Told You So

in LeoFinance4 months ago

We told Smallsteps last night that I will be ending my day job at the end of the week and she asked why. The best I could really come up with is that what I do, is not needed there at the company at the moment, so there is no job for me. This isn't actually the case, but explaining budgets and headcount reductions seemed unnecessary. I can talk to her later about such things.


What was interesting at work today is that it seems that there has been a fair amount of compartmentalization, because most people I talked to, didn't realize headcount reductions were even on the table, even though they are happening company wide. This is something that wouldn't have happened a few years ago I believe, but the culture has changed in the last year and moved away from transparency. This likely has to do with the recapitalization, and the soon-to-be new owners.

People were a little more than surprised.

What I discovered that while I am "meant" to do some work in order to get my final bonus, I have ended up talking to people instead. There has been a lot of words of encouragement, but mostly confusion and then self-reflection, as well as predictions on the future for the company and themselves. At least from what I have heard from people I generally trust, they feel that their opinion about the company has changed. This is not just because of me and others leaving now, but just over time.

The average tenure at the company at the moment probably sits around 8-10 years, which is a lot for a company that is only about 20 years old and has grown a lot since the startup days. But because it has grown, it is natural that the culture has shifted along with it. Startups operate very differently to more established companies, and as such, require different kinds of people. A new company generally has versatile people with many hats doing varied roles and responsibilities, while older companies tend to hire based on role description, with well defined tasks. It makes hiring easier in many respects, but also brings in formality, and a tighter perspective of expertise.

I am an in-betweener.

I don't think I am a startup person, nor am I an established business person. I am more suited I think to the growth tract, where people need skill development. Of course, that is needed at all stages, but there is a range of company approaches to this. Some have well-thought-out plans, others just bumble around, and some just focus on key roles, or people. My business works with key roles and people, looking to make small changes in specific areas to improve their results, and affect parts of the organization. This is what my "new role" would have been, had I stayed.

But, if I had stayed and it continued on the path it seems to be, I might not have stayed long anyway perhaps, because it shifts to more mass information sharing, and group skill development. I am not a fan of this kind of training, because it fails time and time again to make lasting behavioral changes, and they are average changes at that. This could also be part of the reason it was my head that was lopped, because I have been pretty vocal about this over the last eighteen months.

I am okay if that is the reason.

The unemployment rate in Finland is approaching 9%, which is very high. It really isn't a very good time to find another place to work as an employee, and that also means there are challenges to build a business. However, perhaps with some grind, it might be possible to pick up some mitigation consulting work for key people who don't lose their job. When there is staff turnover like this, it affects morale and culture, and previously high-performing people, can be "surprisingly" affected and struggle. This puts additional cost on the process for the future too.

Not great when trying to save money.

What I am going to also do is focus on my "sales strategy" because I am not great at selling myself, and have always relied on word of mouth. That isn't going to get me far enough at this point, so I have to think it through in more detail. At least, I have been enabling sellers in sales methodology, and although it has been for a SaaS business, I should be able to apply parts of the framework and put it to the test.

This all has been consuming a lot of my thoughts over the last weeks, but as of Friday afternoon, there will be nothing more that I can do, and I can put it all to rest. I don't get to rest for long, but at least I will get to work on only the things that I want to work on and that I think will make a positive impact.

That might not pay the bills though.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Oof sir. I know you'll get it figured out, but I hope you have better days quickly.

Yeah - I am sure it will be like HIVE price "just around the corner" ;)

It seems I am also @ a cross roads professionally. My current style of freight parameters in this transportation industry are no longer profitable. I am making uncomfortable adjustments to haul different more volatile freight and operate more hours to stay in business. Your words made me think of the future and how calm and logical you analyze your current situation. I wish I had that ability.

Do you have the feelings of doom and stress? An anxiety at all like I am dealing with?

Mine comes from the uncontrollable economic situation I find myself in. And the world gone mad with the possible end of times we are facing with these "superpowers" and their lack of respect for the nuclear M.A.D.

I feel helpless at this point but am pushing on till the wheels quite literally "Fall Off" 😕

The transport world is changing rapidly, isn't it? It is going to be a big issue for all the drivers, plus all the support services that assist them along the journey, like roadhouses.

Do you have the feelings of doom and stress? An anxiety at all like I am dealing with?

This is my natural state since the stroke. I am never really "free" of it. However, I get up each day, and do my best to meet obligations, regardless of how I feel. One thing that has changed is that I used to process stress in my head, but now as my automatic thought has all but disappeared, I feel it heavily in my body. Heart attack in coming I suppose.

I really hope you are able to get what you are going through sorted, either by finding solutions to keep going, or finding solutions to do something else instead. I have no idea what that might be for you, but I do know that all of the shit in this world of "centralized leadership" is not doing any favors for the majority of people.

It is the age of Minority Rules, no doubt about it.

I am not great at selling myself, and have always relied on word of mouth.

May be you have not tried yet ? I have been in the same company for 17+ years, and the company got changed three times :) , going to other hands. But I have seen people selling themselves nicely to other big companies for better compensation. I also need to learn to sell myself.

I am not good at selling myself, or even explaining what I do! :D I do what I do okay though...

If I rely on my charm and good looks though... I will starve. :)

I do what I do okay though..

I am sure, you do better, not just okay.

I am also bad at selling myself. Recently I planned to sell a piece of my art to local pizza place. I intended to ask a 120 or maybe 100 eur for it. But when I walked in I just said that this art piece is a gift for your pizza place. Here on Hive I also seen some other artist describe their own work as great drawing and saying other similar words. The artwork in question was indeed quite nice and interesting. But I don't remember ever writing a post saying that my art is great. I wonder If I should do that- be more cocky about my art. I also saw on facebook another artist asking 2000 eur for one piece. Her works are great indeed. But those prices also makes me feel that I am too shy/ modest about my art. Right now I have posted on facebook saying that my art pieces are on sale till december 10( my birthday). I am asking from 120 to 200. I believe that my art is worth much more than that but I don't dare to ask higher price. I read that Picasso asked 10 000 for a very quik drawing. His reasoning was that it took him 50 years to be able to draw it so quickly. I been making art since 2017 so perhaps it is time to start having more faith in my own art...

His reasoning was that it took him 50 years to be able to draw it so quickly.

That's the right spirit, you should also do that.

It’s hard for the kids with these things. My son asked me questions about why I left my last company and it isn’t easy. Most times he’s satisfied with “I can explain this better when you’re older” and that suffices.

It certainly hurts morale for the people who remain when these things happen. We’ve had some changes and trimming the fat which was necessary but people were pretty upset for a while. It’s not easy going through change and I don’t fool myself to think that I won’t go through it as well it’s just trying to plan and be prepared as much as we can.

I got "why did you start working so much" tonight. I tend to explain what I can in simplest terms, but when she asked about her birth and why her mother was in bed for so long I said, Mummy can explain that to you when you are a bit older. :)

I put a farewell note on a Teams channel today, and the response has been quite large. While I might not be the model employee in many respects, I tended to bring people and teams together for better collaboration from multiple parts of the organization - and it shows in the responses. Interesting perhaps for those who led this decision :)

Change is inevitable of course, but one thing I appreciate a lot, is that I have the chance and ability to share thoughts here and get feedback. Hopefully, it is a two way street and it helps others that might go through similar in the future.

I have seen this play out before and I am no fan of how this is done. There seems to be a new way of thinking with the younger people who are making these decisions that they have been taught that somehow does not work in real life. Experience is what counts and your value is far more than what they can see because it does not fit their narratives.

When you make all interaction transactional, human value goes down the drain. And, that includes the interactions with those "valued customers" companies spout about. No wonder there are commitment issues.

Yes this is exactly how it is. Companies go about cost saving in the wrong direction and staff is not where you look. If you have hired correctly then that is not the problem and if you think it is then you are not the right person to find the savings. There s a company here about to cut their staff by 30% and I know I could find the 30% elsewhere.

I think talking to people and potentially getting hired back as a consultant is a great idea, hopefully that works for you.

I am really pushing for it, as even if it doesn't start til Q1, it would be fine :)

Why does that always seem to happen right after you make plans and spend large amounts of money on home improvement projects? Or purchase a new car, etc. I guess the timing is never great for workforce reduction, but it just works out that way. I hope things work out for revitalizing your own company, which would be ideal. If not, I have faith that you will find something suitable.

Why does that always seem to happen right after you make plans and spend large amounts of money on home improvement projects?

Murphy's Law!!

Timing is never great, so perhaps if I pretend it is, I can make the most of what I would otherwise dwell upon and languish.

No not dwell lol. You are super smart and will get to where you want to be. As far as timing, could be much worse as at least the crypto market is up!

I'm sorry, man. You're a smart (and extremely) resourceful man, of what I've known of you over the years. You'll be alright, I think. :)

I think so too. There is always an out, right?

The reason they're keeping headcount reductions compartmentalised aka secret, is because if they told everyone, all would be polishing their CVs. And some of the people jumping to new jobs might have key skills they can't afford to lose.

Are you able to survive on your crypto? We're at the start of a bull run, so count your blessings. This isn't as bad as it would have been if you'd been made redundant when bitcoin was $16,000!

Many are polishing them anyway.

This isn't as bad as it would have been if you'd been made redundant when bitcoin was $16,000!

This is true! if only I had bought more BTC then...

I'm sorry to hear about it. Seems that you are looking in a very constructive way the reasons why you think that included you in the list of the employees that are on the "let go" list... I never been in such a position, but I must confess that I'm not as vocal has you said that you are. Maybe I'm very "settled" to the place, and not looking actively "around" me. I wish you all the luck for the next stage of your professional life, my friend. I'm pretty sure that someone like you, even that doesn't sell himself has you could do, that your curriculum and expertise will pop up in someones list of future employee!

I might be vocal with the wrong people - the people who make the decisions :D
It has been an interesting day though, as I posted my leaving message and the response rate has been very high. I think that people are "feeling it". Not because it is me leaving, but because if I am leaving, what does it mean for them?

At this point, I am hoping that I can be in a minority of one as an employee, and just run my small business. I am also considering that if I can get it up and running, I might expand a little and bring in some of my ex-colleagues for gig work.

I must confess that I haven't see me never has a entrepreneur or a business owner... I think I don't have the mind set, or the financial education to be has profitable has possible, and also very disciplined. I can say that it is a true blockage that I have... maybe the afraid to sail freely should be placed with the huge growth possibilities that come with a great move in that field! Wishing you all the luck for it! I hope that you can bring up some of your ex-colleagues to increase value to the project too! Cheers

Ah, it definitely sounds like people know what's up even though they might be getting fed sunshine and rainbows. I hope that it all works out for everyone. With unemployment being so high, it likely won't be easy for some of those people to look elsewhere to get ahead of the curve.

Yeah, I think they do know. It has been a pretty eye-opening day as I announced on the intranet I am off.

I am going to struggle for employment, but I am going to try to do something. Can't sit around and mope for long :)

I am sure you will be okay. I'm sorry this shift had to happen for you sooner than you had probably planned though. The most important thing is that you have a good family to support you and love on you through this time.

What I am going to also do is focus on my "sales strategy" because I am not great at selling myself, and have always relied on word of mouth

Aargh good luck on that front, at least you'll be able to surmount that one XD

it's a problem I have not been able to get over to date

Don't underestimate the positive impact! :)

I am going to have to practice in front of a mirror, aren't I? :D

You can always try and see if it works out for you XD

I have been using a mirror or more often my phone when doing expressions for 3d, I didn't even practise in front of a mirror when I was doing theatre and apparently that's one of the myriad of things you're "supposed" to do

I will get to work on only the things that I want to work on and that I think will make a positive impact.

Hopefully by focusing on what you want to do, you will find a new role that centers around the things you want to do. The law of attraction works in crazy ways. I wasn't planning on going back to the classroom, but then my local school emailed me and the rest is history. Whatever you choose to do, I'm glad you have some security to take a little time for yourself to make the best decision for you and your family.

Ideally, I would build my business to make ends meet, while having no pressure to do so because Hive and Splinterlands have paid all the debts ;)

Taraz ready to start streaming on 3speak? Ready to become SoG personality?

I thought about doing this the few months before I started teaching again after about 4 months of just freelance nonsense... spending more time to grind all 3 accounts in ranked personally and in all the possible tournaments. making time to CONSISTENTLY write more articles about investing and strategy. I think there is chance to do Splinterlands full-time as the market doesn't have any breakthrough personalities yet. you seem to do quite well so far so I will keep rooting for your Hive retirement plan!

I would say that I would find a better job.

How many yeqrs do you think to work or when will you be retired? If you had worked here before 2000, you would have been retired, at your 40s :)

Pretty sure I will have to work til death. Might come faster than a possible retirement :)

Retirement in the grave.

The best forward-looking investment is Smallsteps. It's good to venture into a personal venture. The cards are already dealt, so don't be afraid to face new challenges.

Every day is filled with new challenges. If only some of the old would go away as well :)

This smart girl "Smallsteps" is growing up, very beautiful Mr Taraz. 🎈

She is indeed!

The aim is to stay focus, keeping a positive mindset also goes along way, and am glad you keeping it to that by the way that baby looks so cute

Yeah, she is cute.

She really is😊

Meaning you will be leaving your regular job? That would have pain much if it were me but I sure know you have a better plan.

Yeah, leaving/losing - one of those :)

This is a really insightful reflection about how things are with you. It's clear that you've been through a lot, and you've handled it with grace and perspective. Your ability to a bigger picture impresses me and I hope I can do something like this in the future.

I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. I'm confident that you'll find new opportunities to make a positive impact.

Thanks for the kind words


@fiberfrau likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(3/20)@tarazkp! to your account on behalf of @fiberfrau.

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