U missing I

in LeoFinance3 years ago


I don't know if many people have noticed, but there has been a little UI change at Peakd that is quite interesting. Can you see the difference in the first two pictures below of the same post?



For those paying attention, the second is showing the downvotes, but the first is not. For those who might have got votes from various larger accounts, they will have also noticed perhaps that they have also got downvoted by an "x" account soon after. The x account has very little HP and the downvote is worth dust, but there are many of them out there trailing larger curators. Doesn't have LEO staked either by the looks of that grab.


But, as you can see from the image below, Peakd hasn't got rid of showing downvotes entirely, as they still appear for example, when I downvoted this despicable person below.


There they are, still showing.

So, what Peakd has apparently done has created a blacklist of downvoting accounts that they do not want to have show on their interface. I italicized "their" because that is what it is - a private interface and as such, they can do as they please with the UI of it. However, while the downvotes from some accounts are hidden from view, this doesn't stop the downvote from happening at the blockchain level and if these "x" accounts had HIVE POWER behind them, they would still be removing value.

This is a good thing to remember and highlight, because what Hive enables is to have an open protocol that houses a tokenized governance economy upon it, as well as many capabilities for a single community at the core layer - while simultaneously having a "free to own" secondary layer that anyone can build upon. While the second layers still have to adhere to the current rules of the chain, they are free to act and develop as they see fit for their community above.

This is also why the complaints about downvotes being censorship doesn't hold up, because everything is committed to the blockchain, which is open for all to view. Every interface however is privately owned and operated, and each can present the blockchain as they see is suitable for their users. This is the same for hive.blog - it isn't public.

This means that anyone with a little gumption can build an interface that looks at the information stored on the blockchain and bring it to the second layer surface, showing it as they choose. As I have said many times, if someone wants to have an interface that only shows downvoted content and negative rep users, they can - they could have the "Bizarro Trending" for example, where the most downvoted posts of the day are at the top.

Of course, the people who complain about "censorship" are actually complaining about earnings. These are two very different things.

However, I quite like that more and more, there is differentiation between the interfaces and each are moving in ways that look to support their user community. This means that there can be independent business growth and direction, whilst still expanding the reach of the primary platform underneath. In time, this becomes a very valuable ecosystem with all kinds of models (including tokenization), with the core layer being the stability protocol that ties them together. The importance of this and the decentralization of the underlying governance structure is very important, because it gives "protection" to investor, developer and user alike.

It is easy to focus on the rewards alone, but there are all kinds of questions asked and conversations being had that I feel are going to start being increasingly picked up by the mainstream narrative. They already are of course, where for example Twitter has been looking into decentralization and tokenization for a few years, but can't find a way to get it to work - and maintain their centralized control. See the issue there?

Obviously, no business wants to give its power to its users unless there is profit in it and this is why Hive works as it does, because there isn't profit in it at the blockchain level, all the value is derived through the community itself. Yes, money can be made, but the Hive blockchain isn't a business, it is just a set of code that enables its users to create value for themselves. Not everyone sees the gravity in this, but I hope that in time people will realize the opportunity they have to be part of what will hopefully be a healthier economy and world in general.

The development of the blockchain capabilities to attract, house and enable varied
business models to quickly build, scale and be successful on the second layer is of paramount importance, because when that lightning strike of shifting consumer sentiment happens, the blockchain has to be aligned and ready to take that energy and turn it into value.

I like all these little changes happening all of the time throughout the various interfaces and communities I use - as small changes can make big differences to user experience. This place is compelling to say the least, but perhaps for me, a little addictive.

We all have our vices.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Greetings @tarazkp

Firstly I want to commend you for the great observation as regards to the UI/UX on Peakd. I also observed similar changes too but I thought it was just a normal thing due to developmental changes.

However, while the downvotes from some accounts are hidden from view, this doesn't stop the downvote from happening at the blockchain level and if these "x" accounts had HIVE POWER behind them, they would still be removing value.

I think some users do make use of Hive.blog whenever they intend to downvote spammed/plagiarised content. Also, hive.blog still shows the users responsible for your downvote unlike the new system Peakd adopted.

The development of the blockchain capabilities to attract, house and enable varied
business models to quickly build, scale and be successful on the second layer is of paramount importance, because when that lightning strike of shifting consumer sentiment happens, the blockchain has to be aligned and ready to take that energy and turn it into value.

I strongly agree with your point here! The blockchain itself must be able to adopt new technological changes and development. There's definitely still more to come in future and this is why we must ensure blockchain elasticity to enable changes or adjustments as time goes on.

Thanks for sharing this great post with love from @hardaeborla and I hope you have a great day ahead 💞❤️💞

Not sure if they have announced it or not - but it is an interesting change.

Peakd still allows downvoting - I use it all the time :)

The second layer is where the elasticity can be dynamic and varied - the blockchain will hopefully be a little less elastic the larger the community grows, because code disruptions will be more impactful on services running on Hive.

I think my biggest thing with downvotes is the fact that there is no context behind them. It would be cool if there were some kind of drop down associated with a downvote so you at least get an idea of why you were downvoted. "don't agree with rewards", "your content is awful", "I'm just in a bad mood today", "I prefer dogs over cats". I know it will never happen, but I think a lot of people could use the constructive criticism to make their blogs better versus just a blank downvote. That's just my opinion though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

yeah, but most people aren't going to take the extra steps anyway. I have normally left a comment as to why - but these days, I am downvoting people who should know exactly why, without the comment :D

Yeah, I guess. I have been pretty lucky that I haven't been downvoted beyond the nuisance ones that you were talking about. I guess I'd just like to know if I offended someone and why, should that ever happen.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I assume that reason or not, these days - someone is always offended. Best focusing on the positive side of the equation.

Good Morning,

I didn’t know this and it’s useful to know. I often promote Hive articles on Twitter, and sometimes I regret that the articles may have downvotes on them, which might give people the wrong impression. I will remember and use Peakd url links, so people who are new to Hive will trust the articles I am reposting on Twitter.

As a side note, I hope you are well, and the situation south of you doesn’t cause you to much mental anguish. Although I think I would be a bit anguished, those who live next to such a neighbor probably grow use to it, and prepare for it.

It isn't for all downvotes, just the ones they have chosen to hide. I suspect they have a blacklist they maintain.

Some people are more stressed than others- I take the approach of "hopefully we get nuked first"

Oh my! I guess getting nuked is relatively painless and fast.
I am glad your maintaining your sense of humor through this.
After all life is a terminal illness... no one gets out alive 😉

Yeah - see the flash and it is over. I just don't want to live through a nuclear winter.

Few days ago I read that peakd hides the downvotes shown on a post. Then, I thought why they need such thing if downvote is a part of this blockchain. As I have said before, I see downvoting as a drawback of this great blockchain as long aa it is used arbitrary.

As regards xaccount, I read that they have been created as a reaction since the big part of HIVE tokens generated on the blockchain are distributed mostly among whales. However, they downvote even minnows, which is sarcastic.

the x accounts are created by a whale :)

Downvotes are a vital part of the system here

I don't believe I have ever downvotes a post. Regardless if they deserved it or not, it does not build a positive morale and I tend to think it is a waste of time. I was downvoted once or twice and have ignored it, as it can lead to HP wars and never has a good outcome. Changes I have seen here are generally good from what I can tell.

It would be nice to not need downvotes - unfortunately - people are people....

Having not been using peakd that much just to check my activity and claim my hbd. I don't notice this at all but it very important to know that each community do what actually benefit their users

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

which interfaces do you use? Obviosly Leo, but do you use others?

I don't use others apart from leo finance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is good for Hive to make its users valuable to themselves, so for account holders،they should develop platform by contributing and building right economy not based on exploitation and overthrow. Collaboration among members and community is a major hallmark of success

The community content would become terrible without downvotes - look at blurt and Steem.

Happy to see changes like this everyday, speaking honestly I want to add value in a major way to this block chain even if the payment I get for a whole month is $300. I will be happy that I tried to make this place a better place. Give is healing the world and I want to be part of those who heal it too.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Being part of something gives a bit more purpose to this meaningless life we live :)

if Peakd created a blacklist of downvoting accounts to block them on their interface, why we have this downvotes option on this platform, for example if someone receive downvote
it will deduct from his account balance?

they aren't stopping downvoting, they are just removing the appearance of some of them by the looks.

I have found the feeds that Ecency provides interesting. CONTROVERSIAL shows the most upvoted/downvoted content in ratio. RISING shows content with the most comments within a selected period. Gives us options for a different way to view feeds.
Thank you for using your downvote power where it is necessary.

We can literally build it how we see fit here...I cannot even begin to explain how remarkable that is. The independence of these apps to make these kind of changes is one of the compelling stories on Hive

This is something I've been saying all front-ends should implement.

External facing content is the content which has the highest value.

But someone simply reading a piece of content from outside the community (such as clicking a link via Google) doesn't understand the intricacies of HIVE reward disagreements.

They just see downvotes and think that the post must be untrustworthy spam.

Removing the broken hearts and just showing an aggregated number on front-ends is the best outcome.

Like you said, it's all there on the blockchain for anyone that wants to dig deeper.

Just don't put it in front of everyone's faces.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Of course, the people who complain about "censorship" are actually complaining about earnings. These are two very different things.

While this looks to have been the case as far as I can tell (not that I pay that close attention but sometimes things just enter my attention whether I want them to or not XD) I also know of some people who consider it censorship because a post getting downvoted enough (or muted out of a community) makes it "disappear" on the two interfaces that I'm vaguely familiar with (it's still there and usually requires an extra click).

slight tangent: I haven't looked recently but I'm really hoping that there was a workaround that could be implemented for posts that got muted out of a community for not being a good fit for that community but are otherwise good posts, as those got "hidden" on the user's blog as well and all the images stripped out which I thought was freaking terrible

Was there a time gap in your screenies or does Leofinance count/filter comments in an interesting way?

I saw this change and I saw edicted talk about it a few days ago. Does it only block certain accounts from showing up on the list or does it cut off anyone with too small of a vote value? I was under the assumption it was the small value instead but I could be wrong.

I hope LeoFinance implements something similar because it's kind of annoying to see those downvotes with almost no value.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta