After selling 10,000 STEEM today, I had to face the sad reality - back when I started on the Steem blockchain, I could have got the same amount of Bitcoin for 200 dollars. Those 10,000 tokens took me a couple thousand hours and over a year to earn, writing multiple times each day. While the 200 dollars was a handful of hours work, or a week or a month of takeout. Of course, like most people, I didn't buy-in back then, because of a couple reasons, the largest being that I had no idea what all of this was and by the time I did, it was already heading toward All Time Highs.
I am not upset at any of this though, it is just a strange way to think about what has happened in the cryptosphere over such a short time. Those 10,000 Steem for a brief moment were also worth 40x more or about, 80,000 dollars - that would cover a fair whack of the renovation budget today.
It is easy in hindsight to say the, "woulda, coulda, shoulda" kinds of things, but this doesn't bring in the alignment issue when it comes to the timeline. The fact is, I didn't do differently, I did just what I did and that is likely the best I could have done knowing what I knew and being who I was at that moment in history. Overall, I think that while the money would be useful now, it doesn't mean I would have used it well back then, as I don't know what I know now either.
At the moment, it kind of feels a bit like late 2017 again, with the alt market getting popped up all over the place, with some pretty massive pumps on some coins. While I am hoping that HIVE follows suit eventually, I am simultaneously hoping that it will have an increasing floor as the community starts to back it and stabilize the foundation. I think that there is a good chance of this happening as quite a few took their Steem earnings and extended their HIVE stake, with many of these people being those who were working toward a successful Steem community earlier.
The last three years have been quite an incredible ride though and I have been able to get myself involved in all kinds of activities that I never thought I would. With the benefits of the writing aside, I have also changed my relationship with money and while I definitely struggle, I do not see it as such a scarce resource a I did earlier, it is just that earlier, I wasn't willing to work the way I work now. An alignment problem.
Don't get me wrong, I have always worked hard, but I think that the hard work gave me a sunk cost fallacy mindset, where I overvalued what I had because of the effort it took to have it and therefore, was far less willing to part with it, far less risk taking. Instead of seeing a dollar earned as a dollar, I saw a dollar earned as a dollar plus my time and effort. Financial economics doesn't care about my time and effort, it is far colder than that - behavioral economics might though, as it will factor in how I feel about money, my relationship with it and how these are going to affect my decision making.
When we change our decisions, we change our path and they lead on to outcomes we wouldn't have had otherwise. It doesn't mean that the outcomes will all be better, but being a little more attentive, reflective and active, will hopefully lead to decisions that are more aligned with the current circumstances, and while not perfect, hopefully closer to what would have been done when using hindsight to look backward at this time.
Closing the gap between what I do now and what I would have done knowing what I will know in the future, is part of becoming wiser, isn't it? Wisdom isn't about how much you know, it is about being able to use what you know at the right time - to benefit by bringing knowledge and action into alignment with conditions.
Will I be wiser this time around or repeat the mistakes of the past? Most likely, it will be a mix of both plus, there will be new mistakes made. As I said to someone today, the road to right is paved with a lot of wrong.
Otherwise, I would be right there already.
[ Gen1: Hive ]
This IS financial advice: Don't do what I do :)
I've never been in it here for the money. I'm here to do what I enjoy doing. Some writing, but mostly reading and getting to know people. I've spent most of my life doing things for money. I've also taken big chances (and failed) with money. I have enough today, and I know that. So I may as well enjoy what I do.
It's a path, isn't it? If we took every right turn think of the things we'd have missed. Some of the coolest places I've been in my travels are when I'm hopelessly lost. When I'm hopelessly lost and running low on gas I use the GPS, but otherwise I want to see what's next while I'm where I am.
Some of the best nights out are the ones where I planned on staying in, the coolest people I have met in places I wasn't meant to be and a lot of what I value today, I never thought I would. However, financially, I probably should have been a little more thoughtful :) I am more aware of this now and perhaps at the moment with a young family and unexpected cots, but unexpected costs teach their own lessons too.
At some point, enough is enough and I want to get there and have a little breathing room so when I go to the hardware store, I don't have to make tough decisions at the lower end of the range :)
My STEEM bag is getting empty, there's only around 1/3 left; and I haven't added to my Hive stack like I'd hoped to. The ratio's just been murder, so I've baulked at pulling the trigger.
I just seem to pump into Splinterlands, more than anything else.
Feels like I already have enough stake that if Hive becomes ubiquitous I'll definitely be all set; so I kinda want to diversify. (I've just been knocked out of the top ten, for total Splinterlands account value).
I have converted a fair bit, but slowed down after the large pumps for the same reason. I have bought some recently, but haven't powered it up.
This is the other factor, so any gains I make from trading in other tokens goes to other tokens, but what I trade around Hive will eventually come back in.
The shame!! :D
I could drop $100 into Alpha Flesh Golems, and push the price up to $10; then I'd have $140K worth; so it's all academic, really.
yes, a lot of the price of all of this has no real bearing on value. I guess that once there are a diverse and much greater number of players in the market, the price starts to lose its volatility and become more accurate.
If only we all knew what was in store for the world of crypto post 2017. My steem is nowhere near 10k but even I was impressed that at one point my measly amount was worth a few 1000 dollars. Its like you said though hindsight is 20/20 and who knows what would have happened if we cashed out then. Would we be better off? Who can say? "The dice has been cast." We can only go forward now.
With Hive it feels like we all have a second chance.
Going on those I know who did cash out, at least they don't seem to be any better off. If you sold Steem at 5 dollars, but have less Steem even though it hit 9 cents, what does that say? that is 1/50th the value of what you sold, so 2% of the gains would have bought the same amount of what you had sold.
Most will likely squander it, thinking there will be a third and fourth chance.
Hahaha You're probably right. Most will take the short sighted route and cash in some free tokens. I have a good feeling about hive though :)
Hopefully, your good feeling works out for us all :)
Your calculation is off by a long shot.
You forgot to mention the
Hive initial airdrop
that you received.A recalculation confirms around 475$ worth of Bitcoin.
I've just saved you 60% emotional suffering. =)
:D :D Yes, but I haven't sold it and it is valueless until sold ;D
Let me suffer in peace!
I'm also trying to come to terms with this!
Why was I a bitcoin skeptic and not an altcoin skeptic?
haha - Why was I a, getagoodjobskeptic?
I suppose that is the doings of a procrastinator and not a skeptic, but I am open to hearing the arguments against getting a good job.
maybe it is more a getabetterpayingjobskeptic :)
People might argue it though, "working for the man"
There is a popular quote for your situation -> “You never lose. You either win or you learn”.
I saw that you have almost $ 30k in the wallet so if after 2 years ( for example) HIVE reaches $60/70 you are going to forget about the negative investments.
Just keep believing and stay positive 🙏
I don't think it will reach that high in two years (I do hope) however, it has a decent chance of moving up considerably from where we are now. Things can move fast and get crazy and if the right attention falls on the industry and Hive - the ceiling is way, way up :)
I just found out that the withdrawal takes 13 weeks.
Doesn't that scare you?
In case you are right and the price of HIVE goes up, how can you be sure that its value will not fall until you withdraw the entire requested amount.
I have been using the platform for less than 2 weeks. Excuse me if my questions seem dumb.
You didn't know this?
No, it doesn't scare me - it used to be 2 years :D
I have been caught without liquids many times, but currently keep some liquid just in case. However, I am also going long on Hive, so missing a pump or two doesn't matter much. What I have found is that for most, they sell their Hive at the highs, but don't buy back at the lows - they think they will always earn again - eventually, they won't.
Am sure by now your investments are a little more diversified. Still though you were a hell of an inspiration on steemit. The sheer energy you put into content and engagement probably helped me grow during my time there. Am hoping hive rights all the wrongs steemit did but I'll say it again...if you see this as anything other than fun, please diversify
I am more diversified than earlier, but how much I am not sure :) Even those who are looking long like me should recognize that it has to come with fun and the willingness to not get anything out. If more people did that, the entire ecosystem would function better.
I have powered down about $80 bucks worth of steem. it is sitting on Bittrex. Now it is locked down by in wallet maint mode. do you know if this is due to SunScumbags latest freeze fork?
If you transferred while the wallet was locked, yep. Hardforks require all servers to upgrade, and some of the exchanges still haven't and because of what they are doing on Steem, aren't willing to.
I did some searching, it seems they (ScumTron) is freezing any accounts that have posted a negative comment about the little crypto dictator. So count me in I guess... :-/
They aren't freezing your stake. The wallet is closed in Bittrex.
Bittrex said until the issue is resolved. How can they do that? I wish I would have moved it to Hive as each block powered down. Do You think I will lose it?
That's pretty much exactly what I tell people when they're stressing about how they should have done this, that or the other thing in the past knowing what they do now (some of them are at least able to say if only they had known what they do now). And add that as long as you're doing the best you can with what you know right now, while it would be nice to have the future knowledge, at least you were trying now instead of...not right XD
It is interesting as essentially, we all do the best we can, otherwise we would have done something else :D
I have some steem that I'd like to convert to Hive. May I ask where you sold yours?
thank you!
No worries :)
Some are converting at
1% to deposit from Steemit Wallet to either platform, then 1% to withdraw to Hive wallet. 2% feels steep, but is it?
While we do things for love and to share our knowledge and experiences. It will all be worth it. God only knows why things happen. Even if 10,000 Steem a couple of years ago would have changed the life of any native of my country "back then". Equal your work has been very valuable many hours of effort that one day our divine god will know how to reward you. Don't give up and follow your heart friend @tarazkp.
I keep doing my best and hope that everyone is learning along the way also. I wonder how much of the inequality in the world comes down to the will to improve.
I'm glad you keep trying with more effort, we can all realize that. And surely everyone is learning along the way. As I said, one of the good things about this ecosystem is that we can share and learn from lived experiences. It is irreparable that in life things happen that one does not expect and that we do not like, we should only learn to tolerate and control the frustration of the moment so that our will power does not weaken.
I would go for the mix to, that is the charm of blogging life. Building your library of life that is what i love the most and seeing things that happened along the way, yes that why i am here every day and great to read that you have the same. so i would walk that road thats is paved with my beautiful wrongs and passing by all the friends tha t i made online, a thing i never expected
Isn't it weird making friends online? I wan't planning on it at all - I blame the internet ;D
Yes that is one of the things i never thought possible, and telling people i made friends online even gave some weird negative reactions, but i am walking my path and damn i am having fun
I am looking forward to being able to travel again and perhaps get to do some more meetups :)
Well we are out of lockdown but how many kilometers is funland from the netherlands ?
Not too far and hopefully, I will make it there for work again. Last time I was on the eastern border, but got to spend a lovely dinner evening with @soyrosa in Amsterdam =)
<3 A lovely memory I want to have a chapter II in the not too long future! Damn you Corona!