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RE: Digital Assets: Multi Hundred Trillions Of Dollars

The reality is most still can grasp a million if truth be told. It is why most, if asked how much money do you want, will say a million dollars. They have no context of what it really is.

The reality is the value of what is being generated is unbelievable. This will translate into much higher numbers over time. For example, it takes a lot more money in R&D since we are indulging in more advanced areas.

All this adds up to unbelievable numbers, ones that when viewed in isolation do not tell the entire story.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Very interesting. The growth really is pretty astonishing. I remember back in 2017 there were all of these vapor projects coming out. Now there are just as many coming out, but the actual number that are vapor is pretty small compared to the legitimate blockchain solutions that we are seeing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very true. We are starting to see actual use cases for what is being developed. This should help adoption since we are seeing the options that people have increasing. I think the result will be a lot more wealth created especially for the users/participants, totally changing the entire economic structure that we are operating under.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think that would be really cool. A shakeup is definitely in order to some degree!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta