The Speed Of Hive

in LeoFinance4 years ago

We all get anxious for things to change. This is part of the human condition it seems. Ultimately, we are all like kids waiting for Santa Claus to deliver out goodies. Many of us grew up with the excitement and anticipation of Christmas morning, where the presents would be, hopefully, plentiful.

We bring this same mindset to Hive. Unfortunately, we often wake up only to find that Santa Claus did not arrive. Under the tree is barren, providing extreme disappointment at first. Eventually, after enough mornings like that, it turns to anger. Finally, we are apathetic to the tree and whatever is around it. In fact, we do not even look anymore.

Such is the plight of broken promises and unfulfilled expectations.

Hive is about 9 months old. This is an important item to remember. However, we cannot overlook our legacy with Steem, since that is from where we were sprung. Thus, we are nearing 5 years since the first block was mined.

Sadly, we also have to embrace the bad as well as the good. Under the direction of Steemit Inc, we shall say that things, at best, were disappointing (at worst, truly tragic). Years were spent sending the community through the roller coaster of setting expectations and then never meeting them. After a while, we all became jaded kids. In addition to Christmas, we started to feel the same about birthdays. Nothing good was ever going to come.

This all leads up to a comment that was left by @blocktrades that looks to be relevant. While many bring the same mindset to Hive, there appears to be some changes taking place.

Here is what was written:


Actually, it looks like it is best to put that comment in context.

Here is what the reply pertained to:



This is where there is a marked difference from the days of Steem. Part of the legacy that we have is all that wasted time. Thus, while we are nearing 5 years, from a development standpoint, we might only be entering into year 3.

The comment by Blocktrades exemplifies, to a degree, how different things are now. By using advanced mathematical skills, we see there are 14 people now working on Hived and Hivemind whereas before, there were 4. This is 3.5 times the number.

Of course, nothing operates in a linear fashion so it might be unfair to say this team is going to be 3.5 times faster simply based upon the number of people. However, when experience, focus, and motivation are factored in, there will certainly be some type of increase in the pace of things being completed.

This also might not factor in other developers who are assisting in different aspects of blockchain coding outside of Blocktrades group.

We see a lot of discussion about the DAO and how effective it is. These are worthy conversations since many of the accusations are evident. However, one thing we have to keep in mind, when it comes to blockchain development, Steemit Inc was dumping 800K per month onto the open market to pay for the results that we are now dealing with.

Any rational cost/benefit analysis tells us that was likely a bad return for the community.


This is an area that is necessary for targeting and it is good to see focus being paid to it. Ultimately, the success of any technology-based cryptocurrency, like HIVE, is going to depend upon what is built on the blockchain. As we know, users comes for the games and applications.

It is also an area that seems to be lagging. According to the latest post put out by Blocktrades, there are some issues that applications need to deal with. Issues usually means time delays and added expense for development, two things we want to reduce.

Enter a lightweight framework for the second layer.

Here is how it was explained:

To address, the above issues, we plan to create a lightweight framework using much of the technology stack of hivemind, combined with the new hived plugin we’re developing that will simplify real-time reception and processing of blockchain data and support easy fork-handling via a generic undo mechanism.

However, unlike in a traditional hivemind installation, the operator of a 2nd layer node of this type will get to decide what data he wants to store and what APIs he wants to support. For example, a 2nd layer node that supports a game might initially only track account balances and game history, but no social media data. But if the node operator later wants to add more data and API support to their 2nd layer node, we want to make it easy to add it via some form of upgrade mechanism. I believe it was @howo that coined the term “modular hivemind” to refer to this idea.


Even to a non-techie, this concept makes a great deal of sense. Why should an application need to pull all the data if most of it is not relevant? That only slows things down while tying up resources. Overloaded nodes tend to fail, as we experienced post HF24 since it was a round robin as to which nodes were operational, which only added more load.

The challenge with this, from a community standpoint, is the lack of attention that we place upon it. Simply put, it is not something we notice. How many of us are really aware of how much data a node is pulling? Almost the entire user base could, quite frankly, care less, at least until something breaks.

Nevertheless, this is vital to the future performance of the ecosystem.

Ultimately, the speed of Hive appears to be increasing. We are aware that the development of many second layer applications is picking up, at least with a few of the games and tribes. From what we can conclude from the initial comment cited, it looks like we can expect more rapid development at the infrastructure level.

Why is this all important? Because the tendency is for us to keep expressing our disappointment each morning. That said, it does appear that Santa might be on his way.

Another way of stating it is the Grinch is no longer a part of Hive.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Jaaa I think that the grinch as in all life will always be, there will always be a user who day after day will be throwing expletives against our beloved platform, in reality we are all aware that @blocktrades does a great job, in fact I have a lot to thank him for it grew my account from 0 to 200 tokens when it arrived earlier so we should always be grateful for such great work.

Well, if we know that hive goes slowly and that every morning we have to see our wallets and sometimes we get disappointed but other times we say wow a couple more pennies are in my wallet today, something that nobody in the whole network has done for us so despite the disappointments of some days that the light is not seen at the end of the tunnel.
Yes, I know how many people in Venezuela have made this their main source of income, so a little thing makes a difference, so if a great job has been done.
and when the hive market rises or the leo market or any other that benefits the platform we will say wow it will have been worth the wait.
Maybe people are impatient and add up as you say the 5 years of steemit, included but we must consider that we are a new chain, very new, therefore we consider that BTC took 10 years to rise and be what it is, so let's be patient nothing else.
Maybe as you have said, the thing is in the long and medium term, no more than that so good to follow you and hope that there is a good opportunity for those who can have their pink lambos already on the way, I only hope to buy my house, that I know that this will be the case in no less than 10 years of course, but there we are still waiting for a stroke of luck in the market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He is a force, being from the start in so many projects, from bitshares, to steem and now on hive. Also, as I've had to meet him at SteemFest in Krakow, he and his wife were both down to earth persons not looking down on no one.
This is supposed to be decentralized chain, but personally I like the development being led by someone competent with resources that wants it to succeed, not to milk it. If the price increases everyone value increases.

Let's see when the changes are going to be applied and what effect do they have.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There are others involved with the chain development, such as @howo. However, there is a simple fact that you cant have everyone coding on the base layer or else it would crash. Not everyone is qualified to do that.

However, since we, at least in theory, allocate the funds to BT through out proposal votes, it is a community effort. Of course, that is where the discussion about the DAO comes in, which is an entirely different conversation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, a lot more, like crimson, guilty, etc. and I or we thank them for they good work.

However, since we, at least in theory, allocate the funds to BT through out proposal votes, it is a community effort. Of course, that is where the discussion about the DAO comes in, which is an entirely different conversation.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am certain there are a lot more people who are involved than I mention. It is not just one or two people.

That is where the community aspect comes in. We all have a part to play.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think many of us have fallen into an area of abject complacency. We are so used to being disappointed by what is promised or announced that we are just here with our heads down plugging away. If something new and exciting gets added or developed, cool, but it doesn't change what we are here trying to do each day. I am not saying that is good, I just think it is one of the realities some of us are feeling. I think this is really exciting that they have such a great team working to add options and value to the chain. I hope we can see the impact from their work expand and grow the userbase.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The out of sight out of mind is real.

There is a lot going on that doesn't directly affect us on here yet it is important. Unfortunately for coders, they are often overlooked until something goes wrong. If all is smooth, nobody pays attention.

I think that is why it important to try and give people some idea that it is a new ballgame. Fresh starts are often needed. Unfortunately, not only is there residual bad code that needs cleaning up, we all have mental residue from how things went.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Good points. Yeah, I think the last hardfork is a good example of that. It wasn't a bunch of changes that impacted the way people use the platform, but it was a lot of stuff behind the scenes that will eventually make a difference.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My sense is the goal is to keep an eye on scaling. While it is not something we think about in the moment, we certainly do not want things to explode and suddenly have a situation like Ethereum.

The continued focus upon the basics of the blockchain are not a bad idea in my opinion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These are great news and I would love for Santa to drop some gifts to the Hive community. I feel that with the last HF we've already have a strong base so building layers on that should be easier from now on. I am hoping that the HIVE tokens will be the diamonds at some points we've all ignored.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many were disappointed in the last HF because of the fact it wasnt feature rich. That is something I think people will have to get use to if I am reading things correctly. It looks like most of the HFs going forward will deal more with governance and upgrades without so much features.

That looks like it will be second layer stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting publication you have shared!

We must not lose sight of the fact that the projects that manage to transcend in time are not those that have the value of their highest currency, but those projects that seek to grow, innovate and above all seek to be sustainable.

It would be useless for HIVE to have a value of USD 100 if we all ran out to sell our coins, because as users who trust and believe in HIVE we should trust that the value can reach even greater values.

If we all throw away our coins en masse, we ourselves will be driving down the value of HIVE.

We have to be patient, HIVE is a project that little by little is advancing and I am completely sure that one day Santa will pass by our little tree and leave for all of us very nice gifts.
Interesting publication you have shared!

We must not lose sight of the fact that the projects that manage to transcend in time are not those that have the value of their highest currency, but those projects that seek to grow, innovate and above all seek to be sustainable.

It would be useless for HIVE to have a value of USD 100 if we all ran out to sell our coins, because as users who trust and believe in HIVE we should trust that the value can reach even greater values.

If we all throw away our coins en masse, we ourselves will be driving down the value of HIVE.

We have to be patient, HIVE is a project that little by little is advancing and I am completely sure that one day Santa will pass by our little tree and leave for all of us very nice gifts.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Excellent comment even if it was written twice. LOL

We must not lose sight of the fact that the projects that manage to transcend in time are not those that have the value of their highest currency, but those projects that seek to grow, innovate and above all seek to be sustainable.

This is so true. It is terrific to see this realization spelled out in writing.

You are correct, it will take time for development to progress to the point where the value is such to sustain a run like you mention.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Definitely valid points! And let's not forget that we also have a shining example of "what CAN be accomplished" by a small group of determined individuals, right here with LeoFinance.

The "modular" reference suggests great usability... sounds a bit like the major changes in "what was possible" when widget driven web site building became a reality. If Hive can actually establish largely "plug-and-play" development for aspiring builders (and yes, I realize it's not "that simple!") it definitely would be a competitive edge.

I fell hopeful because we actually have "something" here, in an ocean of blockchain projects that seem to be built on little more than vague promises. I have to think that at some point, the cream will rise to the top.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah I think we are going to see massive changes over the next 6 months. I dont know what will be the way this all looks but I think it is all coming together.

A lot of good stuff happening.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Layer 1 and 2 are both important. Both need to work together to be very strong.

LBI is focused upon helping layer 2 become all it can be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LBI certainly does add depth to the second layer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep up the good work. Many are watching your progress.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It reads as you are already deep in Christmas mode, with the Santa and Grinch analogy. Wish you all the best for this unusual Christmas we all have in front of us.

LOL yes well the timing was appropriate but, to be honest, if I was writing this in July, I would have done the same.

Unusual is the word for the year so the holidays will not be any different.

At least Leo keeps growing so that is a positive from earlier in the year.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's just 14 Devs at Blocktrades.

I sincerely hope there are just as many elsewhere in the Hive world working with those Blocktrades devs on an OS basis (otherwise we will have just substituted a good tyrant for a bad one.

Well I know Howo and GTG are working on things also.

So there is two more right there off the top of my head. So we are up to 16.

And that is not including all the layer 2 stuff.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I find it unfair to point out delays in the development process to the new team at HIVE and @blocktrades.

The delays paid by Steem's mismanagement have a heavier impact perhaps than expected but now the process is well underway but we certainly cannot expect to obtain the results of 5 years in 9 months.

Hive is a solid project that requires a lot of development and therefore time. We are aware that we are lagging behind the crypto world but we cannot go wrong in haste, the damage would be destructive.

Therefore it is necessary to have patience and trust towards a team that is working hard and the results will come, it is only a matter of time

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Patience is not something people excel at in general, especially online.

But you are right, it will take a while to correct the mistakes of the past.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice info. Just about to understand how this Leo Finance works.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Keep reading and learning. There is a lot here.

But over time, it is worth the endeavor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"Of course, nothing operates in a linear fashion."
Well said.
Nice analogy with a Christmas gifts as well haha, totally relatable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah we didnt even get any coal. Just a big fat zero.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I love how the devs are putting their effort into helping these 2nd layer stuff. Front ends and Dapps like Splinterlands @risingstargame and many others can use these tools and features to further improve their products.

It's like we are becoming more like Ethereum or EOS. If we develop fast enough and empower Dapp makers. We might be able to do better than EOS. I'm serious here. ETH has so much interest because there's so many devs workign on Ethereum Dapps. EOS doesn't have a large community. Hive has a huge community.

We can easily try new Dapps as soon as they come out. This is a huge deal for Dapp makers!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We might be able to do better than EOS. I'm serious here. ETH has so much interest because there's so many devs workign on Ethereum Dapps. EOS doesn't have a large community. Hive has a huge community.

This is not an outlandish prediction. Voice was suppose to be incredible and, from what I can tell, it never went very far.

There is a lot that held Steem/Hive back. It appears we are on track now. I am not sure how many devs are here but it is good to see many making progress. The games are an example of this. They seem the most consistent with their updates.

We only need a half a dozen duplicates of a Leo and we will be flying. It is rather fun to watch.

Progress is being made although it is hard to see at times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is not an outlandish prediction. Voice was suppose to be incredible and, from what I can tell, it never went very far.

Check out the stats here:


You can compare the numbers with these 2 posts:

He promised there would be a post on Steem stats. It's not out yet. But it'll come soon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How many of us are really aware of how much data a node is pulling? Almost the entire user base could, quite frankly, care less, at least until something breaks.

This hits home. I am one of the many that used to not mind how the technology works behind the scenes until a developer friend gave me an insight on how the system works when I just want to accomplish a simple task (never understood most of it but still grinding my way to get there).

I consider Hive as a long term investment for the community it carried over from the old blockchain. As soon as I heard about the move, I had my stake powered down to be ready for migration once active. Steem slowly fails where Hive is succeeding each month. I treat my time on Hive as an investment and wish for the platform to grow as a community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The delays paid by Steem's mismanagement have a heavier impact perhaps than expected but now the process is well underway but we certainly cannot expect to obtain the results of 5 years in 9 months

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. It will take some time to unravel all that took place.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well... there are still 21 days until the year is over, so I hope Santa brings good gifts to Hive.

So far, we are on the right track.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. I am not sure we will see a ton of progress in 21 days but hey, who knows.

Either way, 2021 will be a great deal of fun on Hive. So much stuff to expand upon.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The majority of my time is spent on layer 2 (Splinterlands, Leofinance). For me, I just want layer 1 to be stable and reliable. Anything else is just gravy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The thing is that by nature we always strive for better and basically are a little bit of greedy, we want more and more. Thus, when we had that pump in crypto prices as well as the quick updates and development Leo has, many people got overexcited.

They wondered why hive's price doesn't pump as well? Are we gonna see again a disaster as we witnessed in Steemit? Then Steem's & sbd's price got a little pump.

People here got crazy and started creating posts about how far behind Hive is and that the leadership is lazy. What they don't get is that there are many updates and developments behind the scenes that will help us long-term. For example who knew that we have 14 developers behind? Or about all the things @blocktrades mentioned in his roadmap?

We need to take a breath, relax check what the witnesses are doing and be the best we can in terms of creating content, curating, or whatever it is that we do!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For example who knew that we have 14 developers behind? Or about all the things @blocktrades mentioned in his roadmap?

I didnt until I read the comment.

The developer calls are also informative although a bit technical at times. It shows there is progress being made on a bi-weekly basis.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Week 35 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Thanks for sharing


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Many of us are gauging the value of Hive based on the price of the token...

Price tells us very little. Valuing any project based upon the price is apt to be misleading.

There are a lot of projects in the top 50 ranking on CMC or Coingecko that have nothing going on and will end up being crap. Yet people are gaga over them because of the token price.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta