Are You Mentally Prepared For Abundance?

in LeoFinance4 years ago

This is a very important question.

In many of my articles and videos, I discuss how we are entering the Age of Abundance. In them, I try to give examples of how this is happening before our eyes.


One would think this is something to get very excited about. Nevertheless, it seems the message falls on deaf ears. Perhaps it is because people think I am just some fool on the Internet, not worthy of paying attention to. Whatever the reason, it seems people cannot internalize what is taking place.

There was a post yesterday by @bozz that shows exactly what I am talking about.

Which is why I bring up the question in the title: are you mentally prepared for abundance?

It is evident from this post that it is something being struggled with.

The situation is basically as such: Bozz is confronted with something he did not think possible. In spite of the writings and videos, it is obvious he is not mentally adjusted to the paradigm shift taking place.

Before getting into it, let's talk a bit about Bozz. From what little I know, he seems like an average stiff like most of us. He works some job that pays the bills and helps to support the family. It is not something he is going to get rich from and probably has encountered some financial challenges in life. He is now involved in this wonky world of Internet money, something that his spouse looks at with a skeptical eye. The time he spends online is taking away from other worthwhile tasks like taking out the garbage or being of use around the house.

Dose any of this sound familiar? Of course. It is the story for many of us.

Nevertheless, Bozz persevered and now he is in a quandary. He got involved with a game over on WAX, one that has land that pays out in currency. Evidently there is a connection to BSC which sent to token flying.

At this point I will state I know nothing of the game or the currency. The individual asset doesn't matter since it is the same story repeated over and over.

Bozz has 5,000 of these tokens. They skyrocketed to more than $4 and could open up at $5. Not a bad deal for something received from playing a game.

Here is the issue:

Oddly enough, it is the best case scenario that actually scares me. Based on those numbers, imagine if TLM holds its price of ~$5.00 (I know it won't, but lets imagine).

I know it sounds ridiculous, but I am not sure I am prepared to handle that kind of windfall. Those of you who have been fortunate enough to find yourself in this position, how do you even wrap your mind around it?

If everyone could have such problems, right?

Well, the reality is that anyone activity involved in cryptocurrency is going to encounter this. In other words, this applies to all involved.

The post linked above was actually a follow up to one titled "Better to be lucky than good". Just from that, we can see what the problem is.

Bozz cannot mentally handle this. The potential $25K in payout scares him. It is beyond his realm because it is likely more than he ever got in one swoop.

Certainly, $25K is a fair bit of money. It is half of the average household income in the U.S. over a year. In some countries, it is 10 years worth of income. The number itself really does not matter; for some it might be $2,500 while others it could be $250K.

The truth of the matter is that luck had nothing to do with it. This is life in crypto. There are opportunities everywhere if we are willing to take advantage of them. Sure, not all will work out and we have to be careful. There are scams, poorly funded projects, and basic incompetence to deal with. Yet, in spite of that, there are huge windfalls all over the place.

Also, Bozz better realize this is just the beginning. The $25K is a drop in the bucket. The next step is to 10x. In fact, here is the comment I left in the post:


Certainly there is no way to know the timeframe nor what the next huge gain is. What we do know is they are fairly common. Just look at what happened in the last year.

  • Bitcoin up 20x
  • Ethereum up 6x
  • BNB up 38x
  • Litecoin up 5x
  • Hive up 6x
  • LEO up 100x

Then we have the likes of UNI and SUSHI which did not even exist a year ago.

As we can see, they are not all that rare. Does this mean these tokens will replicate the performance over the next year? There is no way of telling. However, there will be different projects that 10x over the next 12 months, that is a guarantee. It is up to us to find them.

The point is we cannot be blown away when we do find them. For years, we read about the Bitcoin millionaires (not moving into billionaires). These were the ones who got involved in the early days, filled their bags, and rode the price higher.

Many call them lucky. The fact is they had the commitment to get involved, when there were plenty of naysayers, AND hold strong. Now, they are reaping the benefits.

Bitcoin is not the only opportunity out there. Yet, to take advantage of them, we need to be mentally prepared for it.

I will state it again: we are entering the Age of Abundance. It is best to fully internalize it.

Cryptocurrency is offering EVERYONE the same opportunity. If one has nothing, the path is going to be a bit slower and require more effort. However, it is a clear path.

There is tremendous wealth already being generated. Life changing money, whatever that means to each individual, is there for us. It could take years of effort but the payout is at hand. We never know when that next project that we believed in will pan out.

What we do know is they are happening right before our eyes.

The present market cap (not the best barometer) is a little over $2.1 trillion for all crypto listed on Coingecko. Many of us believe that we will see that number jump to over $5 trillion in a fairly short amount of time.

What do you think that will do to the tokens you are holding? If the move is average for all, that is a 2.x from here.

So whether people are prepared for it or not, abundance is coming. Those who are active in cryptocurrency and digital assets are in the "ownership" game. This is historically the path to wealth. Owning something that compounds and grows over time is how it works.

This means that everyone building is operating in the market based economy. Unlike a job where just a small piece is doled out, the value is now in your hands. Compounding only requires time working on the bags.

The above example does mention how time can be shortened with huge price moves. Whatever the numbers that Bozz does get out of those tokens, the important thing is that he accept that huge numbers are coming his way if he stays the course.

Take this to heart because there will come a time where each of us finds ourselves in the position that Bozz is. Anyone who has the activity, commitment, and passion for this like Bozz does is going to keep filling the bags. When that happens, it is just a matter of waiting for one of the tokens to take off.

And, over time, that is exactly what happens. It only takes a couple hits like that and we suddenly are in an entirely different financial arena.

We just need to prepare ourselves mentally for it.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Abundance of inflation? Right now I am seeing shortages particularly with workers.

The TLM really skyrocketed and I ended up selling off my what I collected over the week for around $90. I am bullish on WAX so I plan to hold it liquid and stack more of it with my daily TLM/Aether earnings.

I plan to just fill my bags and hopefully what I invest in will be the next lucky winner. If HIVE, LEO and a few other HE tokens take off, we will definitely become in a similar situation.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

As stated I am not familiar with the project and that was what Bozz was in. However, it could apply to LEO, CUB, Hive, or some other ABC token.

The mindset applies in all cases: wealth is being created, sometimes very rapidly, others more of a slow staging method. But either way, there are mooning times if one is active and accumulating.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you ask me, I think I am ready, the reason is because i already expect abundance, I have shifted my mind, my savings and effort towards making sure i am a part of this future will abundance will become the new "normal", I understand @Bozz and sometimes these things can be overwhelming.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah. I noticed that you appear ready. We never truly do know until we get in the position but I an convinced anyone who is very active will reach that point here. Nothing we can do to stop the expansion that is taking place.

Each day, those active are getting more coins in their wallets. The key is that some of them are going to moon at some point. This is where the difficulty comes in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well when the difficult sets in I have no doubt we will soak the pressure in. In 2017 when the bull market happened I was never prepared mentally and otherwise and well this time its actually different, each and every I take the time to get ready, diversify and put in more skin in the game.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Bull markets set off euphoria. However, the money is made by building during the bear and enjoying the progress during the bull. We will see more ebb and flow but there is a lot taking place that is exciting.

Our wallets will be enriched. It is vital to avoid the "lottery winner" syndrome.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahah the lottery winner mindset is what many people have and thats why they cannot build. Its been different and for 3 years now I have have enjoyed the building process so far.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Its been different and for 3 years now I have have enjoyed the building process so far.

That is a big part of it. It is the journey as much as the destination.

If wealth is basically guaranteed for all those who put in the effort, then what happens in the meantime is what is vital.

Hive is a fun way to engage.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Feel the abundance mate. How are u??

Doing well thanks. And you?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a great question. It creates some introspection on my part. Having grown up with very little, there are habits and ways of thinking that are hard to let go as they are a part of me in ways that I am unaware.

A quick example is the tendency to hold on to things that "might be useful in the future". The result is a house full of clutter that is distracting and takes time and effort to manage. The alternative would have been to give it away or sell it. If I need it again, I can buy it again. There are subtle poverty mindset tendencies like this that worry me about being prepared for abundance. Will I waste time to save a buck, or spend a few dollars to save time? At what point does my time become more valuable than my money? When you're poor, your money is most often worth more than your time.

At some point, our crypto holdings were somewhere near $20,000. I haven't calculated our present holdings, yet, which have grown. Still, that was more than we had ever saved in our lifetimes. For now, we can get away with not dealing with it by not withdrawing. Thus, we don't feel the abundance or future prosperity. We don't see it. For now, it's an abstract curiosity.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is easy to fall into the scarcity mindset which leads to hoarding. A big step forward is to overcome that and realize one can get by if something is needed and not there.

At some point, our crypto holdings were somewhere near $20,000. I haven't calculated our present holdings, yet, which have grown.

And what happens if that holding goes up 10x. After all, it could happen. What would that do to your state and mindset?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I used to listen to Jim Rohn recordings. One question that stuck in my mind was, "what kind of person do I have to be to become a millionaire". Or something like that. The implication is that there are things to learn and ways of acting that lead up to one becoming successful. I ask myself what type of person experiences and maintains abundance?

you are so right. at the end to what end is the scarcity mindset of real use to you. you think and act like you are poor, but you are not. so it is like a bit of a wheel for a hamster

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The real test comes to play if it happens to us, we should take Bozz-s case and prepare ourselves for such day because the chances of it happening to us is high as long as we stick around the crypto world.

This is a serious stuff, you don't want to get tokens moon and not have an idea what to do or secure them and compound it from there.
It could be a once chance ticket for exiting POVERTY!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is true although I am going to venture to say that we will see most people having multiple opportunities at that.

There are going to be a lot of tokens going up bit time and a good chance we will have a couple of them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What @bozz is dealing with is so relatable. We just need to keep learning and grab bigger & better opportunities. I agree with you @taskmaster4450, there are so many things to choose from! All we need to do is get involved and take massive actions.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That is the point of the article. He certainly is not unique in this mindset and it is natural since it is what almost all of us were reared with. Crypto can provide life changing money very quickly. What we do when that happens is not easy to deal with.

It is good to think about this stuff ahead of time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes, I am trying to put myself in that mindset since the start. So that when the opportunity comes I do not fall behind & lose because 'I got overwhelmed'

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Funny I own some Trillium that I mined. Not going to sell it though. Instead, going to stake it. Wax is another project that I really like. They are making the right moves but need more income generating games. Alien worlds is a hot ticket right now. Some of the mining cards are spiking in price..:)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've been battling poverty and disability for so f***ing long I'm not sure I'll know how to handle abundance.

I do sit around and think about how could I do something to help change the world after I get my windfall , and other times I think about just having a cabin the woods and not ever having to deal with world LOL

Maybe I'll end up somewhere in-between.

2017/2018 was so AWESOME - you could pretty much buy anything and 10x-100x it - annddd then because I'm a carpenter and not a trader I missed my chance to 'sell the top' and just been holding my bags all this time.
(It's hard to pay attention/focus on markets or anything when you have to move every 6 months because of shitty jobs/landlords i.e. every minute of the day is spent working for peanuts and then you're tired and still broke)

And here we are - 3 years later and I haven't been able to 'add to the bags' because some other ass clown on the planet has their boot in my face.

Well, I got 2 bags stashed that seem to be doing OK at the moment - cmon $XRP and $DOGE.

Who knows, at the rate splinterlands is going I might just retire renting my deck LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Who knows, at the rate splinterlands is going I might just retire renting my deck LOL

An option not often discussed about but that is another opportunity for an income.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Been thinking about how that will develop, if card prices will increase over time especially when sets go out of print and demand increases, renting will also probably become more expensive and create better opportunities. Right now I'm enjoying the gold and legendaries at 0.001$ a day to get some footing. But not selling anything there anytime soon!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Any tip on what estrategy to do when one coin moons? Or better yet, which one gives a good passive income to retire on😜😜😜

If I had that info, I could make a lot of money selling my fortune telling services.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I meant more like stable coins earning 10% in some exchanges. Cheers!

This is something I’ve been dealing with mentally over the past year or so. I have always lived paycheck to paycheck. Technically, I fall below the poverty line. But, I’m not going to pretend like I’m not fortunate in that sense, because I don’t see myself as poor and i acknowledge the privilege that allows me to have an apartment, a full bellied dog, and food in the fridge.

So, obviously, when I got into crypto roughly 5 years ago I had absolutely nothing to invest. I had been introduced the steem and I found other ways of earning crypto through hard work from there. Even so, at the time, I generated maybe a couple hundred dollars worth of coins. I took those and over time I moved them into different currencies, obviously dreaming they would one day moon but without hope. I went through a rather hard time, lost my keys for awhile, lost my computer; essentially had the coins but lost all access to them and I thought that was a forever thing.

But it wasn’t. I got my keys back and I excitedly checked them out. Unfortunately, not much had changed whatsoever. Still, I moved some around into newer projects that sounded intriguing to me and I was pretty flippant about it; it wasn’t enough for me to be “life-changing”, and even though it would strongly benefit my life I still had hope.

Last year that hope started to take off. I checked again and I saw some trends that I was very surprised, and happy to see. Move things around a little more; great. Over the course of four years I had make a couple hundred dollars into ~$1000. That was a big deal for me. But still, I wasn’t struggling; yes I am still living check to check but I had high hopes for crypto and kept it around and kept my eyes on it.

Everything just kept booming. Apparently I made some really good decisions without knowing it. Now, all in all, passively my portfolio has risen from $1000 to over $8000 in a year. This is more money than I have ever had in my entire life.

So that’s where I’m at. I’m not prepared. I don’t know what to do with it. That money could change my life(I’m a 27yo manual laborer with a ton of debt; I’m not pretending like I’m gonna be set with 8 g’s). But I continue to watch my portfolio grow on its own. The coins I have are growing. Which would I move around? Which could I cash out on?

I never expected to feel so nervous finally having some silver lining. I have absolutely no idea what to do. This is a big step in my dream, but I never imagined I wouldn’t be prepared for it.

Thanks for your words taskmaster. Sorry for the rant. You just struck the nail on the head for me of what I’ve been concerned about; and I never fully acknowledged it or spoke on it, anyways, until I read this post

Just keep adding and filing the bags. Let the market take care of itself. We can only focus upon the activity and how we accumulate.

And of course the mental aspect of things. You are growing so your mindset is growing along with your account.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You mentioned you have a ton of debt, now I'm not the one to tell you what to do, but general consensus is to only invest what you're comfortable with losing. Of course right now amidst the bull market everyone wants to put as much in as they can. But how will it impact you when things go South during a bear market? Corrections are part of the game and it hits hardest when you've got a lot to lose.

Now like I said, I won't tell you what to do but I would probably take at least some profit to start paying of debt. Just my two cents. Hope you do the right thing and do well!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I've never invested. I earned those coins through Steemit/other related projects and moving them around. I can't invest money I don't have haha. What I was saying is I've never withdrawn. I look at the charts of the coins I have and I don't know which I would want to. It's a difficult decision. But I'm not talking about investing. That's a foreign world to me. Thank you for your reply!

Ahh yes sorry, might be a bad choice of words. However, do realize you are invested now. Maybe not directly with financial means but you've invested time and effort and now have something of value that can go up and down at any moment. Not even can.. it WILL go up and down and probably by a lot. Whatever you're gonna do it's great to see you came this far without putting in money but just effort and time! Well done

All good! Simple misunderstanding. I know I'm not invested.. and that is what is making me worried haha. I definitely got lucky with some of my decisions. I mean, I felt good about the projects I traded into, but that was ignorant confidence. I can't tell one whitepaper from the next and half the time I was sure it was a project that just sounded good to gullible people like myself. Watching it rise and rise was a shocker; like how did I do this right?

So that was what I was trying to say. I've become accidentally invested. "Accidentally"; although it was exactly what I was hoping for. I just didn't think it would happen. So now, I'm trying to be real smart and careful about how to use that in the smartest way possible. I don't feel totally confident; but I wasn't either when I started turning a few hundred STEEM coins into the portfolio I have now. So maybe I should be a little more confident in myself and my decisions!

In the end, it's always uncertain before you know what the outcome is. Stuff looks good on paper and it still doesn't show in the value at times. While sometimes shit you wouldn't ever think would make it goes sky high all of a sudden. Seems like you've put some thought in it, watch out for a confirmation bias and becoming overconfident though! Past results are no guarantee it will repeat. Especially since you mention it was a shocker to you and aren't sure why you got the results that you did..

I have prepared myself mentally for this 4 years ago. I am very sure Abundance is coming to me. I do believe in manifestations and keep my mind on it all the time. Only when you believe it with conviction will it take shape.
Yes I am ready for Abundance 💖

That is all true and it is great that you prepared yourself.

For many, it is easy to say but when you present the equation of a 10x or 20x in their holding, they start to sweat a bit more.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think you can be ever ready and just adapt. If you just expect then you don't deserve what is coming in my view. Having $60 000 on Hive took some adjusting to get my head around and I think that is normal in all of us.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Having $60 000 on Hive took some adjusting to get my head around and I think that is normal in all of us.

And what happens if that 10x pushes your amount to $600K?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am ready for that part now as it was the $5000 to $60 000 that threw me and I understand what is possible and most likely will happen. Problem was we had a bear market for so long we kind of got used to the 10c or 15c Hive and that was a worse case scenario being at the very bottom.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I keep writing about exit strategies for a reason.. but exiting into what is the biggest question. Perhaps I don't need to exit anywhere! Perhaps I have just ... entered without need of an exit.

Good point. There is always a lot to consider.

Never a bad idea to take some profits but sometimes, as we learned from the hodlers in Bitcoin, something just hanging on leads to bigger gains.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think a more appropriate title would be "Are you prepared to take advantage of all the money floating around at the moment in the crypto world" :P I know it's not as catchy as yours :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Either way, the question is are you?

Because it is coming into people's wallets whether they are ready for it or not.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm always ready for more money into my wallet :P

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Then keep doing what you are doing. I am sure you are getting a nice consistent flow.

There has to be some LEO flowing into your wallet on a daily basis.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes there is about 2 Leo flowing into my wallet everyday and I can never say thank you enough for that, to you and to other nice leo peeps

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for another awesome article! This time I actually read the whole thing, but there is so much to respond to.. I am going through some of the same home issues, and am having to realize how addicted I am to the good feelings I get both when investing and monitoring my investments, and with creating and engaging with people on hive.. what I forgot though, is that the time I spend doing that is time taking away from creating with and engaging with the love of my life.. which actually is NOT crypto or wealth, it is @shinycharizard.

Was wondering if you can point me to a guide that would tell me how to make my blogs look more professional like yours. I’m really wondering how I can make hyperlinks like you do, and I’m sure there is many other tricks and tips that could be useful to me.

Just search Markdown guides or tools.

That is what the editor uses. That will provide you with the different code that creates the links.

As for making blogs catchier, I am sure there are a million pointers out there on the web of how to do that.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes the dream is becoming real!

Are you spying on me? You pegged me down pretty decent there. I will have you know I took out the garbage just this morning! Not sure if you read my follow-up yet, but the price pretty much tanked. I mean still respectable down to $.50 or so, but not the $5 I was hoping for. I ended up selling because I can always make more as a landowner. Moved a good portion of the BNB I got into CUB. That is my 10x plan!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not hard to peg down because that is most of us. We live pretty much the same lives, not plush or overly exciting. The home situation tends to mirror itself especially when we get involved in crypto. We get passionate and our family thinks we are nuts. In the end, we plug along and they still think we are nuts.

Until the mooning takes place. Then we are confronted with the possibility with Holy Crap Money.

Yes I read the follow up and 5K at 50 cents is still a nice chunk of change. In the comment I left I asked if you are now prepared for the 10x (or 30X) from here?

Plus you have, I presume, a lot of other tokens like LEO and Hive that could follow a similar path.

It all is in the mindset. Trust me, you can go from $2,500 to $25K to $250K rather quickly with a few "lucky" moves.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I saw your comment right after I read the other one :) I don't have a ton of Hive or Leo, but I am adding to it every day! Plus other investments that like you said could pay off in the long run one day.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

... but I am adding to it every day!

This is the key. We just keep filling out bags, growing them over time. Whatever the numbers are, they will get bigger. When exponential growth hits, we are then in position to take advantage of it.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let it be clear. Whoever considers you a fool on the internet is definitely the fool.

Regarding Bozz's pile of game tokens worth $25,000 and what value those have all over the world, in my country that would be about one man's four year income.

Considering the minimum wage.

How would I handle such a situation that @bozz is getting through? I guess quite well. I entered this game for big numbers.

I still haven't scored even a 10X, but that's more than possible by the end of the year. Crypto is about big numbers and outrageous disruption.

That's what I am after. If I'm not getting them this bull market, no problem, the next one for sure. At least I hot the crypto fishing rod and I know how to fish.

Regarding fishing I so miss getting some...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Let it be clear. Whoever considers you a fool on the internet is definitely the fool.

Thank you for that but I guess one man's genius is another man's moron. Or something like that.

Regarding Bozz's pile of game tokens worth $25,000 and what value those have all over the world, in my country that would be about one man's four year income.

Yeah the numbers break down differently depending upon the country. That is why I said the numbers will be different. For some, it might be $25K, others $2,500. We all have a level where the money is "holy crap" for us.

I still haven't scored even a 10X, but that's more than possible by the end of the year. Crypto is about big numbers and outrageous disruption.

I agree with you. At this point, it is about life changing money because I believe the opportunity is there for everyone, whatever that number is for each of us. This is the Internet but on steroids.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is getting so clear you can see
the penetration of crypto to place
it seems impossible.
Mentally one needs to understand
when you put the work you get to benefit from it.
Unfortunately not everyone sees it the way you explain it.
Glad be the ones that can read this and prepare for it.
Happy to be a #hodler


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is becoming clearer as time goes by. I think more are getting in tune with it on here. As there are a few success stories, other begin to believe them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I know all about the scarcity mentality. It's what we all grow up with and take for granted. Let's assume that BTC goes to the low six figures and ETH to the low five figures. Suddenly, the BTC and ETH bags I hold will be worth somewhere in the low six figures in dollars in total. And that's not even all the bags. That's much more money than I, a regular salary man, see in a whole year. And in the next cycle, I'm reasonably confident that I will be able to ape that into the seven figures. That's a prospect that raises so many questions starting from proper security arrangements that they would definitely interfere with my sleep.

Six figures would only help me set up a source of passive income sufficient to make sure the mortgage could be paid under any circumstances. Seven figures would enable me rethink a lot of things in my life starting from where I live and how I pay for my lifestyle.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What you state is exactly the point I was making. And you just focused upon BTC and ETH. What about stuff like Hive, CUB, LEO, AFIT, or whatever else you are hodling (and accumulating)? Those could provide a nice windfall over time for you also.

It sounds like you are grasping all of this and what is taking place. This is a process.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What you state is exactly the point I was making. And you just focused upon BTC and ETH. What about stuff like Hive, CUB, LEO, AFIT, or whatever else you are hodling (and accumulating)? Those could provide a nice windfall over time for you also.

Yes, there's that too. I'm less inclined to trade HIVE, LEO or whatever HE tokens I have and just keep accumulating, though.

It sounds like you are grasping all of this and what is taking place. This is a process.

It most definitely is. I've been in BTC for years now. The reason I don't have more is because I did not have conviction from the very start. I should've just HODLd. What I regret is not looking into Ethereum in early 2017. Dropping $1000 to $2000 in January 2017 would've made me close to a millionaire by the end of the year. I believe I would've timed cashing out correctly because I did cash out some BTC in December 2017.

It takes vision and conviction to get in early and stay the course. Hive is full of opportunities right now. So is the rest of the space. In fact, there are so many of them that it makes no sense to be sorry for yourself over missing one boat because there is a whole fleet of them about to set out for the high seas as we speak.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah it is easy to look back and realize what we should have done. This can be offset by the fact that we can enjoy the actions we did take place. Of course, another key is to keep looking forward and seeing how we can make better decisions with the next run.

There are opportunities before us today which can do what Ethereum did a few years back. It is a good sign that we look back with a bit of regret because it shows the desire to keep adding.

It is amazing how $1,000 or $2,000 in the right token can turn into hundreds of thousands in a few years. We see it happening all the time within this industry.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I feel that I am loving this so much and I also feel that I should invest more. #livingthedream

What coins should I invest in?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

What coins should I invest in?

Nobody can really tell you that. That is up to each individual since our personal situations are all different.

However, many of us believe in what is taking place on Hive. It is also hard to ignore the progress of BTC, ETH, and BSC.

Reading Leofinance each day will give a lot of insight as to what others are thinking. Perhaps you can pick up some pointers that will help you to decide.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well not much for abundance but here we go.
This is because we have always lived in calamities and needs, and deficiencies and that has shaped our character.
and to be able to live with the minimum foraging style having this philosophy as our lifestyle.
That, people say that you are an internet fool, :( we will see who the fool is in 10 years, but if many have also told me the same thing believing in pregnant birds, that I earn about 1/2 dollar a day who would believe that, Well, if the others not much.
Santa Maria are you sure you are talking about Boos and not about my life, I think you are wrong because you have just described me clearly I do not have a wife then except for that.
The thing about taking out the garbage because if we spend a lot of our free time instead of watching television, we prefer to have another job.
wow 5000 for 5 is a fortune for our countries I think that would get us out of debt once and for all.
no one would want to be involved with wax.
Well, we are sincerely not prepared for the era of abundance, we are in a position not of that type but thank you for reaching out and pointing us on the right path.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yes we will see in 10 year, or even 5. But the run in crypto is already starting to tell the story.

We do live in a world of scarcity, at least that is what we are raised to believe. Yet we are now in the arena where it is the exact opposite.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I fear I am also beyond the point that it scared me. The point what scares me is that I am already 'calculating this' in my mind and that is a worse thing, because that is when greed takes over. The biggest enemy.

(lucky or bummer for your guy in the story. the listing price ended up at about 0.70 dollar)

But I get your point, all of a sudden money is falling out of the sky and it can a bit overwhelming when you find one of these lucky shots which can literally change a persons life

No he didnt get the huge payout but he did get a nice amount to start building upon. And from what he stated, he got into CUB which I believe will push a 10x upon people at a minimum.

That said, he got the lesson which could be well worth the $25K or whatever the number could be. Being able to face the fact that we have a problem with financial abundance is insight that is worth more than any amount of money.

In fact it will hinder us from getting money. If we alter this, then we will enjoy the benefits of what is coming.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

No he didnt get the huge payout but he did get a nice amount to start building upon. And from what he stated, he got into CUB which I believe will push a 10x upon people at a minimum.

That is one wise dude I would say. Yeah all of a sudden these lessons are here and we need to make a wise plan with these kinds of things. It is a marathon in the end and not a sprint!

Can't argue with getting into CUB since I was doing a bit of that myself.

We will see how it works out but I believe there is a nice multiple there for everyone.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think we enter a time of massive massive time shortage with an aging population. The abundancy is only material.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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My life

He seems like an average stiff like most of us. He works some job that pays the bills and helps to support the lifestyle. It is not something he is going to get rich from and probably has encountered some financial challenges in life. He is now involved in this wonky world of Internet money, something that his spouse looks at with a skeptical eye. The time he spends online is taking away from other worthwhile tasks like taking out the garbage or being of use around the house.

Damn that’s some great writing.

I am going to keep filling the bags.

I've been working on this exact thing recently. I had some BTC from some time back and I didn't feel confident enough to do anything with it. My money mindset just wasn't at a point where I could "risk" doing anything with it. CubDefi has changed that to the point where I see a continual stream of income coming in and I think "Yes, I deserve this".

And then with that deserving mindset, I spend more money on things that I would previously think I could get by without. "Yes I deserve to have that nice dinner." "Yes I deserve to hire someone to write that software." "Yes I deserve to live somewhere that I love." With more time to myself, I give notice that I deserve to have even more abundance coming in.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am mentally prepared for change. I've learnt how to go through it, how to face its stages, how to engage, how to align, what to change in my game, not change the players if I don't like the game...never, but to change myself and my strategy, my approach. I am not skilfully prepared, this is true. But I try to learn as much as I can about crypto.
Thank you for an excellent article that opened my mind and my perspective even more!

With respect,

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is very well written and I believe that preparing your mind to receive is the most important part. Many get scared or negative, many panic. Knowing what to do with wealth when you have it is crucial because it is necessary to control emotions and think long term on ways of multiplying that abundance. I remember one of Jim Rohn sayings, he said something like this: if someone gives you a million dollars, you better start thinking like a millionaire so you can get to keep the money. That hit a good spot in my mind.

I liked what you said here

Many call them lucky. The fact is they had the commitment to get involved, when there were plenty of naysayers, AND hold strong. Now, they are reaping the benefits.

I am very much ready! I remember people being skeptical on online earnings. I told some of my friends, and they're not aware Bitcoin exists.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I have had a few moments like that, I had some bitcoin (a fraction of a bitcoin) in BlockFi, I put it in ages ago (2019) when it was less than $10k, now its like 6X higher. Was so surprised, had another one, where I had CRO staked so I can earn extra rewards on buying gift cards, the CRO has gone up 4X.. was completely surprised by the windfall, wasn't expecting it, I calculated the benefit of the rewards, factoring in the stake is likely to go down!

Am I mentally prepared for it? maybe not yet.. but its a nice problem to have....

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

found myself mirrored in your situation presented at the beginning, all so very well! Really enjoyed your read, got your message and fully support your thought on "abundance". Nevertheless I would like to focus on the example of a skyrocketing game. I think that is a real bit of luck and the right product presented to the right audience. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm working on being ready but I admit it can be scary sometimes! I was looking at my CUB yesterday and, even though I don't have a large stake yet, I was doing some projections and some math thinking "this can't be right" and yet, it was right.

We have lived in a world of scarcity for so long that it can be hard to accept abundance when it comes knocking.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is a great, timely and important post. I am prepping for what is to come like it is already here.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta