How Close Is Leo To Pulling It All Together?

Leo is a hot mess.

Or is it?

Things are often difficult to analyze when there are many moving parts in different stages. This is actually not true of just Leo but also something like Hive. In fact, we could make the case this applies to Web 3.0 in general.

Infrastructure is a vital component and, unfortunately, that can take time to build. It is not sexy and really is not noticeable. However, without it, little else can be accomplished.

This is something we saw with Leo. The fact that the cache is substandard has caused no end of frustration.


It looks like we are at a turning point with this.

LeoCache is going to revolutionize Hive. This might seem like an overstatement but it is not. The features that can be offered from this are much needed.

There is testing taking place right now. What is fixed is the indexing problem. Most who use the platform are aware of the fact that older threads are not indexed. This means that it will show up in notification but, when clicked upon, nothing is there.

The upgrade solves this problem. All threads going back to the genesis thread is available for viewing. People were having some fun answering threads for months ago.

Removing issues is good. However, what gets exciting is when features are added. This is coming in the form of search.

This allows us to enter a term and have word search. Notice the threads pulled up are not tagged with the word but they did show up.

It is a result of LeoCache.


Scaling is an issue that all platforms face.

We saw some major testing during the contest a couple months ago. That allows for the scaling to a level that we have not come close to reaching.

LeoCache will take this much higher.

One of the areas that is a concern is with threadcasts. The question is whether we can have a threadcast with 1,000 or 2,000 entries? It is something that we have to test out.

It is likely that LeoCache helps to raise this to a much higher level than we are at now. How high is something we have to determine.


There is a lot of discussion about gamification on Leo. We have heard NFTs mentioned as being part of the process. At this point, we do not have much information.

A couple weeks back, we got the leaderboard. This was the first phase of the evolution.

We are about to get another move forward.

Here is what the profile page looks like with the upgrade.

We will have threads, thread replies, and thread votes. This is all being pulled from the blockchain. Like the leaderboard, it updates hourly (or so it appears).

This could be the basis for something much bigger in terms of gamification.

Foundation Going In

We still have a long way to go. This could accelerate things.

During the recent #AMA, it was stated that LeoCache was the primary focus. From this, a lot can spring.

How close is Leo to pulling it all together?

This is always going to be an ongoing process because building never stops. However, we have to step back and look at where we are at.

Performance of the platform is vital. Attracting users is only worthwhile if the platforms can handle people. If it is buggy and lagging, people will simply leave.

It is good to see things coming together.

We will see what things look like when they actually go live.


logo by @st8z

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


All these developments are lovely to see. And knowing how determined the team behind this project is. Ones option is to be part of this journey and watch it materialize. Green candle after green candle