Being A Cryptocurrency Trailblazer Is Not Easy

in LeoFinance3 years ago (edited)

Even more than a decade in, cryptocurrency is still very young. The evolution of the industry is happening at a rapid pace while simultaneously crawling along. This is how development goes.

While there were fantastic strides made in the last few years, the industry is still very convoluted. We are at a time where infrastructure is still being created. In many ways, things continue to be very messy.

This causes some upheaval. Now we are at a time of experimentation. There are going to be failure for many reasons. One of the biggest is we simply do not know what works. It is a basic premise of innovation.

When things are new, they are not easy. Those who follow end up with a clearer path. However, when in the middle of it, seeing any direction can be difficult.


Forging A New Path

When we look at the definition of a trailblazer here is what we see:

one that blazes a trail to guide others: PATHFINDER

Being a trailblazer is not easy. Everyone wants to reap the rewards of being an early adopter. However, most do not want to endure the struggle that is required.

Consider the early pioneers traveling West in the United States. They were the trailblazers, with millions of acres of land they could claim. Of course, their path was filled with challenges. The most basic is the absence of roads, or even horse trails, to utilize. Instead, they were the ones laying the path for others to follow.

Isn't cryptocurrency the same? We can see the emerging of a new iteration of the Internet. At the same time, an alternative financial system is developing. Many new applications are popping up and innovation in this area is exploding. All this means tremendous opportunity.

There is a downside to all this. We do not have a clear idea where everything is going. Some of the applications we use are filled with bugs. Many are going to fail. There are nefarious characters entering to take advantage of unwitting people. In short, it is a major pain in the hind end.

Nobody said it was going to be easy.

Simply looking at the definition, we see the struggle because we are all forging a new path for others to follow. Their plight will be simpler. That is the advantage of following behind.


A Certain Temperament

It takes a certain temperament to endue the struggles that are faced. This is not something that all can handle.

We often discuss the difficulty with keys. Naturally, it is easy to identify with this sentiment. Dealing with multiple keys and securing this is not easy. It is often a point of contention with many newer people.

Their reply is that "it is too hard".

Of course it is hard. Do you think crossing the United States in a horse drawn wagon without roads was a piece of cake? There are tens of millions of people who are living west of the Mississippi who are glad that people took up the challenge.

Perhaps this is an over simplification and the analogy is a bit over the top. However, when we look at the things that upset us regarding cryptocurrency, it is all a part of being a trailblazer. There are a lot of gaps in the landscape still needing to be filled. It is not an overnight process.

For that reason, things are going to be wonky from time-to-time. Not everything is going to operate cleanly. We should expect that.

From a financial perspective, this is the opportunity. Being an early adopter usually means a greater potential payout when things evolve. For that, we must endure the early days.

There is, of course, an alternative. One could opt to leave and come back in a few years when things are refined. We will see roads laid, towns erected, and commerce starting. Show up around the middle of the decade and you might just find a cozy place to set up shop.

That is the life of the next wave. It is not, however, the trailblazer.


Hard Work Not Luck

We are going to see many enter in the coming years who are going to call those here "lucky". There is nothing lucky about this.

Existing at this phase means a lot of hard work is required. People are spending a lot of time each day trying to "clear the follage". Dealing with slow load speeds on websites and downtimes for upgrades is all a part of it. We also have to endure the times an upgrade is made and everything gets zapped. Oops didn't see that one coming.

The entire cryptocurrency realm can be look at as a single complex ecosystem. It is spreading in many different directions with areas at varying stages of development. Some things are a bit smoother than others. Even places which are fairly advanced are seeing new areas of "exploration". This begins the process all over again.

Dealing with these issues means there are enormous opportunities. Simple math shows up there are not enough hands involved. There is always something to be done.

Nevertheless, that is what the trailblazers do. We step up and jump in where needed. The role for anyone is whatever needs to be done.

In the end, we are the ones who are laying the groundwork for the nice cozy town for people to populate.


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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


You're right about everything, but you forgot to mention this is also the fun part.

I know it's an odd place to find it, but there's a sense of fellowship here, especially at times like this, when the market is hemorrhaging everywhere you look, that you only find in tight communities, but amplified.

Everyone into sports enjoys the thrill of victory or the agony of defeat along side their team, but the players on the field... the people who put in the time everyday at practice, who spent days on the road, who fight for it every goddamn day... those are the ones who truly reap the rewards. That's the entirety of the core crypto community.

Everyday we get to stand on the field and work and struggle and bleed. Sometimes we're carried off the field on our teammates' shoulders... sometimes on a stretcher... but we all get back in the game the second we can walk back onto the field and that's the kind of glory that builds champions.

I'm so proud to be among the ones who are using the technology and building the foundations.

I agree about this being fun, thats why I'm here. Everyone here can choose how they want to participate here and everyone will benefit.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Fun Hard Work.

How is that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is definitely some camaraderie here that you can't find in most other aspects of life. It is truly one of the things that helps us all get through the down times. If we're all in this together, then we can commiserate when times are tough and celebrate when times are good, Together. It makes the fight that much sweeter when we win and it helps pull us through, knowing we have "teammates", when the going gets rough.

It truly is a team effort. The more each of us contributes, the better we all are.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We are the ones in the trenches of this "war". I dont like to compare to real battle since I could never imagine sometime like that but my sense it is similar. Coming out the other side creates a bond.

For now, we are in the foxhole in an effort to change the world. It is a slow process and one we are united in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

only our generation would understand haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My generation doesnt understand much.

But then again, there are only like a dozen of us wedged in between the Boomers and Millennials.

So we are kind of an after thought.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I never thought of that. That completes my day. ^_^

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Glad would could do something for your day. Completing it is a milestone.

Tomorrow we will try to make it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The key, to use your analogy, is to leave it all on the field.

My question is how many are doing this? It is something that will increase our success for Hive and especially Leofinance. If we have hundreds "leaving it all on the field" each day, we will be unstoppable.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Nice, I guess I have to keep stacking so I can give my grandchildren funny tales of how their grandfather created generated through stacking

Yes you can tell them how you were part of what changed the world.

Today's version of Lewis and Clark.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Ouch! Even though you don’t mean to be a prophet of doom , you are still spitting top notch exclusive facts.

Be the forst AND TrailBlazer la to hard, imaginé when i talked wit the friend about a platform that país for writter, they always always Said me, are you crazy, you have nothing to do.
But here i am trying to introduce people here AND until this day there are very hard, fortunately de are the first BTC legal tender adopter AND this could some day the people knowwing about us.
Best regard AND happy sunday.

Yesterday I had some success sparking people's interest in Actifit. A good teacher knows where a student is and how to take them to the next level of understanding. It doesn't work to go out into the world and shout from the rooftops. It's knowing when people are ripe for information and then sharing what you know. If they're not ripe for understanding, you only frustrate them and yourself. There are people ALL OVER the internet complaining about this not working for them and that sucking in the system. We need to be out there as experienced teachers talking to people and leading them into these spaces. People have heard a lot of misinformation, and a lot of people laugh at crypto as a meme. We need to get out there and clarify for people who are ready to hear it what we're really about and what solutions we actually have to the problems they experience. And we need to be clear that we are in such early stages that things are rocky but we need solution oriented people who are willing to focus on solutions to problems.

You are absolutely right but sometimes it becomes difficult.
Especially when people want things in the short term, they don't think long term at all, but well you are right that's the way things are going little by little people will have to understand.

All good points. When we find willing students, the solutions are easily grasped.

The problems with the ones all over the Internet complaining is the fact that many just want to complain. Few do not want to really change, themselves or the world.

Many times Hive solutions were presented to people online only for them to ignore and go on complaining. That said, Actifit is an easy solution to get people to use. After all, most move throughout the day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is very hard. And you know what will happen? They will get in at some point and then call you lucky because you were able to get in earlier.

This is something we see repeating itself over and over.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes sir we hope people knowwing the benefices of this great blockchain.

It will depend upon what is built on here. I am harping upon development and community. We need to keep combining both together.

The devs are pounding away at code, so it is up to us to keep doing our part. Glad to see you adding comments @gilberto and engaging.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Some good day’s read. We are moving to an era where money would be transferred without the usage of paper. We already have cards for that. Now, the next development would most likely be crypto.

That is true. Paper is disappearing with each ensuring generation. Money means different things to each generation. This is an overlooked point.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, centuries ago, the barter system thrived as they found value there. Now, paper is what defines them. Soon maybe crypto…

Trail blazers, blaze through the hard time leaving trails of there movements behind and thats everyone else finds. The best part about being early and here is you stand a chance in the near future to usilize what you learn to do here. The misconseptions are as a result of those, hoping for quick bite into success for nothing. Those who will diligently push through the time, wont leave with out. Nomater the direction this takes the skill and time spent will birth things and see opportunities everywhere

The misconseptions are as a result of those, hoping for quick bite into success for nothing.

Great point. This is something I just wrote about in effect. We need to think long-term and not focus on instant gratification.

It is not easy but makes us stronger as we learn and adapt.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Long term is everything. Sad to see how people are quick to talk about price and not value and potential of what they have invested in...Thank you for the artical

The value comes from the actions we bring on here each day in my opinion. That is how we will grow and attract users.

So far, we are lagging in that area if you ask me.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True and the quicker we do this and all begin to approach all this with a growth mindset and quicken voting time on positive and right technologies we stand a chance to compete and beat web 2 thats currently making decisions and wanting to develop quicker

Good article, and quite motivating too. I liked the part about luck, I totally agree with it, there is no luck, as some say, only hard work that goes unnoticed.

Too many times I saw the accusation that some are lucky to be able to have bought the token at a lower price.

Yet when we have a pullback, are those who made the accusation buying? The answer is no.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot of people have come to see how early adopting is crucial to Crypto, but not a lot of people would pay the price of early adopting. Setting the pace comes with its challenges, risk is everything.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is difficult and takes a bit of tenacity. However, the rewards are there.

People who see the bigger picture, more than just the money, are dedicated and inspired by the challenge ahead of us.

It is not easy to chance the entire structure of society.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is not easy to chance the entire structure of society.

This is entirely the problem, the structure isn't ideal and if affects the economic mentality of people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The structure is ideal for those who are benefitting and exerting power over others.

For the rest of us, it is not so good.

This is where the change has to occur in a new manner. We cannot fix something design to screw most people.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Every new development has its crawling phase. Nothing is perfect at the beginning.

Also known as a falling down phase.

Nobody learns to walk without hitting the floor a few times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm also reminded of the Pick & Shovel Play during the Gold Rush times. "A pick-and-shovel play is an investment strategy that invests in the underlying technology needed to produce a good or service instead of in the final output. It is a way to invest in an industry without having to endure the risks of the market for the final product. "

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true. Although with Leofinance (Hive) we do have to pick up the shovel and start digging if we are going to see this being a success.

So we both invest in the shovel dealership yet also do the digging. We have many roles to play here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

agreed, and even if we do not find "gold" we are still rewarded for our efforts along the way, unlike most of the poor bastard prospectors back in the old wild west!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What we do is, with each action, we are pulling up more dirt. Yet here, even the first have value. Sure it isnt a large golden nugget in most instances but the piling really works. We keep filling out bags and let the market enhance the rest.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

These beginnings are the best times to be here, people often take that for granted. This is how we build the future.

We are designing the future with each activity we take today. Each upvote and comment we leave impacts our individual, as well as collective, future.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hard work is definitely an important part of being a trailblazer but luck helps! A few early wins sets one up for an easier journey long term or maybe it reduces the risks.

We make our luck by showing up and putting ourselves in position. There is nothing lucky about success on Leo. When things explode, those who heeded the warnings to get involved fully will benefit. Those who ignored it or refused to put in the effort will miss out.

It is really that simple in my mind.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's effort, passion and just plain old determination which are the building blocks for success. I think those who keep up creating content and making connection will see great things for what the hive ecosystem can be.

I think those who keep up creating content and making connection will see great things for what the hive ecosystem can be.

Hopefully it becomes contagious. We need the concept to spread like wildfite.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

My grammar has been terrible lately. I'm so tired from work I just let me fingers type and it's getting me in trouble. Back to the point, I think we will catch on as more people spread the word. I know marketing has been tough and there are so many projects to steal people's attention. A listing on Coinbase would help a ton. The projects they are listing are crap compared to ours. We need to get a campaign to get listed.

Trailblazing is pretty hard in general, I am sure people laughed at the person who thought it wise to create fire and that is how we are going to be mocked and laughed at until we make the change we want to.

Did we create fire or did it just appear via lightning strikes or something like that?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I was always taught that some early caveman struck two stones and fire came but it could have been a lie 😆

Could be. Hard to know what we were taught in school.

The bigger question is who invented sex and why didn't that person patent it. Imagine the royalties.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

😆 and how weird was the person to just see a random human and want to put organs together, so many questions I have to ask.

Depends upon which organ you are referring to. One tends to take over, especially when drinking. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And gets weaker also so I am probably not referring to that

It's not easy being the guy going against the grain of the traditional financial system, but damn it's fun.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The hope is that it will be profitable also.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Great analogy. Yeah, it certainly feels that way a lot of the time. But like folks crossing the US in a wagon, we've got to keep our eye on the prize.

If we no longer panic during bear markets... are we in the trailblazer mindset? :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we no longer panic during bear markets... are we in the trailblazer mindset? :)

Maybe not a trailblazer but experienced in markets. LOL

Being able to weather what arises with calmness is a key trait. Market fluctuations are to be expected. Getting upset over them when they are known is not sound practice.

Building is a way to alleviate the ups and downs of markets.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being able to weather what arises with calmness is a key trait. Market fluctuations are to be expected. Getting upset over them when they are known is not sound practice.

I think it's just a matter of going through enough of them. I don't even flinch anymore. That being said, it sucked really bad when we were way down the last time for multiple years. If that ever happens again I won't be leaving the space like I did last time.

If that ever happens again I won't be leaving the space like I did last time.

Success is counter-intuitive, probably why most people fail to achieve it.

Down times are the best times to build. People want to do it during the bull runs yet, by then, it is too late. The numbers are working against one.

With the bear, the herd thins out. As you learned, the time is best used to build and grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A lot of wisdom in here!

Being an early adopter of a new technology is hard but rewarding. It becomes even more hard with cryptocurrency innovation because we have to battle with some governments as well. But the truth is that, there's a huge reward for being a patient, enduring and hard-working trailblazer.

Knowing that cryptocurrency is still new with very little adoption compared to the world's population, don't fret too much when certain things fail or happens. We are still in the experimentation stage as stated above. So, buckle up and endure the pains of being an early adopter because you will equally become an early beneficiary in the later days.

Not only will we be early beneficiaries, we'll be glad that we forged a new path that'll impact more lives than the existing.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

we have to battle with some governments as well.

There is always going to be opposition to change, especially when driven by technology. There are always people who stand to lose and will fight to hold onto what they can.

We are seeing this now in cryptocurrency. The entire power structure of our society is at risk. Those who have it do not want to lose it. This is causing them to lash out.

It is why I am so optimistic. The more things expand, the better it is. The "snowball effect" certainly will be in play.

And ultimately, I believe, it will be an avalanche for many who are in the establishment.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

True revolutions always encounter oppositions. In this case, I think we'll get over whatever oppositions surfaces be it the government or anything.

But I still don't understand why governments are opposing the move?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

But I still don't understand why governments are opposing the move?

Governments are a front for those who are truly running the show. As with most things, simply follow the money.

Here we see those really pulling the purse strings are threatened. When we consider the damage that this can do to banking, social media, and many corporations, we can see how the entire realm of DAO and crypto is something they want to control.

That is what they are all about. Giving power to the masses is not on their agenda.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I get it now but I guess we're already getting the power and they feel threatened! Well, governments oppositions doesn't directly affect individuals rather crypto corporations. So, it's not much of a problem.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being a trailblazer is hard work, but it is also an awesome and exciting experience that creates future bragging rights. For me, the biggest upside to being a crypto trailblazer is that I'm unlikely to die of dysentery from it.

The nice thing is we can stake our own plot of land on Hive.

It does have advantages, you are correct. Only a matter of time before others find out. By then, the early birds should be well established.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think the analogy is over the top at all. The physical dangers may not be quite as prevalent (although, they do exist in this space through the effects of stress, depression, anxiety, etc) but pitfalls and missteps are everywhere, waiting on the unwary or unprepared.

As you say the keys is just one aspect. There are rug pulls and scams and collapses and regulations and negative press and, and, and.... Trouble everywhere you turn. But the rewards are also very, very sweet. Those pioneers dealt with wild animals, disease, hostile neighbors, inclement weather, and more, not to mention the fact they had no idea where they were, or really, where they were going. But when they came over that ridge and saw the perfect little valley next to a burbling little river, it all became worth it.

The destination is there waiting for us. We just need to keep blazing trails until we find it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

All the perils you bring up are real and something that all are facing. Just like the pioneer times, there was a lot at risk. We have similar intentions of massively transforming society. This means we are taking on a large of unknowns.

And yes all in the quest for the nice valley over that one hill.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The comments section is really expanding the conversation. I enjoy reading it. Thanks to all who contributed their thoughts. It is a great way to end my day. Peace and blessings!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is one of the main focuses of late. I am taking to rewarding people for their comments via upvote. That will help to put a bit more LEO in people's wallets over time.

All should be encouraged to join in. Thanks for noticing the input in the comment sections.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We need to really roll up our sleeves and get the work done. Every single day I see people agonizing over problems they are encountering with a system that's failing them miserably. We have solutions, but few of them are really actually ready to take us where we need to go as a society. I wish we could get there sooner. My husband agonizes over the unfairnesses of streaming on Twitch and how artistry is obliterated because of algorithms and such. People want to make the world a better place. They want to be able to help elderly people, clean up litter, exercise and make a living. We have all the ideas. You can get paid to make content. You can get paid to exercise. We even have Universal Basic Income projects. But they need to move forward in a really big way. And we need people to know how much potential these spaces hold and to take seriously the fact that the technology can be a new order for society. Everyday I see dumpster divers agonizing over how much food and good, usable product are being sent to the landfill. There's so much waste that they can't even begin to start to get it into the hands of people who can use it. We have so far outgrown our system, and problems like these cannot be solved in the system that we have going. We need people who experience these kinds of problems in the world in these spaces and brainstorming and using and creating.

Looking for solutions within a system that rewards those who designed the system and was built to keep those in power is not a good use of time. We know many of our existing systems are broken beyond repair. For this reason, it is time to build something new.

People just need to start using Actifit as a way to get involved.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

One could opt to leave and come back in a few years when things are refined.

I'd rather be amongst fellow trailblazers making ways for others to follow, despite it being difficult and wishing the rewards are here already, it has been fun filled journey.

And besides experience have thought me I stand a lot to gain sticking around and keeping it consistent than leave and show up when everything becomes easy.

Last time I stayed off crypto (Bitcoin) in particular, I missed the boat despite being fairly involved in the world's first cryptocurrency.

Crypto trailblazer? oh yes I'd rather be!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with you 1000%. To me, it is well worth the headaches and what we have to put up with in the near term. It is difficult at times but we all know we are part of something that is much bigger than us. This is something that is going to change the world.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yep,luck comes throughout hard work and in the process of finding fortune.

The entire cryptocurrency realm can be look at as a single complex ecosystem. It is spreading in many different directions with areas at varying stages of development. Some things are a bit smoother than others. Even places which are fairly advanced are seeing new areas of "exploration". This begins the process all over again.

This is true and cryptocurrency would some day become more popular than any time.Much of what is that,as digitalisation is growing faster,sometime, we might have to rely completely on smart -card tokens and electronic notes, probably no paper formed money... Who knows?

Good one, 🍬🍬👏

The who knows is true. We do not know where all of this will lead. Of course, we can project and try to draw trends. Yet in reality, technology tends to go in directions that it deems.

We are in for a wild ride. The one thing I know is things will be much different a decade from now. How that will look is a guess.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is perfect post, it reminds of how things actually work out. Handwork, luck, persistence and determination all works together. We must be willing to work to the end irrespective of the path

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The path is filled with potholes and traps. That said, it is up to us to navigate around them. We are part of something much larger, a point I keep trying to drive home to people.

This is a lot more than just using a different social media site.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That's how people that joined crypto currency that first time made their money. Even now their is opportunity,they still refuse.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I started saying years ago, everyone will get in cryptocurrency, sooner or later.

For most, unfortunately, it is going to be later. They are not trailblazers nor early adopters. That is left to those of us who are of a different ilk.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes.that is true

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wouldn't necessarily say it is ALWAYS hard work, there is luck involved certainly. But what people don't realize is that luck IS always earned. It is not so simple - you need to explore the new, take the risk and travel the road less travelled.

It seems to me that those who were early being called "lucky" is a little misunderstanding. People who do that simply don't know how difficult it can be to be among the "firsts", as they never had the courage to be one.


Yes it is difficult to go out on a limb and take the risk.

It is easy to see things in hindsight when looking back, claiming that it was an easy choice to, say, buy Tesla stock as $60. But at the time it was not so clear cut.

The same goes here. What we are doing now will look obvious in a few years yet is not so clear to people now. Thus being involved now is not a matter of luck yet a determined choice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I totally agree that the way path is yet very hard and we need to get on our minds the benefits of keep on walking on this hard and unknown way, I think that is the only way to achieve our freedom in not only the financial way even too in many others areas of our life.
There is advantage to be at the end, but a responsability too. We need to push up this sistem because we're figthin for our freedom and not for only save or earn money. We're figthin for the fact to take ours lifes in ours hands and make a better world in our terms and not in the politicians terms. We need to suppor this because without effort we can't find nothing

I agree. There is a responsibility that goes along with all this. We need to keep that in mind. Others who follow us will see what we did and how we behaved. It is likely they model what they see.

For that reason, we need to take the onus upon us seriously. Failure to do so means that we will attract a lot of people who are misguided and end up behaving in nefarious ways.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is very helpful and illustrates clearly the problems being faced when things are still early.

The early days would involve a lot of hard work because everything will sum up as the foundation for a greater later than before. The foundation needs to be a strong one, which is why it's all going to take time.

I can relate to most things here and how I can further improve in areas that will bring about growth.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many want the benefits of being an early adopter, ie massive gains but do not want to put up with the issues that come with it.

When applications are in their infancy, they can be quirky and unstable. We just have to deal with that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We all have to endure during this one said it would be easy but it's all going to be worth it later.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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The keys of crypto. At first, on Hive I had the worst time learning Hive Keychain & Hive Signer. Now that I have learned them it is preferred to have a bunch of different passwords for different sites.
Now I prefer HiveKeychain and wish it worked for all sites, and apps :-D

Hive Keychain is the best one.

You are right, it is not easy at first. This is new technology. So we much all take it in pieces.

However as you are finding out, it is well worth it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree 100% Keychain is the best by a lot. 👍