Fracturing will always happen when things get big enough and more people that are more interest aligned happen.
Yep -and it is a good thing on the surface layers. I am hoping that in the future, there will be the investor layer, which is pretty much what HiveFest is for. Weirdly perhaps.
And from having run online communities and participated in many more, it's freaking exhausting trying to keep things going.
For sure, especially fi there isn't the sense it is appreciated.
the popular artists generate all the comments but they don't always respond to them, but even that volume seems to have been dropping over time.
Take followers for granted and they will shift their attention too. None of us are Taylor Swift or Beyonce - we don't get that many comments! :D
Even when it is appreciated XD
I feel like one always has to venture into things with a somewhat selfish outlook of well I need it done anyway or if doing it purely for someone else, then with absolutely no expectation of gratitude or return and with firm boundaries of how much is to be done as anything else is falling off the sudden and sometimes unexpected cliff into burnout
Some of them probably are taking their popularity for granted, you probably wrote something at some point about quickly getting used to increasingly favourable conditions (I remember reading something along those lines once and it seems like something you would write about XD). I think a lot of them/us (speaking from my own experience) are really struggling to balance several things that are incredibly time consuming (art eats an obscene amount of time, and so does family stuff, pets if you have any, and then you also have to "waste" time working (generally only considered a waste if you don't enjoy your job and can't/won't find one less hateful) and maintaining your environment.
Yeh people that popular would need social media teams answering their commennts for them and while thoughtful I guess just isn't the same XD
I have occasionally wondered how I would cope with that volume of comments and have basically decided that I wouldn't be able to.
ps - how would you cope if you got to that level of popularity and got thousands of comments per post? :D