The Elevator Race to the Bottom

in LeoFinance3 years ago

While nothing serious, we made a trip to the doctor for Smallsteps this morning, to have some tests taken. We were going to do it tomorrow, but with my wife and I being so busy at work and us having private health insurance for Smallsteps, it was far easier to do it on a Sunday.

Thankfully everything was okay, but we wanted to make sure as due to her having hypoglycemia for the first couple weeks of her life, she is at a higher risk for diabetes. She was being monitored through a special study that was designed to follow a group of at risk children from birth through to adulthood, but we got a letter that it won't continue because they couldn't secure government funding. We checked and the funding they needed was a pittance, but I suspect that it is going to be more common, as they will look to cut costs in other areas, as so much has been diverted to Covid-related expenditure.

They are going to have to cut costs for the next few decades.

IMG_20220109_111622 (1).jpg

You can print all the money through taking on debt all you want, but eventually that has to be repaid one way or another. The amounts that have been borrowed against the future are extreme in pretty much every country on earth and the "claw back" has already started, but the cuts are being made in less obvious areas, like diabetes research.

As you can probably imagine, prevention of health issues is far more valuable for wellbeing, but far less valuable for generating profits on illness - or the threat of illness. Healthy people don't make money for pharmaceutical companies, the massive amount of various insurance revenues, or the transfer of wealth from tax payer, through the healthcare system and into the pockets of these companies channeled through government subsidy and rebate.

So, while my taxes haven't decreased, where they are being spent has changed from a service that helped my daughter and others, possibly improving their health outcomes, quality of life and leading to findings and breakthroughs that could potentially affect millions of people globally - to reacting to Covid. But, this is happening in multiple areas simultaneously, with all kinds of services being pared back in order to divert the funds elsewhere.

Obviously, this is a complex issue, but due to the complexity and the sheer amount of money that is being handled (poorly), it means that there are going to be gaping black holes that will be taken advantage of by those who can, which isn't the average taxpayer, it is the corporations. The amount of wealth that is being extracted is immense, but what is the most incredible, is due to the way it is being managed, the wealth is going to be extracted for years to come.

For example, I have written a few articles about the largest shareholders of most of the major tech conglomerates, singling out the two largest managed funds in the world, Blackrock and Vanguard. They are the major investors in Facebook, Twitter, Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon...

But did you know:




And you thought Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines were in competition??

What about three of the largest Insurance companies in the world?




But they are US companies...

This is Allianz, a German company


I can't be bothered posting any more of these, but I think you get the idea. Well, a couple more, because for example, Blackrock and Vanguard don't appear in all of them, there are also major investors like Goldman Sachs and Fidelity getting in on the game:




Fierce competition??

Buying a car?



Vanguard owns 2.28% and Blackrock 1% of the Volkwagon Auto Group also.

You see how this game works?

While not a monopoly, the investment pool is far, far narrower than most people suspect and most of the diversity is actually not diverse, since they too are partially owned by the same small groups of investors. It is a massive circlejerk that provides all kinds of goods and services under the guise of alternatives and competition, whilst not actually competing at all, as no matter what consumer decisions you make, it all flows back into the same set of pockets.

A Finnish example?


Oh, you might say - "but Nokia is dead" - until you realize that their largest division is network infrastructure.

But you get the truth from the news you trust:




These very deep and wide pockets have stake in pretty much every company that we use globally and cover necessary services like insurance, nearly all consumer goods and services, telecommunications - as well as all major social platforms. But of course, there can't possibly be any conflicts of interest or collusion going on that could affect the decisions of governments and consumers in order to increase profits and control.

The future looks bleak

Until this kind of centralization is torn away, the incentives are going to continue to monopolize under the directive for profit and what is going to suffer is human wellbeing. You see, while humans do invest into these companies, the companies themselves are entities that are soulless and algorithm-based processes that are only concerned with increasing profits, regardless of the impacts it has on society. And because of the sheer pervasiveness and investment mass already with a stranglehold on every industry on earth, the only way to soften the grip is to create new value in products and services that have ownership that cannot be centralized, without it also being able to be abandoned.

That is where crypto and blockchain steps in, but don't expect that mass adoption is going to automatically lead to better outcomes, because it is going to depend on what we as consumers support and use - if we keep doing what we are doing, we will end up exactly where we already are.

You can take the elevator to different floors, but you are still in the same building.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Fiat waste is bothering me less and less. Now we have an alternative, sitting in their cesspit is optional. The worse it stinks, the more people will climb out.

You can print all the money through taking on debt all you want, but eventually that has to be repaid one way or another

Unless you default on it of course! Then you don't have to pay it :) It is incredibly common in modern times, for individuals, for companies, and for countries!

singling out the two largest managed funds in the world, Blackrock and Vanguard. They are the major investors in Facebook, Twitter, Alphabet, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon...

Those 2 are largest investors in everything :) S&P 500 and all the major global indices. But is that a surprise? :) Who owns Vanguard? I am going to argue that YOU do.

The Vanguard Group, Inc. is an American registered investment advisor based in Malvern, Pennsylvania with about $7 trillion in global assets under management, as of January 13, 2021.

Vanguard is owned by the funds managed by the company and is therefore owned by its customers

Blackrock is a different deal.

If you have 7 trillion dollars to invest, but have very little choice. If have to invest in everything. Vanguard is basically index funds. They MUST invest in indices, meaning, they have to invest in all components of those indicies. It is a chicken-and-egg problem :)

Taraz, as you pointed out that this is a complex subject. This I agree. But I do not agree that the future is bleak. Now of any times, you as an individual can break away from conventional investments that is offered my mutual funds as a part of your retirement plan. You CAN choose not to invest with Vanguard. Look at yourself, you are already doing it. I trust your judgement. And if I do, I can't say that the future is bleak, can I?

Unless you default on it of course! Then you don't have to pay it :) It is incredibly common in modern times, for individuals, for companies, and for countries!

Yes - it is going to happen more and more too... sounds like a working economy!

Who owns Vanguard? I am going to argue that YOU do.

Very likely somewhere. This is something that a lot of people don't get about the investment funds - we do this to ourselves :) Police, teachers, nurses - complain about the investors, but it is their retirement money that is investing.

And if I do, I can't say that the future is bleak, can I?

The future of the traditional economy is definitely bleak! That is why I am opting out of it where I can :D

The solution as I see it, are new assets and mechanisms that are decentralized and able to be walked away from and unsupported if they become too controlling. One thing Hive has proven is the power of being able to walk away.

Yes, more and more we are developing parallel economies. I know the case of the United States. On one side, the United States (at least certain population) never got out of the recession of 2007-08! While the 'other' population is thriving driving their Teslas! It's bizzare!

The Finnish government for the first time in history, never got back into the black either. It is a bizarre world we have encouraged.

Jesus.. what a bleak perspective when you can see that in all of these different spheres, the same players appear over and over again.

And, due to the way the world of "tax" works, they are able to shuffle funds around in order to lower their burden and increase their profits, while affecting legislation to do it even better.

Largest professional services companies are also owned by them.


PwC is owned by veritas, which is owned by the Carlyle Group, which is owned by Morgan Stanley


Everywhere - the same circles appear to some degree.

that is some depressing read right there.. sheesh.

I have heard that Vanguard and Blackrock are big players. I have seriously been seriously thinking about pulling my retirement out and diving into hard assets. Thanks my friend. but I am a mere minnow in the big pool of investors.

They are giants and have already started taking positions in crypto :)

Their greed continues. New currency yet same powerholders. It is possible nothing will happen as the game continue.

The difference with this new currency (and the rest of crypto) is no one is forced into it and the value is driven by demand. It can also be forked, crediting all holders with an equivalent amount of something else, abandoning the original. Being able to "walk away" from a government, currency and an economy is important.

As you rightly said: it is a very complex issue. There are many companies here that have declared bankruptcy and their owners have made new companies that "launder money" for the Venezuelan government. It is unfortunate that much of the money that should be used in better causes is being "hoarded" by a few. I remember, with reading, that before, the employees of the country had very good insurances, which covered almost 100% of all operations and treatments. At this moment we do not. If you want to be treated by good specialists, you have to pay in $. Getting sick in Venezuela is a luxury and in Covid's time it is a death sentence. For some governments education and health are not priorities. Anyway, good thing Smallsteps is well. Hugs and greetings, @tarazkp

It is difficult and I suspect that in most countries and at all levels, there is a fair bit of "circle" going on, where there are various incentives to keep the game going. Unfortunately, the majority are the ones who will always ultimately suffer, because we are human.

I am glad that smallsteps is fine.

Indeed being healthy isn't as profitable as sickness to these corporations and that is something I am mindful of in my daily living.

It is also crazy looking at these reoccurring names in most sectors, never really went deep enough to research.

never really went deep enough to research.

Most don't or never will read those that do, because they are not interested enough to find out what causes their issues, they just want a vaccine to feel protected :)

I haven't been vaccinated yet maybe that is why, I'll make more research now that I know.

Me either.

Do you ever plan to?

Not if I can help it.

I don't plan on either but then again if I want to travel it is pretty much compulsory, also working in the public sector.

Competition for cost reduction seems a myth as the same holders are behind companies in the same domains. We might see human nature follow the same path even in a decentralized world, but at least we need to try that out and hope it will change things for the better.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

We might see human nature follow the same path even in a decentralized world, but at least we need to try that out and hope it will change things for the better.

We likely will - the difference is though, we are the owners (potentially) as well and, there is always an "opt out" option, as well as the ability to fork. :

Hi, @taraz

I had a long time without commenting on any of your posts. Well, I was very busy with my own affairs, but I'm back.

Yes, the world is monopolized by two gigantic consortiums of administration of funds to the detriment of the common people. A curious matter, both are the majority shareholders between themselves. Cause, I don't think so.

You are right in the final quote. It is not enough to change the elevator or go down the stairs. Maybe we should change the building, but it seems that it is not so easy.

In the meantime, I hope that with a balanced diet and a proper routine, your daughter will grow up happy and healthy. In this, you and your wife have a monopoly for now.


Welcome back to the conversation :)

It is not enough to change the elevator or go down the stairs. Maybe we should change the building, but it seems that it is not so easy.

It definitely isn't easy, but it is possible to build a new building or, many new buildings that allow for real variety and diversity of ownership, rather than just on the surface layer.

WE definitely have a monopoly on our daughter, though she is pretty stubborn (don't know where she gets that from). Diet and activity isn't her issue in this case at all, but there are other factors we can't control directly and just have to hope a little that all the other things we do work for the best result.

Have a great week ahead!

The same for you, my friend!

Hmmm.. useful piece of information I honestly had no idea about.

But TBVH I don't see how the blockchain can escape their monopolistic powers if these groups do decide to enter the space (or maybe they already are). They may have less influence on the space, but I think they'll have just as large a stake if they please

They may have less influence on the space, but I think they'll have just as large a stake if they please

The stake isn't supported by legislation, meaning you can walk away. Look at the move from Steem to Hive as a micro example of what could happen at scale.

I didn't know that diabetes could start at this early age. Get smallsteps well soon.

If they cared our healths, they would release the cure of cancer. On the other hand, strangely, they found the so-called cure for the coronavirus in less than one year. Vaccines look an emerging industry, so we will see new variants.

There are various factors and the study was to try and identify it as early as possible and watch for markers I guess.

If they cared our healths, they would release the cure of cancer.

Cancer research needs "pink ribbons" to raise money to support it - corona virus has had tens of trillions poured into it in the space of 2 years. Dodgy AF.

There definitely needs to be a break in the monopolies. We need others to be able to rise up and compete against these people. The people with the power also have the same political leanings that they force on others and work to corrupt the entire system.

The incentives are misaligned for our own wellbeing - they are aligned for an increasing degree of wealth and opportunity inequality and a poisoned earth to the point it is unlivable for humans.

Wow.. I didn't know Vanguard and BlackRock had this much stake in practically every affair where the funds are.
The monopolization is real.

I hope the world can return to normalcy, where every part of health is prioritized. This Covid seem not to end and we can't keep on living in fear and having funds diverted for just it's prevention/cure.

That is where crypto and blockchain steps in, but don't expect that mass adoption is going to automatically lead to better outcomes, because it is going to depend on what we as consumers support and use - if we keep doing what we are doing, we will end up exactly where we already are.

Everyone wants something better until it's in their power to effect it and greed steps in.
A principle, set of rules sort of, which will not be compromised needs to be in place if such is going to happen because abuse is inevitable.

They are everywhere and in everything - they are good at what they do. It doesn't make what they do, good.

My brother worked for Blackrock and left them recently. Their work from home had a timer on the keyboard so if you didn't move your mouse or click the keys you were timed out after a 5 minute interval going into warning level after 3. So many log ins per month meant you would receive warnings for time outs. He is a lawyer and doing legal documents means you need to think and be on your game not worrying about being timed out. He told them to shove it as it was not worth the paycheck even though it probably was for most of us. He started work again today without timers for an Irish company.
Find it strange that something that wouldn't take much funding gets scrapped over something like Covid which has been a total balls up from day one.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

if you didn't move your mouse or click the keys you were timed out after a 5 minute interval going into warning level after 3.

Lol - I saw a very clever @meesterboom trick for this. Put the mouse over an analogue watch with a second hand :D

It is a pity about the funding, as they seemed to be doing a decent job and I think the work was important.

While this is primarily a blog about the centralisation of everything, it also shows that all that matters in the end is our family's health.

All the best with everything mate.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Life is pretty simple, we just overcomplicate it.

It is very difficult, or seems to be very difficult to change consumer habits. I will see how well I am doing at changing my windows habit it 6 months or so. Will I still be using Linux on my Laptop, or my Raspberry Pi to play with? or will I revert back to my previous ways and break down and buy a new windows desktop? hard to say right now, so far so good with Linux on the laptop.

I am not even a pebble or a piece of beach sand in the waters Microsoft calls home, more of a dissipating piece of salt with zero effect on the world of Windows, but enough of us little bits of salt will cause pain to the Windows environment eventually.

I can't imagine the complications and the pain it would be to have diabetes as a child. It is hard enough managing it as an adult, (which I do not do a good job of). It is a shame they are having to kill a program that has the potential to provide so much in the future. Like you said healthy people don't make money for the supporters of an unhealthy population.

if we keep doing what we are doing, we will end up exactly where we already are.

This is a genuine fact that needs a total change in whatever we are doing that needs a positive results

Are you changing your own behaviors?

Yes different from my past

Very interesting post. I did not know about this game before, before your post. The future really looks grim.

Pretty grim, but if people wake up, maybe there is hope.

I'm glad you know enough about psychology to start off with it's nothing serious XD

The other stuff is crap, the way everything is handled is crap, and all those people are crap and if anything terrible happens to them they probably deserve it.

Wow, insightful.

Sometimes I set a good time - often not :)