
That is why I am going to post about stuff from the 80s. That didnt have much of that garbage, at least not overtly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta