Well, that escalated quickly to an ATH

in LeoFinance4 years ago

The first rule of crypto.
Never sleep.


It was after 3am when I went to bed last night - if only I had stayed awake another hour or so. If I had, I would have seen (as I was half watching already) that the bit I was playing with on exchange was going to get cleared well down and would have adjusted up. I probably Still wouldn't have hit the peak of 1.15 on Binance, but at least it would have been higher. As said, this is only playing with a bit, more for practice than anything and obviously, I am out of practice. :)


Back in the day, things were far easier to keep track of as pretty much, the only thing I needed to do was Hive related and exchange related. But now, the industry has evolved and with DeFi platforms, staking platforms, pools, games, rents and all the other things that I am forgetting, taking part is a full-time job, even if the return isn't.

While driving my supervisor into the city after our "wellbeing session" at a local pub, I was asking about his own holdings, as he got into a little BTC and some Alts when it was about 19K. Even though he has laddered in on the way up since, he is still happy with where he is in terms of ROI. I was saying to him though, that while I am active, the "game" has changed so much in such a short time, that I am no longer able to keep track of everything that is going on.

This is a problem. For me.

But for the industry, this is what has to happen and the more it does, the more widespread usage becomes and the more this happens, the more value becomes attached to the blockchains. With more value comes more capital for development incentive and incentive for innovation. All businesses are "for profit" one way or another and this means that they need to find places where value resides and create ways to coax the value out and into their own pockets. As more capital potential flows into crypto, the more business models will spring up to take advantage.

We have seen this process happen over the last couple decades on the internet and then through the smartphones and social networks that have given rise to a lot of innovation potential and have generated enormous wealth for many, though still a very narrow few considering that it goes to owners and investors. These are generally large institutions that benefit the most, even though they are investing with client money.

The difference in crypto of course is that ownership possibility is far less limited and smaller investors and those who might not have traditional access at all are able to get into investing and get returns that at least early on, will outweigh other options. While it is already possible for people to participate in AMM pools, these will likely increasingly be used to fund the capital needs of traditional business models, allowing for decentralized percentage ownership at a global level, without the overheads that the financial institutions incur and then inflate, before passing onto their customers.

The end of this year is getting exciting and I don't want to be caught flat-footed again, as I have many times in the past, so I guess I better learn to stay awake a little longer or, play in a much wider range than 10% like I was yesterday. as alts start to pop, the 50% climbs are going to be quite common and what I am hoping is that the fallbacks aren't going to eat too far into them, raising the floor. For HIVE for example, a fall back to 75 cents might seem severe, but it creates a pretty solid base for a move to 4 or 5 dollars around December. Wouldn't that be grand?

Is it unexpected though? Not really, at least for the eternal HIVE bulls who see a bright future of many moons to come, which is what is required to create stability. Many people are looking for the "one pump to rule them all" when what will bring the most value, is a see-sawing up and like today, there will be plenty of all time highs (ATHs) to come. 1.15 is about 8% above the last back in March, where it hit 1.04 - and if the promise of the last half of the year is anything to go by, there is more to come.

And there is always next cycle.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Knew it had to be good when I woke up to a lot of Facebook Messenger messages from my friends saying "congrats you lucky bastard".

i too received a reply on hive price

Posted via proofofbrain.io

congrats you lucky bastard".

When you said this, I had to go to your wallet, and see how lucky you were

And the data I extracted proved that your friends were right

Receive my heartfelt congratulations too, sir

Cheers to more future wins with hive, and the rest of your investments

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Nice to get a little bump on a Saturday morning :)

My brother woke me up at 6 am and told to just look at the price...
I just remeber saying ''Why?!!! I was about to buy some more today!''

That was some crazy pump to wake up to... :D

Thank god you are ok and up on feet man! Very glad you are ok brother...Hey man... @galenkp told me you had a little incident.

Much Love! <3

This is why it is always best to buy often! :D

A little incident, but on the mend I hope. It is slow going though and will take a few months to get back on track.

I'm sure you'll get through brother... slow progress is still progress!
Much Love man! <3

As for me , it is all about knowing what you want from cryptocurrency. There are tons of ways to generate money from cryptocurrency outside the rise and fall. Am more concerned with passive earning with staking and Lp

I think it is best to consider them all. In regards to the up and down of Hive, it also affects the value of votes and therefore, the supply of HBD and the value of curation earned. For me, that is significant and 10% a year on curation is not a bad deal.

A wellbeing session at a local pub… now that's my kind of wellbeing.

I was not too surprised to see Hive do what it did. Excited, just not surprised. Hive is vastly undervalued even at $1.

It will retract for a bit and hopefully then continue north :)

It is a local close to our workplace and tends to be a go-to for this kind of thing :)

If I had a pub near my workplace I would likely be tending to my wellbeing every day after work.

It's been postulated by Kurzweil and others that at some point, as information technology accelerates to a sufficient level, that from the human perspective, it will become impossible to keep track of or eventually even to observe what's changing with any clarity. Are we in the hip of that exponential growth curve of technology right now? Maybe. Being a parent and co-manager of my household, I could probably spend more time on this space and keep track of it better than I do currently, but I imagine your typical normie would feel like their head is spinning if they tried to get up to speed on all the applications that blockchain tech is being used for right now. I think on some level we're probably in a flurry of activity that, just like the prices of cryptos this year, will die down at some point, but I do believe we're getting to a point in the near future where those theories on the exponential growth of technology will either be vindicated by empirical observation or disproved through the same. Bitcoin and all of its child projects seem like they could be one of those pieces of empirical evidence that show us which way it goes.

but I imagine your typical normie would feel like their head is spinning

When I got in originally, it took me many months to start to understand how things fit together. Now, I feel like I am there again :)

I think that with the pace at which the traditional industries are looking to adopt, it is like the adoption of the internet in the 90s. soon, the real hockey-sticking of industry innovation will start.

Soon Papillon will be able to take poor families out of shacks and build decent little houses for them. For free.

What's Papillon, sir?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You should point it to another page or a post that explains.

Thank you and I have edited the reply with one of our posts, but will do a full post on the shacks and my ideas soon.

Oh, thank you very much, sir

I'll head right over and check it out

Thanks again

Posted via proofofbrain.io

My pleasure and thank you for asking.


$PIZZA@edystringz! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @papilloncharity.

Did you know Pizzabot in Discord has a bunch of useful commands? (1/10)

I have visited and left something for you ☺️

Thanks for the pizza

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Let's see how high it will go.

And there is always next cycle.

That's what I'll be waiting for :) At the moment my account needs every bit just to keep building 😂

But in all seriousness, I'm happy for those who are able to et some well earned rewards for their efforts :) Let's just hope it's done responsibly so the improved price is sustainable. Oh wait, I need it to go down so I can fill my bags!!!

But in all seriousness, I'm happy for those who are able to et some well earned rewards for their efforts :)

I'll be lying if I say I am happy, no, I am jealous, I am seething with all amount of envy that my heart can muster

But my envy is channelled towards the positive angle. It's a challenge to do more, and I won't stop until I am in the gang of those who will be getting congratulatory messages like this one 😴

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It was "inevitable" ;D

Yeah.... I know 😴

Posted via proofofbrain.io

We will be in that list next time :) For now we celebrate for our friends!

We will be in that list next time :

Surely, I am optimistic 😊

For now we celebrate for our friends!

An applaud for each and everyone one of them out there 😍

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Exactly :) And all the while we keep building :)


$PIZZA@edystringz! I sent you a slice of on behalf of @wrestlingdesires.

Did you know Pizzabot in Discord has a bunch of useful commands? (5/10)

Thank you for the pizza 🥳

Posted via proofofbrain.io

My pleasure, I hope it was still hot!

You Are Alive and have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe
, and it's paid for by the earnings on @alive.chat, swing by our daily chat any time you want.

have been rewarded with 0.1 ALIVE tokens from the We Are Alive Tribe, and it's paid for by the earnings on @alive.chat,

Thanks 😊

swing by our daily chat any time you want.

I'll definitely do that 🙂

Posted via proofofbrain.io


It will slide I am pretty sure -fill up :)

That's the plan - I am happy for those able to do some trading though :)

Still less than $12? Nah...

Hahhahha....I am thinking $5 soon, and you are fuming over less than $12?

No worries, we will hit $20 and more, if you want ☺️

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Well, I've never ever powered down yet, so... (not a financial advise though) ;-)

So .....?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

So I don't care about movements at such low levels :-)

I see.....

And I completely understand

May I ask, at what rate of movement will you start caring about?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Rate of movement is good, it's just absolute value still way too low.

12 is your point?

Sets sells... 11.8

To feel excited about job well done, yes. To sell? Idk, I would have to power down. Not sure if I can. ;-)

it was a surprise for me when I woke up and saw the hive price and what do you think will it continue to increase or will decrease?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

It will slide down. This is a precursor event.

it's a good hive chart, I saw it when he was going up the stairs, but I only have a little of mine, and I've sold it because here I also always need money, because I don't work anywhere other than online places like this.
Wish you luck on the next ladder.

If possible, find some other work so that rather than being 100% reliant on crypto, you can save some. Eventually, posting rewards won't be enough.

Yeah, thanks a lot for the advice.
I am glad to hear it.
Thank you so much for all the support you always give me.
How's it going there?

Hold up for me in just a moment, I have a question for you.....

Don't you think you beat yourself up more than you should?

It's not the first time I have heard you(by reading your post, not with my ears... Lol) scold yourself for not being able to do this or that, as a result of one thing or the other

I am thinking you should reduce the amount of scolding and just be you

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Don't you think you beat yourself up more than you should?

Not really. I think most people reward themselves after having done too little :)

I think most people reward themselves after having done too little

This is nothing but the truth

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Great to see the price increasing but would also be great for a stable price where we know it can springboard from later. Having a value over $1 or $2 would be ideal a sit is still cheap for what Hive has to offer. We just earn less Hive now that is a bummer.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A one dollar base would be fantastic. 60 dollars a day in curation would be decent :)

Yes you could call that decent and why having stake is so important. This is the fun part giving out rewards whilst still earning.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

4 or 5 dollars around December. Wouldn't that be grand?

Wow that seems pretty audacious if you ask me, but the way the pump happened yesterday, I wouldn't really doubt it.
It's always profitable to hold hive in the long run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is very much possible, as is higher - no promises though :)

I think it is just a beginning, we will see new ATH in few days to come...Just HODL

one of many ATHs to come.

Yes that's true

I could see it doing something like that when less than 4 million dollars was pushing it up 10 percent n the mini pumps. I said it before when it decides to go it wont hang around.

I am hoping that it will go large - and stay large :)


oops! :D

I was once answering and voting using engage and answered about 20 comments before realising it was voting at 100%, not 5% :)

3 USD by December is going to be good enough - anything above that will be pretty much close to heaven! :D

I would accept 3 - though I am not sure I would sell much around that point. However, it would make my vote around 30 dollars :)

30-dollar-worth-of-vote is not an everyday experience, I have to say 😄

Congratulations to everyone that have been powering for the past months. We all deserve this, more price pump to come as hive is just getting started. Crypto has really expanded a lot of people in our generation into financial knowledge. Constant learning and acquisition of knowledge is the only way to keep up.

The learning is a huge part of being on Hive I think - many people owe it a lot :)

Am not extremely enthusiastic about this pump, am more interested in the correction and how things play out from there on. Like you said, a fall back to 80 cent levels will inspire a lot more confidence and a motive for a bigger push. We need some form of stability in growth this time. I also hope HBD doesn't stray off the peg like SBD is doing (I hear)

SBD has nothing to hold it and people very enthusiastic to pump it. Those same people are willing to pump HBD too, the difference being we have a mechanism now to use that pump to take HIVE out of the supply. In the last few months, the entire year's inflation has been removed from the HIVE total :)

DeFi is another world. I can't keep track of everything, either. A move to $4 or $5 in December would be a big bounce. I think it will be good for being stable above $1.

stable above 1 and I am happy - stable above 3 and ecstatic! :D

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

Hive is going to experience a lot of sell pressure unless there is so much enthusiasm and money pouring in that the sellers back off and become greedy. Im not sure what will happen nobody is but market forces are market forces and they are very powerful. More powerful hopefully than even the biggest whales here which are making serious gains in the last week alone. Hopefully they are super strong handed and have enough money.

I am hopeful, but also skeptical as to whether it has the legs. I have been disappointed so many times in the past, while far lesser projects with no usecase whatsoever get market attention. There will be a lot of sell from those with, but perhaps there will be reason for the market to soak it up and come back stronger.

This is a problem. For me.

Its also a problem as I have to keep up with the trends and these trends are moving very fast.

3 years ago was splinterlands, today Defi, tomorrow it coukd be something else.

Hive at 4 dollars will be mad!!!!

I guess many more hive millionaires will be made.

I just hope the plan still holds and we keep on moving forward

Always move forward. It isn't easy, but at least it is progress - so much of the world seems to be standing still or going backwards.

Haha...so excited i am. its our belief on hive make it moon. just watch we will hit back $8 soon .

I think it is possible also I have seen in the past that hive price dump is very high

Posted via proofofbrain.io

8 might see me play with a little more :)


Still less than $12? Nah...🤔👍🌹😻

You stole @gtg's comment?

Super weird.

Especially that 12x0 would still be 0 ;-)

you everything is going high first of all when i saw ETH its high and high like a rocket not coiming down and when i saw this i was shocked to see the green

now it feels readily good some of my friends had predicted that it will go that high but in just one hour thats magic

To the Moon😁😉

Wasn't that great? Well, it still is and it really picked up the pace around here. Everyone is happy! :)

And why not? This was just what was needed to give people hope in Hive. I haven't lost it yet, but, more were needed in this corner.

I power up as much as I can, I don't take anything out, and am consistent. Just like investing in stocks, I buy in - consistently. And it is quite the ride!

Congrats! I am sure you are happy! :))

 4 years ago  Reveal Comment

Yeah, I was only playing for fun with small amounts, nothing that is worth worrying over. Might be different if heading toward 10 though :)