Hive Target Audience And What Makes Hive Unique

in LeoFinance11 months ago

Many discuss topics regarding marketing on Hive. It is something many believe in yet, to date, most have not even taken the most basic of marketing steps. Instead, its seems to be a situation of "we need marketing", someone comes up with an idea, and then it is put forwarded.

This goes counter to the most fundamental question of sales and marketing. It is what needs to be answered before all else:

Who are you going to sell too?

In other words, what is your target audience?

This is the center from what all can flow. Once this is established, the rest literally will fall in line.

For that reason, we will put forth what Hive's target audience could be. At least this is based upon the stats for a particular application. We will also discuss why this makes sense.


Focusing Our Attention

If I was designing a marketing plan, this is where I would concentrate the efforts.

Hive is varied. There is no doubt about it. We see difficulty in creating an elevator pitch due to the fact there are so many directions things can take. Basically, it comes down to what is of interest to the person.

For example, a gamer is not going to have the same reaction to blogging as a serious content creator. The reverse is also true. Many are serious about their endeavors on Hive, understanding it to be a business. Others prefer to keep it light and just joke around a bit.

Meme creators are not always aligned with 1,500 words article writers. Video creators can vary based upon their talents and desires. Those who make 30 minute, fully edited videos contrast greatly to shorts.

Then we have the entire financial realm. Hell, we could go on for hours about the differences between speculation and yield seekers.

The point is Hive offers something to all these people. However, where this is an issue is in the fact that if everyone is a prospect, nobody is a prospect. This means the target audience has not been identified at all.

From this perspective, we will offer a basic starting point.

What Makes Hive Unique

In marketing there is something called USP. This goes back a bit in time and terminology can change. It simply stands for Unique Service Proposition.

It is essentially what separates your product or service from everyone else?

This is something that can obviously be answered in many different ways. Nevertheless, if we are talking about Web3, what brings Hive to the front of the class?

Here is how I will boil it down:

Hive is unique because of the distribution mechanism.

Regardless of the other networks, either Bitcoin or the EVMs, none of them have Hive's method of getting coins and tokens in the hands of people. For the average person, the only way to acquire these, especially at the base layer, is to purchase. To get in the game, money is required.

With Hive, that is not the case. While buying is an option, many are not in that position. Nevertheless, they are able to get some coins distributed based upon their activity. Being a node operator (aka block producer) is not necessary.

This is a unique proposition within the cryptocurrency world. There are not too many other networks that operate in this manner. It is a point that needs to be driven home.

Hive's Target Market

Which brings us to Hive's target market. If we look at the distribution system, we then can turn to who benefits? Obviously, this would be those excluded from the world of Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Here is where we have a bit of evidence. While this is only one application, logic says that it is forming across the board.

This is the latest breakdown of users based upon geography for Leofinance according to Simpleanalytics.

The top 3 are:

  1. Nigeria
  2. United States
  3. Venezuela

Notice that Nigeria is ahead by a good pace. Venezuela is closing in on the U.S. I would not be surprised if it surpasses it by year end.

In other words, these two should be areas of focus. Hive can provide an immediate solution to these people as compared to other ecosystems.

Countries like these, along with Ghana, Cuba, and a host in SE Asia lack the financial resources as compared to many developed countries. While digital assets can benefit them, we can see how access that Hive provides offers something unique.

Again, we are looking for a USP.

These economies are such that the bar for making an impact is rather low. Tapping into the Hive economy can offer opportunities that are not resident in their country. Here is where Hive can step in.

Inclusive and Impactful.

Network Effect

One of the most powerful concepts is the network effect. We saw this exercised to perfection in the world of social media. Companies like Google and Facebook excelled (and became worth a ton) because of this.

Here is where Hive can kick this off. When we look at the target market, there are billions of people around the world. A country like Nigeria has a population of roughly 200 million. There are near 30 million people in Venezuela.

Making even the slightest of headway into these countries would be of benefit. They are target rich environments that can be leveraged for the network effect. Just picture Hive with around 5 million daily users. Considering the number of people in the developing world, we can see how this is nothing.

If we want to go one step further, India ranks 4th on the list, a nation with 1.4 billion people.

To me, this is a basic starting point. We can deliver value into these countries through tokenization in a unique manner. This cannot be stressed enough since it immediately makes Hive stand out.

And that is the goal of any campaign.

From this point, the rest of the process can start to fall in place.

What is Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Need to get more brazilian users... It's one of the countries with the most social network users. Too bad they are still mostly on web2

Indeed, very well said. South America in general has a great potential here from a wide variety of reasons. Let us not forget Argentina or Columbia while we are at it as well. Best regards!

I agree. I nominate you.

5 million Brazilians is the goal. Is next Friday too soon?

But you bring up a good point...a huge opportunity.

So Hive's USP is its distribution mechanism.

I seem to think if we want to hone in on one thing, that is it.

I think that's an accurate description of Hive's USP though at times, I also find myself struggling to explain Hive in a simple way.

I would start talking about the distribution of the base layer coin as one of the features of the ecosystem. This is something that makes Hive stand out.

Do you mean is PoB protocol unique to Hive?

In a nutshell, yes. Best regards!

Why is Hive unique? Nicely written about that topic and well explained topic thank you.

In a world where many cryptocurrency networks require substantial financial investment to participate, Hive's ability to allow people to earn and participate through their activities sets it apart.

It does make Hive stand out when you think about it.

I am moderately surprised that the USA came in with 13% with all the regulatory oversight that the Feds are putting in place, causing many crypto exchanges to abandon the USA. I don't think there are any exchanges left that support USA clients that also deals in Hive. I know the few I was aware of abandoned USA customers earlier this year. This will hamper adoption of Hive in the USA, unless it can get listed by CoinBase. I agree that Venezuela will soon take the second spot. No idea if you are right as to when, however I believe it will happen.

You are right in differences between gamers, bloggers, investors/speculators, and so on. Each group has a different mindset and different goals in the crypto space.

Nice write-up, by the way.

No need to be on Coinbase. Simply need to be able to easily swap to a token that is.

Hive (and HBD) will not see a future on CEX. It will be the DEX where they excel.

I get my Hive through Splinterlands here in USA

Posted using Neoxian City

You write so well a cucumber like me can actually understand marketing. Kuddos for that. Although I wonder if what you are precisely explaining is not perjudicial to Hive. As you know, you are aiming to poor countries and as such, they seek to take out value from the blockchain by adding their creativity, although I am not saying this is a bad thing, if most people sell a token, it will decrease it's value and therefore it's use.

But then again, I am a cucumber and just wondering about from the view point I got from the NFT games boom back in a while and some post I have read here with the same concern. What is your take from that? I would love to know from a versed person like yourself!

Is a cucumber better than a pickle? If so, you have that.

NFTs have a huge future but, like most in crypto, the hype and bubbles comes first. Watch the development.

With games, like anything, it comes down to the appeal of the game itself. A shit game with NFTs is still a shit game.

I liked the context. Target audience focus, maximization and drilling could be coupled with a disruptive effect.

Advantages, understanding each country's market, local culture and identifying the goodness to formulate disruptive strategic guidelines through a structured plan with actions.

I am glad.

Targeting is vital. This is something that I sense is overlooked.

You can't till the land without the weeder.

Everything has an elementary principle to develop it. It applies to life, to the market and to everything.

Hive needs businesses that will utilize its features to reward it's users.

We're thinking about it but are building the fundamentals first. We have televet startup and our end goal is to build soc med on Hive that will be dedicated to pet owners. Our token will be exchanged for xy % in discount on both products and services we plan to offer.

That's the way we should look at it.

A great market to tap into.

For me, creating a token to be used as a medium of exchange doesnt make sense, especially on Hive. We already have HBD that serves that role. The token created will be a value capture, encompassing what you create.

I am against devaluing the token by saying "we believe so much in this, give it away as payment".

And that is essentially what people are doing.

Great article here, target audience well emphasized, unlike other token which has to be bought, hive as offered users the freedom to accumulate such tokens through their activities and could only buy optionally

It opens us up to much bigger markets.

I like it!
But I still want to market to based Zoomers.
Just for fun!

LOL I am not even sure I know what they are...and I am pretty sure I dont want to.

I am a grumpy old man before I am old.

The past two decades would make anyone grumpy.

Why is that?

Have you been having fun the past 20 years? They've been generally miserable for me.

HIVE is great and unique because it is diverse and well established. As for the marketing aspect of it, it is quite complex. There could be many target groups of users because there are many communities with many users who are interested in many topics/subjects and economic activities. That's why HIVE has a great economic potential in the future. That coupled with its ongoing evolution, day by day. Thanks for writing and sharing this post! All the best, plenty of success, and keep up the good work on HIVE!

A lot of things can make it stand out.

Indeed, which is why HIVE is so great and I am very optimistic but also realistic when I say that it will continue to evolve well into 2024 and beyond. It has a lot of economic potential both through HIVE blog and through the affiliated platforms/communities. LeoFinance is a very good example in this regard. All the best!

Wow, this data is shocking. I had no idea nearly a third of all Hive users are from Nigeria.

I'm in agreement that Hive needs some kick ass use cases before mainstream marketing will have the desired effects, but I'm mostly clueless about what those use cases would be since I am not nearly as well versed on the benefits of building on our blockchain.