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RE: Leo Talk 5/11/21 - Come Join Our Chat (Part 1)

The Syntellect Hypothesis by Alex Vikoulov.

If you want to have your mind blown about where we are going and the digitization of humanity, this is a must read.

Then you will begin to understand me a little bit. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I should look this one up. Well the book that did it for me was Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari. This book prepared my mind for the future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah that is another good one. He has a lot of good stuff. They are along similar lines. In fact Homo Dues is mentioned in there are time or two.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, that is nice. Homo Deus has was an eye-opener for me and I have been tailoring my life in preparation for the future spoken of in the book where man and machine become one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I just checked out the description on Amazon. It sounds interesting! Will definitely check it out.

Maybe in the future, we will be able to start our tesla with our minds, just by thinking about it. Elon might make some chips to be inserted into our bodies. :D

Then you will begin to understand me a little bit. LOL

Sure. I would love to do that. ✌

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He is working on brain to computer interfaces so I see no reason, if that does come into being, that we will not be able to do things such as that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta