Why Crypto-Economics Will Be Far Superior To The Present System

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Many are excited about the prospects that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies offer. This is going to radically alter our financial and economic system. It is something that is almost guaranteed, considering the point we are at.

We have decades worth of evidence as to why this is the case. In other industries, we saw massive improvements when the same process that cryptocurrency is on took place.


There was a time when we lived in an analog world. For example, telephone operates use to be relied upon to connect the caller. There were no automatic switches. It was done by a human.

At the same time, people were once required to operate elevators. This was mainly from the days when those devices were mechanical. Once again, progress meant that nobody is operating an elevator anymore (except for nostalgia sake).

The shift to digital is a powerful one. Oftentimes, the progression was to operate in an electronic manner before becoming fully digitized. What this means is that a lot of the process was automated, yet there was still human intervention. The specific task might be taken care of but there were a variety of other ones that required people.

Full digitization eliminates all of this. Telephone calls are completed without the input of human beings. Even the oversight of much of the system is done by computers. They have real time diagnostics taking place that not only alert but also correct problems as they come up.

The financial world is still full of people. It is an industry that automated to a degree. We still see, however, many layers where individuals are involved.

Over the past two decades, a lot was done in this area. FinTech became the norm and offered up applications that handled a lot of the front end activities. Throughout the system, there were steps taken to move towards automation, such as stock purchases on the exchanges being done by computers as opposed to human traders.

So we did see a great deal of progress. Nevertheless, full digitization is still down the road.

If we look at the mortgage process, very little of that is automated. Certainly the application can now be done online. Yet, it still required a great deal of human involvement, which is a time consuming effort. This is why it takes a number of days to get the process completed.

Imagine being able to apply for a mortgage, have the approval, receive the document to "sign", and have the money transferred within a few moments. Does that sound like a more efficient system?

That is what fully digitized looks like. It is instant, without any delay because information and resources are readily available.

There is no more pre-approval which is based upon a quick scan only to be either validated or negated after further research. All decisions will be instant. The system will have access to all it needs, immediately being able to access the situation.

Now, spread this concept across the entire economy. Remove all financial delays at every step of the process. At the same time, see a reduction in costs as rent seekers are minimized. How much more efficient a system will that be?


Digital assets are far superior to what we have now. They are easier to store, move, and utilize. Most of our financial network is constructed based upon physical items. This is where people place value. However, if we look to areas of society that already transformed, we can see how this is misplaced.

Take music for instance. Does anyone value a CD anymore? Is that where the worth of the music is? Few would consider the physical item any more valuable than the digital one. Sure, there are collectors who crave the record cover of a famous album. Yet, outside of that, we understand that the digital version is just as valuable as the physical one.

Money is starting to make that transition. Having digital money is a leap forward compared to what we are operating with now. Plus, we can also see how having value in digitized form is more useful than in physical.

Email became popular rather quickly. In fact, who writes physical letters anymore? The overwhelming percentage of messages, 99%+, are sent in digital form. Today, there are a host of other ways to communicate outside of email. Would anyone make the case that physical correspondence is better?

We see the same thing with information in general. Compare cloud or server storage to the old filing cabinet. How difficult was it to find the right information and get it to the proper party? Someone had to locate the information and pull the file. Then it had to be delivered to the other person. If he or she was not physically there, it was either copied and mailed or sent via facsimile.

Today, one just logs in and the information is there.

An economic system that is constructed upon digital assets is guaranteed to be superior to one that is not. We know the power of digitization. This leads to the demonetization and democratization in many ways. When this takes place, we have a more inclusive system that free up resources for other areas. Ultimately, it streamlines the economy as operates throughout become more efficient.

This is one of the reasons by Bitcoin is holding so much promise. Since it is evident that it attained the role of "store of value", we are going to see a great deal built upon it. While I do not believe it will be the only game in town, it does serve as the first mental deviation from our present reference point concerning finance. As we delve deeper into the virtual realm, we will likely see things changing a great deal as our minds expand into the near infinite possibilities.

How it all unfolds and what it will eventually look like is a great mystery at this point. What we do know is that, based upon the transition from analog to digital, we will see a far superior economic system as compared to what we have now.

Cryptocurrency is at the core of this transition. Other asset digitization will also follow helping to create a more robust economic system. If what we saw in other areas happens in finance, we see a larger distribution that reaches more people since the pie becomes a lot bigger. As we move toward near-infinite, which the digital world provides, people are able to participate to a much greater degree.

This will only cause more people to get involved. As the present system encounters the same old obstacles, a newly designed digital system will offer something that few were exposed to before.

It is all on the pathway to abundance.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Looking back like this and seeing how much life has changed is amazing. I just feel sorry for the older generation as not many can understand what's going on in the world.

How it all unfolds and what it will eventually look like is a great mystery at this point. What we do know is that, based upon the transition from analog to digital, we will see a far superior economic system as compared to what we have now.

This is very true and can't wait for it to happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m also living the transtition. The future will be amazing and the possibilities endless.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I confess that less human intervention sometimes worries me, but this is the future and we have to learn to deal with it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Think about all that was once run by people and is now under the guidance of automation.

Take manufacturing: I am only enough to remember when defects in cars was almost guaranteed. Now, it is not even a consideration for the most part.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we look at the mortgage process, very little of that is automated. Certainly, the application can now be done online. Yet, it still required a great deal of human involvement

true and it's in the same position. We can apply online only and that's like 20% of the process. The rest of the process is manual and because of human involvement, it takes a long time for approval and disbursement.

Many things have gone digital completely but some more need to be digitalized so that that it takes less time and hassle-free as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Digital and automated is the future.

Hell that is what Amazon is shooting for with its operations: from order to delivery without any people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It still takes less time to get loan approval than it does to wire money to another nation.

I am unsure if "automation" or lack thereof is the sole problem.

A wire transfer takes a week... is this because of all the humans involved?
(and there is a lot)
or is it because the banks want to hold onto the money for seven days, interest free?
or do the banks just like money to move slowly? (make life miserable for the plebs?)

Cryptocurrency goes around the banks and the banksters.
Creating real money and real banking infrastructure.

That is a good point with the banks.

Plus they screw people on the transfer fees along the way. People pay dearly for the right to wait the 7 days.

I read that a transfer to a country like Vietnam is an 18% fee.

Talk about loansharking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Mixed feelings for me on how everything needs less and less human intervention.
Obviously very happy to remove some parasite third parties in financial transactions.
But taking the example of human operated lifts for example, it was a job and a way to socialise with people.
We are losing this social element and a bit of humanity I’m afraid.
We have to live with our time though :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are losing this social element and a bit of humanity I’m afraid.

But then you make this statement on a social network?

Are we losing the social element or is it just changing?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I’m not putting all technology improvements and use cases in the same bag. Some are great, some are actually reinforcing the social connection as you mentioned correctly, some are removing parasites (ok it creates some new forms too). But at the end of the day I’m a strong supporter of tech.
Just thinking it might not be used in a systematic fashion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow mucho por aprender y consolidar, es claro que el ser humano hace uso de la creatividad para superarse cada dia, adaptando nuevos modelos de vida. Estoy realmente entusiasmada con con todo lo que esta por venir y hoy me preparo para ser parte de esos cambios y recibir recompensas favorables

Gracias. Hablo espanol muy un poco.

Things are changing though and new models are coming into being. This is very important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes the entire world is turning digital. Block chain tokenization is much safer (transparent) and faster compared to traditional methods. It will definitely change the life of many people. In fact, many people are dissatisfied with the current crowd funding system where they can just choose to ban someone and ruin their livelihood.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wait until we start more with collateralizing different aspects of the digital asset world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are living exciting times indeed. I have a friend who is going to be opening a liquor store. And he will have his own currency backed by the value of the goods. I told him he should go crypto and make his own token and even apps so his business can be more attractive. The possibilities tokenization offers are endless.

A very creative idea. He should pursue your suggestions. It will really add to his brand and make his store a conversation piece.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I learn a lot from you.
Thank you always.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What I'm really excited about is that I am actively experiencing this transaction firsthand.

for example, I have never lived the migration to the internet in a conscientious way and I am excited to see the blockchain advance a bit in all sectors day after day. All of this will be exploited in the next books of history and economics

Very true. Most of us who were around for the internet were not really part of the transformation. We might have logged on but were clueless of what was taking place.

Years later we see the change.

With crypto/blockchain, it is happening right before our eyes and we are part of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So you are an Accelerator and even a non-doomsday one? yikes!

just kidding it was nice to read sth uplifting.

This post confirms that my decision to exchange most of my crypto portfolio which was mostly consisted of old cryptos to DEFI and DEX ones, especially UNI, was a good decision. Although crypto is a leap forward, there are leaps inside of the leap that are way ahead of each other.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

On this side of the sphere...we call crypto economics tokenomics 😉, it will be taught in schools and educational institutions, some of us here will become professors, it'll be nice to see

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

great vision, traditional finance is outdated in so many ways, like waiting 3-5 business days for an international transfer. Imagine email would only work on business days :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If the powerful spread fake news about something valuable, to maintain the old system, you know you bet on the right thing :)

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