LOL a bit behind the times. That show went off the air 20 years ago.
Joey is now gray on top and Chandler, well he looks a bit like Val Kilmer. He didnt age well at all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL a bit behind the times. That show went off the air 20 years ago.
Joey is now gray on top and Chandler, well he looks a bit like Val Kilmer. He didnt age well at all.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah I know , I read about them all .
I don't think the show would have ran well over here in 2000s , this is the right time for that kind of show . It runs for atleast 6 hours a day , once the S1 to S10 is completed , they re-telecast it lol .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hmm amazing how interests vary and the timing of things. I would have thought that, since it is an old show, that people might watch it in reruns but not like it is first edition runs.
Very interesting.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
True , it is all about culture if you ask me . The show has some scenes which are still not acceptable to people here so if you went back 20 years they would have definitely not watched it .
It is the younger generation here who watches that , nobody whom I know who is over 40 has watched it .
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It was the same here. That show was not for older people.
Now the fans of it are over 40 since they got old but when it was live, it was the under 30 crowd.
Alas, time keeps moving.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Got it , did you watch the show back in 90s? Were you a fan of it ?
I think we should be chatting this over in CineTV Lol
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No I wasnt. Never got into Friends. Nor Seinfeld. I basically was away from series at that time in my life.
The only show I watched regularly then was Coach.
Well at least we are getting our discussion on chain.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh yeah Seinfield is popular over here too , not as much as Friends but few are crazy over it .
Coach ? Haven't heard of it :(
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