Microblogging: A Game Changer For Leofinance

Things are changing quickly on the Leofinance platform. We are seeing a lot of development along with different plans.

One feature that is in the works and already announced is the Microblogging feature integrated into the Leofinance front end.

While we do not have a release date, hopefully we see this added before the end of the year.

So why is this a total game changer?

Allowing For All Content

Let us be honest. Hive has not been a friendly place for most Internet users. The idea of "quality content only" serves a purpose but misses most of what the masses are into. If we look at most of what is posted on social media, the majority of it does not come close to quality.

At the same time, we are live in an era where people's attention span is rather short. They like quick hits. It is not surprising to see the success of Twitter. This caters to the "rapid fire" people are accustomed to.

Leofinance is about to enter this ring. Therefore, there is a place for all crypto and finance related content, no matter what it looks like. Short or long form, both are welcome. This is a novel breakthrough which should yield huge results.

Increases Engagement Significantly

Leofinance is doing an exception job of fostering engagement. The posts that are on here get a fair bit of commenting. People are forging relationships through their interactions.

However, how many posts a day do each of us do? How much content is really on Leofinance? According to the weekly reports, there are roughly 175 posts a day. We also have others that are not from the front end yet have the Leofinance tag. Sadly, many of these are reward scalping and do not have much application to what this community focuses upon.

In short, most put up a post, perhaps two, on a daily basis. This is an acceptable amount for long form content.

That said, when it comes to microblogging, or short form content, we can see that number increase a great deal. This is especially true in the realm of finance and cryptocurrency.

One of the reasons I am so excited about this feature is because of what content is now going to be a regular part of this platform.

Just consider some of the things that people will likely be posting:

  • charts
  • links to CNBC or Bloomberg articles
  • video clips such as Cramer's Mad Money
  • Tweets from crypto/financial experts

Basically, the idea of quality content is eliminated in this section of Leofinance. Now, the only requirement is that it is applicable content. In fact, it is suggested that posts like the ones just mentioned are added in large amounts. If Leofinance truly will serve as an epicenter for crypto and financial information, posts of this nature are required.

Ultimately, the value of the entire platform will be increased because of the knowledge of the information that is posted on here.

Increasing Of Quality Content

This seems counterintuitive but the addition of microblogging will actually allow for much more quality content.

We have a problem with all the posts being mixed in together. Here is an example that I came across today.

This is not meant to be an attack on the author as much to exemplify what the new "setup" offers.


Here is a post that is on Leofinance. It is less than 100 words along with an image. Is this content informative? Sure. This helps people learn something.

However, this does not even come close to qualifying as quality content. It is something that caused great debate for years on Hive.

With the microblogging feature, the author would have a place for his/her content. This is an ideal post for the short from section of the site. The removal of it from the long form section will "clean" it up.

This means that people will have an easier time finding the content they are looking for. At the same time, there will be a lot of valuable (informative) posts in the short form section.

Those who are interesting is more serious content creation can focus upon that while others who simply want to engage with others via sharing links and charts have a place too.

Ultimately, this separation will help each area to prosper, taking Leofinance to much greater heights.

It is a game changer.

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

gif by @doze


logo by @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I can appreciate the vision for the microblogging but until I see it I don't believe. I can only think if that would still qualify as a post and fulfill the same role and just a short form of a post or if it is something total different. And with it, doesn't this encourages lazy posting rather than trying to bring your own mark on a financial and crypto related topic? I still have my questions which probably will be answered when we'll see this live and rolling.

Do you somehow know when the new feature will roll out?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have no idea when it will roll out.

I can only think if that would still qualify as a post and fulfill the same role and just a short form of a post or if it is something total different.

It was already stated that it is not going to be a blog post, nor show up in your hive account in that way. All activity will show up in you comment section.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it could work. I believe in these guys. While it may not meet the quality of a longer post, perhaps it could meet a separate category of quality. Industries, globally, have varying levels of quality depending upon the application of technology. Given the more experienced commentary in this article, I feel they good agree on such a standard.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree. Having a micro-blogging feature will help us post those quick-fire information links, charts, gifs without worrying too much about the potential "negative" image to our profile. Short form info will have it's own home and long blog posts will have a separate room.
However, it will allow the engagement to go out the roof as we are now allowed to share a link to the article we really liked on coindesk or bloomberg. I am looking forward to this feature.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The content being filtered in the right way will be a really cool thing to see. I am also very curious as to how it will be done.

Positively many people will migrate to LeoFinance because of this update. Good news is coming.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. I think the most interesting implementation of this concept would be to have a separate interface for these twitter like short posts. Let's see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it will be the way you said it. Well, let's really wait and soon kill that curiosity hahaha ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's a cool feature.. kinda reminds me of DLike

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well dlike was more into being a Pinterest copy. It is more akin to that one, I forget the name, that tried to be the Steem Twitter.

This difference is this will operate from Leofinance and have more of the Twitter feel (from what I understand).

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Share2steem.. something like that

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The first thing that I thought of too....except this seems to be welcomed, whereas on Dlike.....

Obviously the danger is people will just post a lot each day to farm rewards with micro blogging but I guess if there's a cap on how much a quick picture and sentence can earn (I think there's an app like dbuzz that does this?) it might cause less of a rift but ultimately it's up to the stakeholders on what they vote on.

Tapping in to another audience can only be a good thing and hope it brings more users. As long as it's as easy to use as twitter then it will be a success

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It could open up farming that is why I am guessing that Leo follows DBuzz with a cap. But I could be mistake on that.

Personally, I think another token is the way to go on that. It could be tied into the ecosystem rather easily and help to provide more value to LEO.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah another token might be a good call, LEOlite or something like that, not really sure but there's probably some genius idea to come from it! Haven't been upset with any of the developments of LEO - seems the team have learned from the mistakes that were made on Hive and making this place pretty slick.

Do you know if there's a mobile app for LEO? Or it's in the pipeline?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutely , great points. Microblogging helps because Long posts doesn't necessarily mean Quality post and short ones doesn't mean poor quality . I often hop on to try and give important Indian finance info but back off because I don't have much to post about it. I think most of my posts will fit into Microblogs .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Long posts doesn't necessarily mean Quality post and short ones doesn't mean poor quality.

I agree and like.

We will create useful and knowledgeable short description.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Apparently their is a microblogging community on Hive called dBuzz, perhaps if they are a general content community they could join forces with Leofinance to exploit Twitter signups to both of their advantages!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Different target audience and different concept altogether.

Leofinance is focusing upon crypto/finance posts. That is the target audience. DBuzz is about all things.

Plus, Leo is going to use the comment section, which seems to align better with Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hi @taskmaster4450le

Thanks for your comment.

I thought they were a general comment community, so I thought it would help to have Leofinance be the place for the crypto finance bloggers and Buzz the place for general microbloggers?

I was hoping our differences would help us work better to be more inclusive and grow the Hive and Leofinance Communities simultaneously.

I don't understand your Comment section sentence. Do they use it differently?


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Length doesn't equal quality. No matter what direction you are looking from or to.

The majority of content can't be quality content, whatever that beast is.

If you want a lot of posts from a lot of users, no matter the length of the posts, then stop pretending about this quality scheme and support any content and let curation decide the outcome.

As long as these are in the crypto finance sack it's good.

My opinion and I don't consider myself a quality writer :) It's so much easier to put in five sentences and 10 images than to write a full-length article, isn't it? The majority of users think and are lazy the same way.

Accommodate this laziness. Call it the ease of experience if you wish. Package it in a lucrative wrapping and sell it to the masses :)

Accommodate this laziness.

This seems to be what leads to success. Cater to what the masses want.

And you are right, the majority are not into full length, drawn out posts of 1,000 words.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't have a lot of time on the platform, but I have observed a level of interaction change at work. When I chart out projections for radiation exposure during special high-dollar projects, I was required to put all coding in a report for my company to read. Results? No one read them except for government regulators.

When I put all the coding and reasoning as a conditional review, I just left the required reading as an interactive color-coded chart. It changed everything. EVERYONE read it. Even people that weren't required to do so. I was inundated with comments and recommendations for efficiency. People just seemed to be naturally driven towards brevity and conciseness.

As Leo is progressing in this direction, the attempt will succeed. Given the people that run this platform, it will succeed. I do enjoy and respect the longer posts, though. I don't feel there's anything wrong with complete thoughts. There's a time and place for both.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Why are people wasting their time on centralized social media platforms, that's the question we're asking frequently. Why there and not here, right?
As you say, we expect quality content and the type of content you find on centralized platform is short, therefor not quality, according to our standards.
Microblogging is definitely a game changer, we're going to see the results soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Why are people wasting their time on centralized social media platforms, that's the question we're asking frequently.

A number of reasons.

  • That is where their friends are
  • They know no different or do not care
  • The present applications still work for their purposes
  • Web 3.0 has not entered their consciousness yet
  • Decentralized platforms do not measure up in functionality yet
  • Habit

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh, I forgot something. A question. Will these microblogging also appear in Hive? Because if so, it could be a small problem for those who post regularly in Hive, not just in Leo Finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They will be on the blockchain and in the comment section of your hive profile.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is good!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was literally logging on to write a post called "Leofinance: Is Microblogging A Gamechanger?" and I saw yours. I'm glad we're thinking about the same thing.

It's definitely a gamechanger. Twitter has spent over a decade training people to create and consume microblogging. I should know, I was in the beta test. "I hate twitter lol" but that's just me. It's going to be great and I'm a huge fan of shortform content and backlink building.

It would be even better on plain old hive but @leofinance is paving the way for development on the blockchain and there is a lot of content to microblog in the niche.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good try but no one can beat Tasky to the shilling posts lol ;-)

Quality chasing destroyed steem and hive.
All so called reward scalping, reward pool rapping, self voting, and even plagiarism is BS. It's just a simple token distribution. Trump man and marky already started their mission.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Time to make things right on layer 2.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didn't think of it that way, but you make a great point. I write a good chunk of posts that would actually fall into the short-form and would have no problem with them being associated that way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Over time, I think many will develop a large following through their microblogging.

It actually opens up the door for more interaction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Between work, school, and a family I just can't write as much as I want when I want. Something that could take me two days would take much longer. Along with reference, grammar, and link checks, it takes a bit of time.

The level of interaction you've described seems very similar to my schooling. People will post short discussions following along with the classic requirements of no plagiarism and mandatory referencing. A lot of people interact this way between my job and school. The short discussions often lead to much longer posts or meetings on a routine basis.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ultimately, this separation will help each area to prosper, taking Leofinance to much greater heights.

If they separate short- and long content like that, it will definitely be something really great for LeoFinance and its users. I'm still curious to know exactly how it will work though, and perhaps more interested to know if these microblogs will be able to score auto-votes..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If my understanding is correct, the autovotes only apply to blog posts, not comments.

Hence, they will not apply.

Plus, I am going to surmise (just speculation on my part) that there will be some type of cap on the amount a microblog can receive. That is what DBuzz did so I would guess that Leo will follow.

But I have no info on that...just my thinking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That would be great! To have some type of cap on microblogs. Especially if auto-votes somehow worked on those.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was a little skeptical of the whole microblogging thing at first, but now that you explain what you think it has the potential to be, that makes a lot of sense. I like that the posts are going to be treated as comments and they aren't going to clutter up your regular feed. That is a huge deal and should keep the masses from complaining about "crap posts".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like that the posts are going to be treated as comments and they aren't going to clutter up your regular feed. That is a huge deal and should keep the masses from complaining about "crap posts".

That was a key innovation to the entire feature. If it appears as blog posts, then there would have been a lot of backlash.

This way, it allows for those who engage as they see fit while also not cluttering up people blogs.

Also, it doesnt clutter up the communities either.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Musing implemented that a while ago when it was still operational. It was pretty cool because it was more long form so they had a check box that allowed you to post your lengthy answer as an actual post if you wanted to.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That seems to be working in the reverse.

Leave a comment and have it appear as a post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, that was after they made the changes. Before everything was a post. It was nuts!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It'll be interesting to see how this pans out!

I certainly think we need more than just 'quality content' - as you say most people aren't looking for that.

Some of the most useful content I find on Facebook in groups has been short pieces of advice, often resulting in DMs for more details - I tell if I could have rewarded some of the help i've had from the local British groups as a newbie in Portugal, my VP would struggle to get above 50%

That's another kind of content I'd like to see on Hive.

Actual advice!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

To me, it is ideal for the finance/crypto arena because we deal so much with charts.

How often does someone want to post a chart with a few lines.

Chart + MOON (or boom)

That is presently frowned upon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is something that I don't agree with, you said yourself that some people publish here only to start rewards now, soon they will have the opportunity to publish two, three or four times a day but they will continue to start rewards or the votes will be more equitable, it is a doubt that I have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am not following what you are saying.

Would you please elaborate for me?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm sorry brother, I just wouldn't know what to say without using the translator 🤔
but I'm going to try.

What I wanted to say was, since you said that now it will be easier to make a publication, could it happen that someone just publishes a graphic or a tweet like you mentioned, and just look for votes? This is just a question.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes they can do that on the microblogging.

However, as I said in a few other comments, I have a feeling that the rewards will be capped to start. Secondly, and this is true with all posting, people do not have to vote for it.

So if someone is obviously throwing up something to just get votes, it is best to pass on it.

I often do that with comments that are just canned "nice post, thank you" type comments.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm interested on how this would turn out. It's good to see the microblogging feature be separated from long form content because that saves a ton of time curating. You're on point about trying to consider an audience's short attention span. Some contents are just best given with a few words and picture without losing the impact especially when everything online will compete with the user's attention.

For the content creator's side, it can be a source of stressor to come up with a lot of words for an idea that can be delivered with a few lines. Like there's a quota for post length for it to be worthy to be called quality. Some content are just best left with few lines as long as the message has useful info the reader can appreciate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.

Yes, it's informative and worth doing what you urge here, upvote and rehive!

I haven't read the other comments, so if what I'm going to say has already been said, I apologize.

I'm not a fan of Twitter, I didn't like those short messages, often meaningless to me, but I understand the need for speed and lack of time.

And I think this Microblogging will be useful, it will bring new breath and agitation but the most important thing is that it can attract many more users for Leo Finance. I think there are many who are looking for such a concise way of expression and in Microblogging Leo Finance will find the desired audience, because in Twitter our vast majority seems to put a little drop of water in an ocean. Disappears instantly.

I still don't know if these messages will appear together with the classic posts (I don't think it would be good) or in a separate area. If will be separated, then Microblogging can be a place where we can promote even our main blogs making a brief summary.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I still don't know if these messages will appear together with the classic posts (I don't think it would be good) or in a separate area.

It was stated that, on Leofinance, there will be a separate tab that accesses that section in your profile. As for Hive, all activity will show up in the comment section.

That is what Khal stated in the video he did about it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the information, I'm sorry I didn't manage to find it myself.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

By forcing long and high quality posts we are actually killing the fun and creating anxiety to those who wanna learn and contribute but simply don't know how.

Microbloging is the key.

To be honest, some of the tweets out there can hold more value than 600 words long post.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A picture is often worth a thousand words.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder how this will work out. If it's really going to be like Twitter I'm scared that there will be a lot of link drops to articles.
On the other hand a long blog doesn't always mean it's good quality too.
The blog you mention is a good example I think. It's short, but encourages the discussion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If it's really going to be like Twitter I'm scared that there will be a lot of link drops to articles.

