Hive: An Application For Content Discovery And Evergreen Content

in LeoFinance2 years ago

We might see two major issues on Hive cleared up in the next few months. This could occur with the release of an application that could solve these problems.

Both are long standing issues on Hive and are worthy of attention. If we can clear these up, we might find Hive framed in a completely different way.

So what are we dealing with?

Two of the problems on Hive are as follows:

  • Content Discovery
  • Evergreen Content

Both can be possibly addressed in a single application that is being developed. Without the details of how it all will look, a lot of this is speculation but it is being worked on.

Perhaps this will help to plant an idea in the minds of the development team.


Content Discovery

We all know this is an issue. Sure, there is the feed which give us content from those we follow. However, the challenge here is that we might not prefer all that someone posts about.

For example, we might like one's knowledge and skill on gardening. The person does fabulous stuff. On this end, we love what appears. However, what if this person has political or religious views that go counter to ours? This is the content that, perhaps, we would rather not see.

With the present system, it all shows up in our feed.

Therefore, being able to be fed content based upon other parameters would be ideal. This would also approach another issue: finding new authors.

At the moment, the only way to truly do this is to search through the recent posts. Of course, this doesn't only put up in the arena of new people, all the older ones are there too.

Hence, having an application that will provide the opportunity to feed us different content than we are regularly seeing would be helpful. This could make Hive even more attractive, along with the associated communities, since we might see articles reaching a broader base.

This is going to be very important as the ecosystem expands. When this happens, we can expect the volume of content to increase.

Fortunately, this is something that is being worked upon. As stated, we will cross our fingers it rolls out in the next few months. This is all part of the second half push that Hive is going to see.

Evergreen Content

Another issues that is brought up on occasion is the fact that content on Hive is only rewarded for 7 days. After that, the posts are not eligible to be part of the reward pool.

Many feel this is a drawback and should be changed. The challenge is there has to be some cut off date. The way the reward pool is divided up, there needs to be time when the tally is complete.

Some mentioned the idea of tipping. Certainly this could be a way to reward authors for their older content. It is the approach the Web 2.0 platforms are looking at investigating.

We saw some examples of this. Noisecash was an application that followed this model. It seemed to work well as long as people were willing to fund it. Over the last 6 months or so, the noise surrounding Noisecash seemed to die down.

With Hive, we operate based upon the Proof-of-Brain consensus mechanism. This applies to both the distribution of $HIVE as well as the Layer 2 tokens. What if, however, there was a way to build an application that didn't utilize this?

That is the value of Layer 2 solutions. The freedom to experiment is much greater and projects can innovate as they see fit.

How about a token that rewards Evergreen content? The idea is that we have a second layer voting system that is not tied to Proof-of-Brain. Instead, the system allows for voting of any content on Hive regardless of age. Another model would be developed for voting weight and reward pool distribution. Maybe it utilizes the idea of a time period as opposed to operating based upon individual posts.

If an application is putting forth the effort to solve the problem of content discovery, and if there is some type of voting system, why not tokenize it?

Hive's Social Media Offerings Are Expanding

The key to Hive was to always expand the plethora of offerings. It was a blockchain that was started around the concept of social media. While it grew that scope over the years, one of the biggest steps forward is going to be the addition of a couple applications.

We know that the first iteration of Threads by Leofinance is about to be released. This is going to bring microblogging like people are familiar with to the blockchain. If we see the content discovery application follow by a month or two, we could end up with a nice suite of products.

Just think of it this way:

  • blogging (Medium)
  • video (Youtube)
  • content discovery (------)
  • microblogging (Twitter)
  • communities (Reddit)

The push towards the end of the year is going to be very exciting on Hive. We are going to see a few rollouts that should change things a great deal.

A few major holes in the lineup should be filled by the time the calendar turns to 2023.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


We keep experimenting, building and expanding till that killer DApp gets delivered to send this place buzzing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is what it is about. We are building things that can fill in the gaps and lay a foundation for Web 3.0.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hive has a bright future and is a very competitive platform in the near future. Owing to the constant developments and realisation of issues humparing explosive adoption

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you completely. It is slow going but we are seeing a lot of development that will push things ahead. Bringing out more applications certainly is going to increase the appeal.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's amazing what can still be achieved and that progress seems to never really be exhausted on Hive. Sounds exciting! I will be keeping an eye out!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A few months out and that is a best case guess on my part. Development tends to take more time than we expect.

However, you are right, the potential for more progress is incredible. We are going to see a lot of amazing things over the next few years.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems to me Leo is fixing most of the minor issues we have on Hive. Hoping to end this year with a bang.

BTW won't the ad revenue distribution on Leo fix the 7-day reward issue? I understand the people that think it should be changed but after thinking about it a lot recently it's hard to argue against. If we let rewards accumulate indefinitely we will eventually have hyperinflation.

Paying people based on the ad impressions they generated seems like a fair way to compensate for the limited rewards. Along with layer 2 solutions, this could grow exponentially.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The ad revenue project by Leofinance does not deal with individual posts. It is based upon the amount of $LEO staked. This means that even if one has an amazing article that gets a lot of views, the ad revenue will only be distributed based upon his or her LP.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Oh right... I forgot about that... It just seems more logical to pay people per view but I guess Khal has his logic for the proposed model.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The idea of a second layer token to reward evergreen content regardless of its "age" is fascinating! I hope we see something along those lines one day on Hive

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We shall see. I planted the seed. Will it come to fruition? I cannot say at this time.

It would really make an application much more valuable to Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This will really a good push if implemented successfully. I actually love the idea of the Evergreen content which will help each one whos post wasnt really appreciated much in the span of 7 days to actually get noticed. Also with the idea of microblogging which will help us share our post with other public online audience. For me microblogging is the phase of social media and if hive is able to adopt this and we would be amongst the best too. Thanks for sharing this update with us.

That is one of the keys to this all coming together: it all feeds into itself.

Post an article, listnerd it out, put it on threads (and eventually projectblank) and then make a video about it.

A lot of ways to market what we are doing, all with curation and upvoting available.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The future will be much exciting on hive

Some mentioned the idea of tipping. Certainly this could be a way to reward authors for their older content. It is the approach the Web 2.0 platforms are looking at investigating.

The option for tipping is already implemented in PeakD and Ecency, but not on the LeoFinance frontend. Would be interesting to see some statistics about how it’s used if at all.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. I think Reddit implemented it too in the past. How much of it is used? I cant say. In total, if there are enough users like on reddit, it might add to some decent numbers.

However, a system that has a reward system but for evergreen content would really be an interesting experiment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Absolutley interesting to see how Tips are used..
I have no idea how to look for statistics, do you?

I really don't see many tips usally.. But I do Tip always that I find "old" interesting posts.

Or new.. because my vote is nearly insignificant so.. And this is the case! There goes my humble Tip to @taskmaster4450 for this article.

This issue of the short period for voting is in my head for long. It even isn't 7 days.. All of the voting mostly occurs in the 24hrs.

But I thought it was obviously not possible because of tecnical reasons out of my reach.. now reading a post of somebody who knows what he is talking about feels nice to realize.. Its possible!

Evergreen content rewarding would be a game changer.

It even isn't 7 days.. All of the voting mostly occurs in the 24hrs.

It is 7 days, but you‘re kinda right. Most of the voting happens within the first 24 hours after posting, because this is somehow the „lifespan“ of a post on any of the frontends before it disappears into oblivion or at least out of focus if you‘re not doing any kind of promotion for it. This is where the „Content Discovery“ part comes into play!

But I thought it was obviously not possible because of tecnical reasons out of my reach

Everything is possible, but you have to balance between exposition for voting and the point of payout somehow. People‘s patience is not very strong these days.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

when the legacy chain first started payouts were after 24 hours and then voting was allowed I think at a lower rate for the next 30 days. I occasionally received the second payout and it would usually be very small.

I‘m not sure who to ask, but maybe Mr. Spreadsheet @nealmcspadden knows any Mr. or Mrs. Statistics?! 👀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

dalz is our Mr Statistics.

Tipping is a very low yield model though.

I thought of him, but wasn‘t sure, thanks 👍🏽

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is also this:

It seems to be modeled after the Buy Me a Coffee site on Web2. The tag could be added to posts any where.

Om Nom Nom 🤤 love berries 🍓

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Calling Mr. Statistics @dalz 📢 Any idea how/where to get some statistics about those tipping implementations on peakd and/or ecency? 👀

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

reading your publication a little I like it a lot and I find it very interesting to receive content based on other parameters but related to our topic and get new authors

I'm really excited for the rollout of Threads because I believe it will be a game changer in content creation and interaction on Hive.

The capabilities of Social Media on Web 3.0 is quite immense. With some creativity, new models can be added to the existing infrastructure to solve problems that have existed since the beginning of social media.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes. Threads has great potential to change the way engagement occurs. Of course, the first rollout will be sparse in features. But hopefully they can upgrade things quickly and add to it.

Give it 90-100 after release and I have a feeling things will be very different.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

“The idea is that we have a second layer voting system that is not tied to Proof-of-Brain”
….. this will be lovely!

I’m here for the growth 🔥

One thing I like about Hive is the constant and consistent efforts the dev team are always putting in place to make sure the value of the blockchain doesn’t detoraiate in any ramification.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @taskmaster4450le ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 117 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!

Nice nice nice!

I like evergreen idea! Its necesary!

And I like to see all the glossary terms in blue!

Bravo @taskmaster4450! 🙌

You should check out DreemPort It's been in testing stage for about a year and went live yesterday. On DreemPort as a public curator you read 5 posts, accept or reject them for spam and then rank them. You then submit your own post. Over the course of the day the posts in the pool will be presented to all the public users who log in that day and ranked based on their curation.

The next day, what you have submitted will be in the pool. You earn DREEM tokens for curating.

The majority of users right now are on Hive but the system is open to any platform.

As for evergreen content, if the system allowed for payout after a week and then continued payouts each month I think we'd find that the amount earned after the initial payout would not be much of a draw on the reward pool (or a token pool). I see this play out over on Medium, most of my posts will earn at most pennies after the initial month. It's rare to see more than that.

I'm glad someone else is thinking what I'm thinking and with this, I can feel solutions coming on the way. Hive to the max!!!

Anything or idea that will bring development to the platform is highly welcome, keep experimenting.

Stack more then 1000 BBH Tokens at you account to use this feature.

Hi, Nice article indeed. :)

Question: Why did you link Leo for the Microblogging and not the D.Buzz (@DBuzz). has been a twitter-like platform on Hive for over 2 years, has a wide set of features, Metamask login, active users and so much more. I am just curious why everyone is excited for short form from Leo, but D.Buzz has been here doing that for so long already?

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I also think content discovery is an issue but I wouldn't mind some type of page that connects all the sites for a user. I am really looking forward to Project Blank.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am already in love with the content discovery ideas you put here. You know, at atleast, one can get to see posts made by, not just those you are following, but others too instead of manually searching for them. And if possible, sorting contents to different topics like politics, business, education etc. will be a good upgrade to the chain!

Also the case of the 7-day reward system could be revised due to the fact that some old posts are great wealth of info and what if someone in the next 2 years would love to reward the author?

7 day is acutally a bit long IMO 3 - 5 days would be more appropriate. I liked what @shadowspub had to say regarding evergreen posts. Regarding having additional payouts on a post and agree they would have a drastic decrease in payout.

However my thought on evergreen posts are that they build backlinks to them. So a second layer token they pays each link made to that post would be great. Is that even possible to build?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great Post!


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Content discovery is definitely an issue. Curating the feed with algorithms is tricky as it can hide posts you might want to see. I know that algorithms determine what I see on other platforms. Having more tools to highlight or filter out certain tags might help on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta