
I would actually prefer if they chat on discord but then bring up the discussion on-chain afterwards to involve more people. It's also why some people were complaining about the DCity politics stuff but I think it was a nice change.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The problem is , they don't bring it over here . They chat it over there and leave it over there as far as I know .

I don't see how that is adding value to Hive or Leo . Discord is essential in helping new users and solving queries but all the discussions must happen over here .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I agree. If they posted the discussions on HIVE then it would be seen by more people and at the same time, it could also be ranked on the search engines. I find this to be more important since newbies tend to google before running over to discord.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah but that doesnt happen either. They simply keep in their own cubby hole on discord.

Sad but we could have 50,000 comments on chain if those people would spend half their time posting comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yea I agree. Any question is a good question to solve on the chain because I guarantee there will be someone else with the same question down the line. Though we might need SEO to be better so it links the relevant articles though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta