Crytocurrency Giving The Job For The 2000s

in LeoFinance4 years ago

With the advancement in automation, many are discussing what happens to jobs. As we see the pace of things picking up, we can see how hundreds of millions of jobs globally might be going away. While the pace is still somewhat subdued, it is expected to accelerate the second half of this decade.

This leads everyone to ask, what are people going to do?

Through the 1800s, the main focus was agriculture. This is where you found most people. As we flipped into the next century, we saw the Industrial Revolution send millions working in manufacturing.

What will it be in the 2000s?

Cryptocurrency might provide the answer to that. Once again, we can see the early stages of what is going to expand over the rest of this decade. It is also where we can see how most people might be "employed".


The job for the 2000s might well be one of investor. It is something that cryptocurrency is leading everyone towards.

How is this the case?

If we think about things from a basic level, we see where each of us is funneled into this arena. While many might not consider it as such, this is certainly the case.

An individual comes to a blockchain like Hive and uses a particular application. Whatever that application pertains to, the activity on there could result in some type of reward. In most instances it is a token/coin of some kind.

Here is where the individual has a decision to make. Does he or she keep said token of exchange it for something else? Is it staked to generate a greater return or does one simply keep it liquid?

Essentially, cryptocurrency is making everyone an investor now.

Questions like those above are the same thing investors in traditional markets are faced with on a daily basis. Do I buy or sell? What do I buy? Is there something better our there? Should I get involved with that start up?

We are seeing this mirrored in the crypto-world. Everyone who has any tokens, now reported to be over 100 million people, has these decisions to make each day.

Even the latest craze, NFTs, is revealing this. When one buys a NFT, there are many reasons for it. This is the same with physical art. However, ultimately, when putting money into something, it is often with the desire for it to go up in value. So, while high-end art collectors do not necessarily buy for the appreciation, they know it is part of the process.

Of course, the decision to purchase a NFT in and of itself is an investing decision. Even if the reason for getting that asset has nothing to do with speculation, price appreciation, or having the desire to ever sell, the choice to get out of another token, unless it is a stable coin, requires an investment decision.

Anytime one exits a token, it is akin to leaving any other asset class. There is a reason one sells. Of course, not everyone looks at each action in this detail yet this is what is taking place.

When one opts away, the view is this will not appreciate. After all, would one use that token to buy a NFT if he or she knew it was going to 50x in the future? Most likely not. Again, the thought process might not be there but we have to acknowledge the chance of something going up by orders of magnitude does exist.


It is also why cryptocurrency, thus far, has not done very well as fulfilling the unit of transaction role. Most of the industry is hodlers because of the speculation. This might always be the case leaving this void to be filled by stablecoins.

This all does have a positive impact.

One of the biggest problems with the present financial system is that few people are able to enjoy the benefits. As wealth inequality grows, more people are left aside. We saw this kick into overdrive during the COVID-19 crisis, a trend that was in place was accelerated.

Those with assets and the ability to invest were able to make a killing. The rest, like the ones who were struggling only to then lose their jobs, well they only fell further behind.

Cryptocurrency gets everyone in the game. One of the reason why Hive is so interesting is that it offers an individual the chance, even if one has no money, to be involved. Through activity, he or she can get rewarded in tokens. Then, the decisions have to be made.

Yet, no matter what the wallet size, this person is involved. As an investor, even a very small one, the ability to improve one's financial situation increases greatly.

Many strategies can be employed, the most basic being just looking for consistent growth of one's account. This can be enhanced on Hive by being active each day, growing one's bags.

It is said that one of the keys to financial success is to "make money while you sleep". This certainly encompasses the difficulty people have getting ahead financially from just a paycheck. Exchanging time for money only rarely results in this outcome.

Over the last couple of months, we saw the price of HIVE go from around 10 cents to half a dollar. That is a 5x move which impacted every single account holding that token.

An account with 10 HIVE went from $1 to $5 in basically a quarter. Many will say, "no big deal". However, a 5x gain is a 5x gain. The $4 was acquired without the person having to do anything other than be a holder of the token. This is the key. While that person did whatever it was each day, over that period of time, $4 extra was made.

In Venezuela, this equates to 4 months of minimum wage. To someone in that position, $4 is a big deal.


Of course, not all of us have the same economics. The numbers will change but the concept is the same. Whether one had 10, 100, 1,000, or 10,000, all enjoyed a 5x bump in value as compared to USD.

Through the power of compounding, and putting time to use, we can see how these accounts can all grow into much larger numbers.

This is what cryptocurrency does for everyone. Many will not look at it that way yet it is what is occurring. Suddenly, we have everyone involved with "skin in the game". This provides them with an opportunity to build wealth.

It is something that present financial system does not offer to most around the world. Yet cryptocurrency, by its very nature, puts everyone in the realm the second he or she enters.

Here we have a financial system that instantly includes everyone who is involved in the wealthy building process as compared to one where most are excluded.

Thus, it is easy to see why the potential with cryptocurrency and tokenization is so great.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In Venezuela, this equates to 4 months of minimum wage. To someone in that position, $4 is a big deal.

If I keep it on a minimal level, then nowadays $4 USD means two days of food for me in Hungary, so it could be a big deal, even for me.

Glad to know that.

It shows how important all of this is. For some effort engaging online, we are seeing people being able to acquire real world needs.

This is terrific to see.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

two days if u cook for yourself but than it can be a good meal, true :) (btw i always surprised when see other Hungarians on that platform)

I think my sense of money has been skewed by the prices in the US. $4 barely gets you anything and you easily spend more than that grabbing some food at a fast food joint. But that could be life changing money to somewhere else in the world. I think it is also something people can earn everyday by just being active on this block chain. Add on all the ways to have it work for you, you can probably grow that over time as well.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Without a doubt there is a skewing.

Hell there is a big difference between California or New York and places like Kansas.

Where I am, a value meal at fast food places will cost more than double the $4.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto makes everyone an investor in such a big way. I don't know how many other asset classes are doing that good. Hive is making people all around the world investors on so many levels. This blockchain is gradually turning into an economy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are seeing some formation of an economy. We still do not have a true circular nature in my opinion since we are lacking marketplaces. But I imagine they will be coming in time. Right now we are forming the foundation with the network effect. This will help to generate wealth for those holding the different assets on here.

From there, we can start the process of closing the loop.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto investment is the Main Deal on a DEFI platform as this. With time many will come to discover the blockchain and appreciate the great potentials of this ecosystem. Many would wish they knew of Hive earlier, though the gateway is available for all to utilize, explore, grow and break loosed from Financial stagnation and over-reliance on the centralized giants.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

DeFi is certainly one area that can bring this about yet it is not the only one.

There are many ways to enhance one's return, especially on Hive.

The biggest variable is activity. If one is active, he or she will be adding to the account. More tokens) flow into the wallets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It seems like we are entering into an era of "information agriculture" -- as the physical needs of humanity are increasingly handled by automation and robots, humans are now left to create value on an informational level. A place like Hive is maybe one of the most rational ways for people to allocate value to forms of work that weren't valued before.

That's a fantastic response. I think you could be correct.

That is a great way to sum things up. Yes we are seeing more of the basic needs met through automation. However, we cannot discount the advancement of AI in terms of the creation on the informational level. We are seeing great advancement in that area.

Ultimately, we are moving more towards a digital world whereby, as things get digitized, they become readily available.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

“In the future there will only be one occupation: managing one’s wealth. And the majority of the population will be unemployed.”
— Mark Jeftovich

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is a statement that can be seen as to where we are heading. Cryptocurrency will put money in people's hands so they can start on the process of managing their wealth.

Great quote.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

for once because i don't have a job currently as in a month i will join the mandatory army for a year, when i was asked if work or do something to earn some money, i always say that i am writing articles on Hive/Leo ;)

Also, i see more and more crypto-related companies that are hiring!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Another great article taskmaster!

Jobs are changing for sure and trading may well become a job for many more. In fact my main income has for years been trading antiques, gold, silver ect. I guess crypto is a tokenised modern alternative.

Trading is obviously one facet yet that is a very difficult activity for people to be successful with.

Perhaps it is just semantics but I look at investing and trading as two different things.

Either way, developing an asset base and growing it is what cryptocurrency offers. We just need to get involved and start the journey.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It remains to be seen if those x5 gains will be for the long term or not. Either way, the amount of development makes me sleep well at night even if the price falls

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It remains to be seen if those x5 gains will be for the long term or not.

Of course. Markets are volatile. But you cant deny the fact that someone who got Hive at the 10 cent price now has a 5x if he or she sells.

Even holding might turn it into a 10x (or it could be a 2x).

Either way, unless it goes back to 10 cents, someone had a gain.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How great are those NFTs I've been thinking about jamming some of my art on an NFT and seeing what I could get.

I'd just end up bringing the cash over here to @leofinance 🤣 imagine making a million off an NFT and then buying all the Leo available liquidity. Poah. Id lift it to a few dollars forsure!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL you could make that statement about a number of different tokens.

But yes, if someone came with a million dollars, it would send the price of LEO flying.

Do you believe you art is worth a million bucks? You must be really good.

Seriously, I think it great that there are so many options and you can be considering it. That wasnt the case a few years ago.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My art previously did alright in fiat but I earn more working. Balance. No point spending a few hours making art when I can make more in that same amount of time with work.

I ended up doing it for fund raisers, I've made one recently which will most likely go to the Rotary Club.

I did have the thought of doing the auction as an NFT and seeing if it would net them more cash.

Would be talk of the town if it made a Mil for them 🤑

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You would be the talk of this platform too. LOL

It is worth a shot to try. Why not make a few bucks off it if you can.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's lucrative but there's a new chapter/branch that opened up in the community and they're going to need the cash to operate in the area.

COVIDs been hard for everyone and many in the area are without food or many job losses. I see something similar is occurring in the US also with thousands of people now living in tents. It's not like that here (yet) but funds are needed for people at this stage. I'm in a decent financial position the people need more help.

Might have a look into it a bit more

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

$4 is a big deal because because so many people will take hardwork to earn it and this is the reason we mustn't downplay the value even if it relatively feels or lookd small. You're right about this.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is also great when it comes as a result of the price of a token increasing, so it arrives just for hodling.

This is where the major difference can come in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How sad that agriculture is no longer something that supports others a lot, in truth we are having a great change, and we hope that this will be more technical since we will always have to feed people and the only solution is agriculture.
This morning I saw someone who said that he was already a millionaire with his investments that have returned several hundred thousand dollars, but hey, hopefully we achieve our much desired financial freedom.
I still do not understand the nft if someone can copy these things and that's it, but hey, those technicalities are something quite complicated, I think that I could enter that world if I create them but not buy them.
but hey, if each new project that comes out makes you want to enter, the problem is that you need too much money to do it and it is literally impossible, so we can hardly be in these small areas.
Hive has given us life and has allowed us to dream of being a great investor to grow our small investment portfolio,
so here we are.

Well, with hive we are making our dream come true by earning money while you sleep through today cubdefi, leofinance and of course the option that we can anchor it to a bot and voila.
Of course, if our token is wonderful, many boys and friends in Venezuela are living with our hive economy.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

How sad that agriculture is no longer something that supports others a lot...

Not really. We produce more food now than at any other point in history yet doing it with less people. That is one area where automation has really helped.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

However, a 5x gain is a 5x gain

That is the point
Whatever it became 4 thousands dollar gain or 4 dollar
But there is a progress and that is what matter

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Crypto has been a good source of income for a number of people in recent times. By just staying active online and being meticulous on your investment, you can easily get some good coins for safe keeping on a trusted wallet like the decentralized multi-coin wallet application from

Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
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It's awesome to see people getting empowered by this rapidly-growing industry. Also glad to be one of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well, I agree with that, cryptocurrencies have the potential to be the next workplace for the masses.

I just hope it will be on a public blockchain, not something like FB, where most likely they thought of enslaving their users through their own economics as the next step.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta