This is a call going out to the Leo community.
We appear, although not by design, to be working on ways to name the different categories of LEO holders.
As most are aware, Hive uses Whale, Orca, Dolphin, Minnow, and Red Fish. Obviously, they are all fish themed.
Being on Leofinance, with a logo being the lion, many feel that the categories should carry some type of feline theme.
Here is how the categories were spelled out in the latest Whale report.

As we can see, basically the fish theme with a bit of Hawaiian and cat mixed in.
@nealmcspadden left this comment in the post:

As we can see from the response to the comment activity and increase in engagement, people like gamification. Thus, having different levels is something that people utilize as a barometer for their progress. Some already dropped ideas to @khaleelkazi to add some badges or whatever to the wallets.
Thus, it is probably best to come up with some ideas of names of the different categories. We already have a couple more spots than Hive utilizes which I think is helpful. I never really liked the fact that a Whale could never graduate. Overall, I felt it skewed the rankings when viewed in chart form.
Nevertheless, we have an opportunity to set things up as we see fit. For that reason, I would like some feedback from everyone as to what their thoughts are.
Keep in mind, having a naming system different from Hive could cause some confusion. Of course, if most of the newer users are onboarding through LEO, it doesn't matter since our system will be what they learn and come to understand.
So let us see what you all think? Take Neal's suggestions and play around with them a bit. We need 6 categories as spelled out above to denote those different levels.
Leave your ideas in the comment section. Feel free to critique the ideas of others and add to it (that helps engagement).
Here is your chance; everyone has a say.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
gif by @doze

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Intersting factor we put into play
I probably miss a couple but this could be a way to differentiate
and come up with something exceptional for leo fans.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree with this list, it just needs to be rearranged according to the strength, for example, IMO, Lion should be on the last place, and instead of housecat, we can use Siamese, one of the most popular house-cats.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It'll be interesting to see how many comments will get this post in a week from now, hehe.
I would just add that we need to be smart about what names to choose. They'll stay with the platform for a long time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true, what’s cute today might be painful to say in a year.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Very true. Things like that have a way of hanging around.
It is the users that tend to move on as we are well aware.
And how many cat pics and cat videos.
One already showed up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Damn thats a evil looking cat
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL man, you hart that ugly cat felling
man I love a cat but this one look little scary and I will stay will leo lion till the end and hope that not come but I will support it I also have other token let see where hive future take us
She looks like this only when a bird is sitting on the window sill. Otherwise, she's very cute and cuddly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
oh, that's it
I came here a month late. 😀
This cat is scary.
Maybe the hierarchy of a Lion Pride:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
i go with lion themes.
I would love to see panther/cheetah somewhere there.
I'm actually fine with what you suggested originally as I think whale etc is common in the crypto community but you have the additional touches with the lion themed big ones after whale.
Whatever is decided I will go with to be fair, I like the gamification so will go for whatever badge is available haha
There are suggestions for names in this post. Like I said in that post, I think beast should be included if LEO moves away from the fish theme.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I also think that and you can add: Griffin

As a cat lover I approve the names provided by neal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Congratulations. You posted the first cat pic in this thread.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
THAT CAT got its own savage
Why do we even need names?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
To be consistent with Hive (such a consistency would be beneficial IMO), I suggest to keep the same levels/animals, but just shift the thresholds. Who said that a LEO whale needs to start at ridiculous 8800 LEO (I know how it was calculated, but who cares)? We as community can define it as we want. Since indeed a whale is the biggest animal, why not e.g. request 50K LEO for it?
In order to determine the exact thresholds I would look how many individuals we would have in each bucket (why not eying on how it is on Hive). I mean if at the end only 1 whale would result, this definitely would be odd, but if we end up with 100s of whales, that wouldn´t be good either. I would target app. 20 whales which seems a fair amount.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The only one that really matters is 'whale' and I think that should be left as is. People from all blochains and even outside of the cryptosphere, understand that term.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a very good point.
Bitcoin, Ethereum, or wherever, Whales is universal.
Something to really consider.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I second that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hola taskmaster4450le,
Gracias por destinar correctamente el 100% de las recompensas de está publicación a HivePower y ayudar al crecimiento de tu cuenta.
Si no deseas recibir notificaciones, responde a este comentario con la palabra
.man im on minnow level and I hope to reach 81 leo dolphin level wish me luck @taskmaster4450le
People who using or holding Cryptocurrencies use to Whale as they are swimming in the Ocean. Ocean is meant the world of Cryptocurrency.
So, Whale is a trend of Cryptocurrency holders.
In these, LeoFinance
Leo is meant Lion.
Lion used to live in the great forest.
What are we do Leo breeding?
What do we Separate Call out Grade Rating Name for LeoFinance from Others?
If it is...
I like kitten ,housecat, lynx, puma,lion, lion pride, lion king.
But, I want to use Whale also.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We could create categories related to the feline family:
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Leo means lion. I think use the name of family of lion. Minnow is a water animal while lion is a land forest animal
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL! Red fish = Pussy.
I am writing a series about how Leofinance is evolving like a popular Star Trek character called the Borg, called the Leoborg Chronicles and of course I use Cat Emojis because Leo is a Cat!
I think a cat type listing is appropriate, and of course cats exist in a long line of predatory creatures, so I think we should be able to find some cool names!
The Leoborg Chronicles
I also think we should start some awards called the Leo’s. This would be a comment or vote or both based list of the best stuff on Leofinance in a week.
The Leo’s
These stories could use some love!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Scrolled through the comment section because I was looking out for @trumpman making a penis reference.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Another great initiative to make all LEO users thoughtful. Well, I think it's very valid to imagine that we can create our own statuses and once again "disconnect" from Hive in this part.
For the ancients it will be a very confusing change as we are very familiar with the term "Whale" and really newbies will not feel that change.
At the moment I had no name in mind to participate in creativity, but I am looking at the names that the community is putting here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Life as a minnow has not been great but trust me when I say that it has helped increase my knowledge ok the platform as I always wanna know more
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta