Powell Calling Stablecoins Are A Form Of Money Is A Game Changer

in LeoFinancelast year (edited)

Many feel this was a total surprise by those who read these articles should not have been taken off guard.

The Chair of the Federal Reserve called stablecoins a form of money and that the Fed should have a say in the oversight. This is not surprising that the Fed wants to be involved. Here we see the proverbial power struggle. However, it also does align with what we regularly discuss. It is the Eurodollar System all over again.

We will have more on that in a moment.

Overlooked in most conversations is the fact that Powell said they were not close to bringing out a central bank digital currency (CBDC).

The Fed Chair also talked about the potential of a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) but provided a disappointing answer stating that the US was a long way from making this happen.

On the prospect of a CBDC existing, Powell said that the central bank would not be managing retail accounts, i.e., accounts by an individual. Instead, these accounts would be managed through the country’s banks.


That aside, this is a game changer for cryptocurrency. It is the validation that many are looking for. Most who are serious about this industry realize their blessing is not required. However, for the masses, this does make a difference.

So why is this no surprise? Let us explore it.


Cryptocurrency Is Eurodollar System

As I wrote on numerous occasions, cryptocurrency is the Eurodollar system. This is something that few really have great knowledge about yet it all lines up.

The Eurodollar System is basically private, reserveless bank money. Cryptocurrency is the same except we are removing the banks. That is the main difference.

Hence, the stance Powell is taking is in keeping with the Fed's understanding that started decades ago.

Let us look at some statements by Alan Greenspan. This is from the June 2000 FOMC meeting.

He starts by talking about the importance of money to the economy and a central bank:

This is not to say that money is not relevant for the economy. For a central bank to say money is irrelevant is the deepest form of sin that such an institution can commit.

So far no problems.

The problem is that we cannot extract from our statistical database what is true money conceptually, either in the transactions mode or the store-of-value mode. One of the reasons, obviously, is that the proliferation of products has been so extraordinary that the true underlying mix of money in our money and near money data is continuously changing.

This is where he said a mouthful.

To start, he says basically they have no idea of what money is, either in transaction mode (medium of exchange) or store of value. In other words, they can only extract from the database the unit of account.

The reason for this is the "proliferation of products". What does this mean?

In this one line, Alan Greenspan is admitting how the Eurodollar System completely hijacked money, to the point where it (The Fed) cannot even find it. The products they create, which are used as money through the short term lending as collateral has taken over.

He does finish this thought by getting very candid.

As a consequence, while of necessity it must be the case at the end of the day that inflation has to be a monetary phenomenon, a decision to base policy on measures of money presupposes that we can locate money. And that has become an increasingly dubious proposition.

All of this presupposed the Fed can find money and that "has become an increasingly dubious proposition".

Do you understand what we are dealing with. This is considered to be one of the greatest Fed Chairs and he is basically admitting we cannot find money, let alone control it.

Of course, this paves the way for cryptocurrency.

Powell Is Finding The Money

Since Alan Greenspan uttered these words, the Federal Reserve had a couple decades to find money. While they might still not understand where it all is, Powell is finding it. He realizes stablecoins are legitimate as money and something to be dealt with.

Before we think this is some altruistic move, we can easily see the selfish motives of the Fed.

It is responsible for monetary policy for the US dollar. Stablecoins that are issued in USD would be affected by Fed policy. Thus, cryptocurrency actually helps the Fed, at least with their narrative.

Let us be clear: I do not believe Fed monetary policy is anything more than a publicity stunt. They are completely ineffective. The inability to not find money is only trumped by the lack of influence on it. Hence, what the Fed does is immaterial to stablecoins.

However, this is another hat in the ring to claim regulatory power. We now have the CFTC, SEC, Congress, and who knows what else trying to take over. Why not add the Fed to the mix?

The bottom line is USD denominated stablecoins enhance the monetary policy of the Fed, at least in the eyes of Powell. This makes sense. If you believe your actions are effective, then anything that deal with the currency in question is impacted. This is true even if the connection is only based upon unit of account.

When we look at the Hive Backed Dollar (HBD) as an example, we can see how this is the case. The coin has no tied to the US dollar other than being a metric for conversion. There are no Treasuries or other dollar assets backing it. However, since it is dollar denominated, people in countries like Ghana, Cuba, or Venezuela who are using it derive the same benefits as a USD banknote. The main difference is HBD is in digital form.

Powell, of course, was not referring to something like HBD. He was expressive his views about stablescoins that has a reserve, most in US Treasuries. Here is where the impact, in his mind, is even greater.

Nevertheless, this is a game changer. The Fed wanting to be involved muddies the waters up even more. It does add some legitimacy to what is taking place while also throwing another layer of interference for those who seek to destroy cryptocurrency.

In the end, this wasn't needed but it is nice to have. If nothing else, it provides breathing room which to keep building.

The key is to get people like Powell on our side until we don't need people like Powell.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Interestingly, now and then we need people in the current financial system that invariably benefit to cryptocurrency without them realizing it themselves, we sure can do with them as we seek the adoption of cryptocurrency.

It is a strange twist to say the least.

Most do not trust or believe the mainstream yet seem to require the validation from them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

One thing that I love about Stablecoin is it property of being stable and not depreciating so fast and volatile coins.

Different use cases to say the least. For that reason, it is important to have both.

Many love and need the speculation that comes from volatility.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

The inability to not find money is only trumped by the lack of influence on it.

Whereas over here on the blockchain transactions are transparent and someone can track where everything is, makes me feel they want it the way it is for a reason

We are seeing a shift where on chain stuff is providing people with interesting choices.

It is there for everyone to see which is important. This means that it is harder to rig what is onchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

Point for crypto.
The government doesn't want to destroy cryptocurrencies. They just want their share.

LOL Their share seems to keep growing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha

It is clear that stablecoins play an important role in the crypto system, and the multiple attacks they face to undermine their dollar parity are concerning. However, I have faith in cryptocurrencies as the future of digital finance, Thank you very much for the information.

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I think this is an indication that there will be far more effort on the part of the banking cartel to seize control and tighten the noose. They know that the stablecoin market cannot be stopped, only encouraged to proliferate collateral for lending, which ultimately benefits the US Dollar

 last year  Reveal Comment

Volatility is the enemy of payment systems. That is why stablecoins have a future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha