The legitimate Vitalik

in LeoFinance4 years ago

@revisesociology handed me an article by Vitalik, the founder of Ethereum that was published yesterday about legitimacy. I am not going to rehash the article, but it is well worth the read and you will find that one of the core components of it, centers on Hive and the legitimacy of the community, using the fork from Steem as an example.

Perhaps people are finally realizing that the community is the most important part of it all. The challenge is that due to the dynamics of people, it is also the hardest to bring into alignment for a common goal, which is one of the challenges of decentralized systems that still require governance in order to develop, as many people will not agree due to the wide range of personalities, motivations and incentives.

attack bird1.jpg

However, as I have said many, many times before, we are in unprecedented territory in our capabilities to align connect, organize and align ourselves globally as individuals, without the need for authority intervention. What we are seeing in crypto and the internet in general, is the legitimization of community as an economic force, whether it be on the blockchains and the generation of value through community established and supported cryptocurrencies, or in the traditional markets as seen recently with the wallstreetbets movement, organized to disrupt the hedge funds and institutional dominance over markets and financial vehicles.

This is the early emergence of the "paradigm shift" that is often spoken about in regards to changing the world. We on Hive are not only witnessing it, we are participating in guiding it and while Vitalik slowly starts to get aboard, Hive keeps driving a community approach. While a lot of people do not put much credence in the "Proof-of-Brain" model or concept in regard to content, essentially, the entire Hive ecosystem is driven by it, as it is the community itself that decides what is considered legitimate on Hive.

What this means is that over time, we have coordinated ourselves to create normalizations of various kinds, meaning, we have developed a culture. This culture will ebb and flow dynamically in order to meet introduced challenges and changing ideals, but the Hive community has built a range of "social" rules that direct participants in various ways. This is all opt-in and no one is forced to act according to the rules, but with all activity, there are reactions to actions, meaning there are consequences for behavior.

From the Vitalik article:

Each person reasons that because everyone else follows these mechanisms, if they do something different they will only create conflict and suffer, or at least be left in a lonely forked ecosystem all by themselves.

But, this is when the legitimized systems reject the introduced activity, kind of like a bad transaction on a blockchain that gets rejected by other nodes. However, in a society, introduced behaviors that are seen as beneficial by the group or some members of the group, can get and grow support to become legitimatized processes within the ecosystem. for example the introduction of second-layer tokens like LEO and then the continued legitimization of this path through supporting the development tract further.

We saw this same process in the negative with with the introduction and legitimization of bidbots back in mid-2017, only to have the behavior delegitimized by the community toward the end of 2019, as while many of the early community saw the benefits, a small group who saw the harm were able to over time create a groundswell of support for change. A mini paradigm shift that lead onto a healthier ecosystem, even if not everyone agrees, most do, legitimizing the change in culture.

This is the the way societies work, where social code is built and introduced and then rewritten to try and keep up with the changing behaviors of the group. However, no matter how good the initial code was, over time, it can get out of sync with the needs of society and has to be replaced. Yet, if there are incentives to keeping the system for those who also have the ability to remove it, those without the power to affect it will be forced to live under its rule, regardless of the harm it causes them.

This is where we are with the traditional economy at the moment, as while it is causing a lot of harm to most participants, most do not have the sense that they can effect change. However, with our ability to coordinate to generate value, and the coordinate to direct value, the majority of the "powerless" will begin to recognize the legitimacy of owning and taking responsibility for behavior, as a tool for directing the economy at the macro level. It is a grassroots movement that is rapidly pushing a groundswell of change that is going to affect all of us, whether we participate now, or not, as it will affect the entirety of society in which we all live.

The laws of supply and demand come into play in this, where behaviors are treated like goods and services, with some wanted, some not, some accepted, some not. Not every product is going to find a market and even if it does, that market might not be large enough to sustain it long term, unless it is able to legitimize itself and get more support from the group.

At the end of the day, much of what we do in society comes down to what we incentivize, as we are still largely driven by individual needs, meaning there has to be a "what's in it for me" component. Most people will not work if they do not get paid, most people will not play a game they dislike, most people will not read an article they are not interested in. There always has to be a payoff.

For far too long, we have been giving up our ability to make decisions with the payoff being the convenience of not owning and not needing to take responsibility for ourselves. Rather than organizing ourselves, we have proxied an authorities to do it for us, expecting that they will act in our best interest instead of maximizing themselves using our "stake". It hasn't worked out so well for us, which is why we are now using the tools at our disposal to change culture again, to create new norms, to legitimize the value of community.

We are social animals with the over-sized ability to organize ourselves and collaborate to develop much larger than we can as individuals. We are just starting to learn how to use our abilities at a global level.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


In my lay opinion there's no stronger force than community itself (excluding power of nature of course). Mass of people is literally unstoppable. I was on Steemit 3 years ago and I'm on Hive today and I gotta say that the approach itself and the atmosphere around here is exactly that detail which attracted me and made me stay here.
Also, what I find more persuasive and "cleaner" was back then, when whales were curating manually.
In the other hand, Hive seems A LOT promoted, and gives a feeling everything is arranged much better than it was. I like how things are going right now and as you said, it's all on us, it's our time to take the initiative and start working like ants - all for one, one for all.

It's always great to have someone like you (real person putting a big amount of effort on this), with clear mind and nice thoughts. Following you for the further posts.
Have a great day good man!

A true community has unlimited potential to create heaven or unleash hell. We have to choose, we‘re a digital kind of society here on Hive.

I think it's all about the details. It's about rewarding good content, regardless of the strength of the account, and working to improve some flaws. Nothing spectacular, we should look on ideas like a little seed. If we care the idea how it should be threated we'll get a nice project (in this case community) that's stable and trustworthy.

The seeds take time to develop, especially when the growth challenges the current mindset. Many still live with scarcity as their guiding force and therefore see more value in focusing on maximizing themselves, even if they would make more over time by maximizing the group.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Many still live with scarcity as their guiding force and therefore see more value in focusing on maximizing themselves

It can be a double-edged sword. I prefer to change myself and change others with my work and approach. I like to be an example by deeds not by words, so due to that I'm progressing as much as I can, working on my posts to be more entertaining/informative and it's all about patience. I see bright future in this project and I'm going to work to make that future happen. Maybe one day I'll be swimming with the dolphins 😄

If you mean it as you wrote it, then you intentionally invite chaos to roam around you and reinvent yourself again and again. That's a dangerous game to play in the long run.

Plato testified multiple times, that a man has to lead by example and not by word. That describes the righteous path of a leader in societies. But it does conflict with change and personal reinvention.

I'm not quite sure I've understood what you want to say, but the point of my comment right above was about giving the best from yourself to improve myself, and in parallel, the community itself.

There's a lot of meaning in only a few words. My first thought was, 'Investing in a community is pretty dangerous in the wild-wild-webs'. There's an unlimited amount of energy sinks available, what are the actual external criteria to make an initial decision? hmmm

There is a lot happening here now to the point that I can no longer keep an eye on all of it. People mention things and I have to ask "huh?" and have them explain. It is great!

The community itself obviously needs to grow, but we are now working from a foundation that makes that possible, without relying solely on the core chain to enable it.

all for one, one for all.

I wrote an article several years ago about Steem being a musketeer community. That got destroyed on Steem, but lived on with Hive.

There is a lot to love on Hive.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I really like the style of your writing. English is not my mother tongue and it's quite easy to read and understand the point you're focusing on.

I wrote an article several years ago about Steem being a musketeer community. That got destroyed on Steem, but lived on with Hive.

Literally the example from the real life, not every story is for everyone and for every environment. You (not exactly you) can turn out stupid talking smart story to the fools. Haven't heard for the term "Musketeer community" haha, but that's exactly what Steemit was. It was just a matter of time of happening what happened.

Very interesting. I think that the community is definitely much stronger than it was two years or even a year ago. Things are really starting to come together and I think a lot of the things that we may have been worried about in the past aren't as big of deal now. We have weathered the storm and we are stronger than ever now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The real test for Hive will be post-bull and through an extended bear. If there is a lot of use cases and games, the bear will be more an inconvenience to finances, but not affect the platform usage that much.

In the wider ecosystem, things are growing rapidly also, so a lot of cross-chain interoperability will keep things dynamic and interesting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

For sure, those are some really good points. I think if the use cases are there people will stick around even if the price drops. The good news is. If we do manage to get up to $3 even, the bottom should still be more than what most of us lived through in the last three years!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If we do manage to get up to $3 even, the bottom should still be more than what most of us lived through in the last three years!

I hope the new floor will be above 50c but if the potential highs of this year arrive, the new bottom might be closer to 2 dollars :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Wouldn't that be awesome!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I see the community as becoming more powerful, look at all the attempts to change the witness selection/retention system, on steem all attempts were ignored and the full stake weight stayed in place and the witnesses became entrenched, until 2020.

Next hardfork for Hive will try and resolve this, that votes will decay, and people will/may have to vote on a semi regular basis for witnesses. The removal of dead votes may not have a big effect on the witness retention at the start, but after awhile I personally think it will have a real effect thus legitimizing the witness as those that have been selected by the active community, not the dead community.

Yep, I think it will take time to have an impact, but it will keep it all a little more dynamic, without being volatile.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There has been a networking effect in this sector. The larger it grows, the more people want to jump on board and take part. It will be interesting to see the changes that come along as the blockchain opens up decentralization and puts the power (social, financial, and perhaps even political) into the hands of the layperson. That aside, I enjoyed reading your thoughts on this. Thank you.

The political is going to be interesting.
Imagine a stake weighted system, where stake is the level of background experience, skill and applied interest in a topic. Rather than voting for a person, a range of ideas are put forward and people vote, with their weighting level being applied in strength. For example, a doctor might have a higher weighting for healthcare topics than me, but I might have a higher rating for education. Sounds complicated, but if the data can be captured, a blockchain can apply it. One of the issues in politics we have is that we vote for personalities, making politicians celebrities - when what we need is to support ideas and have the right people implement them.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Proof of brain is being proven effective by the Hive experiment, pretty much. Hive and other blockchains (BAT comes to mind) are showing so effectively that when you distribute the revenue from a social network to the participants, rather than to the owners of the business that runs the network, it allows for a much better set of incentives where far more people can win.

And when more win, moer stability comes, as they build wide and solid, as well as being connected.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is one of the most important stories of our lifetime. We survived the war on our freedom, found new land and restarted a colony.

That‘s Old School Disney Level of Good vs Evil material. I love it :))

Yeah for sure. The narrative is very important and one cool thing about blockchain is, it is all transparent :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

That’s what I like the most. Trusted & confirmed <<<< Trustless & confirmed

The laws of supply and demand come into play in this.

I just posted about demand and supply but in tribes and how could they survive.
But this concept applies to everything, even the internal struggles within us.
You have to maintain balance in order to walk ..

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

You have to maintain balance in order to walk ..

Or end up with a lot of bruises.

I think we are pretty beaten up, but we are getting ready to run.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I agree with what was said. It is only now that everyone has begun to realize that the community is, in fact, always the basis for all future steps forward. However, the decentralized community is already one step ahead of everyone.

The laws of supply and demand come into play in this, where behaviors are treated like goods and services, with some wanted, some not, some accepted, some not. Not every product is going to find a market and even if it does, that market might not be large enough to sustain it long term, unless it is able to legitimize itself and get more support from the group.

This, I love how you mentioned that part. I had felt and realized this pattern on mainstream social media, where literally people (profiles) became ‘Brands’, thus products and their monetization of social media account was according to the demand of the consumers on those platforms.

For far too long, we have been giving up our ability to make decisions with the payoff being the convenience of not owning and not needing to take responsibility for ourselves. Rather than organizing ourselves, we have proxied an authorities to do it for us, expecting that they will act in our best interest instead of maximizing themselves using our "stake”.

Personally repulsed by the high demand of mediocre values, the over saturation of all of it, and especially what you mention just above; these platforms I have enrolled as a teenager, in a complete naïveté towards my own data and the fact that Zuckrberg today became THE Zuckrberg because of how we all interacted and used his platform.

I am so happy to have found exactly what I was looking for here on the Hive: Where our content can become a product that can have its value proofed and kept alive by the community on here.
Also the self-responsibility and sovereignty that is common sense and basically the foundation of the chain.
And seeing that overall consensus of ‘I like, I engage. (Contribute) & I don’t like, I don’t engage. (Null or Neutral)’ , it’s really all profit & peace, so far. :)

Thanks for that great post, ever since I’m around here your writing is of those that make the most sense to me; literally you articulate many things I have been feeling and juggling with in my thoughts, into such clear and impactful way!

