The growing fear of rising inflation

in LeoFinance3 years ago

Now people are worried about inflation...

With reports from the US showing a massive uptick of inflation to 5.4 percent, finally Australians are starting to get a little concerned about how much they have been spending on houses, as the response to inflation is for the central banks to raise interest rates, which obviously affects debt. Because so many in the last year or so have been buying into the bubble on very precarious deals, taking larger loans than they can afford by having the bank of mum and dad top up their personal savings so they can access more debt.

The problem is that once interest rates rise, the people who had to extend themselves to their limits in order to get into the housing market, will no longer be able to service the debt they have accumulated and will be forced to sell or default on their loans, which will see the bubble pop and a drastic collapse in price. And not only is their housing debt to service, the explosion of Buy Now Pay Later services (BNPLs) over the last year for consumer products is indicative of all the other debt that also needs to be serviced.

Inflation will mean that all of the things that people have become accustomed to buy will increase in price, but it won't be a uniform increase. So while on average things will increase 5%, some might see only 1% increases while others might see 10% increases. all that needs to happen to put untenable pressure on many people's ability to service their debt is for the larger increases to be placed on something like utilities, things that every home needs to function. Of course, increase the price of the things that "people just can't do without" entertainment-wise will see more turn to credit options, rather than miss out on the latest gadget too.


Who knew that printing all that money to pay for people to stay home and not work was going to screw the economy even more? Oh, everyone. However, people chose not to care because Greed "Free Money" is Good!" Of course, who is going to turn down government handouts?

Inflation isn't all bad of course, but it is only valuable when the increase is adding value to the economy, which it hasn't been, at least for the majority of citizens. While the 1% have become far richer, the average person is getting decidedly poorer and more debt encumbered. Once the inflation rate increases further based on growth that hasn't added wealth to the majority of people, the majority are going to become less capable of maintaining their lifestyles and have to increasingly cut back. Because the debt level is so high, even while they are cutting back to survive, they will still have to service their debt, effectively increasing the wealth of the 1% even further, making the wealth gap even wider.

While the majority of recently printed money injected into the economy was used to maintain consumer spending and keep the economy afloat, most of it ended up pooling in the same small group of hands. As I have said before and for over a year now, this has been the fastest conduit for wealth transfer from the bottom to top the world has ever seen. However, it is only just ramping up.

Now that the debt level is so high around the world, as the interest rates start to increase, those servicing the debt will have less disposable income, while those who own the debt will have increasing amounts. As people lose the homes they can no longer afford and have their personal finances torn apart, those with the money mounting will be able to ladder in and buy the dip, waiting just long enough to ensure catastrophic economic failure.

We are heading into an unprecedented era of the global economy as never before has it been so interconnected and controlled by so few organizations. We saw how much of a problem this was in 2008 with the banking crisis, but I think that was just a taster of what is to arrive, with the lessons learnt not on the consumer side of the equation, but on the finance side and what they learned, was how to better transfer wealth to themselves.

I don't know what is going to happen in the long-term conditions of the global economy and I am not even sure how insulated or exposed I am in the short-term of it, but disruption is coming at a level that most people cannot fathom, bringing with it hardship most people have no preparation for financially, physically or emotionally.

While people keep hoping that something will save the traditional economy, I think that the only tenable solution is to build and support an adjacent economy alongside that can increasingly attract and grow wealth that operates outside of the traditional. While disruptive, splitting the economy in this way can bring some stability to both by creating inefficiencies and therefore space for more participants in the economy as a whole, increasing the number of hands that have influence, distributing wealth further, bringing opportunity and potential to those who have already been cut out of the legacy economy.

It is not without risk or hardship, but it does come with agency and ownership - which are both increasingly lacking in a world that runs on control through debt and the flow of money.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

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The money pooled where it always does, with the rich. This is why the utra-rich do not mind inflation or the government printing money, because both of those things make them richer.

(1) The price of goods increase, the person selling those goods gets richer.
(2)The government gives money to poor people, they spend it buying goods from the rich.

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(1) The price of goods increase, the person selling those goods gets richer.
(2)The government gives money to poor people, they spend it buying goods from the rich.


(3) The people buy on credit and pay the increasing prices, plus the higher interest rates.

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On the housing front, I have always thought that a fixed rate was the only way to go. You knew what your payments were going to be for the next 30 years. A variable interest rate means the banks get to keep just collecting interest from you and your ability to pay the principle down has some tough rules to follow. (At least in America).

It is time for people to start thinking about what they might have to do, where they might have to cut back, and how they can save some money. Putting you money in a bank at negative interest rates is not going to save a person any money, the bank fees and then the inflation will soon have that money in the bank worth nothing.

Maybe converting some of the money every week to coins, get a big jar, put all loose change in there, if nothing else you will have some metal to melt for bullets in the future. Spending coins is not a very easy thing to do and many place in America are not accepting metal currency, (coins), for payment.

Still I think one of the best hedges against inflation is a fixed rate home loan. I think the first house I was purchasing had a monthly payment of $350.00, It was not a super fancy home or anything, that was 30+ years ago,

It is hard for young people to look down the road, they want to maintain that sense of mobility, that feeling of freedom, but real freedom is knowing you are going to have a warm home to go home to.

if nothing else you will have some metal to melt for bullets in the future.

I think here, they are hardly even metal anymore.

It is difficult for everyone and I think the young are in the worst position, as not only will they live the longest, they have been sold an idea that they can't change anything from the past, and they are following the order.

Not that I want there to be more massive economic collapses but I'm kind of curious as to what the endgame is or whether the "at the top" people are actually stupid enough to think that they can continue as they are indefinitely.

I don't think it is some kind of organized cabal doing this, at least not completely. I think that incentives are aligned to encourage this behavior and each thinks - it is just me or everyone is doing it. It is like pollution in many ways, someone throws a cigarette butt out the window - but when a billion pack a day smokers do the same for years.

Doesn't need to be an organised cabal (though they seem to make the best stories). Just everyone thinking they are justified and entitled to take endlessly and feel deeply, mortally offended if anyone suggests they should give too.

Oh wait XD

They are not stupid. They are arrogant enough to think they can defeat the laws of math and science through the power of their "superior" intelligence. OK, I guess that is stupid, because truly smart people (and I have known many) are humbled by an awareness that all their intelligence is just a tiny fraction of everything there is to know in the universe. Perhaps we could describe them as smart people who have been made stupid by their arrogance? !BEER

Seems like an adequate description XD It was a very loose "stupid" as they (theoretically x_x) can't be that stupid if they're in the position they're in right.

Hey @ryivhnn, here is a little bit of BEER from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

As terrible as inflation is, part of me sees it as a blessing that will make people realize the importance of Bitcoin and the broader cryptocurrency space.

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I agree with this. Generally in order to make a significant change in their lives - people have to suffer enough.

I chose the collapse in 2008 to be a lesson learned on what could/did happen. I paid off any debt and built this house in the fallen market (for half the cost so they could close out their build in this area) and paid it off. I have no debt.

I bought some prime stocks last year on March 20th when the Market crashed. It scares me to think of the position the government has put people in by allowing them to collect more money by not working than by working. All that free money. Did they really think there would be no payback?

There is no such thing as a free ride. Eventually, you will run out of gas.

It's not too late yet for people to try to get rid of some of that debt. Even if only to not accumulate anymore.

I have no debt.

One day....

I bought some prime stocks last year on March 20th when the Market crashed

If I remember correctly - some cruise ship stocks? I bought a little BTC on my birthday a few days earlier.

All that free money. Did they really think there would be no payback?

It seems that no one thinks that far ahead. A year ago, professional economists were saying "inflation doesn't matter" ... and the media supported it, people believed it.

I actually bought about 5 different ones, but, here we are again today as I watch the market going into the toilet. I think this will be an ugly ride down.

Yes, the bitcoin was a great deal~!!

Some of us are old enough to remember the Carter years in the USA. Our Democrats (communists) love inflation because it is a hidden tax on everybody--and they love taxes, too. Strange-- in a country that was birthed because of taxes (relatively low by today's standards) and a British attempt to take some of our guns, there are now people who want to do the same things to their own country. In the end, though, the communists will strive to conquer the whole world and find, too late, they have lost their eternal souls. !BBH

I found something interesting the other day after talking with @azircon. The personal tax rate in the US is higher than in Finland and Scandinavia - places that many in the US call socialist because of free schooling and healthcare. Weird, isn't it? Where is all that tax money in the US going?

Where does the money go? Into the pockets of career politicians who distribute it to their patrons in return for re-election. It's just a money-laundering scheme by those who hold the power to prosecute normal people for doing the same. The money is in DC and in the pockets of the donor class who keep the arrogant "progressive" monsters of both major parties in power. There is no refuge for we libertarians who just want to be left alone to raise our families and practice our faith and enjoy the fruits of OUR labor. !BEER

PArtly this is true, but it is also true that the largest economic force on earth or in any country is the consumer. Consume differently, change the economy. This would also affect the tax system and where it is applied. The thing is, the majority of people want security and convenience and are willing to give up their control to have it. We see this evidenced by the struggle crypto has getting traction daily.

Government meddling has created perverse incentives so that consumers now behave against their own long-term interests. Every time there was a "covid stimulus" payment, for example, there was a sale on big screen TVs at Wal-Mart. Also the "War on Poverty" destroyed normal urban family structure and created a world in which unmarried women have multiple babies with a succession of jobless men and get government checks in return. The rich do insane things for "tax credits." None of this crazy behavior would happen in a free market with a constitutionally-restrained government.

Where is all that tax money going?

Don't get me started :)

I actually don't mind paying taxes. I think I should pay more taxes, perhaps about 2X more. But laws are stacked against that.

Financially affluence should be taxed more, drastically more, than it is currently being taxed in the United States. This is my personal opinion. However, there isn't too many people who will share the same view.

I think part of the problem in America is a lack of trust and mismanagement. There seems to be his idea believed there that it is the greatest nation on earth, yet simultaneously, people are often deeply dissatisfied with their experience there, especially in regards to economic disparity and opportunity.

Our constitution was written by men with a realistic view of human nature, thus it was written to decentralize power and restrain ambitious people who sought to consolidate power. Unfortunately, evil men succeed anyway and have consolidated big tech, the largest corporations, higher education, and some arrogant politicians who believe themselves so smart they should wield unrestrained power over all other Americans. God will judge them in the long term and I pray He will take them out in the short term, in His mercy.

Unfortunately, evil men succeed anyway and have consolidated big tech, the largest corporations, higher education, and some arrogant politicians who believe themselves so smart they should wield unrestrained power over all other Americans.

Do you think it is evil, or incentive? I see it as a disorganized alignment driven by the system set up and it isn't new, it has been pulling more tightly together for hundreds of years. I don't think a written constitution is going to affect behavior more than process incentive.

I don't rely on a god. I think if there was a god that wanted to do something, ew have been around for a few hundred thousand years as humans already.

God is patiently giving evil men opportunities to repent. The oldest man who ever lived, Methuselah, lived to be almost a thousand. Why? Because his name means "after he dies, it comes." "It" being The Flood. God is a balance of mercy and holiness. For a sensible explanation of America today, just read the first chapter of Romans in the New Testament. It is an exact description of America today.

Not just that. People don't understand the word 'socialism', 'communism' and relates universal healthcare to either or both. I am unsure why either words are 'bad'. But there you go, I am unable to educate people :)

Currently, income inequality all over the world is very high. In the United States, it is extreme! This level of income ineuality if not sustainable in the long term. This is and will lead to social unrest at a variety of levels and scales. The trouble is, when it is too late, guns won't be able to stop it. That's the sad part.

Hey @tarazkp, here is a little bit of BEER from @fiberfrau for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.

I guess it's a good job Splinterlands cards don't count as essential items!

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Perhaps they should! :D

I have played a few games now and still have no idea what I am doing.

You'll pick it up!

It's scary how much of my brain just has all the strategies on auto.

And i'm nowhere near being a Face on Splinterlands.

@bubke who you would have met is a great player. Takes it very seriously, maxed deck.

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Inflation isn't all bad of course, but it is only valuable when the increase is adding value to the economy, which it hasn't been, at least for the majority of citizens.

This is the case that has been affecting Nigeria. The level of inflation is skyrocketing without increase in value to the economy theirby affect all commodities in the country

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it seems that in many places it is going to be an issue and as it increases in one, it will affect others too.

I am so sccared for the fate of Nigeria because if it is going to be this way for developed countries with systems way better than Nigeria then there is going to be a host of problems as regards inflation in Nigeria.

My fear is that people are not doing anything to understand the concept of inflation. A lot of people also do not want to educate themselves financially.

At the end the safest bet might be stable decentralized cryptocurrencies.

Lets see how the future plays.

How have you been?

A lot of people also do not want to educate themselves financially.

One of the biggest issues in the economy is ignorant consumers.

At the end the safest bet might be stable decentralized cryptocurrencies.

Stable to what though? Attached to the USD is useless. What a lot of people don't get yet is that crypto can be stables too. Stable BC at a million? :D

States are constantly operating their monetary policies against the citizens. I just suffered a lot. I will definitely stay away from loans from now on.

Debt is a trap with a very attractive door.

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Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work

I think this is a planned implosion, personally. They are making strides towards the WEF "agenda 2030" with each passing month. They've been doing that for a while but it's just now becoming more publicized since there's a lot of attention on those groups. The best way to push in central bank digital currencies, which are not any different than online baking we have now, is to create a problem-reaction-solution scenario the way they always do.

I'm glad that we aren't in a bad financial situation since my wife and I don't piss money like a drunken sailor. We just had to buy new counters and that few thousand dollars hit us more mentally than it did physically. Spending thousands isn't something we do more than once every few years! Some do it every month it seems, absolutely insane. I don't get how people don't see the bigger picture with that cycle, it's vicious and it won't end until you just simply stop spending on stupid shit!

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

What are you going to do about it tarazkp?

Well, I take part in building it now.

Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you. . Keep up the fantastic work