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RE: My life is changing so fast (and it's damn scary).

in LeoFinance4 years ago

Well done mate, that is a monumental effort.

I'll be laughing at anyone who calls us 'lucky'.

This is something that says a lot.

I do count myself lucky - because I was presented an opportunity and I had the balls to take it and stick through it. It hasn't been easy to hold the half decent stack I have, while the IRL is crushing, but here I am.

Funny, isn't?

I am not ready to go into the biggest shitcoin yet - but I have the feeling that I won't have to worry about my ability to be groceries again for a while, if it comes down to it.

Does it feel good to have that transfer made?


Thanks tarakp :)

What I mean with 'luck' is that absolutely everyone gets presented with opportunities from time to time.

I for example, knew about bitcoin in 2015 for the first time. Other one in 2013 and other 2017.

Knowing about it 'early' it's an opportunity itself and there's luck involved here.

the strength and the hard work comes after (when you buy it for the first/second/third time). You'll sell at the next dip or not?

This is when the hard work comes in (in the form of research, savings to buy the dip, mental toughness... etc) Hope you get my point :)

For example, I got lucky to know about steem in late 2017 and bought some at +1$. Thought 'the ones who bought at 0,1$ got lucky'. Moving forward to the 2018-2020 bear. Hive at 0,1$. Do you boufght?

Most people didn't. We're lucky? Not. We are seasoned in a thousand battles. That's what we are.

Have a great day Tarazkp, you consistency when posting is a great motivation for me.

And yes, feeling that transfer is somewhat strange (didn't hit the bank yet, hopefully on Tuesday or so). Never had more than 3K€ at the bank together. Will be funny :)

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Knowing about it 'early' it's an opportunity itself and there's luck involved here.

One of the things I say often enough is, "knowing isn't doing".

Back in 2011 I tried to buy Bitcoin with a few hundred € I had. Spent ten minutes trying to work it out, went and got drunk instead. Money was very tight then - I did myself no favours, but I obviously wasn't ready.

This is when the hard work comes in (in the form of research, savings to buy the dip, mental toughness... etc) Hope you get my point :)

Yeah, I completely understand.

For example, I got lucky to know about steem in late 2017 and bought some at +1$. Thought 'the ones who bought at 0,1$ got lucky'. Moving forward to the 2018-2020 bear. Hive at 0,1$. Do you boufght?

My first fiat to crypto was steem at 1.80 - watched it go to 8, held it down all the way too. :) Yes, I bought a bit.

And yes, feeling that transfer is somewhat strange

I can imagine. Do you have something in mind for it?

One of the things I say often enough is, "knowing isn't doing".

Back in 2011 I tried to buy Bitcoin with a few hundred € I had. Spent ten minutes trying to work it out, went and got drunk instead. Money was very tight then - I did myself no favours, but I obviously wasn't ready.

happens though. Also happened to me.

I can imagine. Do you have something in mind for it?

Not really. Going to let it here quiet for a while. I'll be buying a MacBook or a car, dunno still :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The car might be cheaper than the Mac ;D

This is when the hard work comes in (in the form of research, savings to buy the dip, mental toughness... etc) Hope you get my point :)

Exactly this. If you counted all the hours spent researching and thinking, you'd get an impressive figure.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta