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RE: That cost is sick

in LeoFinance4 years ago

And your investment losses are the cost of learning.

Many are so scared of paying a cost, they never learn anything. It is part of the "it should all be free" mentality. We are starting to see the true cost of the free internet now through Facebook and Google.

Whether gold, bitcoin, euros, they are all useless until you trade them for something you value.

It is not the size that counts, it is what you do with it that matters.

And they all come with imaginary gains and losses measured on another arbitrary scale controlled by the government.

At some point, the scale I hope will become activity for real improvement.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


At some point, the scale I hope will become activity for real improvement.

The main idea of money is as a unit of account for human potential. In the sense, if I give you money you might be able to do something great. It is of course and rightfully so used the other way. I want something, would giving you money motivate you to do it for me. I'm fine with both, in the end something gets done.

A deeper question is then: How much human potential is out there? Should we increase money supply with growing population? With educated population? With increased supply of goods and services? When robots do all the work?

It is not the size that counts, it is what you do with it that matters.

Exactly, any size is ok, because you must do. Any time you hold money, no matter the size you stall. Money is just the accounting of what you owe to the community and what the community owes you. You get money because you did something for someone, and then you must give money back to get something done for yourself.

But when? Develoment(time) plays a role, if what you did improves your community. Then your money should become more valuable at the time when you give it back. Some say that is unfair, because money should be stable. I was like that, now I think differently. Money is accounting of favors. Like with a friend, you start asking and doing small favors(services). As you do your friendship and trust grows, you keep exchanging favors all the time they just grow in impact every time. Conversely, if you are dishonest in your acting, you'll trade favors less and less until they are worthless.

I have learned to appreciate bitcoin for bootstrapping this accounting. It had a fair launch, it was worthless and has absorbed value into it. I think we need to move nevertheless out of it, environmental reasons most importantly. But we must move away most prominently is the attitude of buy and hold. That pollutes the bitcoin money itself, it needs to really be earn it and pay with it. So that it actually accounts the trade of human action.