Playlists are one of the avenues Music on Leo is pursuing. It is something that many expressed an interest in. For that reason, we decided to put together a tutorial on it.
We all know Playlists are popular. People often make them for their own use. It is also something that can be shared with friends.
On Leo, we are seeing this as a great way to add to our music collection on here while building more utility for everyone on the platform. Remember, even incremental increases in value get spread throughout the entire platform.
So let us get started.
Capturing Playlists
We will capture the Playlists and post them on the monthly playlist pages we set up. This is part of LeoGlossary and will contribute to a growing library of pages we will be creating. As the playlists grow, they will be captured. Over time, we will organize them and create new pages.
For example, we might put together a page for Playlists of 1980s hair bands. Or we could do Nigerian artists. Or 1950s Irish revolution music.
Whatever the focus, we can build pages around it, providing more pathways to the content.

Create The Playlist Thread
A Playlist is akin to a threadstorm. Thus, it all starts with the top level thread. This can be whatever anyone desires. However, to be captured, it is crucial the tags musiconleo and playlists are included.
We can see it in this screenshot.

Once the Playlist is started, then we add the songs.
Embed Content
The easiest way to do this it to open up the thread and then reply with each song. The ensuing songs will all be comments of the main thread.
For search purposes, enter Artist name and Song followed by the embed code from YouTube or wherever you are pasting from. 3Speak also allows for embed into Leo although.
Here is what the song beneath will look like.

Keep repeating this process until the Playlist has all the songs in it you desire. This can be with as many as you want. My preference is to make each one between 10-15 songs.
Here is the Tiwa Savage Playist as a reference.
Using Music On Leo
One of the easiest ways to get the songs for a Playlist is to Music on Leo. I find that creating Playlists from the artist music page is very quick and easy.

Simply open up an artist page (or multiple ones), select the songs you want, which will open up as a thread. Copy/paste the artist and song names over to the Playlist. Grab the embed code from the thread and add that.
Add the songs desired and you have a Playlist.
One of the advantages to go through the Music on Leo database is because each time we pull info, it is a page view. Hence, if you open up 10 songs, that is 10 page views added to the total. Over time, this is another way to get the lifetime page views going up.
February Goal
The goal for February is to get at least 150 Playlists made. This is another area we are quantifying. For the month of January, we have roughly 59 Playlists totaling 675 songs.
In February, we should be able to do at least 150 which will be around 1,700 songs.
We will keep building until there are over 1,000 Playlists. At that time, we will have roughly 11K songs just in Playlists.
Then we have something to start promoting.
Time for people to start building their own Playlists. It is a simple process and can net us some rather impactful results over time.
Posted Using InLeo Alpha
I didn’t know we can create playlist on Leo. I think that’s because I’ve not used that front end very much
Anyway, thanks for letting us know about this
I’m glad!
This is really awesome to see. Gradually the world of music is getting drafted out in the world of Leo and this is great to see
This is a nice one. Hopefully, we will achieve 150 playlists for February.
Thanks for sharing the process.
We are on pace to exceed that. We are at 34 already for the month of Feb.
34 on the 3rd day in Feb. We will exceed that then, that's nice.
As more people add to them, we will. The key is to add 10-15 songs (threads) to the playlist. That then adds to the song count on Leo.
Yes, that's a good target. I will work with the range.
Yeah I found it is a good number to listen to and while adding more playlists.
Artist- Daughtry. She did a good job there.I just found out that the artist I created a thread for has been done by @ifarmgirl
So should I still go ahead with mine or pick another artist?
great work. when can we get ai to make these playlists O.O that could really speed things up
That would be true. Someone could design a bot for that.
yes we need a taskmaster bot
I enjoy like listening to albums in their entirety, i.e. like a playlist, and I've noticed on leoglossary that the albums that are currently listed there each have their own blog posts.
What do you think about creating albums like playlists in a thread instead, and simply adding the tag 'album' in addition to the 'playlist' tag? Like this:
In my head this makes sense, and also makes the bar lower to submit an album.
Nothing wrong with that. Keep it up. I added it to the January Playlist. That is where I am capturing them all.
So if you want to keep the albums going, have at it.
This tutorial came at a good time Task, thanks for teaching us. Tomorrow I'm going to put this learning into practice and bring more songs for Leo.
It will definitely be fun.
It is fun. It is also a way to get things going in a way that builds around here.
What kind of music strikes a chord with you?
Strange... I had replied to you yesterday, but I now realized that my response was not sent.
Well, I like music in the style of Red Hot, Charlie Brown Jr, O Rappa, CPM 22, Creed, Iron Maiden, Blink-182, MPB (Brazilian popular music) and others.
You must have noticed that it's a mix of a lot of things hahaha... I'm going to bring the band O Rappa to Leo. It will be the first of many playlists
I have not really ventured into the musicinleo sector. I guess I have to visit and see what I can do. Will get back to you when I meet any difficulty. Thanks.