Hive: Providing Much Of What People Need

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Hive is rounding out into a very powerful blockchain. We are seeing more developed that is expanding the offerings to all users of the platform.

This is exciting to see. We came a long what were the primary focus was upon blogging.

That said, many people are starting to point out how there are just too many projects on Hive to keep up with. This is making for some tough decisions. We are all limited by time and resources. While some might have a bit more than others, ultimately we all have to make choices. This is leading to some tough decisions as to what projects to support.


To me, this is telling us this platform is starting to fill in nicely. Options is what we need. That is what will provide newer people with the opportunities they seek. Since we are dealing with a cross-section of individuals, it is impossible to know what each wants.

Certainly, there is no way to claim that we are near complete. We still have a lot of work to be do. That said, those who are focusing attention on Hive and its related applications now realize what has developed.

Since the start of the year, it looks like the introduction of new projects accelerated. This applies to those both large and small. Developers are stepping in where needed to fill in some of the gaps. At the same time, some major initiatives are being presented.

Light Paper. It is something that is going to take time for many of us to digest. However, even a quick scan of the document shows the caliber of project it seeks to be. This is not something that could propel Hive forward but, rather, all of crypto.In the past few days we saw the release of the @spknetwork


For whatever reason, we seem to want to chase things. Why this is cannot be clearly seen. Nevertheless, there appears to be "the grass is greener" attitude among people.

Hive is a new entity. While we have the legacy of near 5 years, the blockchain is only 13 months old. This is when the community truly came into control. Before that, it had to deal with Steemit Inc and it assorted owners. The put a limit on how quickly things could advance.

That is not the case anymore.

This points out why it is so important to notice how far we truly came in a relatively sort period of time. We see a lot of results that were not there before.

Here again, we realize the expansion of what is taking place starting to impact things. Choices mean opportunities. It is also a situation whereby one can truly learn what is taking place and, even more importantly, who is involved.

DeFi is obviously exploding right now. Of course, since the money is so plentiful, nefarious characters are also showing up. The Yield Farming realm is full of people who are there to scam. Rug pulls are becoming commonplace.

Operating within a community like Hive allows us to be able to better navigate those waters. For example, those who got familiar with Leofinance over the past couple years had no problem jumping into CubFinance. It is far easier to trust a team that is known and interacted with the community. The same is true with the Spknetwork, headed by Dan and Matt.

As the waters get a bit more treacherous in cryptocurrency due to the attraction of some not so nice players, reputation and trust is going to be a bigger factor. People are going to look to either their direct network or influencers they have confidence in. With the passing of time, those projects will a track record will be able to branch out much better.


Maximalism is a dangerous thing. That said, there is a difference between that and tribalism. Being part of a community that one feels comfortable with while wanting to contribute seems to be a part of our make up as humans.

That is not to say we believe that we are the only game in town, or the best one either. Other communities have their positives just like we have our negatives. We can see pros and cons in all projects.

When it comes to investing, it is not a bad idea to have a decent cross-section of tokens. Smart money is in Bitcoin and Ethereum right now. One cannot dispute the track record. It is also getting harder to debate the upward forecasts that are out there.

There is, however, a difference between investing some money in something and committing to a community. It is far easier to spread one's financial resources as opposed to our time. Here is where we see the tribalism enter the picture.

Hive is changing lives. We see that in some of the posts about how the rewards on this ecosystem allowed people to buy food, medicine, or pay the rent. This is something that is overlooked in the mania of DeFi, Lambos, and $1 million Bitcoin.

While not as glamorous as some of that, changing lives on the ground is something that will spread. It is a grassroots movement that takes hold over time. Unfortunately, it is usually one person at a time.

As we see the expansion of communities, gaming, DeFi, and a host of other things on the Hive blockchain, we are going to keep seeing how this is a basis for our financial future. By interacting here, the opportunity for rewards just keeps growing. The compounding nature of Hive keeps going, enabling people to expand their networks. For many, this is already providing financial results.

At some point, as the wealth grows, it becomes about more than just the money. That is vital, especially when one has very little. Nevertheless, the opportunity here is about altering the path of humanity. This is the role of the entire crypto industry and Hive is a part of that.

Since we have a platform that is based upon direct user involvement and one can start with no financial resources, we are open to a lot more areas of the world than many other systems. We already see chains that are "only for the wealthy" due to the money one needs to enter the ecosystem.

To me, the future of Hive is bright. Down the road, this will be a case study for people. The entire ecosystem was started as a result of a hostile takeover. Since that time, a community-driven platform has evolved. There is no foundation, board, or overseeing committee. Instead, it is just thousands of people building stuff that interests them.

In the process many people are finding much of what they need.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I hope we will be able to build more transparent projects including Defi, and that Hive will become famous for reliability and trust, it's something that takes a lot of time to build but it could propel the blockchain away from this relative obscurity

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is a time consuming process, cant argue with you on that one. We need to fill in some holes but I think there is enough stuff in motion that we could see some major impact throughout the rest of the year. We can a long way since the start of 2021 and it seems the building is only accelerating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I need to go back and read it in full, it's a good project and will be an expensive one to invest into. Lots of tokens making up all different functions.

It's a great model because it allows people to focus on what they want out of it. If you're a vlogger, speculator, want to mine it has it all.

That will help it remain open and not dominated by a few whales. I think that's what holds crypto back which is why I'm interested in the new forms of defi where there are taxes and mass amounts of tokens.

They're designed for long-term sustainability and not pump and Dumps. With projects you want to keep new money coming in and not have it impacted by whale pump and Dumps.

It's great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am also going through it again to get a better handle on things. Your assessment is what I see also. This is something that has a long term focus and not just a quick money hit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yup, which is a good thing also gives me time to focus on Buidl and not miss out having to rush in. Of course the miners will always be highly valued.

It's a great network, let's see if it can rival YouTube

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wow that is a tall task but a good one.

The great thing is Spknetwork is not just a site but a true platform for others to build upon. That is a big advantage and could lead to enormous growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for another long interesting read, plus links now bookmarked to return.

I can't forget two publications I read on Leofinance that moved me a lot and in which the LEO token is involved, the first one was about a person who commented that he had accumulated so many LEO tokens that he thought he could pay the whole mortgage of his house, The other story was a Nigerian boy who was very excited to show the smart phone he bought thanks to his efforts monetizing content on Leofinance and that thanks to the support of the community he will be able to pay his school fees, the truth is that this last one made me cry but with happiness. This kind of personal stories are very common and leofianance has a lot to do with it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am looking forward to hundreds of stories like that over the next couple years here on Hive and Leofinance. It is there for people.

We need to keep spreading the word about that; about how we are changing lives.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes I agree, one of the highlights of this chain is that you don't need a dime to get started. When people who I talk to think about crypto, they always think investing.

Thanks for the link to SPK Network; I saw your post on Twitter but didn't see the white paper until now. Looks ... complicated.

The paper is involved. It takes a while to go through it. I am on my second read through now.

It is in depth but I think provides huge opportunity. That is why understanding it is so important.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is another world. It has a long way to fully integrate in our life.

It does and it doesnt. Right now we are lacking a number of things but, once those are in place, we could see the spread take place rapidly.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't know why, but Hive is not well known in my country. Here maybe there are only 50 active users.

Hive isnt well known anywhere. So what you state is correct. However, things can change quickly. There are still holes in what Hive is offering but that is being worked upon.

We still need to see the killer DApp. Yet, what Spknetwork just brought out is very interesting. It could be a major step forward.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

... reputation and trust is going to be a bigger factor.

Indeed, it is not easy to build a reputation and trust, in a world of fast moving and disruptive technology, gaining trust and reputation is tantamount to solving half the problem.

There is no foundation, board, or overseeing committee. Instead, it is just thousands of people building stuff that interests them.

Love this closing statement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for that. I love the statement too. A point that we need to keep driving home.

The more we spread out, the better it is. A lot of great times ahead of us as we all keep building in our own way.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is a new entity. While we have the legacy of near 5 years, the blockchain is only 13 months old. This is when the community truly came into control. Before that, it had to deal with Steemit Inc and it assorted owners. The put a limit on how quickly things could advance.

First-year is always the hardest!

2021 is a massive year for HIVE.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it is. We are much further along than we were 13 months ago. The build over the first year set a higher bar for year 2.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really like the fact that there more projects than I can possibly keep track of. It means that there are a lot of options already and many more to come.

Soon, Hive will offer something to basically anyone, no matter how different or niche their interests are.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Soon, Hive will offer something to basically anyone, no matter how different or niche their interests are.

Just wait until @spknetwork gets going. That is going to make things really insane. Hive is expanding at a pace faster than any of us can keep track of.

Let us be sure to keep doing out part.

By the way, you can make 1K comments this week. You were close last week.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice, a good way to think of things!
Animated GIFdownsized 11.gif

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


To me, the future of Hive is bright.

To me - very much the same

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I remember someone asking on Twitter years ago, “Why does a cryptocurrency need it’s own social media?”

It is far easier to trust a team that is known and interacted with the community.

This.☝️ And I would add “and whose interactions are verifiable on chain.”

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

"Why does a cryptocurrency need it’s own social media?”

A few bans later and that question is answered.

Amazing how things change simply be watching what the established system does. They can be our greatest ally.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Imho the only thing Hive lacking right now is that microbloging app that we were promised. It will indeed be a game changer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Micro-blogging for HIVE, have you tried @dbuzz

That doesnt fit it.

For most microblogging is similar to Twitter and that is not replicated by that app; not even close.

It used top line posting which is the main drawback.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

OK, learn something new every day, not a coder only a end user, personally don't like extremely short format unless absolutely necessary for good reason. Thanks @taskmaster4450le for explaining.

Not yet. Still waiting for project blank.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Microblogging would definitely come in when the time is right. In my own view point, micro-blogging should not be a rushed project because it’s the captain to hive ship or let’s say the catalyst to speed up hive ecosystem. Dbuzz can still come in handy for now until we have the real deal. Just a mere thoughts tho. I might be wrong actually

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I wouldn't compare dbuzz with what's project blank supposed to be. It would have been a blast this bull market and generate some well deserved traffic on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am definitely not trying to compare it with dbuzz. I am sure no one would even want to try that lol.

What I was trying to illustrate was the fact that the project was delayed so that it can achieve a very great result and be able to accommodate a lot of users because I think it’s going to be a blast in the first to two weeks of release.

I personally am here waiting for the micro-blogging to launch before I delete my WhatsApp/Instagram account 😊

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A decentralized smart contract platform that is inexpensive to use and completely decentralized. It seems like that is what Spknetwork is going to be doing although I am not clear if that is all on Hive.

We will see as we get more info.

Blank is needed but I have a feeling it will be a while.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is the future of social engagement and interactions. The picture is getting clearer with time.

We all just need to be stronger together and always have it in mind that the goal is to have a free speech and also financially free.

The logic is communities and projects on hive helps create more diversity and each niche will all be filled in the future which is near than we can imagine.
Together we are all stronger and I think hive is still in it’s early phase, the best is yet to come😀

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Communities are really a huge feature that has not been truly accessed up to this point. We are only starting to see the beginning.

I agree with you the huge breakthrough will be when the niche communities really start to take off. They will not draw in millions but will have passionate people. That is why I keep harping upon the sports teams. They are loyal and passionate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes this is just the early days , like you said hive is just 13months. Not even up to 2 years and we have seen a lot of changes unlike how it was during the Steemit days. Things has changed in terms of how social media should be, the use case and interaction level is really a great achievement, and even with things changing, there’s a lot more coming.

Sports team is really a great community to watch out for on the long run. Days where we might or will see real teams getting on boards and tagging their fans along with it too will be a huge step up for the sports team and the whole blockchain entirely.

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I think it might have been better, on one hand, if we did not pull all the Steem stuff over. I understand why they did and nobody would have liked to lose all that content.

But if we started our own genesis block, it really would make people understand this was completely new.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it might have been better, on one hand, if we did not pull all the Steem stuff over.

I quite get the idea here but is there even a little possibility that both(steem/hive)ecosystem can try to amend things and try to create a very friendly decentralized social media verse for everyone 😕😟.

I don’t think that should hurt so much if we all really want things to work . History is being created here🤥

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Not at all. Two totally different concepts.

Sunny Boi centralized Steem even more. Hive is run truly by a community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I find it ironic that a place named Hive is where freedom grows. :)

Hive has come a long way from just a blogging platform but we are just scratching at it right now. There's HUGE development that still needs to take place. These developments will drastically increase onboarding naturally which honestly would require no marketing plan. The plans to market would be built right into each of the apps launched via referral or simply because it's AWESOME and they want to share it with others. There's still a number a major hurdles hive needs to overcome as quickly as possible. Easy of getting your hands on hive, more apps, more options. Hive will soon just be a background extra while the frontends are where the onboarding and interaction takes place.

I agree we are still missing some key pieces. That is what will really accelerate things, once those are in place.

We are, however, getting closer. That is why we see the long way to go yet we came a long way idea. This is no longer a blogging chain yet it still is in many respects. Speak is looking to radically change video, microblogging, gaming, etc. They are moving closer but still not there yet.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree as we can't be involved in everything and hard decisions have to be made. The problem is if you don't have extra alt accounts running then the main account is limited in what it can offer as support so spreading yourself too thin is not the answer. Leodex vote multiplier has kept me growing and being able to support a number of tribes and reluctant to add alt accounts at this point as time is a huge factor.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was on Steemit about 2 years ago, but when the excitement died down, I left. Yesterday I learned about hive and decided to give it another whirl. Good to see the community is thriving again.

Welcome back. Hopefully you are quickly seeing some of the differences between what you saw then and now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It has been really cool to see all of the stuff that is being developed here on Hive. It's almost like we entered into a renaissance after the chains of the past were shaken off. There used to be a token I heard about a while ago that was based on trust. For example, you had to physically verify a persons identity for them to get an airdrop. It was very interesting and I feel it spoke to that idea of trusting someone or a team with your reputation and theirs.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Pushing ourselves away from the albatross that was Steemit Inc was huge. Few realize how much that hindered the progress that took place here.

We need to keep it going and all do our part. That is the key.

Lots of good things happening so we can really help with the momentum.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For sure! You do an awesome job of keeping us abreast on a lot of it too. I appreciate that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I have the time others dont and perhaps some understanding about how things tie together after being around so long.

The more we all understand, the better for the ecosystem. This is a collaborative effort.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For sure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is changing the game for social media. It's so engaging and influential. Leofinance is more or less my school.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Leofinance is a great place to learn (and earn) while you go. A lot of wonderful information posted on there.

Glad you decided to be a part of our community.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Lots of financial benefits aside. Better than seeing the same pictures and videos all the time, the planet hive. Thanks to different communities, there is information and news on the subject you want. Continue on Hive.

Communities are really helping to spread things out. Hopefully that will provide more points of interest for the newer people joining.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True that yes buddy, lately everything has accelerated in Hive, I'm seeing a lot of new projects and tokens all over the place. Just yesterday I read an article about a project that connects the game Minecraft with Hive, it's great.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes that is one I made mention of a few days ago. Just came across it. Pretty amazing.

We are seeing things branch out.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes it's very impressive, plus it's a great way to get the word out about Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It will definitely be an interesting case study. I see us being higher in the future because we have HSC, 3Speak, and Project Blank. I think one of the largest benefits is that we want to incorporate other block chains as well. Being inclusive means it is easier for people to get involved and for exposure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All of that is true. Hopefully we can add to it the leading engagement on all of blockchain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 55 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

yes it is dificult to be in all kind of proyect inside of hive, imagine if you want to monitoring the other blockchain platform, it is imposible right.
we really are a new proyect, that are trying to develop a lot of thing in a velocity of light, it is incredible.
yes my sr, hive hive us the oportunity to enter to defi ecosystem becasue for the hight cost was in the pass dificult to us, but here we a re harvesting a lot of money right now this give a new power and when leobridge come and the kingdong guau it will give us a great visibility in the ecosystem of blockchain
right now i do not know why in the news hive do not appears always other blockchain are in the news but we not, maybe people do not believe a little inthe fork but in the future we demostrare, that we are a powerfull blockchain.
yes it is more important than lambos and money inside, the hive is changing life a lot, specially in venezuelan comunity, there are a lot of people whi lives with this, and the covid 19 let us the oportunity to know that the healthy and food are the two things that we need and the most important in the word, no more, the rest is vanity right.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The underlying values of a lot of people who are very active is what is changing things.

Like Dan says, ride or die. Many of us are going to ride to the greatest heights here or completely crash and burn. No middle ground.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well I hope to be there to ride these great heights to come, since I hope not to burn and if we have to burn, at least I will be able to tell the friends that I saw how others became enriequeque and I was poor for having been on the wrong side, but I think that is not It will be like this because I am sure and I have full confidence that I have chosen the right path.
Tomorrow people will say why you did not invite but those I have invited have made some posts and are giving up and I can not do much since one can not be there puja que puya truth people have concentrated on the performance of others they only see that others earn a lot and they nothing and if they are newcomers, but well that's another story, one must always see that one is winning and a lot even if it is pennies, not see what the others, as papa always said, when you see Someone winning be happy for him, surely tomorrow you will be winning too, just make an effort, the reward will come but hey, that's another story of people who only see what others are and do not see themselves.
we are still here learning and trying to innovate and involve others.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This place is ideal for the poor actually when you think about it. Anyone can come in and get active. It take no money or following. Simply just doing what leads to success.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

People need income. The legacy system is lacking in that regard. Hive is helping to find the solution. And the great part is we have only just begun. Imagine what 3 years will bring..:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Imagine what 3 years will bring..:

With all the development taking place, I am not quite sure what to envision. We will be much further along as compared to where we are now. It is amazing to think about.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Together we are all stronger and I think hive is still in it’s early phase, the best is yet to come)))

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive is patience mix with a little bit
of cherry on top of the world.
We are special cause you need special
abilities to understand your place in the blockchain.
It is a learning experience that keeps evolving.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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