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RE: The Change In National Governance

thieves (or politicians as you want to call them)

Seems to be a good way to capture the essence of what they are and do.

We have to keep in mind that a lot is changing. At the core of this is the rise of the digital world. Over the last 30 years, we saw a great deal of the developed world shift online. More economic activity is taking place and networks such as Apple, Google, and Facebook yield tremendous power.

The question is where is the threat of the future. There is certainly a move toward global totalitarianism over the last few years, that we agree upon. Is this because they are desperate or because they are confident they can pull it off? I guess the reason doesnt matter.

What does matter is more people are joining the Internet each day and there is more wealth being generated on there. This is making the digital even more important with each passing year.

The hijacking of the original values of the Internet and the ensuing siloing was a major setback. This is something that we are looking to address.

Keep in mind, governments are not designed to operate in this realm. As power as the US Government is, it cannot stop the illegal download of music.

That is how impotent they are in this realm. We are going to see a continued shift, from the visible to invisible. More is being digitized on a regular basis. That makes it very difficult to suppress, especially with the new tools that are being developed.

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