It is interesting how people view wealth. When most people are asked, how much money they would like, a million dollars is often the answer. This appears to be the line we have in our minds of what is rich.
Naturally, where one is located is going to vary that number. For some, it is going to be $50K, while for those in a city such as San Francisco, it might be $5M or $10M. Either way, as an average, $1 million is a nice discussion point.
This is especially true if most of it is cash and not just net worth.
Many are starting to see the ability to radically alter people's financial lives. Even a blockchain such as Hive, one that is not the biggest in the world, is showing signs of the enormous wealth generating power. For this reason, is it reasonable for us to target the creation of 1 million millionaires on Hive.

How Quickly Things Can Change
We gained a bit of insight into this last Summer with Splinterlands. That game absolutely took off. When it was at its peak, there were over 15,000 sign ups per day. The markets exploded, making some individual card holdings worth a fortune. A lot of this seemed to happen overnight.
The reality is that it took many years, and for some a lot of money, to build their decks. Those who were consistent with their activity regarding the game were able to enjoy the ride up. They had amassed enough holdings that, when prices went crazy, they were able to benefit financially.
Of course, let us be clear: years does not mean decades. We are dealing with a game that only appeared 4 years ago. In other words, people spent a few years participating in the game, helping to grow the platform and were richly rewarded.
Prices since reversed and people watched their holdings diminish a bit. This is the nature of markets. However, many are resolute in their dedication to what is being developed as well as the future potential of the game. In other words, they believe greener days are ahead.
Is it possible for Hive to have other opportunities like Splinterlands? Can we see the potential for people to join Hive and become millionaires? Could it be this is not relegated to a few early adopters or insiders but is available to most anyone?
With so much taking place, that end looks more likely.
Web 3.0 Bringing Money To The Masses
Tremendous wealth was available online over the last couple decades. When we look at the value generated by the network effect on different platforms, we see how big the numbers can get. There is a reason why Amazon, Apple, and Google are some of the most valuable in the world.
The challenge with the present Internet is that the siloed system creates only a few winners. Those who profit, do so handsomely. The rest of us, we are left out in the cold. It is here where the challenge comes in since it is the users that add value to the platforms. As the saying goes, sadly they became the product.
Web 3.0 changes this. Here we see the foundation being put into place whereby the users are financial stakeholders. Hence, any success the platform haves, they benefit also. It is not a small group of founders or Wall Street hedge funds that are enriched.
We also have to keep in mind that Web 3.0 is the next generation of the Internet. That means it will be more advanced than what we utilized previously as well as being larger. This was the case with Web 2.0 compared to the first iteration. As more is developed along with an increase in users, value also goes up.
Thus, we can presume Web 3.0 is going to generate tens of trillions of dollars in value, if not hundreds of trillions. The upward path in value of the Internet is going to increase exponentially over the next 20 years. Web 3.0 is going to position people to take advantage of that.
$1 Trillion
Can Hive really generate $1 trillion? It seems absurd right now. After all, the spike in price last month put the value of Hive at $1 billion. That is a long way from $1 trillion.
Another way of looking at it is that Bitcoin, the most valuable cryptocurrency, is "only" worth $800 billion at present. The key, though, is to look beyond just a singular currency.
While Bitcoin is the most valuable cryptocurrency, it is not the most valuable network. Right now, that title goes to Ethereum. Even though this is valued at about $400 billion less, there is likely more than $1 trillion worth of assets tied to that network when we add the different projects in.
Here is where we see potential for the numbers to jump. Again, Splinterlands is a prime example of a project that generated millions of dollars in value. Just doing a quick scan on Hive-Engine, the market cap of the top game assets is around $140 million. This omits the value of any of the individual cards.
Thus, we can see how the a few successful projects can radically alter the overall financial landscape. With NFTs, DeFi, DAOs, and a host of other sectors forming, could we see massive value growing on Hive along with the entire industry?
Believing In What Is Taking Place
Many will feel what is being presented here is absurd. They will look at things and conclude this is unreal. No way there will be $1 trillion worth of value associated with Hive.
However, before jumping to that conclusion, let us look at the individuals in Splinterlands. Do you think most of them knew when they started with the game that their holdings would equate to over $1 million? Did they foresee the massive success the game enjoyed so far?
While a few might have been optimistic, it is unlikely that the average person was thinking that. If we approached them three years ago and said Splinterlands would make them millionaires, most would laugh. The idea would have been absurd at that time.
Yet that is exactly what happened. The game took off and values skyrocketed. Suddenly, within a few month during 2021, the value of the holdings of individual players rose significantly.
This is not an uncommon occurrence. Where there is building, wealth is often generated. There was a time when the average person working at Microsoft was a millionaire. Those who were early employees of the company, due to the stock they received, suddenly became millionaires as the company started to enter the mainstream. The same thing just happened at Tesla.
Growing entities can reward very well for those who are involved. It often takes a long time of developing, expanding, and enter new markets. This is exactly what is happening in cryptocurrency. Hive evolved into more than a blogging platform. It is still a basis for what we are yet there is so much more taking place.
Newer people have a difficult time seeing this. Actually, many who are around a while still do not believe in the potential. They still look at the base layer as all their is. Splinterlands should have been a wake up call for everyone. Of course, the game is not done and many of us believe another multiple gain is in the cards (pun intended) going forward.
Build Build Build
Opportunity is utilized by those who see it as such. There is an old saying, opportunity often comes disguised as work. Nothing is going to happen without effort. The other day, we discussed The Power of Smaller Accounts. Here again, we need to emphasize that smaller accounts can have a tremendous impact on the overall direction of the ecosystem. It is going to take effort and consistent action.
Nevertheless, we are at the point where only 15K account are transacting daily. This is still a long way from 1 million even engaging on Hive, let alone being enriched. It shows how early in the game we truly are.
If desired, each individual can view his or her Hive activity as a business. Naturally, not everyone thinks in this term and there are many who are on Hive simply for enjoyment. They might play a few games or read articles for pleasure. It is a way to unwind and the idea of wealth generation from Hive is not of interest. That is fine. For those, however, with other ideas, it is best to adopt a mindset that can lead to success.
All successful businesses have one similar trait: time was spent building the business. People showed up each day and work at it. It was not something that was haphazard or took place once in a while. The successful show up daily and get busy.
This is the same thing on Hive. We see developers tied to different projects who are providing continual updates about what they are doing. It is evident they are hacking away at code. Others are consistently producing content or participating in the growth of particular projects such as Leofinance. As community participation increases, the value of the overall can jump simply because more is being generated. This is where the network effect assists in the growth in value.
If this concept of building and growing value resonates with you, take this suggestion: shoot for the stars because if you miss, you will hit the moon.
Perhaps $1 million is out of reach. This view could be negated since we truly do not know. However, taking that view, what if you miss $1 million and hit $100K. Would that have an impact upon your life?
We are dealing with a major paradigm change in society. The Internet is undergoing the next phase of its evolution. This is going to generate incredible sums of wealth. The question is are you going to participate in it? We see opportunity throughout the entire cryptocurrency industry. It is not going to be one blockchain or project that wins. For that reason, it is sensible to believe that Hive will be involved in the process.
Our corner of the cryptocurrency world could get a lot bigger. These are the early days, the time when seeing the potential is not always easy. Nevertheless, the is the point where the multiple gains are made.
It is up to each of us to partake, realizing the potential that is here. As an image, just picture what things will look like 5 years down the road.
Would you be happy if you became a millionaire within 5 years because of your activity tied to Hive?
Can we get 1 million people to that point? That should be our goal.
If you found this article informative, please give an upvote and rehive.
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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
If it does, I better be one of those millionaires lol.
Your participation in the millionaires club will be reflective of your activity within the Hive ecosystem. lol
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Then I am gonna pirate as many HIVE coins as possible from this system and stash them in a hidden pirate cave aka my public wallet.
Hide it right under their noses.
Pirate some LEO also while you are at it. That will look good next to the Hive stash you amass.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Dear @taskmaster4450 in particular that I do not earn even $25 per month in my job as a teacher in my country Venezuela, can you imagine obtaining at least $500 per month in Hive for the solution of some of the many socioeconomic and health needs that we must solve, it would be great, in any case being in Hive I earn much more than what I acquire through my teaching career and we are growing, there was a recent occasion where with a single publication I got $427 dollars that is to say for me it was more than 100 $ net, I do not earn that nice amount in a month and a half of salary as a teacher un Venezuela. In other words, Hive came into our lives to grow socioeconomically, in this sense, your publication dear @taskmaster4450 has a great message of progress and well-being for people in the world. Thank you for your extraordinary motivation. hits
This is dear @taskmaster4450 is an exciting communication network where our effort is guaranteed with excellent dividends and where many friends from around the world are attracted at all times, committed to improving professionally and financially. Thanks for your visit. hugs from Venezuela
Hopefully you can spread the word among your fellows in Venezuela and introduce them to the wonderful ecosystem that is forming that should include them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
socialism sucks. Wish you the best!
Thank dear @urun . Also have many successes. Thank you for keeping in touch, which I would always appreciate.
Comments like this get me excited. Yes it is amazing the impact that Hive can have to the people in a country such as yours. This is a global mechanism which means it supersedes your local economy.
This is what we need to do. Uplift individuals such as yourself.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you dear friend @taskmaster4450le for your prompt response, certainly Hive has come as we say in churches as a blessing, I also tell you my granddaughter has Covid and the expenses have been considerable, because the state only issues the diagnosis through the test what he does to the patient, but the costs of the treatment, thank God, have come from Hive, since my son is also in Hive, that is, whoever does not believe in what Hive has done worldwide, join Hive your publications, join the community of your choice related to what you tell us and you will see the extraordinary results. Hugs brother. Successes from Venezuela.
Wow such a wonderful comment I am just starting on hive hope I would be one of those that hive will empower.
So it will be, you @sanda1999 will also have successes. Thanks for sharing. Greetings.
Hive can make its current investors millionaires in the future. But I think the most important thing is that it will provide job opportunities to many people. Even now, Hive pays many authors more than the average salary in their country.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I've seen a lot of job offers going on lately on different discord servers involving cryptogames.. from devs, curators, designing.. you name it. There's LOTS of opportunities💯
It is growing. There are a lot of projects aching for people. Finding those people, inside and outside a community is not easy.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is obviously the first step. I did a post about that exact topic not long ago. The first role of cryptocurrency is to get people out of their jobs. After that, it moves to large scale wealth building.
To achieve either of these ends, though, requires one come on and engage in consistent activity. That is where we will see how things change over time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yup, I’m with you on this.
I talked about most of the things here with a new sign up recently, hive can be seen as a business. Every successful business requires showing up everyday over a long period of time.
You sure know how to motivate.
Onwards to $1m
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The newer people are the ones who need to get the vision.
In the meantime, we keep building and pushing each other forward. I like to see you on here each day, doing your part to carry us towards our ultimate destination.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I need to become more futuristic and business minded with my activities on hive to lead us to a level of massive individual and corporate wealth and freedom.
I got the vision of this post @taskmaster4450
I wouldnt say it has to be a daily thing at the forefront of your mind. Instead, just have it in the back of your mind that you are building for the long term. The potential payout is there, so take the consistent action to keep moving forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Kindly check the above image.
Reason I'm showing this is that someone that put me on his autovote here on hive removed me because he saw that i was powering down, he taught i was not interested in long term hive account building.. Whereas i only swaped some of my hive to invest in ETH dip because of my interest in having some ETHEREUM and i will continue building my hive account long-term along side.
Was i wrong to have powered down some of my hive to buy ETH and then continue building my hive account again?
What would you say to this @taskmaster4450le
I cant answer that for you. It is up to you to decide what is going to be your investment portfolio.
At the same time those do with as they want with their voting. It is something that is up to the individual.
For me, I havent taken anything out of Hive. To me, this is long term focus. Playing the trading game, to me, simply is not worth it. I continue to grow my account and remain dedicated to what is taking place on a Hive.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thank you for the insight and foresight.
I appreciate sir.
I do know that it's more possible for hive more than countries Venezuela or Nigeria, and this is totally exciting and scary the same time.
The potential is for everywhere. Obviously, countries like you mentioned can be impacted faster since the barometer is much lower. In a country like Nigeria, $50K might be the number that is truly the 'wow' for people. In a city like London or Chicago, that doesnt go very far.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
You're totally correct, even citizens in these countries we've mentioned don't even need to be millionaires to be happy and live good lives, that's how impacting Hive can be
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Of course, that said, if they are active and consistent, we will make them millionaires anyway. LOL
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hahah, of course. I'm always a preacher of being active, I tell it to almost everyone I know.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Keep up the sermon Preacher-Man.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This is an amazing concept, it would be tremendous if that were to happen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
One person at a time.
What is ironic is the closer we get to that level, the more we have people joining, that actually makes the trek easier.
Exponential growth is astounding. It not only happens in terms of users but also value.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
As far as the world of crypto is concern any of the token can turn anyone to millionaire.
So hive too has the Power to even do more than that later in future
That is true although I am talking more than just the pumps. A lot of crypto is still speculation and nothing backing the tokens. Sure we can look at Ethereum and tokens like that to see what is happening. But a lot that comes across our radar is not likely going to be sustained long term.
With Hive (along with others) we see the potential for long term projects being built. To me, that is where I want my focus to be.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
@taskmaster4450 I agree with what you have posted. I and a couple of friends are working on some Hive projects. We are new to Hive, since we joined in November, but we have tech and business backgrounds. Splinterlands is what brought us to Hive. We are taking the next 6 months to diligently work on projects that will be beneficial to Hivers. I follow your posts and you have a lot of insight into Hive. Is it okay if I tag you when we have a post about one of our upcoming projects? I found the comment from @omarrojas in this comment chain to be very important to me. One of the things that I think Hive can help accomplish is wealth creation and quality of life improvement worldwide. The decentralization of the internet will bring opportunity for people who have previously been restricted by governments or geography. Sorry for the long comment, but I hope you will consider giving us some feedback in the near future as we work on Hive projects.
Tagging me doesnt do any good since I dont look at my notifications on Peakd.
I am glad you are here with some of your friends. Taking a long term approach is a great idea. Being involved in technology means you understand the concept of development, building, and how things can pile on top of each other.
When this happens, we see a great deal of forward momentum. How long until this happens? Hard to tell with Hive. But I believe we are in the process.
We just need more people such as yourself to join and get involved. You see the potential and I am glad you are working towards that end.
Together we all can make this place grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I have my bottle of Champaign waiting for the day. :D
For me, if HIVE hits $19, then ok! A Million air. hahahah.
Do not forget about all the other assets you can hold on Hive. They count also.
It is likely we will see more value at the second layer than the base in the next year or so. We are already seeing Splinterlands add a great deal. What happens if a Leofinance or something like that takes off?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This afternoon, i was thinking of ways i could maximize hive and not just live off it. I was even asking my mom when i noticed the bank has subtracted from my money again, "what are the use of banks anyway?"
It would be great to be part of the million geng... I have been trying to really understand how Crypto works for this purpose. I am paid double what I was in a month for proper Engagement. Going on tripple.
We newbies (well me) are beginning to see the beautiful benefits that comes with Hive not just monetarily. I love this content. Looking forward to more.
Very happy you are here and putting in the time to learn what crypto is all about. There are a lot of nuances so it can be overwhelming to start. However, stick with it and I believe the payoff will be there for you.
The Hive ecosystem is expanding and you are part of it. To me, the key is to get involved and keep pushing forward. Engagement is something that truly does pay off in the end. Keep leaving comments such as this and I believe you will get a flow of upvotes.
It is a simple concept: Activity + Time = Hive Success.
Keep growing your holdings of not only Hive, but other assets on here and you will do fine in the long run.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yes. Thank you. 😃❤️
This shouldn't even be a question, I do not think anyone would say no to being a millionaire just by consistency and great engagement on hive. It would be such an amazing feeling.
“Fingers crossed“, I hope I am one of the millionaires too.
Keep putting forth the activity and taking advantage of the opportunities on Hive and you can get there. It is going to take the effort on a lot of people, not just a few, who can help us reach that end.
Over the next couple years, we should start to see thing full potential unfold. We came a long way since the fork in March of 2020. Imagine where we will be in another 22 months.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will put in the effort and do my best.
Thank you
That is all you can do. There is no secret or magic to this. It is a day-by-day, comment-by-comment thing.
Keep up the effort and I am certain the results will follow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
that is one benefit of web 3.0 over web2, web3 goal is to make everyone using internet rich one way or the other just like hive either people are coming as investors or as content creators at the End of the day everybody will end up making money. Hive we generate next millionaires. that's internet. people topping world richest list are mostly tech guys. That's the future thank you @taskmaster4450
It does spread the financial benefits out to a much greater degree. That is the promise anyway.
Now it is up to us to make sure we are involved in ways that can bring us to that end.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great post!!! I hope every new hiveian reads this.
Thanks. I am trying to help all on Hive see the potential that exists here.
It is fun to watch the evolution of what is taking place.
I truly believe Hive will change the lives of millions. Give us a bit more time to develop and we could see massive strides forward.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Hive has the power, but are the people willing to take the time and effort it needs to make it happen?
Ah @hetty-rowan. You ask the million dollar question it seems.
Only time will tell who is willing to put forth the effort that is required to get to the levels we are discussing. It is going to take all of us to achieve these large numbers.
How many people are going to make it a mission?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Time is of the essence to get to the levels we are talking about now. But you won't achieve it with time alone... And to get to 1 million dollars will require a lot of personal effort. You simply don't reach that level by giving just 10 minutes of your time, nor can you do it alone.
That is true but communities have incentive to support others. That is the key. We see where the network effect in each community is enhanced by every new person. From there, we branch out into the totality of it all.
And yes I spend a lot more than 10 minutes a day on Hive. I think it is more like 10 hours. But I might be excessive like that.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really like this post.Hive can produce and make some body a millionaire only with time. What you need is to keep engaging on what's happening on the platform, one-day you will see your self rich. Market is down doesn't mean it will not bull,is patience we need. Only constant accumulation of all the tokens.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I do not look at the price of the token or the value in USD. That is useless since I am convinced that Hive (in particular) will be price at much higher levels in the future.
What I focus upon is the number of tokens and the activity that leads to that. If we get tens of thousands doing what you have been doing, we will see a marked difference.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Ok Thank you
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
This stuff is golden! BTC doesn't have anything to offer as technology. Even ETH can't do much. I'd say there's a bright future for new technologies like DAG and Koinos (Ex-Steemit Devs).
Hive haven't reached its highs cuz there's no marketing. Barely anybody knows about Hive. Splinterlands has 1.5X Twitter followers than Hive. If we promote stuff like 12% interest on Stablecoin which goes up when peg break instead of going down...... we're gonna have one of the best offerings in crypto.
Most blockchains that achieved success had massive funds dedicated for marketing + developer incentives. Here we are on Hive with most of DHF being spent on HBD stabilizer. We need to get out and scream we exist!
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
How long did Amazon go without promoting AWS? The idea of marketing a back end did not move them to market. Sure in the last couple adds we started to see ads. Yet people did not know that each time they watched Netflix, they were on AWS.
The key is to promote the applications. Hive is far to complex and fragmented to market. Applications can be targeted. It is no wonder Splinterlands brought in a ton of people, they targeted gamers.
Ultimately, I believe we will hit a huge onboarding point when #ProjectBlank is released. That will allow us to run around social media promoting a simple to use Web 3.0 application.
Then it is game on. For now, we need to keep fixing what is broken, especially with HBD.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I tell people when talking about Hive.. when I become a crypto millionaire... There's not a doubt in my mind about it's being achievable just takes a bit of time and patience.
It is achievable, especially with all that is developing on Hive. We are seeing so much added, the opportunities are becoming overwhelming.
Time and activity is all it takes. We just need to be consistent.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Consistency is something I've lacked in past but I'm on a mission lol. Lately tho, I'm consistently compounding.
Those words are music to my eyes. You are getting it. Increase the activity in a consistent manner and see how quickly things can change for you. The possibilities are here.
We will help you along. Just show up and jump in. Over time, the wallet will fill up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I really enjoy the idea of the Power of Smaller Account.
And with Billions and Trillions coming in.
Warm Regards
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Time to get busy. There is opportunity here for everyone. Just keep immersing yourself in what interests you here and watch the account grow.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Post like this really pumps me up.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is one of the motivations to write them. Keep people fired up. It is not easy to keep going at times. We all need the proverbial kick in the hind end.
Posts like this are the carrot that can help everyone realize the potential of what is taking place here.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Great read and great motivation.
thanks again
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think Hive has likely already created quite a few millionaires. It might only be a matter of a few years (or months). $100 Hive is not out of the question.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it has too. There are obviously the OG which has a lot of HIVE. However, Splinterlands created a ton. Personally, even though I am not big into the game, it will create a bunch more.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Plus there are many projects on the ground floor or yet to be built on Hive. It is early in the snowball... but you can see it is gaining speed!
We need more staking and getting busy showing up each day. Building a foundation in order to grow is what it takes.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is very true. Hopefully some of the newer people are taking heed of some of the suggestions and really taking it to heart.
The opportunities are here. We just need to point things out to them. The compounding factor here should not be overlooked.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There's a lot of money to be made on Hive but the question is, how many people are willing to make this money? Many people join Hive for different reasons. Equally, many users take Hive differently. To become a millionaire on Hive will cost you something and only those willing to pay the price will end up with the trophy.
Good thing is that the platform gives everyone equal opportunity. So, each user gets to decide how to maximize the opportunity Hive brings.
Speaking of Hive, it is one of the best cryptocurrency and blockchain project I know. It has the potential to grow into a larger market cap like $1 trillion because of the use cases it brings and the many developments surrounding it. It's just a matter of time, I'd say. Today, Hive is above $1. Looking back to a year ago, you see a huge price margin. So, time changes everything.
But on the other hand, a network effect is also needed where every person on the platform will have to contribute something. Could you building of projects, being consistently active, promoting and also supporting projects.
Of course I will be happy and I look forward to that period of time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Alas you hit the nail on the head. How many are willing to do it? We know, percentage-wise, it is not a lot. For that reason, we need a lot more people.
Also you mentioned the marketcap of HIVE. While that is not impossible, my view of the trillion dollars was combined, all that is tied to Hive. That will be the applications and different projects.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I might not know how many people are willing but I can only speak for myself. I am quite willing and I've made the decision to be more active and proactive on Hive from this year forward.
I want to be a partaker in the benefits associated with HIVE. It might not be easy but I'll work harder
It is showing up in your activity the last few days. Seems everywhere I go, there you are already.
That is what we need, people to pick up the pace. It is an enjoyable way to interact, share our wisdom about Hive, and gain some rewards.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I made a lot of mistakes last year and I've learned. The mistake was not being very active on Hive and in turn, I missed out on many things. Aside from the fact that I had a few challenges (losing my brother) that made me lose interest in almost everything, I just know that I didn't give my best to Hive.
Hence, my decision to do better moving forward. I have seen many people who are now very successful courtesy of Hive. I'm encouraged and I want to win too.
I guess that explains my activeness of late.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is the key. No matter where we are at in our Hive journey, we can be an example to others. For some, just watching someone get to 1,000 HP or 500 LEO is inspiration.
We never know where it will come from or the impact we can have. Hopefully more see these words while learning from your experience.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I hope my shared experiences and lessons get to spark the interest of someone too towards doing better.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Oh yea
We're gonna create a million million-dollar businesses right here in this community.
We're still early in the game and I believe the next few years will really witness big changes in the financial system.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is still early but that does not mean we should sit back and wait. The time to get going is now. We are seeing the present system starting to wake up to what is taking place.
In short, time to outgrow them.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It is a great motivation and hive can made it in long run we are making a great progress in short time.
I have looked at my account as a business since I started in 2017. I've been investing fiat money and reinvested my earnings- all to build my account. I've never sold any Hive and moved the proceeds out of the Hive ecosystem. But, now I'm thinking it might be time to reap the rewards...
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Each has to do what is best for him or her. For me, there is no way I am exiting at these levels. My view is there are much higher levels ahead.
But that is just me.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I put myself on that list of 1 million millionaires and I absolutely believe it. We will have many stories of achievements within this blockchain because we are just getting started. I loved this post and that's why I shared it on Twitter and other networks. Greetings.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
It has happened to a number of people already. Splinterlands was the first one that drove the point home to people. Many saw the value of their cards go through the roof. That game is not done either.
There will be other moves just like that. The question is who will be involved?
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
I think it will be possible to get 100 millionaires down the road because there will be a lot of projects being created. Some of which, like Splinterlands will explode in value due to the limited supply and others will just naturally grow due to the compound interest. For example, INDEX or BRO gives out daily dividends and that will add up over time.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
All adds up and compounds.
I think you meant something other than 100 millionaires. We have that on Hive already.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Yea I got confused with a different person on HIVE. A million millionaires would be quite amazing but I wonder if you can truly call yourself that if you can't liquidate the assets easily (gaming NFTs).
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
That is true. Liquidity means a lot.
Of course, we could say the same thing about real estate. That is not a very liquid market under normal circumstances but it is in people's net worth.
Right now, I wouldnt want to be in the commercial real estate business in major cities. Talk about non-liquid.
So I guess outside of cash and large market stocks, liquidity can always be an issue.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
The number of hiden gems, in this post. "Opportunity often comes disguised as work" one can underate what it takes to post daily or even come up with a quality post as they read and enjoy. My conclusion after the above argument is 1m is possible. What matters is how people show and and grind at it, sadly many are still goin to say i knew about this but did not put in the needed effort. Splinterlands being a practical example and the previous break out being the first before the next big installment of growth. Stuck up while it lasts
Very true. I missed the Splinterlands bonanza for the most part. That said, you are right, there are a lot of hidden gems but on Hive.
It is the point I was trying to convey. We have a lot going on that is going to benefit a lot of people financially. This is why I am so optimistic about things.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
And thank you for being optimistic and consistent in you pursuit on hive. I am personally inspired and made to believe in the block chain as the fog of not knowing much is slowly clearing
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
There is a lot taking place here. It is a matter of putting ourselves in a position to succeed.
To me, it starts with the mindset. We get busy and then we start to see how things change over time. Yet to do that, we must consistently keep taking action.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
From my observation so far it's the actions, and the many moving elements that weigh people down. Top with a market that does as it pleases regardless of ones wishes
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Yes, yes, yes. Amen.
Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
Even though I'm newbie I believe in you...
". . . shoot for the stars because if you miss, you will hit the moon." - 100k USD is still 5M in Php. If God allows, I am willing to commit 5 to 10 years to achieve this. The only financial challenge I have now is the completion of the studies of my three sons. Once, they're done, I think I can fast-track the process. Thanks!
I love this! It renews my hopium. So far, I am very new to Hive, but I definitely see the potential!
I am participating as much as I possibly can. I am talking specifically of Hive. The opportunities are all around us, for example within the first 12 hours of my ListNerds upgrade I made 96 Listnerds tokens which with today's Hive price is worth roughly $192. That is just my story others have made much more.
On Splinterlands my success is slowly growing, as my understanding of the game grows.