Web 3.0 Versus Web 2.0

in LeoFinance3 years ago

A lot is made about Web 3.0. It is a term that is tossed around, so much that it made us immune to what it truly is. As humans, when something becomes familiar, we tend to stop investigating.

Many feel that Web 3.0 is just the monetization of the Internet. With the present system, we see social media companies, as an example, making a ton of money off users. Thus, we see the next generation as a means of us making money through tokenization.

This is, however, only the tip of the iceberg. In fact, the financial aspects of Web 3.0 is a fraction of what we ultimately see.


The world around us is centralized. When we look at entities such as governments, Amazon, brokerage houses, stock exchanges, Visa, and the educational system, we see a bunch of centralized entities that are basically top-down in nature. This is something that formed over thousands of years, even since we started civilization.

It is a model, however, that is about to be attacked. Here is where we see Web 3.0 really taking things to another level.

Decentralization is not inherently better than centralization. They both have their positives, and their negatives. However, the drawbacks to centralization advanced to the point where it is vulnerable. Hence, we can expect the toppling of many of the existing institutions around us.

The Internet is really a small piece of human history, in terms of the time it is around. When compared to the centuries of other models, the Internet economy is just a baby. We are only now learning how to operate this child. Fortunately, it is growing up fast.

With each passing year, the idea of the Internet being separate from everything else is diminishing. This is really going to accelerate as we ideas such as the "Internet of Things" start to take hold. We are heading towards a more automated world. At the same time, we are seeing digitization advancing into areas that few ever considered.

It is impossible to stop progress. Entities can try to slow it down yet, in the end, it always fails. This is especially true when dealing with technological advancement.

Web 2.0 is going to die, as well as many of the entities that are tied to it, simply because a better system is coming along. When growth, efficiency, cost savings, and expanded markets is offered, a technology cannot help but to be embraced. These are some of the foundations for increasing productivity.

Actually a more accurate way of presenting this is that Web 2.0 will be swallowed up by Web 3.0 since the later is just the evolution of the former. Many of the companies that are Web 2.0 will end up going away.

The present Internet is full of "gatekeepers". These entities exist simply to bring people together and facilitate some type of transaction. On social media it is the sharing of ideas while in other realms it is financial. Either way, we can see the hindrance these have become.

People who are online spend a fair portion of their day in that environment. Web 2.0 brought us information sharing via video/audio, mobile, and cloud. It was a step forward from what existed before.

Web 3.0 is now bringing open, trustless, and permissionless to the table. We still are operating in a manner where the centralized entities have say over who can access the platforms or develop on them. This only stifles innovation, causing humanity to fall behind in the historical productivities curve.

The present economy is filled with waste. We see it as a result of massive inefficiencies in the system. Web 3.0 is about to change this since we are about to embark upon the next leg of the sharing economy. The biggest change here is time.

Web 3.0 is operating 24/7/365. We already see this with the trading of cryptocurrency. There are no "market hours". The same is true for DeFi. "Banker hours" will also be a thing of the past. We already see a lot of this with credits cards, which can be processed at any time, most anywhere in the world. Web 3.0 is going to bring these experience to a lot more areas.

Not only this, but we are going to see data handled much differently. Web 2.0 amassed an enormous amount of data via the advent of mobile. To process this, cloud exploded. Data farms popped up everywhere with powerful AI systems analyzing what was fed in. This is obviously controlled by centralized entities who maximize the information for their own profit.


What is starting to happen is the concept of edge computing is coming upon us. This is the idea that computation starts to take place further away from the centralized entities. We see this because of two reasons: computational power keeps increasing making edge devices more powerful and Web 3.0 is starting to decentralize the data. Both are creating a new paradigm for how data is handled as well as who owns it.

It is no secret as to how valuable data is. Years ago, it was called the "new oil". Look at the earnings for companies like Facebook and Google to see how profitable data can be. Web 2.0 was built upon enormous databases.

Web 3.0 is being erected upon data-banks. Under this scenario, every piece of data will be monetized and controlled by its creator. Thus, the entire Internet will be a giant, distributed money machine.

There is another piece to this puzzle: it is not relegated to just the digital world.

We are seeing the world around us digitized. It is being filled with sensors. Trillions of them are being installed around us, and probable even within us. Hence, the amount of data produced is only going to keep expanding.

This is the true inflationary matter. As the data explodes, we are going to see the efficiencies of the world skyrocket. This will put enormous downward cost pressure on, well, everything. It will also increase the user experience across the board.

For example, we saw a lot of companies achieve Six Sigma manufacturing over the last 30 years. Through automation, we saw the error rate drop to a few instances per million.

Does the local restaurant achieve anywhere near that rate? How about the overall driving habits in a local community? Do we see that with our governments? Is that the error rate on the local garage that services our vehicles?

Hell, are we anywhere near close to that rate ourselves?

The answer is obviously not. Yet with automation, we will see our world move in that direction. One of the keys is more data which we are generating globally. The challenge is that, presently, it is residing behind Facebook's wall. That is not great for forward progress.

Here is where we see things shifting. As more utility is presented with Web 3.0 applications, the data generated will only expand. This is going to keep feeding the system moving us toward this global databank that each of us is a part of. Since the rate of growth is so large, coupled with the continued advancement in our computational power and storage, we can easily see how overall production rates are set to explode.

Web 3.0 is going to eat all that is around simply because it is a more powerful force than what we have in place today.

And as always, progress cannot be stopped.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Great post. In the past I have really struggled with determining what qualifies something as a Web 2.0 item and a Web 3.0 item. This really helps to break it down well and is quite eye opening. I mean I have read enough of your other stuff that I a not floored by what you said here, but it is just a good reinforcement of your other posts!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you. I try to pass on the consistent message of what is taking place while trying to bring it into the larger realm. Nothing operates in a vacuum yet we have a tendency to get too narrow in our focus. Stepping back is of great help in seeing what is taking place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is why I like youre content, it brings perspective and you qllways are on top of new projects and all thet, had to tell you this once hahah greez !BEER 🍻

Posted using Dapplr

Thanks for the compliment. I appreciate the support.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @taskmaster4450le, here is a little bit of BEER from @sandymeyer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Web3 will be the future. And with this, we will come to a new age of the internet. I'm sure. With universal log-ins and so on.

If hive should be the web3 layer, some things should change faster. Like Layer 1 reward mechanics. And more support of layer 2 reward mechanics. Leo shows it works.

Layer 2 tokens can generate revenue models.

Layer 1 would need a high efficient RC market and FREE wallets. To have all tools ready for dapps.

As long we have this kind of mixture, I can't make any prediction. Also, I would wish for some clear vision for an efficient web3 chain. And I don't write it to bash someone. I know great work is done and progress a made.

But we could step a bit faster on long-term visions ( main chain).

For example, copy the balance of Hive and move it to the second layer app. call it whatever. Peakd token for example.

After this, we can start removing rewards from layer 1.

Layer 1 would need a high efficient RC market and FREE wallets. To have all tools ready for dapps

I agree with this. That is what the base layer does best and something that I think Hive can make a case for as the account management system for a lot more that ends up used with Web 3.0.

After this, we can start removing rewards from layer 1.

I disagree with this. Removing the Layer 1 rewards takes away one of the big advantages, the distribution method. Hive has an amazing way of increasing the distribution of the token, something few others have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has an amazing way of increasing the distribution of the token, something few others have.

but it would be useless if rewarding works well on the second layer ( sure it must be easy and super cheap to build before).

layer 1 needs to be efficient. The second layer has much more freedom for revenue streams. Also, think about why we need a holder that doesn't care about gov in general? Never vote or read some technical things. Things slow done and layer 1 needs money. people that hold. People that believe, people that spend resources.

That's why I think hive should end up as gov/gas token. With DAO things should become more and more efficient. So layer 1 would be a business chain that can offer a real solution. And layer 2 is for daily base users.

Dapps, Investors, and devs would be the holders. Much stronger hands. HBD and Hive could be the currency on the defi place build around to trade all second layer tokens.

Layer 2 apps can acquire revenue streams like advertisements or game items and so on. So these tokens can generate value by using hive. And hive generates value because it offers the most efficient place to be for this dapps.

distribution is good on hive and the last years give any user the ability to be a part of the system.

Edit: If done right, users see no difference to today. Hive can split the reward token ways from the gov one.

So you don't want to vote, sell the gov part and the reward token would be also run on second layer and balance and so on ofc on mainchain :)

Same vise versa

I think we have a question of the road or the vehicle with Web 3.0.

When the web started out, it was a novelty and good for a little bit and not much more. When the speed and ease of access was improved, we moved to Web 2.0, which pushed things from being casual to being work. Now, as you pointed out, we are pushing what we do from the Web to be casual, work and home. It is interwoven in every aspect of our lives. But, is it the web or the infrastructure? Or is that the next step?

We still drive on roads or use hard routes to move us from point A to B. The next evolution of travel would be to remove the hard routes and have people traveling from point A to B in whatever is the quickest method.

Has Web 3.0 removed our need for points of connection to keep the web together? No.
Has it removed the need to have a web browser as the interface? Yes.

So, we see that we no longer need to drive on the road and we can use different vehicles. Web 4.0 will be when we are connected at any point. IoT is that, but for right now, many people still keep the big I (Interent) and haven't envisioned the little i (internet) of Things.

The next phase will not use an IP address. It will look more like a latitude-longitude on a map. It will give the location of voxels.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Decentralization is taking over everything. Even the healthcare system is moving towards decentralization as it improves community participation.
I believe in the web3.0

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Even the healthcare system is moving towards decentralization as it improves community participation.

The healthcare industry is really going to see major changes. It is one of those industries, along with construction and upper level education, that is way behind. The productivity gains in that area have not moved much.

With personal monitoring devices we will see the data accumulated really increasing, providing more to all aspect of the system.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the way you detail how Web 3.0 is not just a faster version of Web 2.0, but instead an evolution, and more importantly potentially a democratizing one. It has the potential as you say to change the business model and reverse the transfer of wealth from the few to the many, if the many learn about it and participate. Decentralized social media as a metamorphosis doesn't happen by itself, it happens because people make it happen.

The Web 3.0 potential is for everyone to become a Profit Center for themselves, as opposed to one of millions of small profit centers for Facebook and that is just the tip of the ice berg. Even a system like DPOS starts off decentralized with stake in the hands of few, thus governance and profit is centralized. But through participation, posting, commenting, learning abut delegation, leasing, curation trails and curation pools, etc token distribution becomes more decentralized and people accumulate stake and start earning more profits.

The tip of the iceberg is the appearance and potential, the rest of the ice berg is like a swans feet under the surface of the water, paddling fast and at times furiously to move the swan gracefully across the lake.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt, the distribution method on Hive is very important. The fact that it is tied to governance helps to flatten the distribution while making it wider. This is something that many chains cannot do.

The tip of the iceberg is the appearance and potential,...

I would agree. We are just starting to see these things get started. There are going to be many other layers built upon this, all leading to even greater innovations.

That is how we completely convert things from the 2.0 world to 3.0. It is an evolution.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Unfortunately you are right about Facebook and how much data they have on most people. Just wish people can see it and to start moving away. They talk about getting rid of controls and such yet still log in daily unaware to the damage and the monster they are creating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

sadly it is not only Facebook but a host of other companies; in fact every other company. The mobile carrier, web browser, search engine...on and on.

We need to start utilizing the Web 3.0 based apps as they come along. Each person using one of the apps, is another feather in the new Internet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's amazing when you think how much data is obtained by companies like Facebook and it is funding a monster that will need more but it is also a hackers wet dream with all that data in one place.

Speaking of automation what would happen if AI would start writing content which is more interesting and engaging than what most write. Would you feel a bit uneasy ? :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The AI should write meaningful comments under people's posts on the Hive blockchain. Because looks like people are not capable of doing that. I see a lot of posts with empty comment sections. Or only with bot comments.

That might be a 9000 IQ idea :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Microsoft, I believe, had a program they were working on that did that. It was an auto-commenting app. I have a feeling we will see it soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

They are already here .

Take a look at this - https://www.theverge.com/2020/8/16/21371049/gpt3-hacker-news-ai-blog

Would you feel a bit uneasy ? :P

I definitely would . We are reaching a stage where we can't really differentiate between what is human generated and what is bot generated .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is unreal, I had a look and got me wondering the magnitude of where we are advancing to technologically.
We are no doubt only scratching the surface of what is available to us tech-wise.

Crazy stuff!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I had a look and got me wondering the magnitude of where we are advancing to technologically.

quantum computing , AI , Machine learning and similar tech, these will change everyone;s life in near future .

That is why I enjoy reading taskmaster's post because he talks about these stuff .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder how Taskmaster4450 keeps up with the latest I really admire that about him.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You are right. Things are advancing very quickly. It is all building upon itself. We need to ensure that blockchain, including Hive is in the middle of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being on Hive alone personally has exposed me to lots happening around the world, something I would get if I were stuck on the likes of Facebook, so as along as Hive continues to build it definitely will be evolving with our new world placing us in the midst of the latest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is still the early stages but yes the upside is enormous. We are going to see a lot more rolling out over the next couple of years. We truly are just scratching the surface. This is what has come out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If AI essentially works the same as other intelligence, i.e. just rapid enough access to enough data to come to some kind of conclusion, then I can see why some are expecting even doctors to be replaced by AI.

I think a global neuro network with instant access to the entirety of human knowledge that can generate a full physical exam including history leading up to the second something changed, immediately knowing what changed, and what to do about it is a far superior option to a person who graduated med school ALMOST TWO YEARS AGO FOR CHRIST'S SAKE! What could they possibly know about modern medicine?! :D

I can see why some are expecting even doctors to be replaced by AI.

It can happen . I am not able to find that article but there is a tool which prescribes you the medicine ( accurately ) if you tell it your symptoms . It is not open for everybody to use and it costs a lot for you to use that tool but it is here .

What could they possibly know about modern medicine?! :D

I hear you .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm not sure either, but I believe the podcast Stuff You Should Know did an episode a few years back about jobs that will go away in the future and they spoke of a specific project that had an incredible success rate, at least in the scope of it's testing, that indicated it's sooner than we may think.

I have a feeling it is going to be a lot worse than many people are anticipating. Companies are now incentivized to automate as much as they can. COVID19 gave them the cover they need. They are now going to keep spending a lot more of their R&D budgets on automating things forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely , it will happen . If we aren't up to date and learn new skills , we will lose the jobs for sure .

Now say I am just a python developer , that isn't enough , in future there will be an AI which can code itself so what I need to do right now to secure my job ? Learn AI .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah man. I have no idea what’s gonna happen when suddenly people are more or less obsolete. I hope those that manage to position themselves in the middle of all the new development can stay on top of enough to make out well.

There is a line of thinking that says we are working towards a global brain. This is going to be something that humans and machines all tap into. It is truly the next level of the Internet; ie the Internet is just the foundation of what is going to eventually be built.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think AIs will be able to shitpost any time soon :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lol it can.

There is something called as sarcastic not built by someone which responds to all your questions sarcastically .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not at all. AI is already making movie trailers without the input from humans. We utilize devices each day that are made by and often run by machines.

After all, are you uneasy about your telephone calls being connected by a computer? Or when AI adds up the column on a spreadsheet? We see to think that creativity is a human thing only yet when we look at it, it is just organizing known information in a different way.

As @amr008 also mentioned, a lot of what is already online is done by AI (maybe reviewed by humans for editing purposes). This is especially true with scientific and technical stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree with the data banks and Edge computing part . Although there is a lot of talk about Web 3 , we aren't giving much focus to IoT yet which will be a frontrunner .

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

IoT is a catchphrase that will fade away in the next few years (if it hasnt already). It is like we used the term "Big data" a decade ago. Now we rarely hear that term since it is kind of senseless.

We are seeing trillions of sensors put out so all will be connected. I guess the next Internet of phrase we can use is the Internet of Energy. That one is just getting started.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

great post :D

I wonder if AI will run everyone out of a job. If they run everything from online, government and everything else, what would our society look like? The AI would just use us to gather data and build new things based on that data.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These days I have been reading a bit of everything, since I have not had time to write, I really liked your content. You have removed the doubt that I had about the meaning of web 3.0. greetings go ahead.

It is inevitable. The benefits of web 3.0 for all involved mean that it is on the way (and here in it's early stages). Nice article. Thank you!

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I can see decentralization.



nice post! I too think web 3.0 is much more than what we are seeing now ... It will be able to transform information and will help independent journalists tremendously. And then the web 3.0 will give birth to new things that we do not imagine now