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RE: Leo Talk 3/18/2021 -Come Join Our Chat

No offense but the stock market doesn't match the economy and I think it needs to be brought back down to reality.

The market isnt the economy, it is the flow of capital. If we see more money keep flowing in, such as if it gets flushed out of bonds, we could see a continued run.

People expect the market to show some sanity and it rarely does. It is really an epicenter of manic behavior.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Yea I think so as well. I like the market going up because it's easy to make money because all you gotta do is buy the dip. Of course you have to pick the decent stocks and not crappy stocks.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Buy the dip always works well long term in very solid projects. You might lose some more money in the short term, falling daggers, but it usually pays off in the end.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea and if your in the traditional stock market, sell some covered calls. Easier to not lose money so long as you invest in solid companies. You may lose your shares but the premium helps when the chart stays stagnant.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta