Ragnarok Announced: The Power Of Millions

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Things are getting very exciting around we. The announcements are accelerating as development starts to roll out more options for people. Hive is starting to thrive in a way never seen before.

Ragnarok Is Upon Us detailed some of the events in the first phase of the release of the game. This is going to include an airdrop of NFTs upon individual HIVE holders (there seems to be more reasons to HODL HIVE each day). It is in keeping with the idea of not making something a Security and building from the point of community first and foremost.We recently got the long-awaited announcement from the @ragnarok.game.

Here is one key statement from the article:

This is a community-run & focused project! 100% open-source!

It is interesting that this is open-source. That means the concept of the game can be repeated. This single development could result in dozens of games popping up as people innovate in this area.


The Return Of "Small Business"

In cryptocurrency, we often talk "big". The focus is upon what is going to be the biggest chain. We look at the leading applications. Our efforts are concentrated upon huge numbers.

There is one that we should truly be focused upon in this decentralized world that we are creating. It is true that we need to talk in millions but not necessarily as it applies to one particular project. Instead, we need to concentrate our mindset on the development of millions of different projects. Here is where we see the massive shift taking place.

With the present system, it appears the wiping out of small business is on the agenda. Whether planned or just coincidence, the indisputable fact is that we are seeing less of our budgets spend with small companies. Instead, we shop at big box stores, get our telecommunications and entertainment from major corporations, and purchase online from the likes of Amazon.

Cryptocurrency is allowing us to return to a different era in this regard. Whereas we are basically forced to deal with major corporations at every turn, newer developments are giving us options.

outside the major game developers that dominated the industry for so long. Now, people's time is spent focus a small business where the users have stake. This is a radical concept.#Play2Earn is an example of how this shift is taking place. What is emerging at this point is

The Lesson Of The Cockroach

Anyone who ever dealt with a cockroach infestation knows where this is going. When this happens, they are near impossible to get rid of. They are everywhere. Of course, as soon as the light is turned on, they scurry into every crevice they can find. It often seems like they reproduce more when trying to get rid of them.

The reason this is brought up is to signify our dealings with governments and regulators who seek to strangle this industry. We do not have to hunt too long to find another politician or banker who is saying how cryptocurrency needs regulation.

There is strength in numbers. Decentralization means that we remove the point of vulnerability that comes from having things centralized. Control only comes from a hierarchical structure. That is what society is built upon and a case can be made this is by design.

Cryptocurrency and open source allows us to go horizontal. When we develop a complex system organically, we see a reversal of how of what we have now. Even though there was organic development over the decades, it was always within the confines of a hierarchical system.

Now, we are applying the lessons of the cockroach. Cryptocurrency is scurrying into ever crevice it can find. There is no single "cockroach in charge". Instead, we have a number that are reproducing on a regular basis. This is happening across the industry with each new project that arises.

This is going to drive the "exterminators" (politicians and bureaucrats) crazy. They are going to try to control as always not realizing things are operating in a completely different realm. Their hierarchical form of control no longer applies.

Consider this statement from the above linked article:

The game will have many HBD sinks. The HBD is sucked into a "blackhole" via the SIP v1, where it will be locked away to earn interest in perpetuity.

It is a topic we covered in the past. The present system looks at the financial industry as an entity on its own. We know this is one of the main forms of control, hence it has to be separate. A case could also be made this is at (or near) the top of the food chain.

Cryptocurrency is changing this. Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is not separate from everything else. Here we see how it is being interwoven into everything.

Ragnarok is a game. It is going to incorporate HBD as not only the payment token but will also utilize the DeFi aspects to earn interest. This is likely going to be used to enhance the experience of the players during the game.

Hence we see the merging of gaming and DeFi. Consider what things will look like when every application is doing something similar. Just ponder for a moment what happens when every application is built in a way that incorporates DeFi into the experience of the users. In the future, that will be the norm. This is a part of Web 3.0 that is often overlooked.

Millions Of Projects

It will get to the point where there is enough infrastructure and open source code in place that projects will roll out almost as quickly as people can think them up. We are at the starting point now which means a lot of fundamental development is required.

The enormity of cryptocurrency is going to come from the totality of all that is developed. The goal is not to have one project be worth hundreds of trillions of dollars or be used by 3 billion people. Instead, the focus is going to be on having millions (tens of millions) of projects, whether it is investment funds, gaming, social media, or whatever else people come up with, that individuals can utilize.

Here we see how the system is suddenly horizontal in architecture. It is mass chaos since there is no plan, unity or cohesiveness. Instead, people are just creating and throwing something else out there. The application might only have a couple dozen users yet that could integrate DeFi so those people are generating a fine return.

As we can see, it is all a part of a much larger pie.

This is where the resiliency comes in. As long as the core team is supporting that project, it will continue to operate. When we multiply this concept a million times, we can see how the control system is negated.

When you turn on the light, you might be able to get a cockroach or two, but the majority slip away.

That is the power of all these "small business" popping up. While a couple could be caught, the majority will be outside the reach. This is especially true if it is set up like Ragnarok from the beginning. When a project is truly owned by a global community, there is nothing a centralized entity can do.

Thus the goal needs to be 1 million cryptocurrency projects that integrate DeFi into the model. After that, we start the journey towards 5 million. And then 10 million.

It is time to reproduce in a massive way.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Im 49 and I don't struggle with Crypto and this new world of Decentralization. This is equivalent to 1776 in my book. The Banksters went too far in 2008 and set my career back 10 years. They created the need to break free and Live again. Hive helped me escape the darkness of Centralized Tyranny, The Blockchain is our Country without borders. The Blockchain is the new place to build business and supplemental income, and gain real Independence!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The Banksters went too far in 2008 and set my career back 10 years.

That might be the biggest understatement since 1776. They nuked the entire global economy. So yeah, the fallout is still being felt by billions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I spent 10 years promoting Wall Street as Financial Terrorists inspired by Max Keiser, The blockchain made me realize that I didnt have to waste one more second dealing with Wall Street, Decentralization no matter how trivial the action maybe is the greatest act of defiance in History, a way to rebel and gain independence doing everyday things, so I promote Hive on Twitter in a cheerful manner LOL! An extreme fatalists finds light! Promoting Hive on Twitter is the greatest act of activism against Wall Street and Corporate America and it involves positive vibes and potential for the old (American Dream Stereotype) of independence through hard work to manifest. This blockchain is a cutting edge game changer!

Thanks to Hive and Cryptocurrency I fully know the power of decentralization and this is something that is truly essential in our society to make it better

Well we are working on the decentralization part. It is going to take some time. This is still a heavily centralized industry.

Over time, collectively, things will keep spreading out. That is where the true power comes from. Not from one chain or one application.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think this could change so many things especially Hive price. have a good feeling that this could be bigger than Splinterlands and wouldn't that be something. Very clever how HBD is locked away offering another use case. I never saw this coming and why Hive has a head start over many other projects. They have their coins but how many have their own stable coin which is a massive advantage. In the past others wanted to get rid of it and never had the vision of how best it could be used.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It seems to me the project is simply using the HBD savings program to its advantage. Locked the HBD that is used to purchase different assets into savings, earn 12% (now annually) and use the interest to enhance the player experience.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Very smart and simple which is not what I had even thought of but that model will work. Thanks for highlighting that as it makes more sense and why the project will make a decent return.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I forsee hundreds of new Ragnarok regions to explore just as the original Neverwinter Nights game had well still has if you look far and wide enough (https://lilura1.blogspot.com/p/neverwinter-nights-aurora-engine.html).

If I remember correctly from back then there will also be additional rule sets built for better play ability, have to wait and see. So this new idea has a basis on an old idea even if the folks doing the thinking weren't aware of the old ideas.

I haven't thought of applying that gaming idea to other tech like social media hmmm, what does the future portend???

More applying DeFi to social media as opposed to gaming but once DeFi in in, gamification can be a part of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All I ever want to be is a gamer when I grow up.

Ragnarok, Joe patiently awaits you!

Thanks for sharing this Task

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I like the cockroaches analogy with crypto. There's not enough regulatory feet to crunch us all. Regarding to Ragnarok, I might play this one. So far I've missed both Splinterlands and Axie Infinity. Curious though to see "the fun factor" in it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As this game is built on Hive it going to be crazier than splinterland...and Axie

I hope it's a good one.

Yeah I dont know much about the game either. It will be interesting to see what it looks like. Perhaps we will get some screenshots or some insights into it before release.

It seems like it is still under construction.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You've not missed Splinterlands bro, you can still get in on the action.

Ragnarok assets will be airdroped on everyone, so we're all players from the getgo. With that said, I look forward to seeing you on the battle field 🤝

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'll save myself for Ragnarok.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the heads-up! Going to read both posts right now (yours and the announcement).

I like the illustration of the cockroach, it perfectly describes what hive is like and how the hive blockchain is growing bit by bit and thus brings out the point clearly.I got the message well now.

It is also growing in many different directions. We are not simply a one trick pony anymore.

Look at all the different projects that are popping up.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One thing that I think that we should do is for most people to create a new project and that will help grow the hive community and jeep the cash flows and the project should be unique too.

2022 is going to be a big year for Hive and blockchain in general... The hype is building!

Hopefully it is not hype but genuine interest because we provide legitimate use cases for everyone. That is the goal.

I still believe the price of HIVE will be due to the massive use cases we are building and the adoption of what is offered here. We are not going to be hyped token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's really truly exciting to see these innovations and creations in crypto. Quite amazing that we're hosting them on Hive blockchain. Just when I thought we're expecting something big on January 6th, I just discovered there's more. Year 2022 is breaking huge for HIVE holders. Surely, a $5 Hive could be possible this time. let's watch out!

here seems to be more reasons to HODL HIVE each day

Really cool reasons to hold HIve and gift them to our loved ones.

Yes 2022 is going to be a big year I believe.

A lot of what people were hoping would roll out in 2021 was delayed. Hopefully we see it coming into being next year, the earlier the better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Your contents always make sense. I read the post by the ragnarok team, it is really interesting but I find this more comprehensive. One thing I always enjoy about your post is how you use the analogy(cockroach). I remember the one you used the Trojan Horse. All cool!


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the kind words. I try to write how I think: in simple terms.

I am not here to impress anyone with some literary ability (I have none). My goal is to convey information and ideas.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto and cockroaches, this is a great analogy despite the visual memories which may be triggered lol.

That is true. LOL

Not the best imagery but it does encompass what we are about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Cockroaches will resist even to a nuclear attack lol. Pretty much immortal creatures😅

If Ragnarok is anything like Splinterlands it will be amazing. Never have I imagined gaming to be like this.
In the future conversations will be very different, with professional blockchain gamers, and passive income earners.

If Ragnarok is anything like Splinterlands it will be amazing. Never have I imagined gaming to be like this.

It would be amazing if it could duplicate what Splinterlands did. Since I do not know the particulars of the game, it is something that I cant comment upon.

Nevertheless, Dan is excited so I will defer to that as meaning it will be big.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Awesome, I share your opinion. Video games have always been a guilty pleasure. Guilty because a Saturday spent on Playstation 4, would be better spent working on an income-producing skill.
Splinterlands produces income so all the guilt of gaming is gone 😀

Open sourced I like that! Plus you hit it on the head and it's one of the biggest things I've come to love about crypto. Its allowing small business to be created and thrive again while large corporation even in the gaming space have become complacent relaunching crap after crap title and screwing over game buyers. People pretty much had enough and you can see that with recent big title launches vs small indi games. Crypto just paves the way for more crowdfunding and projects people want and want to support. I think that's one of the most powerful things about crypto right now.

You are right. Seems the large corporations are able to keep rolling their customer base with just new versions of the same thing. This leads to a lack of innovation. Crypto is bringing innovation back to the table.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As far as cockroaches are concerned.

It's one thing to try and kill cockroaches inside your house,
but imagine trying to kill them outside the house as well.

This is akin to killing crypto within the legacy economy,
vs trying to kill it outside the legacy economy.

There are cockroaches inside the walled garden,
but there are also cockroaches outside of it as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A great add and good point. We are everywhere. Even the nuclear option wont stop things. After all, many claimed that the cockroaches would be the only things to survive a nuclear blast.

Crypto is that. Try to nuke it and it does not good.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The game really does sound interesting so it might be a good idea to lock up those HBD into savings to generate interest until you need it. Then again, I am not sure if they want to wait 3.5 days to get the HBD out to play the game. So would the diesel pool be a better option for these players?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Who is getting money out?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The gamers who need the HBD to heal their NFTs in the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ah ok I am following what you are saying now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well … if we ever have to hardfork away from a hostile takeover again, we have the new name, Cockroach.

Hmmm the "Cock" token might lead people to a conclusion that is a bit off from the intended target.

Or maybe the name will make it a Top 10 token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Maybe it stand for “sticking it to the man”

If the politicians go crazy, or crazier, what do they do next???

I love the idea of going back to small businesses. And I can easily see it happening the way you described.

What is your opinion on some of those smaller projects supporting each other and complementing each others features and use cases?

What is your opinion on some of those smaller projects supporting each other and complementing each others features and use cases?

I think it a good idea although it tends to happen naturally. Look at this game with HBD. That is something that kind of was just implemented a few months ago and now we have a game looking not only to implement the token but also the DeFi aspect.

That is going to really enhance the utility of HBD. So take this same concept and push it across a few dozen projects.

Then we will see a massive explosion.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I can't wait. I know of one person who tried to get his kid interested in Splinterlands, but he just wasn't into it. We definitely need a good selection of games for all tastes.


I am not sure how this one will be but from what I can ascertain, it is going to be different from Spliterlands. Perhaps this will be more to the liking of those not into that game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

it looks like a spectacular project.
so if i have even a few HP i will still have a nft to play with it ??

That is what it looks like. Not sure exactly how the drop will be or what the parameters are. It was rather vague. I would guess we will get an update before the 6th but we shall see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Exited for it. Every week new announcements

While financial Ragnarok hits the legacy economy, we cockroaches are finding new places to prosper. I do still support small businesses as much as possible, though--no crypto alternative to going to my local yarn shop and choosing alpaca or silk with my actual eyes and fingers. Or eating my absolute favorite pizza, made by an Egyptian immigrant at his Italian/Greek restaurant. America is still the best place to live, unless you can buy your own island.

America is still the best place to live, unless you can buy your own island.

Yeah like Hawaii. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

HIVE goal for 2022: buy Hawaii...

Start small and them move up.

Maybe go after Australia in 2023 or 2024.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The game will have many HBD sinks. The HBD is sucked into a "blackhole" via the SIP v1, where it will be locked away to earn interest in perpetuity.

Considering this in place, I never regret Staking up more HBD in saving....

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I need to start stacking more HIVE. I wonder if Hive.Swap will be included or do we need to move it to our HIVE wallets before the snapshot.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The #play2earn space just keeps getting more and more interesting...and valuable.

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 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yes I have been looking at the new structure of things for a while and how the organic growth of a complex system is changing things.

We are in for an amazing 2022, I can sense it. Things are only going to keep spreading out further.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta