Someone Else's Money

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I had an interesting conversation with a colleague this morning, where they were talking about the difficulty of selling to family owned companies, because they are tighter with the purse strings. And, in order to sell to them, a personal relationship is generally required - is this cronyism?


It is good business sense.


When you are having to spend your own money, you want to make sure you can trust the people you are handing it over to and there is some level of responsibility on their part, not just on you as the buyer. Building a relationship does this. Also, once that relationship is built, it is possible to make faster decisions on track record of past performance of delivery and impact.

However, when spending someone else's money, it can be easier to make the decisions to spend, as there is far less skin in the game in terms of personal responsibility and hits to the hip pocket. However, it can also have more layers of bureaucracy, and people often "justify their position" by making imaginary roadblocks, rather than facilitating the process. After all, they don't want to be seen as expendable.

However, in general, spending other people's money is far easier, and so much of the economy is driven by this, where there is an intermediary of some sort that gets proxied to do the spending. And, often this is legislated, meaning that there is very little choice on how much or on what our money is spent. For example, government spending comes entirely from taxpayers in one way or another, yet they spend it as if it is their own, as if it is "government spending".

And we accept this and believe that for instance, all those government handouts are coming from the government, not from our own pocket. But, the governments have no pockets, they are all wearing pants we have loaned them and apparently, left our wallets in, with all of our cards and pin numbers. And, obviously banks are no better with spending other people's money, nor are businesses with venture capital money. It would be interesting to see how many new companies fail because of financial irresponsibility.

However, perhaps the more this happens, the more some people are waking up to the understanding that proxying value might be convenient, but due to incentives of humans, rarely is going to work out long term. Everyone's behavior is affected by incentives and when it comes to economic practices, it is all about more is better, the bottom line, profits - it doesn't matter if it is bad for people, the environment or any thing else.

Another colleague today in a separate conversation was talking about the thing that needs to happen with the banks is more regulation, because the "free market" isn't working. They never stopped to think whether the market is actually free or not, where regulation itself indicating that it is not.

They cited for example environmental considerations being legislated and without the legislation, the companies would pollute. However, this is the problem with the legislations, because they are brought into one area to have an effect and people forget, no legislation is holistic. Instead, it makes people feel like something is being done, when it actually isn't having a meaningful affect at all.

For example, I said that what if the entire supply chain was blockchained and transparent, where for example, it would be possible to see every "transaction" and the effect it has on the environment or the people along the production process. For instance, what if like nutritional information, it would read:

To create this iPhone, a million liters of water were used, 12 kilos of carbon dioxide was generated, two people died in the mining process, 14 women were under paid, 8 children were used in assembly...

Would you buy?

Some would. However, there would also be a complete shift in the way consumer products have to be produced, as well as the cost of production and purchasing them. Because, not enough would likely buy, just because of the social implications. However, social implications and consequences are only applicable, when there is visibility on activity, which is why the internet is full of trolls.

Because they aren't getting punched in the face.

But, as my colleague noted, "no company would agree to that!"

Of course they wouldn't. Which is why it is up to us to demand transparency and visibility, yet we will not, because we want cheap electronics and shoes, whilst shaking our head at all the pollution "China is creating".

And it is the same with environmental issues. It isn't until the rich enough are living in pollution and squalor, that anything would be done. Yet, all of this is created through consumer behaviors and there is no need to change, as long as it is someone else's problem. Just like spending someone else's money, making things someone else's problem is easy, because then we don't have any liability and therefore, don't have to do anything about it.

We can just keep shaking our heads.

Yet, nothing is actually going to change, for as long as there is incentive to hold the status quo, it will be held. And the economy incentivizes turning a blind-eye by encouraging the proxying of our wealth to others to make the decisions for us. Even when they screw up badly, we can "blame them", even though we are the ones actually affected, we are the ones suffering.

If though, we were instead in 100% control of our wealth and had to pay for everything out of our own pocket directly, we would far more resemble the family-owned business, being far tighter with our money and more careful with whom we were to give it to. Look at our consumer behavior now, where if we were to buy a pair of jeans for 100 dollars and find out there was a hole in them later, we would take them back to the store and demand a refund. However, even though 40% of our yearly salary goes to a government, we demand nothing from the holes in their product.

And governance is a product.

It is a goods and service business, yet even when we are unsatisfied with what is delivered, there is no consequence for the vendor. It stays in power, though the CEO and management might change every few years.

When we are actually spending "our own" money, our behavior changes, but as we know, no fiat currency is actually our own, we are just "permitted" to use it for a period of time, but it remains the property of the issuer - the same government that is using our wealth to exist. And just like the redtape in a business that has to make itself relevant, the more regulations the government is allowed to create, the more relevant they become. Not only that, the more legislation we agree to, the more ways there are to break the rule s and open ourselves to punishment, by the very system we fund, whether the rule makes sense or not.

Do you think that if Russians had control of the wealth of the country, they would have opened up their wallets wide enough to fund a war with Ukraine? What about all the other wars in history?

Countries go to war, not people.

But they go to war using the wealth of the people and when they don't have that available right now, they borrow the wealth from the people of the future in the form of debt.

But, this is not what we have been taught to believe, so we stand behind a broken economic system, that supports a broken state and social system, because that keeps the control of our value, in the hands of others. All we do is complain about the conditions of our lives, as if we have no part in the process. We do this by making our value, an easy spend, by giving it to people who then see it, as someone else's money.

Unfortunately, this isn't someone else's life -

It is ours.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Around the holiday's my wife and I usually have to go out and take some gift cards from the community and buy gifts for a family or two so their kids can have presents on Christmas. My wife always falls into the habit of bargain shopping like it is our money. Then she realizes it isn't our money and she starts to be a bit more extravagant. All that to say yes, it is easier to spend other peoples money :)

From my experience, the people who own businesses tend to live pretty frugally, until they are quite comfortably above the waterline. Even then, they are pretty careful with what they spend. It must hurt when they see their employees wasting their hard-earned money!

All that to say yes, it is easier to spend other peoples money :)

I think this also applies with "easy money", where it is an easy come, easy go situation. Government handouts don't generally get spent on investments, even when they could be. During the pandemic in Australia, electronics sales went up when the handouts arrived.

All of our government money went into savings or before that it went to pay down debt. I have a friend that owns his own business and while he can be frugal, I know he spent a lot of money when he was first starting out because he was easily able to write it off as business expenses.

it is WAY easier to spend other people's money. that's why there is an anecdote about a Jewish guy who wanted to buy a factory. He asks the seller 'Who build the factory, you, your dad or your grandpa?'
The guy answers 'my grandad started it, my father improved it. I am only recently in the business'.
The Jewish guy replies 'well if that is the case - we will agree on a purchase very swiftly'.

Point being - when you build something with your own hands and your own effort, you always cherish it. But if you just happen to stumble on something that was given to you, you do not feel the closeness to it - and hence it is easier to spend 'someone else's ' money. :)

Point being - when you build something with your own hands and your own effort, you always cherish it.

Absolutely. The things that we create are more valuable than the things we are given for sure. Even if what we have made is imperfect.

When we are actually spending "our own" money, our behavior changes

It is certainly true.
Especially when we can check what we are spending. How would we act if every time we turn on an appliance we could check the cost of it in a meter? Or how much do we pay in $ every time we push the gas pedal in the car?

The same would be with government spending. If we were told how much we pay in $ from our taxes for every expense they do, we would probably be more careful when voting.

Especially when we can check what we are spending.

The removal of cash, the move to card, online shopping - it all takes us further away from "feeling" the spend. I have been talking about this particular thing for 25 years!! :D

we would probably be more careful when voting.

Or vote for a different system altogether.

I think that governments go to war, not people, but governments use people's nationalist feelings to pave the way.

but governments use people's nationalist feelings to pave the way.

Yes they do. The lies they tell might be bad. The lies we believe are worse.

I have seen this in work with the projects that I do. When I do it for others I do it as a job. And I am extremely careless for my own projects and they rarely get done. So I feel like that same with money, we just sometimes care with the authority, if person in front is good we handle with care else we are careless. Handling money and the jobs kind of is the thing that is imprinted on us. It's hard to deal.

When getting paid for work, it is like an ROI - so it also means that the sweat and tears go in. When not getting paid, we can get a bit more lazy :)

The government holes(in the jean) is huge that we kind of made it a norm to wear their jeans(bullshit) like that, because almost everyone does. The product is bad, but a bad product is what we humans crave for only to then complain of the hot sun burning our skin thru the holes in the jeans.

But, this is not what we have been taught to believe

A lot of preconceptions needs to be eliminated if one is to break free. I have a friend who joined the military (over 6 years now) and he came back recently(on a short break) to talk about his experience and how his life isnt his anymore because the terrorist general they war against do interact with their own general(sometimes making bets on who will conquer a territory or win a fight). He tot he was fighting for his country before but in his words - they are playing a game and hes just a pawn.

It's a fair game to them but thousands of lives were lost after every battle for territory and its the people(soldiers) who fight the wars not the generals. Its more like than in other countries too, countries go to wars but its the people who fight them and losing their precious life in the process.

in one word hes fighting someones else's fight and not his

All war is a game of power, the soldiers are just the pieces on the board, mindless going where they are told to go. It may not be a pretty reality, but in the big picture of things, it is the case.

Hmm, I never thought of it that way. I have the same conclusions, but I just grew up in a pretty poor family where every penny was valued. But the understanding that government money is our money came fairly recently. Now I have to convey that to others when I hear gratitude for things that are considered a gift from the country or another authority...

Anyway, I hope at least the next generation will understand these things by default and not through years of pain and mistakes.

I don't think they will get it by default, but hopefully more parents start educating themselves and then passing it onto their children, that there are alternatives to this nonsense.

I hope so too...


@stdd denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!
@stdd thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !

All the more reason I want to get out of the US and into a country that is more focused on quality of life than the quality of the bottom line. Go somewhere I can slow down and not have to earn as much to simply exist. I've never been for war, but war has never been for me. Health care, some decent roads and a city that keeps me safe, thats all I really need from my government, thanks.

While the weather might not be appealing, I think northern Europe is a pretty decent place to live. A half okay job and life is pretty good.

It's kind of crazy how irresponsible our government is because they are just using our money however they see fit. The money has to come from somewhere and it's kind of dumb how they don't really care. It reminds me of how those hedgefunds go crazy on people's money and they don't care because they get the management fees.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It is even dumber that we don't care about how much of our money they are wasting! :D

I do agree that this is our life. And reading this post reminds me one has to make a good decision when it comes to business so as to not crash.

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