That is helpful. It is great to see all that is being done to enhance this place.
@mightpossibly is someone I admire. He is cut from the same mold as me. He understands ownership and is doing all he can to improve this place.
That is helpful. It is great to see all that is being done to enhance this place.
@mightpossibly is someone I admire. He is cut from the same mold as me. He understands ownership and is doing all he can to improve this place.
The more things we can do to improve the Hive ecosystem is worth it.
In my opinion, having these tools is essential for this and knowing how to use them to our advantage.
He's brilliant, I'm glad we have @mightpossibly on our creative team hahaha...
It is crucial to get the builders. To me, that means filling the database. Unfortunately, the few have to lead the rest. It means coming up with ideas that people can utilize.
Without a doubt, it would be easier if we had more people with this mindset.
But I believe it won't take long for us to be able to bring more committed people to get involved.
Yeah well it seems we dont so we will have to do it ourselves.
@adambarratt is also doing a wonderful job building out his stuff.
Every effort for the community is rewarded. It's cool to see that here we can have different types of activities.
Yeah. I am all over the place. Fortunately, I tend to focus upon stuff that will stick long term.
You literally have the gift of vision and realize what may or may not last over time. A true visionary hahaha...
Task, the machine.
I'm really glad you're here too. More than half the ideas I've had in past weeks has come from you
Our interaction is strong, so we should always talk more. hahaha...
That feeling is mutual sir. I'm humbled.