What is the difference if it is? That is ideal for that feature. Link drops, charts, pictures, and whatever else crypto or finance related people want to share.

It is the medium that is being overlooked.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i am really waiting for this, as you say too, it was a long time issue both in steemit and hive in terms of quality content.

I am really curious though how this will turn out, especially cause we have to do with money. For example, will the rewards be "equal" for both contents, higher for "longer" posts or not? For example, i bet that if let's say the rewards are basically the same or higher for the new "sorter twitter like posts" everyone will turn into doing this.

At the end of the day it still is a matter of our wallet and opinion. If somebody wants to give 20 leo to someone who posts a one-line one so be it. Another one is free to downvote it or give another 20 Leo!

I can't help it but i am so curious!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is true that users can vote how they wish.

However, my guess is some kind of cap is instilled to stop those from voting up too much. Personally, I would prefer another token such a mLEO be created and tied to that aspect of the platform. It could be tied into LEO, thus helping to enhance its value.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Separating the two forms is a perfect idea! Short form has a place.

I really like the idea of ​​microblogging and am curious to see how it will work on Leofinance. Lately I can hardly publish an entire post, I have so little time to even read the contents.

Microblogging would be ideal for posting and reading informative and short content ✌️

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Microblogging certainly will allow for people who have time constraints to engage in a different manner.

It is one of the most anticipated features that ever was discussed on Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This means that microblogging enthusiasts can read the microblogging posts privately, or visit the source links for more information.

It will also be different for those who want to learn more and more in one long blog.

Can this be considered?

Will this bring people closer together and strengthen the community?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's a shame that the microblogs feature wasn't ready during the 2020 elections or while bitcoin was making a run to it's all time highs and smashing it. I feel like those 2 events were water cooler events that could have drawn a ton of microblogs. We also need a word that describes leofinance microblogs similar to how tweets describes microblogs on Twitter.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It might have but remember, it is part of the Leofinance platform, which focuses upon Crypto and Finance.

Besides, the Bitcoin story is likely not done. Will be plenty to microblog about with that in 2021 I believe.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we really want to challenge and be an alternative to platforms like Facebook and Twitter, microblogging is a must!
Outstanding move by LeoFinance.


LeoFinance is a Platform deal with Crypto and Finance.
As Facebook and Twitter, the users can't use or post as they like freely.
But, Crypto Fan can get up and coming rewards from LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Microblogging would still be in the realm of typical LeoFinance topics of course.

Let us be honest. Hive has not been a friendly place for most Internet users. The idea of "quality content only" serves a purpose but misses most of what the masses are into. If we look at most of what is posted on social media, the majority of it does not come close to quality.

I can't agree more, you said everything here.
And it could be game changer because insta apply to new users, that facing the most adaption problemsand difficulties.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Among all the implementations I've seen the LEO team launch, I consider this one of the important ones for its massive potential to attract new users and popularize knowledge through short texts.

Well done, guys!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Microblogging could help boost engagement on the Leo finance platform but won't this spell the end for the writing of long posts on the platform.

I also feel it will help drive lots of traffic to the platform but most people are probably going to be here for the quick cash.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I actually think it will increase the quality of the long form posts since a lot of the questionable content will likely end up in the short form section.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's one way to look at it but still have my reservations about this. Although the development is nice for the platform, people might abuse it

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Abuse it how?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I made a post about it, here is the link

I also suggested ways this could be corrected. I hope none of what I predict comes through

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree that this will be a game changer. Twitter shows there is a market for this size post, and I agree that “Leotwitter” may explode the number of posts on the platform and engagement may likewise go through the roof.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will be surprising if this format is released later this year. Although coming from the LEO team, if there is a possibility then it can happen.

I am very curious to see how this will work. Just knowing that it will attract a lot more people to the LeoFinance community and you cited the success that we see with Twitter being simple and straightforward.

May the changes come!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hard to tell. The goal was to have it out by mid month but other things took priority (including Khal being invited to be on Hivefest).

