Swimming in it

in LeoFinance2 years ago

It was an active day all up, with a couple hours chasing Smallsteps around on her bike and then a couple hours swimming at a spa center close by, as an Easter treat. In the evening though, my wife was feeling a bit ill, so we just sat around watching something on stream to pass the time before she headed off to bed. But before she headed off to bed, I mentioned that perhaps one day, this crypto stuff will allow for us to live debt free and perhaps even, not have to worry about work that much, which makes any work better.


It came to mind as I was thinking about the price of the spa trip, which was almost 90€ (about $98 USD) for a couple of hours of swimming, and we didn't even eat anything there. This is why we don't go often - however at least this time, both my wife and I have exercise and culture credits from our our respective workplaces, so this qualified. I get about 400€ a year for mine, which is decent, so we should use it more often to do some fun stuff.

But, nothing is getting cheaper.

And most people feel it, but don't necessarily do much to change their situation, other than talk about saving more, by skimping here and there. Which is great, but it is never going to be enough, unless the income is increasing beyond the inflation rate, which for most people I know, isn't happening. But yeah, people should also save more.

And this is what my wife and I discussed a bit more, because while we don't go out much really, we do spend more than we should on things like takeaway from time to time, without it really adding anything to our lives. For example, my wife like hot wings (so do I), and will want to get them once a week. However, we end up just sitting there the two of us (Smallsteps in bed) eating and watching something on TV.

Last night for example though, a friend came around and we ordered some pizzas and sat around chatting about life. It was a really nice evening and we should do it more. Rather than getting takeout and eating it ourselves, we should only do it when we organize an occasion with it, even if it is just to have the neighbors over for a bite to eat and a coffee.

This doesn't save money.

But it does add value to the meal.

And that is something I need to do more of in my private life, as I do in my professional. I put a lot of effort into value-adding in the workplace, yet I don't do nearly enough in the home and I suspect that if I put in an equal amount of effort, things would be quite a bit different. It is a strange thing really, as doing it for money seems to make it more worth it, but essentially, doing it for my family at home is for money too, it is just that I am not getting paid a salary for it, but empowering the money I have earned at work.

And that is what I have to do a lot more of, where I am value-adding to the value I have, supercharging my earnings through investments so that the future value is worth significantly more than the present value - in the same way I see HIVE in the future. Earning here on Hive today, isn't worth what the amount says on the post, it is worth what it will be in the future and my gamble is, it is going to be significantly more than today - so I hold.

I also hold for other reasons too - like owning part of the network.

My wife is someone who thinks about saving money. But she isn't someone who thinks about making more money. Ultimately, the making more crowd is going to do better on average, because you can only ever save so much, but there is no technical roof on earnings. Getting an odd job for example that pays 100€ a week, would be equivalent to a 15% pay rise on an average job. But, no one wants to work more.

But, if working more for a period of time and using those additional income streams to invest into something that will offer a higher return in the future, will mean that eventually, the extra job isn't required, and potentially, even the main job could be reduced if desired. Or for us with a collar on our mortgage, we could use it to pay off our house in less than half the time we would.

If there were some larger lump sums though, rather than paying off the house, we might instead buy a rental apartment as an investment and something that will always keep having a little roll in each month. Even though it would have a larger initial outlay, it would essentially be like having that odd job earning the 100 a week, after paying off the incidentals associated with it. That would be a bonus, especially if still having the other trickle from the job coming in to keep adding into investment portfolios.

Essentially, I have to start getting more serious in the home about my financial health, as there are a lot of opportunities that we aren't currently taking advantage off. And, while we could go more extreme and cut back, instead of doing that, we should use our spending to improve our social life also - something that I want to do more of anyway. I have the feeling we need some disruption of our processes and as uncomfortable as it might be in the beginning, it will likely lead to better things for us in the future and we will be glad we did.

I know a lot of people say things like, "no one on their death bed is glad they spent more time working", but at the same time, I have known a lot of people struggling financially and perhaps, they might regret not spending enough time working in the moment. But ultimately, I don't want to have to work more forever, which means that I have to secure financial stability so I can work at more of what I want, than what I must.

I don't want to be 65 years old, still having to worry about the price of this and that, and discuss paying the mortgage and the bills. And, while I like going swimming, I don't want to be swimming in debt - not even wading. The goal from now on, is to save for the future, by spending with intention.

New lives, lay ahead.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Note: The picture is from baby swimming six years ago!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Survivor bias. I remember once reading about a study, where the researchers asked elderly people in a nursing home their biggest regrets. The top two were that they wish they'd taken more risks, and that they wish they'd spent less time focused on work.
So the few cautious people who survived into their dotage, the ones who worked hard enough to afford a nursing home; were the only ones surveyed.
Can't ask the people who died skydiving at 30 about their relationship with risk; or the ones destitute and homeless in their 80's, about their devotion to work.
"Who wasn't around to be surveyed"? should be the first question you ask.

Yes - I have read about the same study. People quote it as if it is an example of how to live a life, but walk away with the wrong lesson!

My wife and I had some similar conversations this past week while we were on vacation. We decided to change our plans up last minute and while it ended up costing us more, we probably had a better time because of it. There was a point where I just needed to stop worrying about the money.

Yep. I need to get us into a position where we can worry much less and make more lifestyle decisions. However, even going on what we do now, we can make the occasions more valuable, just by inviting some friends to share :)

Yeah, that is a good point. My wife and I took this last trip alone. It was necessary, but not as fun as with a group.

I find that a lot of families are doing things alone too, which is obviously good in some respects, but they are breaking friendship ties too. This means that that aren't necessarily demonstrating social interaction to their kids.

No kids for me, so that is not a problem 😃. We have a couple of friends we camp with most of the summer. As their kids are getting older and more involved in things they have to pull back a little, but I know that will change eventually.

I find myself struggling with my own thirftiness all the time. Being price conscious and appraising the value of an item is something my mother trained me to do early on, and now it consumes me almost to a fault. On some things, I find I have very little self control (like my growing Splinterlands collection for example), but for the majority of things I analyze every last cent.

I do all the food shopping for me and my partner, I know most of the prices for the produce and grocery goods. But when we go out shopping together, there is always drama because I feel like the items she picks out aren't good value. There's a cheaper product, there's a healthier product, it is always something. In a way, I wish I was able to be more frivolous with general spending since these small unpleasantries grow to be more over time. At thr end of the day I am trying to help, but in practice it just feels controlling. I need to find better balance to providing opinions versus overruling purchases in the name of cost cutting.

In a way, I wish I was able to be more frivolous with general spending since these small unpleasantries grow to be more over time.

I am trying to be less hard on some things - but I am very opinionated!!
My wife has the same feeling of control, even though she is free to do as she pleases - but is better off when she listens to me ;D

There is a balance somewhere of course - good luck finding it though.

True, everything is getting more expensive and our savings have been losing value since 2021. Considering people including me who are not paid in USD or EURO or any foreign currencies, it is worse. Therefore, if goes like this, I need somewhat income at foreign currencies. HIVE could be a solution for me.

It is insane in some currencies. Poor, poor, poor financial management by governments.

i like the way you write, diving into stuff that matters with some deep thinking and quite clear expression. i'm reading more of your posts nowadays albeit rarely commenting as i often have lots of replies come to mind to mind, yet the time required for me to clearly express my thoughts puts me off replying. However, i've at least partly broken that pattern now :-)

Great pic of smallsteps!

Sat Nam

Thank you, it is appreciated!

You are always welcome to comment short or longer, as it can all add value to the conversation :)

This sounds much like what the wife and I did a little while back when we decided to pull some money out of investments (that was earning shit for nothing) and pay of most of our debt. Now it is a matter of living more deliberately, while still be able to enjoy living.

"living deliberately" is something that everyone should practice. So many live by default instead.

So be it: decreed! Much abundance to you. There was a time in the history of Venezuela that some of us professionals had to replan our day to day life, in order to save every extra coin. At first it was difficult, but then we realized that it was the best option we had. I have heard many people say that you can't save and that it makes no sense to do so, especially because soon the world is going to end and you have to enjoy life. It is a suicidal attitude, especially if there are children and family. I fervently believe that we can look for the best ways and offers, without going against our welfare and our desires. Greetings, @tarazkp

It is a suicidal attitude, especially if there are children and family.

Exactly, yet so many are making it, without thinking about the future impact it has on their children. It is a crazy world when the best parents can do, is really not very good at all.

You tell me you do not want to get 65 years AND do not hace the preocupación for money, well this Is the dream of all of Us, i am un this moments of i harvest corn or not thinking un as am investment Is a bad, because for each $1.00 invested you recoger $0.45 imaginé that but if this Is the numbers, AND people here do it because have the land AND the Energy to work hard AND this part Is not consider as a part of cost, but well here i am do or not to do the harvest of corn the prices are Little hight could do a good option specially that tout health could be better, well
I think you do not hace enought Time to help in house the problema maybe your wife, they think you do More in home but the Time Is Little AND i think Is better spend the Time in hive thank un home AND paid a Little for this,
Spend money outside o have a problem for write a post some times i need to get my breakfast outside AND i think the cost today un the future Will better in forma of hive hight value i hope.
Best regard.

There are a lot of people who won't harvest anything, because they are unwilling to plant anything in their life. They can't invest and commit to it.

I help around the house! I have to - as a lot of what needs to be done, my wife can't do :D

Ok this Is great home need a Man who work hard.

Definitely new lives lay ahead as this is going to have significant value. I have got to the point I don't bother much with saving as I am doing it here each week. I am lucky as I have funds building in the UK and not restricted to just here in SA as otherwise I would be seriously screwed as the money that comes in covers just enough.

The more streams the better!

Just like you, Sir, I also have goals for financial freedom. Indeed it feels so good to be free from debts in the future without worrying about this and that. I see that your wife is a saver, and you are both a saver and investor for making more money from many sources of income. Indeed, you will achieve all your goals, for I see you spending only what is necessary than wants, although we cannot deny that inflation is all affecting us.

And regarding Hive, when I started blogging in 2022, I was not withdrawing my rewards because I saw a bright future with it, so I am also holding my earnings. So every day, I am staking Hive, and I am both saving and staking the rewards in HBD and Hive that I got from my tips. Perhaps my goal is indeed long term too.

How I love to read your reflection always, Sir, for at the same time, I am also learning from your bright insights, and as I always say, I commend you for that. For being so incredible and you are really an inspiration to a newbie like me. Blessings to you and your beautiful family, Sir. Happy swimming, literally and figuratively.

Saving is a good idea - but saving cash really isn't. The inflation eats it up, so it has to be put to work.

Hopefully Hive gets some decent support in the future and starts to realize some of its true potential, which I think is much larger than many seem to think at the moment.

I enjoyed reading about your spending experiences and considering how you can improve the value you get from your expenses. I believe it is critical that we consider how we can maximize the return on our investments rather than simply saving money.

Saving will lose about 10% a year at the moment. Has to earn at least 11%.

The global situation is complex, overpopulation is the problem. Thinking about the economy when you are already old is a mistake, our parents should teach us how to do things, they should prepare us for the immediate future. It is when we are young that we must look for ways to produce more with less effort, and quality education is the key. If you learn and train as a competent professional, the future is a peaceful prospect.

In my particular case, no one would give me a job because of my blindness, so I decided to learn from various scientific currents and to train professionally. It was my professional training that opened the doors for me to enter Canada and to become a citizen today.

With regard to saving and spending, you always have to find a balance. It's true that we have to save, but it's also true that we have to indulge ourselves as much as we can. When the time comes to leave the ship, if we have clothes on, it will be the material that goes with our body.

Live as a friend, enjoy ourselves, prepare our children for that concrete jungle…

I am not sure if overpopulation is the main issue, rather it is resource distribution. The system is designed to put the resources in the hands of the few and keep it building there. It breaks eventually.

If you learn and train as a competent professional, the future is a peaceful prospect.

This is struggling now, since a lot of the trained professionals, are finding themselves replaced. This happens naturally, but the cycle is speeding up, so training isn't enough to earn for the 45 years it needs to earn before retirement.

image.pngThe Picture in this Post Reminded me of this Picture from over 30 Years Ago........ @tarazkp

I have always wondered if Kurt Cobain is still Alive ??
The World is Crazy right Now but TRUTH will rise to the top Soon...........

I suspect, he isn't alive :D

Sometimes you just need to Laugh to get through the day

Why did the visually impaired man fall into a well?
He couldn't see that well!

Credit: reddit



@tarazkp, I sent you an on behalf of @stokjockey

It’s hard to not have the tangible thing like a paycheck when you are doing extra things. It’s something we know we need to do but I guess we are so conditioned to see extra work as extra money being paid to us, but not money saves from spending. It’s strange for sure.

I think it’s important to be able to figure out how to do these things now that we are in the prime of our lives as far as working goes, so that we can try to work less later in life. I’ve certainly been enjoying going out more with my son but that is a double edge sword because I’m tired in the evenings so I don’t get to write posts on the weekends and keep my streak going guaranteed for a week of cushion in case I get sick. It’s the opportunity cost I suppose and I would much rather enjoy the quality time!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There is an opportunity cost to all things unfortunately. However, quality time with kids is important, but so is the understanding of what that quality is. I know a few parents who spend a lot on having quality time with their kids, yet all their kids really need is for them to sit on the floor and play Lego with them. My daughter loves playing with her random toys and making up stories - and all we need to do, is join in.

Yeah for sure! My son loves when I just sit there and play Lego with him. He sat on the floor last night and helped me fold laundry for a while. It’s the small things that don’t need a lot except time together. It’s not the expensive trips to Disney that one of our friends takes with their daughter but yet tell her to go in her room and play on her iPad alone for a few hours. It’s crazy to not get down there and be active with them!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Not only does it add value to the meal.. It adds value to life.. I am all for saving but every now and then throwing a buck orr two in the pond won't hurt... Not that much atleast.

Sidetracked: its amazing how a person as small as that has the survival instinct to close their mouth and keep their breath being dumped underwater ey!

Also... Laughs I haven't even responded on the previous answer and you've already made another post! Nicely done 😂😎😎

Sidetracked: its amazing how a person as small as that has the survival instinct to close their mouth and keep their breath being dumped underwater ey!

Yes it is! And now, six years later, she is scared of putting her head under water.

I think with age we have to also look at the automation. I have learned to automate my mails. I also make use of zapeir and don't spend time doing a lot of things.In near future AI would be doing those things. And we would get some time. A lot of us have to work till that point.

The problem with the AI approach is, it ends up being automated to the point we lose control and, if it is something where we are looking to get a response, we are going to either get AI responses or, get our main blocked on the receiver end.

I've never been good at saving. Only earn. It is psychologically difficult for me to deprive myself and my family of pleasant trifles.

Do you ever wonder what happens if earnings stop? I know one person who is close and had this happen - it didn't go well for them.

There is always something to trade. I remember in 2013 I was selling books and various rare things on ebay. You can always explore a new topic if there is interest in it.

My goal is also financial freedom and I don't want to worry about prices or that in the future. For me, saving now and not having to worry about it in the future is the easiest solution. It might be harder but I still think it's the smartest choice.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Saving and making those savings work is the key. Some do the first bit, but are scared to do the second.

Firstly, I must commend your baby for swimming. How was she able to hold her breath? That's powerful
I cannot even swim. Hahaha
Also, it is true that no one wants to be sixty five and start worrying about the lroce of something. I don't want that lifestyle too.

Babies have a natural response. They spent nine months in water before they were born.

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cryptohaytham tipped tarazkp @pinkchic tipped @tarazkp

lovely cute baby swimming .god bless you .i love this blog .
thanks for sharing this