By now most have heard of the announcement (of announcements) regarding the new application that Leofinance is developing. This is going to be "Twitter on the blockchain". Now, that concept means nothing to most people but more on that later.
What is vital to understand is how big this can be. Obviously, short form content apps were tried before with limited success. What makes this one different?
The key to social media is engagement. While many like to write (and read) long form content, the reality is that most of the Internet is nothing more than little snippets of information posted. There is a reason why Twitter and Facebook became so successful. They certainly are a lot more popular than Linkedin which is more narrow in scope and requires posts to be long from.
Medium is another example which trails the other two.
Originally considered to be a feature on Leofinance, the decision was made to form its own separate application which would appeal to the entire spectrum. This is not going to be simply about cryptocurrency or financial matters. Users can post whatever they want just like on Twitter.
It is going to send the engagement numbers on Hive through the roof. While comments average about 4,000 per day, they will get a lot bigger when this is released. Already we see people who are on Leofinance stating how they will post 20 or even 30 times using this application. After all, it is very easy to send out a meme, photo, or just a few words summarizing one's thoughts. Those 25 word posts with a link to a YouTube video that are despised on Hive as sh*itposts are now perfectly acceptable on this application.
The Leofinance community is already posting between 600-1,000 comments per day. This is one of the most involved communities on Hive and will only grow.
Also, according to the last Leo Roundtable post, there will be a place on the app where one can go and chat, in near real time, just like in a Discord group. This means that more activity can be pulled on chain, further enhancing the numbers.
Engagement is what is going to help retain users. People simply do not want to hang around on an application that is "dead". When there is activity, newer individuals start to engage also. This only makes things grow.
Thus, instead of trying to appeal to them with simply money, engagement can provide a sound foundation because there is a lot of activity.
While money might not be the main focus, there is tokenomics to the new application. This is going to be both separate from LEO and tied together.
At this point, we do not have the details but we were told this will be a proof-of-brain model. The token will have similar attributes to what else takes place on Hive. Of course, since all activity does end up on Hive, one will also be able to earn HP as a reward, although that will be secondary to the focus of most.
Not knowing the details, the new token is going to be "tied" to LEO and the governance token will be released. Even though this is a separate application, it is all part of the same ecosystem. Thus, I would presume that the token holders for microblogging application will be a part of the governance.
We are also going to see the token value strengthened by the use of liquidity pools on other chains. This will create arbitrage opportunities that tend to push price discovery to a greater level. When these situations present themselves, traders tend to smooth out the pricing. At the same time, the value of another token increasing has an impact on the Hive based ones as we see with wLEO.
This might not be of much interest to the general public but it will hold appeal to those who use the application and are into crypto trading. Having a full ecosystem that has that a major component will help to satisfy that desire that many have.
Easy Onboarding
One of the biggest steps forward by Leofinance was the streamlining of the onboarding process. This point cannot be underemphasized. Presently, a new user can get active on Leofinance simply by signing up with his or her Twitter account. This makes the process last a few seconds and the individual can get active.
The new application will carry the same ability. This is important since it is an applications that caters to Twitter users. Since most will have a Twitter account, there is no barrier to getting involved. This is a Web 3.0 application mirroring Web 2.0 functionality.
Of course, a Hive account is required. This is where Leofinance has the ability to create a lot of accounts over the next year. Presently, the platform is claiming enough accounts to sign up 400-500 users per day.
Consider that for a moment: What if Leofinance is signing up 400-500 new users a day; people who get active immediately? Most are aware of Twitter and since much of the promotion will likely take place on there, those who log on will be familiar with the process. Of those who do sign up in the early stages, there will likely be a high retention rate.
Hive has always discussed how to we get more users? Here it is. Also, the retention of users will be greater than the 5%-10% that Hive runs at (or whatever it is).
We are also going to see, around the time of the release of the application, the ability to sign up using Google, Facebook, or email accounts. This will only enhance the ease of use for getting people started.
The Market Exists
One of Hive's biggest selling points to content creators is that their account cannot be closed nor can their posts be taken down. This is not true with the existing, centralized social media applications. We all witnessed what took place over the last year with people "violating the Terms of Service". This is obviously a bullsh*t claim and is nothing more than silencing viewpoints that are disagreed with.
Twitter is one of the main ones engaging in this practice. While the publicity died down, we can be certain the practice has not stopped. The way things are looking, it will only be ramping up over the next few months.
When you have a ready-made market, it is, as they say, like shooting fish in a barrel. The people are seeking a solution to their problem. Here we have a problem where individuals are continually at risk of having their accounts closed and their data erased from public view.
With this new application, like all else on Hive, that cannot be done here. While users can sign up using Twitter, the Hive account that is created in the background can be claimed at any moment. This puts the ownership of the account and all that is created through it in the hands of the individual.
We take this for granted on Hive but it is a big deal in the general public. Think of all those in the scientific, political, and news communities who are being silenced through this actions. Then consider all those who are at risk of having this happen. That number is likely far bigger than those who were displaced.
The Impact On Hive
To determine, in general terms, the impact on Hive, we have to guess at what the activity will be like. This is going to take some speculation yet I think it can be done.
Since the censoring is so well known, the "selling" of this application is simple. This will serve as a Twitter front end. Anything that is posted through the application can feed through to one's Twitter account (just like posts on Leofinance can be automatically Tweeted). All the protections are provided yet the followers of the users will see the information the same as they always do.
Also, at some point, there could be a feature within the application that allows for one to pull the history for the account from Twitter and post it on the Hive. This will provide a full backup of all the work on did over the years.
Therefore, when looking at the market, and how things spread, it is likely we see 250K users within 12 months of the release of the application. That is the major impact upon Hive.
Consider how much more active this place would be with that many users. Presently, there are roughly 10K accounts transacting daily. This could 25x it.
Also, consider the number of Resource Credits required to get all those people interacting. A lot of HP is going to have to be tied to this project to satisfy the needs of the users.
Look at the path Twitter took:

Keep in mind that Twitter only started in 2006, there were far fewer people on the Internet, and social media is something that most had yet to hear about. Nevertheless, within 3 years, there were 30 million active users a month.
We are going to see similar trajectory on Hive although the numbers might be a lot lower. We know short form content is very popular with the Internet in general and that millions are presently displaced and looking for another alternative.
If the project is set up to be resistant to attack and truly decentralizes the infrastructure, then we have a solution that many are looking for.
Without realizing it, there are a lot of people looking for censorship resistant and immutability. This is something that Hive provides and this new application will deliver. They will not care if it is on blockchain since few know what it means. However, tell them you can keep their account AND data safe, and we see immediate interest.
Since the market it primed, we are likely to see a rapid increase in usage.
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Microblogging is going to change things around here and many are going to migrate not because it'll be new, but because it will suit their need more.
I'm expecting a migration from Twitter, very soon people will realize it's a better and safer place, not to mention the opportunity of monetizing your content. Obviously it'll take time to grow and take over twitter but I'm not worried about that as it'll happen in a few years.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Honestly, I dont know how many will migrate away from twitter but I do know there are lots of places to capture the attention. We will need to utilize them all to make it work.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can't estimate a number either but there will be quite a few in my opinion.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I wonder how much RC an average user would need to maintain a decent amount of activity. It might turn them off to find out they don't have enough resource-credits to make comments and etc. I highly suggest that if someone requires HP that you include a link to the #giftgiver so they can get a delegation. Of course, I do not know if it will be enough in the end or if it can keep up with all the people who require them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Comments use up a lot less than posts, so they should be able to do some. But yes, heavy users will exhaust it.
I am curious how they will handle the RC and Account problem. They easily could sign up more than 500 a day if this gets popular. Right now Leofinance hands out 10 HP to each new account it signs up. How many comments does that allow? Is there something else they are working on to pool things?
I dont know but success could expose a major flaw in the system.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@dbuzz @chrisrice
The main differences of LeoFinance's Twitter alternative dapp and D.Buzz are the following:
I actually like their presence and have always said that.
Custodian Wrapped Token:Like I always say, one of the only things I am worried about is if #WLEO is a
As for the innovation, it's good for #HIVE and even @dbuzz.
It's a great Idea, twitter is awful, once this gets going I will help promote it.
We can already see a preview of what #projectblank might become, at least in terms of popularity, through, which seems to have created a buzz on Hive even if it's not on Hive.
That is a great point. There were a lot who gravitated towards that. I am not sure of the numbers but there are a lot talking about it.
We will see even more excitement, I believe when the new app is released.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The very first time I ever heard of was yesterday when someone posted on Weedcash about how they were promoting Weedcash on and it sent my brain into a loop. It's cool there are other projects going on out there, but I'm still sticking to the Hive-based ones. There are too many and my pockets aren't bottomless.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just wonder if originality of short contet will be verifiable.
What do you mean?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think what he means is how will contents be verified if they are original or plagiarized.
Even twitter which is completely centralized does not verify if contents are original or plagiarized, how much more here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We should start looking at getting this place busy beyond perception instead of focusing on what we call shit post or verifying posts.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Agree 100%.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We haven't seen what it is yet, but I think the whole point is so that people can kinda post whatever they feel like at the time and not worry about someone crying "shitpost" to them.
Those people will still have the option of writing big, long blog posts. A lot of people these days have no interest in writing longform pieces and just want to interact through a million little pieces of text and a few images.
Basically, Hive is a great idea for a perfect world, but that world no longer exists, if it ever did. This new, microlayer of Hive is probably more in line with how people interact in 2021 and beyond.
The games are already doing this to a certain extent, making people interested in Hive who may have no interest in writing content. I'm very excited to see where Hive goes in 2021, though I'm always also a little skeptical, for safety's sake.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I am in absolute agreement with you on this subject, how many of us have the time to spend 8-9 hours at work and still want to sit and prepare a post that will take you about an hour? On average it takes me an hour or more to search and think about what to post which I do enjoy provided I have the time and not tired after a long day at work.
Short form content in less than 5 minutes your thought is out there and engagement is on going like we see on Twitter, Facebook etc.
With long and short form content existing on HIVE it gives users options and everyone will go on about which interest them most.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I guess that your thoughts on this s directed towards the finance aspect. However, I hope the price of the LEO___ would be much in fractions of LEO to match the quality (in terms of content size) anticipated.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's much harder to verify short forms than longer ones. It's easy to change just one word of a good tweet and claiming upvotes.
When financial incentive comes people are going to try different things to outsmart the system.
I am sure there might be some of that but are you really thinking that wide spread "tweet stealing" will be a problem. In the time it takes to steal one, one could bang out 25 words.
The content of a tweet doesnt get it upvotes as much as the followers.
I could post the same thing as a top tweeter and get 1/100th of the votes since I have a small Twitter following.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You can't compare with yourself as you are part human and part machine. lol :D
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You are actually very right on that. But inasmuch as its microblogging. I see no reason why someone would go about plagiarizing short contents for crying out loud.
The chance is given already for those who can't keep up with long and bulky content so why still go around plagiarizing content as short as a tweet? That's insane if I am to say.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I agree @zanoz.
I am not sure "tweet stealing" is a major problem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't think it is, or will be, a "major" problem. But I would be really surprised if people did not use others tweets. People lack morality.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yeah! And if it becomes a problem then I am sure there will surely be a way to tackle them @taskmaster4450le
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think there will be a bot that responds with "I found this content here as well" and a link, sorta like we have now. Then, it'll be pretty easy to see where the content came from, and action can be taken accordingly, even if it's just a bunch of downvotes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
For people not native in English for instance, this could be a superb 'money grab'. Just copy & paste some awesome tweets you find on Twitter and you're set.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You know you aren't entirely wrong because even with long and bulky contents. I have seen and read different posts that are very much alike and similar in some paragraphs and I am like, didn't I just read the same phrase or paragraph in someone's post?
And it's usually an initiative or contest.
So I understand people reading other people's entries and stealing some phrases and paragraphs without even changing to their own words and it's mostly those who aren't native in English like you said.
But whatever be the case, I am sure it wouldn't be much of a problemI see your point @hitmeasap
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As soon as money is involved, people will always find ways to abuse, cheat, steal and lie. It's unfortunate, but it's just how some people works. I don't think it will be a big deal regardless though, but I am sure there will be people trying to "get rich quick" by using others content. Especially when it's twitter-like content as it's difficult to check.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are communities of people on Hive who speak all sorts of different languages, though. I think people will be able to post in whatever language they want and someone will be able to read it and will appreciate it was written in that language.
As far as just copying tweets, I really think something like postbot will point that out and we'll be able to take action against those users.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That's a good point. There will most likely be systems in place to prevent abuse in various forms.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Tweets don't necessarily have to always be about content, it's easy to spot who's just doing it for the farm and who genuinely is tweeting for the sake of tweeting. Elon can paste a meme and get millions of likes. Similar to Hive you don't always just curate the content, there's millions of authors and content creators out there, at one point it starts also being about who you want to reward as a person, their reputation, history, contributions, etc, etc.
THIS. If two people tweet out identical tweets by accident, people are going to upvote the person they follow or like and ignore the other. That's just the way the world is. Let's not cry plagiarism if that happens either, unless it's obvious like an identical paragraph or something.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes you are right
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Most ideas are recycled. If people are sending out posts with the same ideas as someone else but written from their point of view, that's okay. If they're copying a post word-for-word, I have a feeling some bot will be pointing it out immediately, sorta like we have now.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
how does the Leo "twitter" compare to dbuzz in you opinion ?
Much more advanced. To start, the tokenomics exist which is something that DBuzz does not have.
Secondly, the way the interaction is with the blockchain is different. It will not be posts but comments (or something like that). This does not mess up people's feeds or autovotgers.
Thirdly, all that I listed in here...easy sign up, posting to twitter, plus more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I didn't know this aspect of the microblogging peoject. It's awesome in that sense.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is a big part of it. We are going to see a "separation" on Hive in that regards. The posts will end up in different areas on one's hive account. Stuff through Peakd or Leofinance will be under posts, through ProjectX will be in comments.
That is my understanding of it anyway.
We will see what rolls out.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
awesome, thanks for the clarifications. I was worried it could mess up my blog and spam people's feed.
No that is what happens with Dbuzz.
We are also going to see a different way of calling from the apis. Not sure what it means but this is what was tweeted out by Leofinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I still like and feel bad for Dbuzz, though. They're putting a lot of work into their project and I think it'll all basically be a ghost town when Project X or whatever they're calling it is unleashed. That's the nature of development, though. I don't think it floods people blogs, really. It goes under the posts and not on the main blog, and if you don't just write "farts r kewl" or something, it's still content. Some people write 500 words of bullshit and think they're all high and mighty because it's long, but if it's long and bad, it's still bad. haha.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think that's the most important part to me. That it doesn't show up as a new post.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It doesn't utilize top level posts but doesn't exactly use "Comments" either.
We created an entirely new data structure to handle "Blanks" (tweets). We're pretty excited to unveil it. It's going to be a game changer for content creation on Hive
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That answered a question I just had. I wonderered if they were going to be actual comments or just sorta like comments. Whatever you've come up with sounds better than just sending actual comments. That would mess up peoples' stats just as much as the posts themselves with "mess up" their feeds.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh.. That sounds awesome!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We'll all know more soon, but I'm wondering if these posts will actually all show up as comments or if there will be something else, another layer I don't understand. It'd be weird to see some accounts with 3 posts and 30,000 comments, though I'm sure similar accounts probably exist in small numbers already.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The idea of being able to Direct Message people is a vital aspect of social media for me. This idea seems like a great step towards catching Twitter. Twitter has so many fundamental privacy issues and I truly believe that blockchain is the solution to reestablishing control over our data and our decisions.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This can have a massive impact, obviously. If it's easy to use, people will try and stay. One important aspect mentioned in the posts is that... the market exists.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It seems with the WSB crowd, the market is only getting bigger.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It's going crazy!
This is gonna be awesome (in so many ways).
Well done, LEO team!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Twitter in leofinance that is also known as microblogging is one of the most awaited features in the last few months.
This is good and it will get even more increase on this since in coming months. Leo promotion on Twitter is doing good and this is a way to bring more awareness toward the Leo platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lightening Layer is indeed best as providing User the satisfaction of speed and technology. & combine it with simplified Onboarding process, it just take little consistent things to grow a lot bigger. When all the stars align it will take days or less, but before that we should be doing 101% in every little task.
Leo has Vison, Hive has tech...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is how it should be.
And Leo's vision will add a lot more to Hive. It is a wonderful layered cake that will keep growing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
So but sustainable? Sounds ace.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I kind of have this feeling about community expansion for HIVE since we forked. It was clear that the kind of trend being shown at that time, would be a plausible reason why people would want to be around HIVE. Hence, months after the fork, the trend verified even more and more people started to expand to other social networks way more than before the fork (since I remember). This last one, was also another indicator.
So, yes, we definitely should bridge (enhance, improve, etc) every single network out there, just because we can. With w3, this could just be the true core value of this blockchain, integrability at large world scale!
I am usually not a predictions guy, but I am pretty happy about my thoughts about HIVE and in general many projects running on top of it.
I wish I had more time... :( to play around.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Predictions are tough but what you point out is true. We have come a long way from the fork and the community that is here is solid. Over time, it will grow once we get a few things worked out. That is being approached.
An application like this can really be a feeder into the entire ecosystem. It will be fun to watch the results and see how quickly the impact can be made.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are a lot of times where I just feel like posting memes, and since I'm almost always banned from Facebook and permanently banned from Twitter, this sounds like an amazing alternative. Since it won't be going on my blog I feel like a large part of what Hive/LEO was missing will finally be there. #FreeTheMEME
Great post. Shared
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is an ideal application for sharing memes. That is the best content actually to share.
As they say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LEO twitter is perfect for things as they stand right now. It will create a buzz and speculation on Hive if it does well. Which is all we need regrading token price. Positive feedback loops are the way to massive gains.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It will be a terrific feeder system.
I think many other applications will benefit from this. It cannot come here quick enough.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Dont think people realise how much of a big deal it is, it also makes Hive perfectly placed to onboard the ever growing number of people pissed off with the centralisation of speech. The way the world is heading, freedom of speech is becoming very important and on everyones minds. Leo needs to in a way break out of HIVE and become its own thing which sits on top of Hive ecosystem. Hive could then basically comsume everything once people build enough stuff on it. HIVE = Freedom = Priceless.
For me, the biggest question: are people ready for this? A good product can come out at wrong time. There is a lot of marketing needed to bring this product to their desired customer. It is not an easy task, but it is worth trying. I love that the team of developers here is forward-thinking and willing to make daring moves. We can fancy our chances
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Have you seen what happened with WSB? They had their entire community taken off Reddit.
I think people are very ready for this. Anything that goes against the norm is going to want to decentralize and project what they are doing.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I watched all 2 hours and 47 minutes of the leo roundtable. I like the explanations give over the length of the video. Lots of tidbits to pick up and it confirmed my suspicions that microblogging will be the most popular version of Leofinance. Solid planning
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Microblogging will far outdo Leofinance. There is no question on that since it is one of those platforms that caters to the masses.
That said, it will be a great feeder system into all of Hive, including Leofinance. Getting people using something like that will allow them the time to open up and learn about the other aspects to this ecosystem.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is very true and will most likely happen. This microblogging release will be very revolutionary and distruptive. I've always looked forward to the day when people will not come to Hive or LEO basically because of the money but for the love of engagement and sociation like they do on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc, now this is about to take place before our very eyes.
Thanks for taking out time to do this thorough and quite educative analysis. Cheers!
PS: Post resteemed.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The Leofinance microblogging could give the first big shock to Hive, the second will come from 3Speak and then we are waiting for all the others.
It's hard not to be bullish on HIVE
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is my belief. We are going to see a couple of huge hits this year.
And the microblogging will actually feed into the success of 3speak's platform.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Stocking up and powering up as much as I can before this hits! It's gonna be huge and I'm pretty sure most of my day will be spent on there and LeoFinance.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a feeling you are not alone. I think there will be a ton of time spent on there.
I also think the Alexa rankings and things like that will skyrocket when the new site is released. There will be some traffic that stays.
Having links on there as that site becomes more successful will only feed into the rankings of all that we post on there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Needless to say I'm looking forward to this arriving.
I wish RC pools were up and running this could create quite some demand for them.
I think the demand for the miners is going to be insane too! Going to snap up a few myself if I can I think.
The demand for all is going to be amazing.
It will be interesting to see what kind of frenzy is created.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A 'frenzy' is precisely what I am anticipating!
Kick off a mania. We need to take it personally and all get active. Blast whatever we can, wherever we can.
Start leaving comments on displaced people's blogs alerting them to what we have to offer.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It could bring a few people back in I guess!
I vaguely remember something about this whole leo-twiiter thing only being at the comment level - so not showing up on our blogs - or have I just imagined that?
That is accurate. The problem with Dbuzz is it fills up people's feeds and shows up under their blog posts.
With the new application, we will see all of this posted in the comment section of our Hive account.
On the app, of course, it will appear like it does on Twitter.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Now I'm wondering where I heard it!
Thanks for the clarification.
Makes sense to do it this way. I'm not a fan of those DBuzz posts.
We're already raising roofs! What is going to happen will blow people's minds.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think you are right as I saw how active twitter was today with the stocks on Wall Street. This was done by Reddit so this is geared up for all sorts of fun and many will find their voice on Leo's micro blogging platform. This is actually the perfect timing and it should send this place through the roof. Decentralized twitter is what people want.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even thought they dont use the term decentralized, it is what they want.
The angle of never having your account closed and your tweets never going away is going to be an easy sell.
The world is ready for it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Stats basically don't lie, those figures proves how much of a buzz the Leo project has been getting so far, twitter is there for the taking as Many people are endless searching for the end to the reign of centralisation
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There are a lot of people who are now outside of Twitter who would be extremely valuable.
Most people do not care about decentralization. They care about retaining their account and data.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're right, nevertheless they'll eventually learn and understand that decentralisation is a key to their personal ownership and control.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Truth be told the whole LEO thing from its inception is a one man show. This man has done so many things for what it started as a tribe but it grows to something far bigger than that which makes me thinking of all the things we (Hive) would have accomplished if there were 20 clones of him building apps and having the same vision he has for his tribe...but for Hive...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is the key. But for now, we deal with what we have. Of course, do not overlook what @disregardfiat and the Speak team are doing. They are both working on some incredible stuff.
The thing is there number of developers working on Leo has increased. I believe they are up to 7 which means a lot more can get done in the same period of time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I don't overlook disregard fiat nor 3speak at all. And I don't think there's lack of developers on Hive...lack of creativity perhaps...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have a close person who has always been talking about this and the day it would be finally released.
My question is, will this microblogging be for only finance and economy-related articles just like Leo finance?
And I also hope that the chatbox that will be provided wouldn't expect people to send a friend request to the person they wanna chat up before they can start messaging just like what I realized on hive.
It's very annoying that you want to chat up someone as quickly as possible to ask about something but only to find out you can't do that without sending a request and until the request is accepted or replied before you can start up a conversation with that person
What was really the essence of the chatbox then if it wasn't easily accessible to use, I always wonder
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
No it is a separate application that will cater to any content people want to post. It will be just like twitter in that instance. Pictures, memes, sports, politics, whatever anyone wants to put out there.
As for the "chatbox" is dont know if it will be a private messenger type system. From what I could understand, which was not much, it will be able to do something similar to what happens in a discord group. Thus I take it to be an open forum where people can post. Perhaps community membership is required if there is the ability to break it down in that manner.
Not much info out there about that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh, this is great news then.
I do also hope that the chat system would be a lot like discord
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I just learned today that the micro blogging platform is going to be for all forms of content. I had imagined in the past that it would just be for finance and crypto related stuff. That is definitely going to help it grow. It is good that they are looking at avenues outside of Twitter to get people onto the platform. As much as people will be posting about the new app on Twitter, it is only a matter of time before Twitter starts to censor or shadow-ban that type of content. We have seen them do it in the past with other crypto related content and users. They claim to be a bit more friendly than some of the other platforms, but at the end of the day if there is a solution that is drawing users away from them, they will probably try to silence it. Hopefully we can build enough momentum before that happens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That was the original intent but the scope expanded once the determination was to make it a separate app.
That will happen is my expectation. That is where other avenues must be pursued. Besides many of those displaced are already off Twitter.
This is why we have to start emailing blog owners who are at risk of being censored, post in other areas like Reddit, Pinterest, and forums. The idea is to start some excitement going. We can also place a note on crypto youtubers.
That will get a few people involved. Plus making videos on YouTube will help greatly.
I think it will be an easy sell once people start getting creative. And we all have an interest in getting the word out there.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That makes sense. It definitely has the potential to have a huge draw if we can get the word out to enough people. I wonder if they are planning on rolling it out to just LEO folks as like a group of beta testers before they release it to the masses. I know that comes with its own set of drawbacks, but I also know the team will probably want it to be as polished as possible to help grab and retain new users.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have no idea on that end. We will see.
It would make sense that the beta testers will be leo people but I havent heard word about it.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Are you 100% sure about this? If this is true then I'm even more excited about this project than before!
The reason is because I've always theorized that the retention rate on Hive is so bad is because new people expect an upvote on their blogs. The reason people expect it is because a long blog takes a lot of work and effort and not getting a monetary tip from it is extremely disappointing and it only take a couple of times for that to happen before people give up.
Microblogging on the other hand shouldn't suffer that same fate because the effort required is basically nothing. Less than a minute if not just a few seconds so expecting an upvote here shouldn't be a problem and the disappointment from not getting one should be minimized.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
100% positive.
That is why it is being released as a totally separate application and not as a feature of Leofinance. Initially the thought was to make this for Leofinance but it was changed to be much broader.
It is why there is so much potential.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
According to the warmup on, the level of activity will be insane.
You talked briefly about RC.
Even if hive is abstracted by Twitter onboarding, all actions are on chain so all require some RC.
The Twitter/Hive account will get some HP delegated to be able to post ? Is there another mechanism I didn’t catch ?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Right now, there are 10 HP delegated to each new account that signs up through Leofinance. I do not know how much that allows in terms of commenting.
I would imagine heavy users will require a great deal more.
There could be but I havent heard of it. Perhaps there is something in the works. This is a challenge for Hive in general.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
10HP would be around 14 comments if I’m not wrong.
Which is not that bad to give a taste of the platform for some users. If they get into it they would think about powering up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Would that be 14 comments a day?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
A bit more with the recharging process but not much.
I’d say 1.5 additional comments per day :D
Total 15 comments per day in case the user is not using upvote feature.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is so true, can't wait for this, because it's really going to expose this blockchain to the open world and that equals more engagement, and more traffic.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is an application that could have mass appeal. Of course, the early version will lack a lot of the functionality that most are accustomed to. For that reason, updates have to be quick and furious. We also will need to see a mobile application as quickly as they can get one done. That is now most people access Twitter.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
An actual mobile app?
If that is put in place then it would be a whole new big shit. Everyone wants an easy to use function, so a mobile app would kill it, if it functions as better than Facebook easy navigation function then this would be golden.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We will have to see the road map but I cant imagine that they are putting in the effort on a project like this without the idea of going mobile with it. Most people access the internet through mobile and not having one will be a setback. Not to start of course but after a while, it will be required.
If things take off, it will also have to be available in places outside of google or apple since they have a tendency to zap apps that they dont like.
This could be one of them. lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Lol, you're right about that, Google may not like us, but we'd go beyond it's reach, the moon is our starting point
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Just out of curiosity, where is the ending point?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Uhm, I'd say some other dimension that prolly exists but we ain't aware :)
But how would I know, am not an alien to know what's after the moon, lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I see the potential this has on the whole hive blockchain. It might be the boost we all want to get the blockchain to the world and create more awareness.
I just can't wait for the launch
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
4 weeks, give or take.
It is going to be very exciting.
Before that, I think the level grows with the release of the white paper.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It definitely will be an unforgettable experience when it's finally live
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Please do well to give an update on your blog once the Whitepaper is released.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Well you have to see how twitter evolves, in fact in my case I still do not have an account there, I have already considered it because of the multiple opportunities they offer for some gain or learning, but I still resist, hopefully what they are thinking to do works and hopefully leave it in the comment line not as a post as they have said they will, because it would not be fun to see in your feed about 80 comments from a single user and leave out the articles of the main ones, well that in the case of Those of us who like to read long articles, I suffer in another network that they put me the pile of photos that come from appics and more than one user I have stopped following it for the pile of post with a crude photo.
Hopefully when the new tokens are implemented they attract users, as they say if you want to have two people with you to help you with something, call 500, and in the end you will find the ideal, that is what will happen here with the entire twitter universe, more than one will come to the crypto economy.
Go from 500 to 600 users per day that's fantastic, nothing like making this a marvel to activate new users, I see that Leo is doing his homework let's say better than hive but hey we're in the same boat and if it's good for Leo, it will be good for hive.
Well what will happen when twitter closes the account to the user, how will it be done so that he is used to the few lines of it?
Hopefully they are not disenchanted to enter hive directly because those on twitter can identify that their post is being reposted twice and it does not seem funny to them, I say because it only occurs to me.
Let's hope that does not happen but we must be prepared for it so that they try to close the lit fuse towards twitter, sorry that I am negative but you have to see all the edges involved.
Reading a lot puts one in perspective on the negative side, but I really think that with so many users it will not be fun or healthy for Twitter to try to close so many accounts simultaneously, true.
Well let's hope we have great successes around here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is why claiming the Hive account is so important. The user, if the twitter account is closed, will still have the ability to access it like we do all other aspect of Hive, using our account and key.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Seeing the Twitter usage stat above, I am much optimistic that LEO Twitter would certainly record such high values in the near future. We are still in the beginning and we're building a lot of momentum.
I imagine all of the over 20 Hive tribes with dedicated frontends pooling as much engagement statistics as Leofinance does, then we'll peg eye in the eyes of the world already.
We're still growing and it can only get better.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is the key. All on Hive, and outside of it, can use this app to expand their reach and interaction. Community members in sports can follow each other and send out "sports tweets".
The possibilities are really enormous.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
In one month of strongly marketing on Twitter my account, online precense, and finances have improved quite well. I can't imagine what we can do when the app goes live. Microblogging is a great tool to broaden the space, attract more users and investors and even lead fan bases to more content. As for engaging. I have managed to meet more Hive and Leo brothers on Twitter than Hive and Leo itself; that pretty much says it all. Good to see you Sensei!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I can and it makes me dizzy. LOL
It is going to be huge and I mean this in all sincerity. The market is so big and it is primed for something like this. To get 400 active users per day is not a lot once the word starts to spread.
Do not forget, if one comes on board, he or she will likely tell a friend or two.
It is poised for massive growth.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I'm hoping growth will be slow and steady like a trickle. If it's a deluge then who know's if Hive will be able to handle it. The LightningDB helps but I think there's a point where the actions queue gets overwhelmed with a backlog of transactions to be posted to the Hive blockchain. That would be a good problem to have though as it would mean the microblogging had gone viral. But honestly, a slow and steady trickle is better.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
According to blocktrades, the optimizing they did allows the blockchain to handle 10x the max traffic it had before. Since we are a drop in the transactions compared to the max, I dont think it is a problem.
The bigger issue will be the resource credits and accounts. That could run low quickly.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
They said Leofinance was bad for Hive. They were wrong.
Last call for dinosaurs to on-board this train.
Great write-up by the way.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This might be the "killer DApp" that crypto was looking for.
Once it is released, it will be up to all of us to start promoting the hell out of it to everyone we know.
This will open up an entirely new avenue of users.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Indeed. That's the point when twitter won't make too much sense for me and will shill the app on it like a mad man.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
We still need other targets. Email and comment sections of targeted people who are in jeopardy of being displaced is another good point.
They are also people who might move over to peakd or leofinance too.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
LOL. I love how polite and honest you are. :)
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Sorry, out of BEER, please retry later...
This is nice
Very nice. I wonder if this is when Hive embraces the 'shit post'. Reddit, Twitter and Facebook are filled with reposted content. There's no direct monetization with them so that makes it a little less tricky for them.
Yes it will. And the fact that it doesnt hit people's blog and operates at a lower level means that it will not affect the "quality content" quest.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:
We've got some heavenly opportunity with WallStreetBets situation we have here:
Censorship is in full blow. I think Discord banned them for "Hate Speech"!
On the bright side we can look at stats from @penguinpablo and realize how big of a deal those 400-500 users are going to be for Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta