The legacy of red

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Who thinks China is buying the dip?

How long until the next All Time Highs?

For those who have been around awhile, do you remember the same kind of FUD coming from governments in 2017? China was there as well, banning IPOs and the like, forcing the exchanges like Binance to pick up stakes and move to greener pastures. I think that given the timing of this coming on the back of Musk, it is a move of opportunity to drive the values down as far as possible, shaking as much coin from the fearful as possible. It is manipulation.


The funny thing is, it works because people who get into crypto believe it is going to work, and they are also looking to increase their stack, so sell in the hope to take part in the shakening. Crypto people are very skittish when it comes to FUD, even though publicly there is a lot of bravado and speak of diamond hands. It is one of the things about the social aspect of Hive, as there is a lot of visibility, but in the markets themselves, everyone is a stranger.

How many people publicly held and privately sold?

What is interesting in these kinds of announcements is that for most people, this doesn't actually change anything at all. When it comes to Tesla not accepting Bitcoin as payment or the potential for them selling their stake in BTC, the amount they hold isn't that significant in terms of the entire market. Of course, it can be said that this is an indicator of retail adoption, but is it? The argument about energy consumption of Bitcoin - well it is still significantly less than that of mining gold per year - and then there are all the other environmental issues associated, like the chemicals used and the literal cutting into the earth etc.

But, what has changed? Why are people who are building a new economy that replaces the legacy system so concerned with the decisions of that legacy? After all, it should be pretty obvious that those who are heavily invested in the old and have a lot to lose if it is replaced, are going to defend themselves. If anything, what they are doing is buying themselves some time in order to try and play catch up. As fast as a rule can be made, a rule can also be overturned and if the past is anything to go by, it is likely.

60% of all Bitcoin mining is done in China and with the potential of it becoming a reserve currency at some point, I suspect that they don't want to miss out on that value. However, for now, they don't necessarily want the average citizen collecting it, as they want to manage distribution - after all, their entire structure is set up to be centralized. Decentralized currencies undermine their control mechanisms.

Yet, people are still affected by the FUD, still looking at the daily ups and down, the hype and panic cycle. Actions speak louder than words and it seems that there are still a lot of people who don't zoom out on the trends and will likely get squeezed out of the markets because of it, having their own stakes reduced while the stakes of the FUD spreaders grow in the background.

The crypto market value is tiny in comparison to the rest of the economy, yet it seems to be pushing governments into making all kinds of decisions, all of them aimed at maintaining control of money flows. It doesn't matter what kind of political ideology is in place, the common consensus is that individuals shouldn't own and control their wealth themselves, as it just offers to much freedom of choice and mobility. How can they manage an economic prison if they hold no prisoners.

Governments are hodlers. They hodl their citizens and they not only have diamond hands, they are willing to ball them into fists and hit anything that threatens their ability to control what thy believe they own. They own us. The more we bow to their pleasures, the tighter their grip gets, but because each person is looking out for themselves, the organization isn't there to break the hold.

I suspect in the coming days or weeks, there will be more FUD thrown into the mix, yet the crypto markets will eventually rally again. Currently, the traditional markets have been making record gains, but are running on fumes, with retail investors going to again be the ones left holding the bags and picking up the tabs. A lot of people are looking for "safe" places to put their wealth, but currently, it doesn't really exist - however, what does exist are places where wealth can be put that offer ownership and control to the investor.

It is ownership that is the value of crypto, not what you can currently buy with it. As the pendulum of understanding swings in favor of individual ownership and participation, the FUD will intensify, but will have less and less effect. The reactions of ruling authorities are predictable and expected, as are the reactions of the market, as no matter what people say, most are coupled to the legacy system and the FUD it creates.

So, how long until the next ATH?

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I am not the kind of guy that takes risks. I've stayed at soul sucking jobs months even years longer than I should because I didn't want to take the risk of starting a new job.

Today when I say that the crypto prices were down, I liquidated ALL of my short term savings and bought even more crypto. Now I will refuse to check the latest crypto prices for several days.

The crypto market is not a fad that will disappear like mullets and Vanilla Ice. I truly believe we haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet.

The crypto market is not a fad that will disappear like mullets and Vanilla Ice.

I live in Finland - Mullets apparently never went out of fashion! :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Whelp. Guess I'm moving to Finland.

You make some great points here. The average investors are all good as long as they are making money. When they start losing the fear kicks in. I don't think I ever sold on a dip, but I am sure the knee jerk reaction to was there. The doubt and wondering if I should. It can be a tricky things and it ropes you into second guessing yourself or what you thought you believed in. While this is indeed unfortunate, it is also temporary!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I don't think I ever sold on a dip, but I am sure the knee jerk reaction to was there.

I have and have generally regretted it soon enough.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I take that back. I have with some random insignificant tokens. Never anything big though.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Next ATH, may be a moot point for BTC. It has not been a very stable coin seems to be as much a yo-yo on a string as all the others, only more easily manipulated by the media and governments. I do not know for sure as I do not do a good job of price tracking, but it seems to me that Hive in relation to a lot of other coins seems to be stabilizing more and more each day.

Yes we are down a lot compared to that 0.90 (ninety cent) time but it has been a slow drop as the price of HBD has been lowering. Perhaps the HDB burn is working, we will see if HBD drops back to seventy cents or holds steady close to the so called magic mark of $1.00.

only more easily manipulated by the media and governments.

It is because of this that it will get a lot of mainstream support, but many crypto people will move on.

Perhaps the HDB burn is working, we will see if HBD drops back to seventy cents or holds steady close to the so called magic mark of $1.00.

I think that it is having an effect, but the markets will take some time to realize it. In my opinion, the most important factors of the stabilizer is that it has taken almost 2.5 million off the total supply and added it to the HDF - that is valuable. If it runs until the HF25 similiarly, it would have in 3 months reduced the total supply by around 1.5% and added 5M to the DAO. Not a bd result. The HF will have additional stabilizer mechanisms too, so it will be interesting to see what happens.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It really is ill-advised to be selling any assets atm.. At most, people should be thinking of buying into the dip! :)

Many will assume there is more dip to come - some will never buy into the dip - they will only buy at the top of the hype.

The argument about energy consumption of Bitcoin - well it is still significantly less than that of mining gold per year - and then there are all the other environmental issues associated, like the chemicals used and the literal cutting into the earth etc.

Not that I want to be a part of this argument but one needs to do the same things in order to create components necessary to do something like mine bitcoin; and spend hours yearly consuming and creating content talking about saving the planet. Even the simple act of saying something is bad for the environment and having billions hear the message is hard on the planet, sucks up plenty of energy and resources.

And as for the rest of this psychotic crypto market stuff and how it applies to Hive... I just look forward to the day people notice the products offered on Hive appeal to a much broader spectrum, and there's no need to be so tied down or held back by whatever the hell the rest of the cryptosphere is doing.

Even the simple act of saying something is bad for the environment and having billions hear the message is hard on the planet, sucks up plenty of energy and resources.

Not sure if you saw the comment from Arcange the other day on energy consumption of a Hive node - he has three different ones running on the same power as an 80W lightbulb. Which also ties in with other things happening on Hive - they are doing here what they would do other places anyway and generating value.

Most arguments are looked at from a narrow perspective and are invalid, if all views are applied.

I'm not complaining about energy consumption. What I'm saying is they killed a lot of trees in order to create books, papers, and magazines all telling us to not kill trees. As people are complaining about fossil fuels online, they're holding something that can't be produced without fossil fuels. Do you know how much went into building this laptop in order for me to find out just know Arcange is doing a fine job? It boils all the way down to the fuel burned to produce the food that fed the trucker, and way beyond that. Someone wants to build alternative fuel and energy sources, like wind or solar, well good luck producing that stuff out of thin air. Just watched a train go by the other day. Each car could only hold one half of the future wind turbine propeller. Millions reading a Musk tweet about something using too much energy burned up a lot of energy.

What I'm saying is they killed a lot of trees in order to create books, papers, and magazines all telling us to not kill trees.

Yeah, I got this. It is just the way of the world we live in. People stay narrow and they do not reflect. I recycle and repurpose, but I also drive a car and buy Nikes. The way social media is set up is that there is no need for consistency as an individual can pick purely on a single point and then move on with their day - not even having to show their face.

But that face is humanity and I can still see it. I do my best, too. The other day one of those larger bees was doing little circles in the dog water outside. I walked past, it registered, I stopped, turned around, grabbed a little twig and helped it out of there. Meanwhile, Mr. It's the End of the World Because All the Bees are Dying! took a road trip, there's bee guts all over the car, and no fucks given. This is how people are.

"What's the difference between me and you? You talk a good one but you don't do what you supposed to do"

LOL! Not sure why that song came to mind, but it did.

You are saving the world, one bee at a time.

I like that song.

I saved that bee. And I've wiped out entire populations of wasps, simply because I didn't like where they built their home, all while they're a predator in the insect world and typically take care of other things I don't like. I've shot countless sparrows on the farm because they shit everywhere, acting like tree rats, and I think it's cute how the cats gather round and wait patiently for these things to pinball out of the tree branches and hit the ground. I'm 100% sure being the first cat to get the bird before it hits the ground is no different than organized sports to them. And just look how much energy I saved by not giving them a dish full of that cat kibble, even though the BB's don't make themselves. Don't even get me started on farming. As soon as someone complains and says organic is the way to go (especially in seed crops) I can prove from experience exactly how wasteful and hard on the environment that is. Meanwhile it seems like so many think food grows in the backroom of a grocery store or directly on shelves. Even packaging something like oatmeal or flour with something that says ORGANIC and has snazzy pictures of a healthy world on it requires a massive factory I once worked in when I was a kid. Point is people acting like saviors of humanity are typically ill-informed and full of shit.

But, what has changed? Why are people who are building a new economy that replaces the legacy system so concerned with the decisions of that legacy? After all, it should be pretty obvious that those who are heavily invested in the old and have a lot to lose if it is replaced, are going to defend themselves.

Oh my! I have not read a review as good as this since the whole hype around dodge coin, and other shitty coins. But you know you are right.

We are not supposed to be concerned with these humans who are playing catch up as it seem. They do have a lot to lose, obviously, and they are trying to make sure, the loss is reduced to the minimal.

60% of all Bitcoin mining is done in China and with the potential of it becoming a reserve currency at some point, I suspect that they don't want to miss out on that value. However, for now, they don't necessarily want the average citizen collecting it, as they want to manage distribution - after all, their entire structure is set up to be centralized. Decentralized currencies undermine their control mechanisms.

hahhahhahhaa....China is what I should call, the mother of centralization. You can see that this is true when you watch them monopolize a lot of inventions, companies, services, etc.

They are trying to do the same thing with our cryptocurrency. Trying to reduce or manage distribution won't help them because as you said decentralized economy undermines their control mechanisms, totally.

The crypto market value is tiny in comparison to the rest of the economy, yet it seems to be pushing governments into making all kinds of decisions, all of them aimed at maintaining control of money flows.

Pleas say this louder. Imagine waking up every morning, and discovering that you are losing control over the most important part of the nation's economy.....finances. Mehn! if you were the government, you would definitely panic over losing such control. It is funny, but I can't help laughing.

A lot of people are looking for "safe" places to put their wealth, but currently, it doesn't really exist - however, what does exist are places where wealth can be put that offer ownership and control to the investor.

Well said. An applaud for you buddy for you are seeing clearly than the rest of us

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

hahhahhahhaa....China is what I should call, the mother of centralization. You can see that this is true when you watch them monopolize a lot of inventions, companies, services, etc.

Interestingly, they are also among the greenest miners, as they use hydro most of the year and only coal in the winter. Weird eh?

I don't want control over others, just over what I own. When it comes down to most things though, we are all renters.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

When it comes down to most things though, we are all renters.

Yeah this is true

Interestingly, they are also among the greenest miners, as they use hydro most of the year and only coal in the winter. Weird eh?

very weird

I don't want control over others, just over what I own.

Here in this space, I think this is what almost all of us want

I have a feeling the next ATH might take up to 2 years before we hit it again. The knowledge about cryptospace and the top celebrities within the space might reduce the duration of the bear market

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Might be two years - might be 2 months.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am so scared of the bear market based on the velocity at which it is falling

as I have been saying for quite a while - be prepared :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interestingly Hive is holding strong and even rising in Bitcoin value atm.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Perhaps it is the benefit of not many people paying attention ;D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmm... Could it get to the point in which having cryptos become something outlawed? It sounds silly, but looking at the wat Governments take decisions and still want to hold a tighter grip on people, they could ban cryptos (not that it would change people trading with it or holding it). Other idea is that it could become the same system it is aimed to replace. Centralization of decentralized resources would be a nightmare.

Hmm... Could it get to the point in which having cryptos become something outlawed?

In some countries it already is.

The thing with the centralization of for example Bitcoin, is that it can be forked a thousand times.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

In some countries it already is.

Right, the China example. I bet there are more.

Hmm... I guess a decentralized currency cannot ever be centralized fully.

The best is to put your wealth in a place that can fetch you income and still use the income to fuel the source. CRYPTO market is unpredictable. You are right... government are hodlers who are holding us but we have the right to keep what we have in a safe place instead of giving the government access to our rights.

Crypto is predictably unpredictable, which is why it is so much fun :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So, how long until the next ATH?

Interesting question but not one I'm personally bothered by. I'm laddering down the dips, buying tiny amounts, having fun and continuing to HODL.

I'm most interested now in finding somewhere to stake it where I feel it is worth the risk. I've read that savings accounts that pay in BTC and are insured by traditional banks is coming to the USA maybe that will happen in the UK soon too. That would be brill!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I'm most interested now in finding somewhere to stake it where I feel it is worth the risk. I've read that savings accounts that pay in BTC and are insured by traditional banks is coming to the USA maybe that will happen in the UK soon too.

This would be interesting, as they would have to have some store of BTC in order to do this, or continually buy. It would drive the price up I think. I wonder what kinds of returns they offer?

I have put some BTC and BNB into pantherswap over the last few weeks, but I have a lot of stake at CUB too - though unless they get releasing something soon, the value of my stake will be at zero :D

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder what kinds of returns they offer?

I don't think there are any figures yet. It was an announcement that NYDIG will be supporting banks to deal in crypto. I saw it in a Mark Moss video I think.

I have a lot of stake at CUB too - though unless they get releasing something soon, the value of my stake will be at zero

Oh dear.

It's does seem to have gone very quiet again but maybe that AMA video was less than a week ago. 😂


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am looking forward to the release of Kingdoms, to see what the fuss is about :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thank you for your engagement on this post, you have recieved ENGAGE tokens.

wow, that is quite the correction today! I don't think many people saw it coming. But I#m still positive that the ATH of this cycle hasn't arrived

I think it hasn't arrived yet either - still a long way to go and as I said the other day - if this is the end of the bull, it was the lamest bull ever :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

well we did have the 10x already, but I think many were/are hoping for the 100x

The market will rise again ✌️

Today, tomorrow, or next year - eventually :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Que sucede china lanza el yuan digital y no quiere competencia de criptoactivos en su país..así que mi recomendación los. Que tenemos Btc hold, hold y más hold..

Excelente publicación y muy buen análisis amigo tarazkp de la situación actual en el mundo de las criptomonedas, muchos están súper asustados, que china las prohibió, que elon musk etc.. paciencia y tranquilidad .

The argument about energy consumption of Bitcoin - well it is still significantly less than that of mining gold per year - and then there are all the other environmental issues associated, like the chemicals used and the literal cutting into the earth etc.


It doesn't matter how greenish or blackish steps regardless how humbly mining gold can take as long all that "Proof of Work" can be somewhat gildened at the end after inhaling so many weird fumes. LoL

On other hand...

Cranky Gandalf

Bitcoin may be down. But I have not seen much difference in Hive or Steem. I believe it will return to higher highs. We just need to bide our time.

This was an amazing piece. You are writing with amazing passion. I really agree with and feel this part:Hi @tarazkp

The crypto market value is tiny in comparison to the rest of the economy, yet it seems to be pushing governments into making all kinds of decisions, all of them aimed at maintaining control of money flows. It doesn't matter what kind of political ideology is in place, the common consensus is that individuals shouldn't own and control their wealth themselves, as it just offers to much freedom of choice and mobility. How can they manage an economic prison if they hold no prisoners.

Governments are hodlers. They hodl their citizens and they not only have diamond hands, they are willing to ball them into fists and hit anything that threatens their ability to control what thy believe they own. They own us. The more we bow to their pleasures, the tighter their grip gets, but because each person is looking out for themselves, the organization isn't there to break the hold.

This was particularly hard hitting:
How can they manage an economic prison if they hold no prisoners.

Followed by this:
hey hodl their citizens and they not only have diamond hands, they are willing to ball them into fists and hit anything that threatens their ability to control what thy believe they own.

Really inspiring and meaningful words.
Thank you for sharing and inspiring.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta