
Yeah I did a monthly now, it's pretty much the same... I added 1000 usd as an initial with 100usd monthly at 38 years.

Ended up with $13,132,102.02

That is major, I never really thought about it like that.... And that's dollars that is worth so much more for me 😂💵 and yet I can still afford to put away 100 usd a month... If I stack 200 I'd be retiring well over here. 😂

This is why I keep saying it is important to maximize investment potential, and actually start investing into something. It is so easy (especially when young) to piss it away, when instead, a person could retire at 40. Might seem old to you now - but it really isn't!

That is true, but when people are young they tend to be naive thinking they have their whole lives ahead to save up.. Then when they realize it 30 years have passed and your in your 50's with a mid life crisis 😂..

Nah I think I'm going to jump on it, but that's also if ot stays at 20% for the next 38 years... But even if it just sticks for at least three years on 20%