We Are All Bankers Now: Adopting A New Mindset

in LeoFinance3 years ago

It is no secret that bankers always played by a different set of rules than everyone else. This went on for decades, creating a situation whereby they were able to massively enrich themselves. Over time, this did generate enormous wealth, albeit poorly distributed.

One of the fundamental premises of cryptocurrency is that a digital wallet, for most people, acts like a bank. The majority of people utilize a bank to send, receive, and restore money. This is precisely what a digital wallet can do without the need for the bank (or bankers). Here we can see a point of vulnerability as more money is removed from the banking system and held within cryptocurrency.

Many feel what is taking place in cryptocurrency is unnatural. The reason for this is because they are being exposed to something they never saw before. That said, this is not novel. In fact, we have roughly 70 years of ledger technology and "balance sheet" banking. The ability to create money out of thin air is nothing new. Yet, it operates in an area few understand.

Nevertheless, it is time for us to adopt a new mindset. If we do that, we can begin to understand the true power of cryptocurrency.



Do you like the idea of making money to make money?

This is something the international banking conglomerate came to understand a long time ago. Why play in a finite world when you can expand that greatly? Whereas most of society was operating on a limited scale, engaging in a battle of scarcity, the bankers were immersed in abundance. It is little wonder they spent decades hiding this from everyone.

Cryptocurrency is opening this up to the entire world. Anyone is now free to participate in what is taking place. We see massive expansion, something that we can expect to continue. Again, what is taking place is not novel.

Some find it odd that there are more than 9,000 cryptocurrencies. Here we see people saying there is no way they can be valuable. While many are going to die simply from lack of use, this does not mean they do not have value.

For decades the banking system kept devising different forms of money. They would create convertible notes, LIBOR future contracts, and anything else they could lend, collateralize, or use for cross border payments. A $10 million line of credit from Goldman Sachs became an international asset to borrow against for much greater returns.

The point here is that the bankers knew they were not limited. For this reason, they were not seeking a return of 5% or 7%. They operated at a much higher level. This is something we are seeing in cryptocurrency yet most are astonished. Keep in mind, you are scarcity, they are abundance.

Cryptocurrency is bringing abundance to everyone. It does not take long to amass a nice sum when getting 30%, 40%, or greater. Bankers understand the power of compounding, another concept lost on most people. Keep these rates of return up over a decade and you can see trillion created. Push that out a few decades and the numbers grow into quadrillions.


Magical Internet Money

This is a nice phrase that people attribute to cryptocurrency. The idea of creating money in such a manner is so incomprehensible to people that they call it "Magical Internet Money".

It is best to understand there is nothing magical about it. Money is a social construct, developed by humans. It is our invention. Some want to believe that it is somehow natural, even ordained by God (Robert Kiyosaki). It is not. Money is what we created and it evolved over time. In fact, as cryptocurrency is proving, it is entering another evolutionary phase.

In this sense, we can view money, itself, as a technology. Over time, as more is developed, we see things expand and improve. This is the history of money. We are not dealing with the same system of 1,000 years ago. Or 250 years ago? Or even a decade ago?

Through the evolution, we see improvements being made that allow for the further advancement of society. Money is allowing for collaboration between larger numbers of people, generating economic expansion. The only reason Elon Musk can blow up rockets to the tune of tens of millions of dollars each is because of money. The same is true for cancer research, the development of 3-D printing technology, or the production of new agriculture equipment.

Which brings us back to the abundance topic. When we understand the collaborative element, we have the potential to generate massive economic output. This is something that is sorely lacking over the last couple decades. Since the Great Financial Crisis, the United States (along with the rest of the world) fell below the longer term trendline.



As we can see, if we just kept the growth rate (2.2%) that was in place going into to GFC, we would have a GDP 21% higher or almost $5 trillion higher.

Cryptocurrency can reverse this trend. We now have the ability to generate the monetary resources required to fund what we need. Collaboration always leads to expansion. Contraction, or slowing, occurs when there is not enough collaboration taking place. This makes sense when banks get stingy with their lending, which they do when we encounter rough economic waters.

Here is where an alternate system truly be the stimulant needed.


We Are The Bankers

Getting a rate of return means having more capital to invest. This is something that is primarily done by the bankers. Wall Street also plays a part in this. However, this is something that can be taken over by those in cryptocurrency.

In the post Access To Real Estate Through Tokenization , we laid out the following scenario:

Going back to real estate, let us start with the construction. At present, developers go to banks (or other money agents) and get loans. This enables them to build on the property whereby the units are sold to individuals, who also go to a money agent to get a loan.

If this process is tokenized, $50 million can be raised through individuals. Getting $50 from 1 million people is still $50 million. This provides the development costs with the individuals "becoming the bank".

When the process switches from development to sales, the units can also be funded through the tokenization process. Through the use of a smart contract, another set of token holders can fund the individual unit, say for $250,000. This helps to provide a return to the original token holders while the second group acts as the mortgage holder. They get paid each month (or whatever interval) just like a bank.

It is a very simple premise of how individuals, through Decentralized Finance (DeFi) can becomes bankers. We are able to take our assets (cryptocurrency) and loan them for economic expansion. Here we are dealing with the development of real estate. That said, this could easily extend into rocket construction, longevity research, or renewable energy generation. Whatever we want to create, we can generate the resources to fund it.

How many great ideas died before they even had a chance to evolve simply because they were not funded? We know that start ups cannot turn to the banking system. Thus, we are left with the Venture Capitalists, who perform a much needed service but also come with their own drawbacks. This means a large portion of the market is left not serviced from a monetary perspective.

We can change this. No matter what the cause, the "new bankers" can develop the resources needed. Cryptocurrency is going to be tied to DAOs and other business structures that generate capital on a scale never seen before. It can also be targeted since those generating the capital are also likely to be interested/involved in that area. This is where we see the evolution of "communities" taking place. They will become their own economies built around a centralized theme.

Beyond Capital Generation

We are in the early stages. At present, it seems we are in the capital generation phase. While this never goes away, it is the primary focus right now.

Quite simply, there is not enough cryptocurrency available to make a significant difference. With a total market cap of $2 trillion, we are playing with peanuts relatively speaking. The number have to grow by many orders of magnitude to have enough resources available to fund what is needed. Of course, we also are watching the infrastructure being built, another hindrance at the moment.

Here is where the power of compounding enters the picture. As we see the total value rise, it will grow exponentially. Each day, new tokens are created for existing projects. This is the first leg of resource expansion. The second is the development of new projects, with more being tokenized. Finally, we have the overall upward trend of the value in USD, the common unit of account the global economy uses.

However, with all this expansion comes the next phase. At some point we will need to understand that Decentralized Finance (DeFi) means we are all bankers. It is up to us to fund the different projects that come up.

The capital we are generating is nice from a personal wealth perspective yet the goal of cryptocurrency should be to radically alter humanity. While enriching individuals is important, we also need to realize that advancement is what we are really after. This requires funding.

And that is going to come from the person who is looking back at you in the mirror each day.

Hopefully we can see how it all ties in together and how this path is much bigger than most people believe.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


The lending system adopted by the banks even in places like Nigeria is probably why so many start up business that cannot provide collateral aren't funded, life-changing concepts are killed on a daily because of money.
I like that you said money isn't meant to be static as it's a technology that can evolve.

The key will be when we all can start to fund the startups in Nigeria, or anywhere in the world. This is where we are going to bypass the banking system and provide a better alternative.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The greater aspect of crypto that brought up here this decade, is the concept of unbanking.
Of course,this is a bad news for the bankers out there, ha ha, but with the added decentralization, most of the crypto's have secured the control of the users and that is a smart work.

These graphs showing quite a real scene of the trends been shifted and that looks remarkable.
Nice idea to share as you kept the update on, I would rather support the thought process which made you write this post.

Good luck,💖👍

Banking the unbanked? The unbanking of the banked?

It is all very interesting. The key is that money is being created, money that can be put to productive uses. It is going to be vital to get the economy back on trend so the wealth generation ends up supporting all that it needs to.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we have all grown to love compound interest and knowing how it works. This is something I look for in most investments now and thankfully crypto is full of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Most are only aware of it with their debt, i.e. credit cards.

This is a different side for most people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to adopt the new mindset about compounding our earnings and I like Defi because it cuts out the middle man. Without it, we get more profits but I still see issues where the rich have a huge advantage when dealing with the fees. Just take a look at ETH and I see many of the Defi running into similar issues with gas eventually.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there could be that case but when you look across the board, there is enough there for all.

Ultimately DeFi will be integrated through everything online. We will see it all throughout the digital world.

So I think as people start to realize what is here, they will get involved at their own level. That will enable them to experience outsized returns.

Remember, there are a lot more non-rich people than rich.

And fees are what Hive excels at not having.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It would be great if fees were just too large for normal people and they move to Hive instead for the diesel pools. However the pools give out a fixed reward so if there is too many people, the APR will probably also lower.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We will see what unfolds with the creations on Hive. IT is still in its infancy. I am hoping to see what DLUX can do.

There is a lot of potential there.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The way some people view the aspect of cryptocurrency and how the money is been made, they see it as been magical like you said it isn't because they feel it is extraordinary in making it in a different dimension

It is nothing new. The Eurodollar system was the exact same. What is different is that it is open to everyone now. This is how we change things.

Spreading the wealth around is vital. Converting communities into economies is going to radically change everything.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Banks in my country have recently started implementing new and increasing existent percentage fees for not only withdrawing money but also for depositing it on the bank. This seems almost illogical to pay the bank to put my money in their hands just so they can make more money of it and tell me my funds aren't fully available when I want to withdraw them again.

The logical conclusion for everyone using at least a bit of their brain power is to explore alternative financial strategies. This is the way.


Yep. It is the way they operate since they had a monopoly for so long. Yet now a new system is springing up, one that could obliterate them.

In the end, I foresee most banks going the way of newspapers. There will be a few that survive but more will merge or go out (well banks dont go out of business but get eaten up).

Overall, their pie will get smaller.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What happened to newspapers happened in many other spaces as well where a new system overtakes the old. Music cassette companies have failed, as have vhs video stores, people who stuck to faxing, and so on.

Most banks probably either think they are the exception or they expect to win the war, even though they are already losing a few battles.

That is true. This is not exclusive to newspapers. It is simply the path of technology and disruption.

Most end up out of business. Streaming killed the video cassette rental business.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you on that. I've written about this some time ago.

How much life has changed lately, how many things we are doing today.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are constructing a new world, block by block.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

you are very correct @taskmaster4450. Indeed in this current technologically advanced era, we are all bankers.

Farming and Staking is best example for making money through money

That isnt what was meant by that statement.

Creatine CUB is an example. Creating Blank. Forking Steem and creating HIVE.

New projects that create new money.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

in the cryptoverse I feel like one can thrive and grow; in the legacy economy one is just enslaved by debt and taxes. The more people know about the former the faster we can leave the latter behind

This is the power that cryptocurrency has given us truly and it's worthwhile.

Cooperation > Competition. Finally we'll be cooperating again. ❤🌎

Finally we'll be cooperating again.

Once people understand the idea of a cooperative. They seem to miss that point about these ecosystems that are springing up.

At some point they will get it. It is still early.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 92 of my contest just started...you can now check the winners of the previous week!

Here we can see a point of vulnerability as more money is removed from the banking system and held within cryptocurrency.

Not sure if it is accurate to call this as “wealth transfer.” Informally studying economics for years, I stumbled with at least three concepts of wealth transfer. The first one is propagated by prosperity preachers where they teach that a time will come that the wealth of the wicked will be transferred into the hands of the righteous. However, they lack the details how will this happen except by using a narrative in the Old Testament when the Jews migrated from Egypt to the Promised Land. Ron Paul talks about a different kind of wealth transfer, which is a transfer of wealth "from the less well-off to the well-to-do" as consequence of the existing monetary system. The third one was introduced by information explosion with the advent of the Internet. This idea is popular among Filipino-Chinese entrepreneurs that I happened to be a member of more than a decade ago. Reading your post, I am just thinking that perhaps this migration of money from the current banking system into cryptocurrency is the kind of “wealth transfer” that many have been looking for.

We are in the early stages. At present, it seems we are in the capital generation phase. While this never goes away, it is the primary focus right now.

I wish to be included in this capital generation phase.

The capital we are generating is nice from a personal wealth perspective yet the goal of cryptocurrency should be to radically alter humanity.

This a great vision. I see no tension here between the personal goal of an individual and the greater good.


!gif vision

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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I know it is early but I feel liberated each time I interact with my wallet. It is significant when one takes charge of the ownership and remove third party caretaker from all the financial decisions one makes. People who have not yet joined the revolution do not understand the value it brings and the freedom it provides.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"Quite simply, there is not enough cryptocurrency available to make a significant difference. With a total market cap of $2 trillion, we are playing with peanuts relatively speaking."
Assets of financial institutions worldwide 2002-2020

The value of assets of global financial institutions increased overall from 2002 to 2020, despite some minor fluctuation. In 2020, the assets of financial institutions worldwide amounted to 468.7 trillion U.S. dollars.""https://www.statista.com/statistics/421060/global-financial-institutions-assets/Published by F. Norrestad, Dec 21, 2021

You just opened my eyes

And I would have to say that it's a trend I am happy to see happening!

One of the things in particular that will become more meaningful in our future economy is that this new form of "banking" will allow for the funding of new businesses that have traditionally never gotten a start because they were considered "too small" for legacy banks to make loans for. I remember wanting to borrow $10K to expand my collectibles business... and that was impossible, but I could have gotten a loan if I had asked for $50K+... which I didn't need.

Many possibilities ahead!


Wow, this is very interesting, but everything in this life money is very paramount.i like this post.

Hola amigo, solo me queda por decir gracia por la información, muy interesante todo el conocimiento que nos proporcionas, yo en particular estoy tratando de obtener más conocimientos sobre la plataforma y por supuesto que me llamo la atención el título de tu post, el cual sin duda alguna ley, hay muchas cosas que aún no logro entender, pero para allá voy.
Aunque la experiencia vivida en mi país “Venezuela", nos ha dejado una muy buena enseñanza a nivel de economía y hemos visto como los grandes conglomerados manipula y logran disponer con mucha facilidad de los recursos de quien ellos quieran, cuando son tocados sus intereses personales o simplemente por hacer ver quien tiene mayor poder, y si le sumamos a eso la falta de valores y éticas de nuestros propios compatriotas que nos han llevada cada día más a la pobreza
muchas gracias por ilustrarme.