It appears that the goal is still for December but we will have to see how it goes.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Anyway, I'll be waiting patiently. Thanks!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Didn't know they were planning to launch this feature. Microblogging, if we play it smart, could be the keys yo get traffic to our blogs themselves. It will be an awesome feature as micropayments. Regards champ.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It was in one of the videos that Khal released (part of a Leo Roundtable video-not sure if it was put out under his account or the Leofinance one).

It could really be a massive change to what we see on here. It is going to open up the door for many more people to utilize the platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm curious to see how this will work here with the blogs. Would be a great option when your week gets busy but you still want to Leo.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It also ties into Twitter enabling people to engage as they do on twitter but through the Leofinance interface. Thus, they are basically doing what they already do, just changing where it is done.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great change. I would simply exchange the word "quality" for "long form." That's because I consider the example short post you mentioned to be high quality. It is simply not long.

My writing teachers trained me to prize efficiency in getting a point across.

That said, sometimes there is a layering of multiple ideas, building to a complex point. I do think that has more value than any single idea, no matter how that singular idea is expressed. I would hope that such complex content, which is hard to find well done, will get rewarded more. But judging from the content of most media, I doubt it will be.

Time to stop punishing people for being the way people are and work with human nature. People find value in terms of what they are looking for, not what someone says they should want.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 36 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Good information

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Nice way to learn and earn at the same time
Crypto world is here!!!

Daily Manager

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People underestimate micro blogging

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LeoFinance just keeps delivering!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Genial ,no puedo esperar a que llegue!!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

At this time you have 87 comments on this post, It's amazing how many people are interested in this topic. You're doing a great job of keeping us interested in your content and you somehow know what your followers would like to learn about. (Just saying thankyou)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

i think both long and short forms of content are great, diff readers prefer diff things, i really like how you only need a twitter now to get engaged on it that's huge

Yeah we should enable microblogging

Basically, the idea of quality content is eliminated in this section of Leofinance. Now, the only requirement is that it is applicable content.

I like the idea of applicable content. For one, its a more objective crtiteria for judging whether the content in question should exist in the platform or not. It's also easier to apply.

For example, looking at the post you quoted, at less than 100 words, a lot of readers could frown on that as being low quality content. It may not even pass the SBI requirement for an upvote. (Though someone should correct me on that if the rules have changed). But it for others, it could contain enough information to be useful. So, it must have "some" quality to it, right? Or maybe not?

Either way, judging that post based on a concept of "quality" is problematic because the very definition of quality differs for every person. By focusing on applicability over quality, its a good way to jump over that issue, without discouraging those who write really good long articles.

Second, by focusing on applicable content, like you mentioned, we are opening the platform to all sorts of content creators. From people who make infographics and charts, to those who like to share content, but not exactly produce them.

It also makes LeoFinance more well-rounded, since its not just about articles and blogs, but all kinds of content for crypto and finance.

Also, since there are lots of speculation on how this will be applied. I wonder how discovery will work. Will there be some form of "microblog feed" added to your own feed, or will you have to go to a separate interface?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Basically, the idea of quality content is eliminated in this section of Leofinance. Now, the only requirement is that it is applicable content. In fact, it is suggested that posts like the ones just mentioned are added in large amounts. If Leofinance truly will serve as an epicenter for crypto and financial information, posts of this nature are required.

I believe that you've made an important point here. It is important that we make content creating as easy as possible. Sometimes, a tweet could be worth 1000 words of writing. Unfortunately, the gatekeepers on Hive will say that micro blogging is milking the reward system. The point we miss is that not everyone has the time and writing stamina to pen long posts. I feel that if we call ourselves a social media, then we need the numbers too.

With what LEO is doing, more of this popular crypto Twitter influencers can come here and earn and that will be a big boost to traffic around here. Thanks for raising these points.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true.

Often, valuable information requires few words. A chart for example, with a few words could convey a very powerful (and profitable) message.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta